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Fandom Manhatten Hero High School AU

If he rolled his eyes any harder, they might fall right out of his head. What was with the devil? The serious demeanor was a drain on his bloody youth. Oh the irony.

Jason leaped down from his perch on the folded bleachers, making his way over without a care in the world. As previously established he wasn't afraid of Rai. Not in the least bit. He held up his phone as a guidance for light to add to his dramatic behavior, a scowl soon replacing the minx grin that laid beforehand. He circled the girl rather than to stop in front of her, tutting his tongue in a displeased manner.

"I don't know if you're aware, but you need to work on expressing your anger in more constructive outlets." Hadn't BW said something similar to him some time ago? That wasn't relevant for the time being! When Jason did stop in his circling it was to be standing next to Thor. Jason attempted to wrap an arm around the older male's shoulders, proving to be a tad too short for the act he settled on wrapping an arm around the male awkwardly. He gave a little squeeze to the male before he spoke. "Trust me when I say Thor frustrates me too - but you don't see me turning the room into a cheap horror movie scene."

His eyes fixated on the man he was standing far too close to for comfort, now letting his arm drop so that his hands could tuck into the hoodie pocket. "And you, don't you have enough rivalries?"

Demonhunter Demonhunter Maria30 Maria30
Clark was frustrated but he was grateful for the fact that they were those who hated what Thor did to him like he did. Not that he was surprised by that but still. Clark listened to A. J as he glanced at him. "Well, good that I can count on you when someone gives me trouble, " he said to him." If you need help or something I will help you," Clark said to him. He then listened to what else the guy said. "Well that definitely explains a lot," he said." The big guy, Scott is crazy," Clark said to Scott.

Thor touched the back of his head, as a book hit him and granted as well as shook his head to that. "What the hell, who did that?" He said annoyed. Thor watched Rai and granted. "Leave me alone, you are boring. Very boring, " he said to her." You can't hurt m..., " Thor started to say next as he tried to hide that she slightly scared him as the next thing happened as he looked around confused. "Oh come on now, seriously?" He said after Rai was distracted and all.
Rai's gaze bored daggers into the asgaurdian. 'Cant' wasn't a good word to describe the devil. There wasn't many things on this earth Rai 'can't hurt. The general rule about Rai was 'if it had a soul, she could rip it down. If it didn't she could still stand a good fight, but it'd take a while.' The exception to this rule was other demons and angels. She excelled in battles with demons and angels from eons of experiance fighting them both. What she did have problems with were soulless constructs. Androids, Treants, golmns, the like. She had trouble seeing them and could never land a deep enough strike to do much damage in one go. Rai's strikes weren't designed to be heavy, they were meant to be precise and to slash many cuts into an enemy over time. Things that required a heavy touch weren't good for Rai. Can't if a brave choice of words... care to find out if I 'can't' or 'don't'? Rai growls. She frankly didn't care about the 'boring' comment. She could be called whatever, didn't matter.

Angry is a strong word to use for what I'm currently feeling. More... irritated? Rai thought out loud as Jason brought it up. Rai hadn't truly been enraged yet. Got help the poor sap she did get legitimately angry at. Rai rarely ever truely got angry. The devil just blinks blankly, taking a deep breath and exhaling what seemed to be fog. Just... leave Clark alone. Or we will fight, and I will break you. Rai felt Clark was probably fully capable of fighting his own battles... but why should he have to? She was a devil and devils did terrible things. One could expect a devil to fight, but someone else losing a spotless reputation over this? No. Not happening.

Maria30 Maria30 Lotheralaix Lotheralaix _gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ Concord Concord
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Scott to Clark "I think in our own ways we are all somewhat crazy" At A.J.'s comment he couldn't help but smile as he said jokingly "you know, I think they may have a point"

He watched as Rai threatened Thor. She was someone he had no ambition to get on the wrong side of. He could hold his own in most flights thanks to years on the streets and his training in the lab, but he knew she could beat him any day. And he did like being alive, very very much. He hasn't escaped that place and spent years fighting for survival just to die by a devils blade.

Maria30 Maria30 Concord Concord Demonhunter Demonhunter Lotheralaix Lotheralaix
A.J. pretended to be annoyed at Scott's comment, but the Asian boy was probably right. The teacher then materialised and told the class to goo to the tracks, blatantly ignoring the drama going on. A.J. began to make his way towards the tracks with Scott and Clark. He wondered what they would be doing and what their teacher would be like.

_gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ Maria30 Maria30 Demonhunter Demonhunter Lotheralaix Lotheralaix Comicwolf Comicwolf
Clark watched Rai and Thor, as he was surprised that Rai helped him but grateful too. He spoke and then listened to Scott as he watched him. "I suppose it might be True, so Thor threw a book at me. Was going to ignore but A.J and Rai decided to interfere on my behalf! We are in owe own ways that way perhaps but Thor is the worst of them all, and childish, " Clark said to him. " Throwing books is the worst insanity ever. Since he threw it, they figured that someone should teach him a lesson! Someone definitely should, " he said to him.

Clark then watched Rai and Thor, as he wondered if the guy would ever get a hint and stop or continue. Nothing would surprise him. Clark hoped that Rai scaring Thor would get Thor to stop bullying him. Or anyone for that matter. Clark glanced at Scott, then at AJ and after that, at Jason and back at Rai and Thor. "Bullies seem to respond to violence on them, in most cases," he said to Scott and AJ, as well as Jason.

Thor meanwhile watched her reaction to what he had said to her. He then listened to her speak not sure what to think or believe. Thor had a feeling that she was stronger than even Odin, his dad and I such but he tried to pretend he didn't fear her at all. "You don't have the guts to hurt a royalty," he said to her with a smug look on his face.

Thor watched her proud of himself, then looked between her and Jason. He then watched her once more. Thor listened to her and then pretended to think about what she said. "Maybe, and maybe not. I will think about it! Actually I can do what I want and when I want it, " he said to her. "If he ceased to exist then sure," Thor said to her. He then glanced to the gym teacher.

Clark then looked over at the gym teacher and did as was asked. As he followed AJ and Scott.

On the other part of the building Elektra taught her class Martial arts. As she made sure that her students followed her instructions.
Rai blinks as Thor throws his royalty around. She couldn't help but shake her head and laugh. Your mistake is assuming I can see social status. Devils are blind to appearance and power.Besides... I was here when the world arose from the ashes of a clash among gods upon the first utter of 'let there be light.' and I will be here long after this world is dead. What makes you so sure I have not killed any kings already? If she were honest she's probably killed more kings than common folk. Usually demon kings. He job was to prevent apocalypses before they happened untill it was right and time and demon kings typically engaged in world-threatening behavior when given the chance... Although, the story of Osira the World breaker was an interesting tale. Jorrah, king of the ninth circle of hell assumed I could be bought too... and he lost all four of his arms and is now forced to live as a blind demon who's lost all power in hell where other demons pick at his bones now. I drove a scythe through Henry the 8th as he beheaded not one but two of his wives and the madman grew into a demon himself. I also cut the wings off a angel's back as he forged the spear of destiny from the souls of the supposed 'peaceful'. So tell me again. I don't have to guts to kill a king?

Rai steps ever closer, he horrible aura growing stronger as she did so. Rai's been keeping a good distance between people and her when she let her aura go. But now? It was growing heavier. A sense of dread could become nausia, shakiness and general bad feelings. Weaker individuals near her often complained of heart palpitations as her presence threatened to disrupt the very function of one's heart as it pushed against their souls. She wasn't attacking his body... she was attacking the strings that kept Thor tied to it. What made Thor, Thor and not just an inanimate corpse. If I hear him complain about you again... I may leave you like Jorrah. Blind, burned and armless. You remind me of him. Jorrah the raven king was a mad demon, a demon who had a small village in Scandinavia worshiping him so he wouldn't send a vast plague on their village again. He demanded the majority of their crops and even a few of their children as sacrifice to keep him satisfied. But one harsh winter there wasn't enough to sacrifice, and some of the villagers refused to give up their babies. So he made a plague, a nasty one. One to intended to kill slowly as to bully the humans into giving up their children... Luckily that was just as Rai slashed him to ribbons and the plague disappeared as quickly as it had begun. Gone with it's source.

