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Fandom Manhatten Hero High School AU

A.J. was listening with intense interest to the conversation. "so, it's like with mutants. Sure we all have the x-gene in some state or form. But it doesn't activate the same in everyone. The activation means you may end up with loads of let's say... pyrokinetics, but they don't have the same powers or the same strengths. Like one could just be fire-resistant where as others can summon fire at will. Or am I talking unrelated trash again?

_gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ Demonhunter Demonhunter
White archer nod listening to her, disguise voice:"i wouldnt shoot unless you cause destruction or chaos at the school, i must take my leave" she said last part a bit quick noticing thor and clark nearby
The lights turn off agian
When they come back on white archer is gone
Demonhunter Demonhunter
White archer in girl locker room which was empty, touch her suit and it changed her back
The lights went out briefly and the white archer was gone. Scott could only imagine A.J.'s frustration at all the people fooling around with the lights that he had just managed to fix. He turned to A.J. "stupid question, but I guess your mutant?"

Concord Concord
A.J. nodded to Scott's question, then elaborated. "yep, I'm mutant all the way, as is literally all of my immediate family, not quite sure why the x-gene is so strong in my family. He paused " what about you? Mutant? Or something else?"

_gallifrog_ _gallifrog_
"I'm a mutant, but with a side story." He answered. It was the truth, the uncomfortable truth. The Irish boy had seen the scars, so he probably had some idea of what had happened to him, but he hoped A.J. wouldn't ask further.

He saw Clark enter the gym, getting shoved around by the loudmouth guy from chemistry. He gave the guy a dirty glare. Who did that guy think he was? A god?

_gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ Demonhunter Demonhunter Comicwolf Comicwolf Maria30 Maria30
Lily stays in the girls locker room avoiding gym class
A.J. raised his eyebrows at that, a futile gesture considering his eyebrows blended in almost perfectly with his pale skin. "that sounds edgy. So how bad d'you think gym is gonna be?" He didn't expect a response about the backstory of Scott, is he decide to change the topic. He saw Clark entering the gym too, noticing the shoving. "whos that guy?" he asked, measuring towards Thor.

_gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ Demonhunter Demonhunter Maria30 Maria30 Comicwolf Comicwolf
Clark got up as Thor did too as Thor walked away and Clark walked over to A. J, and Scott as he shook his head. "The guy just likes trouble, I tell ya. I just walked in and the idiot literally shoved me! He has serious issues and yet he isn't in trouble, what the hell?" He said and shook his head. "His name is Thor and he thinks he is better than anyone. He is a jerk more like it," Clark said and shook his head again.

_gallifrog_ _gallifrog_
Concord Concord
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Clark came over grumbling about his encounters with the guy named Thor. Now that was an unusual name. It probably had some deeper significance or symbolism, but A.J. couldn't place it. "his family probably donated a whole load of money to this school or something, and in return their darling son gets certain privileges not afforded to mere mortals like ourselves."

Maria30 Maria30 _gallifrog_ _gallifrog_
Rai crosses her arms thinking deeper. These two had probably the stronger souls in the room. So why butt heads? If they got along they could really accomplish some interesting feats. However she could definitely understand clashing titans, she and the other three horseman never really got along, especially war. War was overly ambitious and constantly wished to fight and cause problems meanwhile Rai was content just letting the eons sail by relatively uneventful.

I wouldn't really say that's it... More like. Stubborn. Rai's ability to put what she could see in people into words wasn't the greatest, but thats about all she could read off the asgaurdian. She was incredibly tempted to try to talk to him... maybe pick his brain a little and dig in deeper. She could also dig on Clark a bit... he seemed just as interesting to psychologically dissect. However A.J's thoughts on 'underprivileged mortals' made her choke back laughter. Mortals hold the true privileges. Imagine living among those who's lifespan falls short just as you feel you really get to know them.

Maria30 Maria30 Concord Concord
A.J. turns to Rai "That doesn't sound fun at all. But I still guarantee ya they would not give me any kind of special privileges just for attending this school. Come to think of it, I'm practically expecting the opposite."

Demonhunter Demonhunter
Rai shrugs, her leather armor squeaking and groaning as she moved. No probably not. Human society is however strange. I've been watching it since the whole thing started and I still understand very little. Like why execute a demigod on a cross? Or why would a king have his wife executed just to want another then banish her and take another... Henry was strange. Probably the strangest blip in history I watched. Er well... Attila was also an odd one. Rai's mind was wondering at this point, things that always intrigued her through he silent observation. Humans were an enigma that even a devil would probably never fully understand. However, the whole ordeal about getting stuck inside a human body was helping her a bit. Whereas this may be considered torture to other devils, Rai was perfectly content as now her observation became participation.

Anyhow. Concept of school is quite odd.
Concord Concord
"I think partly AJ is right but you are too. He is definitely stubborn and annoying! He thinks that the world belongs to him when it's not. His name is Thor and he might be Asgardian but he definitely has no manners, I guess all or most Asgardians are that way! And ego is over the moon," Clark said to them, as he shook his head and ducked as Thor threw something at him, that missed him but hit a wall. He looked behind him and at Thor who glared at him and walk off. "What the hell is his problem?" Clark asked. "As for humans not all are crazy. My parents definitely aren't! Nor Lois or Lana, both are pretty inside out and kind, well Lana more but still," he said as he looked between AJ and Rai as he said that.
Rai was quite content with allowing Thor to be pompous from across the room, as long as he kept his troubles over there and didn't start anything. I wouldn't say that. Those of my species are supposed to steal souls and devour the weak. Yet I have yet to steal any souls. I even know an incubus who is quite kind and helps people out of human trafficking. Although when Rai thought about it, the incubus in question didn't really count as an incubus. Isroh was strange like her, perhaps thats why they got along so well.