And with that, Thor was saved by the watchful gaze of a teacher. Frankly she really don't care much about social implications about hurting Thor. She did however, like she'd made some friends. Therefore openly attacking Thor like this would probably not be a great idea in front of a teacher. But god help him should he throw another book anywhere near her. She glances to Jason before turning around to return to Clarke and her other friends. She glances to Clarke as she passes him. Next time you say anything about him, I'm going to end the problem. I am a woman of my word.That being said do at least attempt to fight him yourself next time. You're far less likely to kill him than I am. This was not being said for a physical level though. Rai, looking a Clark, judging from his soul and it's resonance, he actually seemed plenty capable of defending himself from the asgaurdian. The actual damage they could dish out was probably roughly in the same ballpark it was just the style in which it was done that was the difference. Rai was speaking from a restraint stand point. When Rai saw a soul weak, on it's last leg or too frail to want to stay attached to it's body she had the overwhelming urge to steal it. It's taken every ounce of self restraint to have never stolen a soul in her existence, a feat almost no devils of wrath have ever accomplished before. Rai wasn't nearly as strong as she could be as a consequence, she was starved and tempted all day with the prospect of mortal souls, right in front of her. Actually fighting Thor... Her goal may not be to kill him... But the temptation to steal his soul if she managed to beat him down would be overwhelming. Rai's words weren't actually a threat. They were her begging 'please don't make me do this'.

Maria30 Maria30 Lotheralaix Lotheralaix Concord Concord _gallifrog_ _gallifrog_
Scott watched Rai's display of terrifyingness with a wary eye. No matter what this Thor said, being royalty couldn't protect him from Rai. And just because he was royalty didn't mean he had to be such an a-hole to everyone. Someday Scott would tell him exactly that but in a much more pissed off way, with a lot more cursing and shouting. But for now, he settled for muttering an insult under his breath in Japenese as he walked past Thor. And as he walked away he made a discrete, but extremely rude gesture at the back of Thor's head.

He turned to Rai, and said "that was badass, but something tells me he won't heed it, and that someone else will end up giving him a similar talk. Guys like him don't usually listen til it's too late. It's their downfall, among many other things. And that means he'll probably piss me off at some point and Encanto or Grey will try to brutally kill him."

Demonhunter Demonhunter Concord Concord Comicwolf Comicwolf Maria30 Maria30
Just like that everything was resolved as if nothing happened. And the damn teacher! They were headed out to the track now? What happened to the notion of playing softball? He got out his bat and everything? And now they were just expected to be dancing around the track like a bunch of race horses? Jason squawked, knowing that it wasn't keeping a shred of pride or dignity in tack. The fucking track. What kind of deranged asshole got off on running around in circles? Would that mean that he was going to have to run the mile today? If Jason's skin was pale beforehand, now it was as white as a ghost. Either hand came up to tug at his hair (even if he was following along behind the group) and he groaned in his internal conflict. The damned track!

Everyone was okay with this? Good lord, he would rather see Thor get his ass handed to him and let the bloodsplatter of a hungry (She was actually quiet tame) of a devil reign upon them. That would be more satisfying than going out to the bloody gym, right under the heat of a thousand suns (it was actually a cool overcast day).

Tugging further at his hair he made yet another distressed sound, stopping for a moment to breathe in deeply (dramatically). Once he thought that his breath was properly caught he fell from his slump to the same relaxed stance that he portrayed earlier, smile well in place over pink lips. He ran up to walk closer to his.. classmates, now beaming at them like the very sun above them (again, overcast).

"You know what's even better than running around a track and getting sweaty for absolutely no reason other than our teacher's fucking amusement?" He paused, not giving a long enough second for the group to respond. "Running away from this." Circling his finger about he indicated the track in general, nudging the closest side to him - Scott. "I know where the camera's don't have eyes, if you're looking to get out of the school for a little." The invitation was left out on the table for anyone to take, Jason already slipping out from the teacher's eye.

Concord Concord Maria30 Maria30 Demonhunter Demonhunter _gallifrog_ _gallifrog_
A.J. was in half a mind to follow Jason. He really can't a natural rule follower. But he also knew that he got extremely lucky getting into the Xavier school. And too many rule breaks here could and him in prison. He sighed, knowing her have to reject the offer.

"Normally I'd be the first to follow him. But I'm on shaky ground as it is. I'm lucky to be here, and I have no intent to screw it up. I'll just have to put up with track, even if it is secretly torture in disguise"

He turned to Scott and threw a roll of duct tape at him. "you might wanna patch up your hoodie with this. It's kinda ruined"

Lotheralaix Lotheralaix _gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ Demonhunter Demonhunter Maria30 Maria30
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Scott was also considering following Jason, but just like A.J., he was also on shaky ground. Messing up was not an option. He didn't want to lose his place in the school, even if he had got it by accident. "same here, I nearly died getting I here, so I'd like to last at least a full day as a student"

He caught the tape with ease. "thanks" As they walked he pulled off his hoodie, luckily this was one of the hoodies he had doctored. He'd cut two long vertical slits in the hoodie back, hemmed them and then sewn them together loosely with thread. The stitches were strong enough to hold the hoodie together but weak enough to break when his wings came out. But for now he'd make do with the tape.

He pulled off some thin strips and patched together the slits with the tape strips forming an 'x' shape all the way down. Once this was finished he pulled the hoodie back on and passed back the tape.

Concord Concord Demonhunter Demonhunter Lotheralaix Lotheralaix Maria30 Maria30
Rai took one more deep, fog filled breath, deciding to rid herself of the incident a moment ago.

Her smile grows genuine once more as she rejoins her friends as they move to the track. Jokes on you, I actually did die. She deadpans... before realizing that was probably a really bad joke at her own expense. Rai's - well Jenna's death- was pretty brutal and so horrific that evil the devil that inhabited her body now cringed whenever the memory was brought up. Yikes. Yeah. Bad joke. Hey.... where's Jason? She asks as she realizes he wasn't here. She hadn't been paying him much mind and he just kind of disappeared.

In her mind he was kind of like a puppy. Silence means mischief.
Concord Concord _gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ Lotheralaix Lotheralaix Maria30 Maria30 Comicwolf Comicwolf
A.J. wasn't expecting that. Rai literally died? Wow! He couldn't decide whether it was cool or kinda creepy, maybe both? Since he knew their reasons he felt it was only fair to share his.

He turned to Rai and Scott "I got arrested multiple times and then sent to court in order to get here" he took back the roll of tape and put it back around his arm. "Jason's skipping class, not that surprising to be honest."

Demonhunter Demonhunter Maria30 Maria30 _gallifrog_ _gallifrog_
Clark watched everything as he joined the class but at the same time hoped that Thor would leave him a lone. He also hoped not to cheat in gym, due to who he was and all. Clark tried to convince himself that it would be alright, even if he wasn't truly sure about it. However he tried to hope for the best as it was all that he could possibly do.

Thor sighed. "The class is more something than the crap you are speaking," he said to Rai. " You are blind to everything and anyone. And is that so? Too bad that I don't buy it, right? Oh well and interesting Story. As for Clark he is a big like my brother, Loki! And would be treated as such, got it? So have fun all you can," Thor said to her. He then watched her as he went to the truck.

Clark watched everything around him. He watched Rai as he listened to her. "Alright, I just don't really like Violence but you got a good point there. I hoped that he would stop but clearly he doesn't stop, and am not sure if he would ever! I just don't want to get in trouble for something he did, not me," he said to her. " You are right do, will try to stop him from hurting me. I just don't want to be expelled," Clark said.

Clark glanced at Jason and then the others. "I can't join either. Gym is a must and I don't want to be kicked out, so you are on your own! I need this so that I could control my powers. And all, my adopted parents need me to finish my education to the most part so yeah," he said. Clark then looked at the others. He nodded to them kindly. Clark just ignored Thor.
Scott looked at A.J. Arrested? He didn't see that one coming. Sure the Irish guy had spunk, but he didn't think he was that much of a rule breaker. And as for Clark? Uncontrollable powers were something he could relate to. A lot.

"looks like we're all in the same situation here, power problems and trying not to get kicked out." He paused before looking over in Thor's direction "and I have a distinct feeling that guy is gonna be a problem for all of us."

Concord Concord Maria30 Maria30 Demonhunter Demonhunter
Jason didn't bother with anymore pleasantries or to wait for whomever would follow - or in this case didn't follow - he was all too eager to get his leather jacket back on and the security of the twin P30's into the holsters under the jacket and the backup USP in the back of his cargos. The teen was damn near skipping his way out of the locker room when he'd encountered the girl from his chemistry class. Normally, he wouldn't bother with her, however he did remember that she was in some sort of... Awkward love triangle of Thor and... So he didn't know the other persons name!

That wasn't the issue. The issue here was it caused quite a stink. From what he could conclude Thor, ironically enough, caused a bit of trouble. If Thor caused a bit of trouble and the trio would bring enough attention, would she bring attention to his ditching? Was she a rat?! His eyes narrowed at the girl now unsure if his nonchalant approach was the safer route, or if he'd need to sneak past the girl. God - what was her name? Belle? Jenny? Petunia? Something flowery (the one time he didn't pay attention).

Sucking in a breath he bipassed either option to instead head over to the girl, plopping himself down on the grass beside her. "Too good for gym?" He mused with a nod of his head to the gymnasium behind the pair.

Comicwolf Comicwolf

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