Although the flying book caught her attention. For some reason this act of pure idiocy was what set her off. The devil shakes her head. I'll be back. I'm about to go do something rash and probably illegal. The demon groans stepping toward the asgaurdian ominously. Her aura of dread and terror growing and lights flickering around the devil as she walks. The sight of pure horror for many. Hey! You don't get to throw things and walk away. Explain yourself. The devil calls, hands off her scythes and voice containing no malice. But it was clear she'd be the first to strike should the other seem even remotely likely to fight her.
Maria30 Maria30
A.J. saw the book get thrown and Clark luckily ducked in time. That made A.J. mad, nobody threw stuff at people, even if they were an Asgardian -whatever the hell that was. He picked up the book, aimed and threw it straight back at him. It hit Thir on the back of the head. Hard.

But by the time Thor turned around to see who had thrown it. Rai was in his face and angry. The lights were flickering and he really hoped they wouldn't blow. He was feeling a growing tension and unease at the situation. Something seriously strange was happening. But at the same time, he was glued to the scene wanting to see what would happen next

Demonhunter Demonhunter Maria30 Maria30 _gallifrog_ _gallifrog_
Jason didn't know what to think of the scene that was playing out before him. On one hand - someone really needed to vacuum up that demon's mess it was starting to smell like brimstone in here - and on the other they were all explaining their differences in.. mortality? Them, just them in general. This was what he was asked to hear, but somehow being told that he needed to find out this information made him feel dirty for listening in. While Jason didn't have the highest (or most) morals in the world, he did know when it was appropriate to squirm. Now was one of those times.

Last chance or not, he wasn't going to give up this information just to please the big BW. Rai was a devil - to absolutely no one's surprise. A.J. and Scott were.. mutants? He wasn't entirely paying attention. The smell of ash was making his stomach churn in the most unpleasant of ways. He absolutely hated the smell, brought up too many memories that he wished nothing more than to forget like it never happened. Clark was big, and apparently had a thing with Thor. Thor was.. something to do with ass (definitely nothing to do with ass). Speaking of ass -

Rai looked upset.

That didn't look to be in anyone's best interest. Jason was so busy in his thoughts that he missed the entirety of the scenes before him. Redirect! He was always so good with his mouth, may as well put it to good use.

"Hey Devs!" Jason called out, waving an arm around to properly get Rai's attention. "You know it's real romantic like when you turn off the lights like that, yeah, but do you think we could maybe keep them on for a bit? I'd like to see the beauty in this room."

When in doubt, flirt. Flirt with everyone in sight. Why? It made everyone uncomfortable, including himself. In the very least he hoped that it would get their mind off of.. whatever Rai was upset about. Bats, he should be paying attention more.

Demonhunter Demonhunter _gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ Concord Concord Maria30 Maria30
Wally West was not new to Xaviers, this was his senior year after all. He walked through the familiar hallways, feeling nostalgic as he thought of all the memories he shared in this school. It was bittersweet for him, leaving the school in one year yet at the same time the excitement of going out to the world. Once getting his schedule and dorm room number, he decided to take a walk around the campus, taking it all once again like it was his freshman year.
Jason started up yelling again, but Scott was beginning to figure that this was some form of self-preservation or some kind of façade to keep people out. He appeared tyo by trying to flirt with a literal devil. That couldn't end well..He gave about a quarter of his attention to Jason, the rest was split equally between A.J. and the drama with Rai. The former of which had just thrown a book at Thor's head. The Irish boy had an excellent aim. "you have a really good aim, you know?"he said to A.J. "but you'd be so dead if the big guy knew it was you"

Maria30 Maria30 Demonhunter Demonhunter Concord Concord Lotheralaix Lotheralaix
Clark listened to all and then watched what was happening and sighed, even if he didn't feel like he had to. He was surprised that Rai got angry about what Thor did to him but he was also grateful that someone tried to do that. When A. J did what he did, he looked between him and Thor and shrugged. Thor seemed angry at Raid but then freaked out as Clark just watched. He glanced at Scott. "Well good that he didn't, so thanks A. J for doing that. That should teach him! I hope. What the hell is wrong with that guy? As for the flickering light, I think she is over doing it but if it stops he then that's good, " Clark said. Thor glanced at Rai at first angry and confused but then somewhat scared. He then grabbed the back of his head as he felt a book was thrown back at him and it actually hit him. Thor looked around and shook his head to that. He wondered why someone did that as he didn't believe that he deserved it even so he did deserve it.
Lily stays in girls locker room drinking water avoiding gym class
A.J. smiled at Scotts compliment. Thanks to hours of practice his aim rarely let him down, even with strangely shaped objects like books or old shoes. He turned to Clark "you're welcome, I'll do that for you two any time." he grinned before continuingg "I spent way too much time throwing stuff when I was a kid. I blame my family, particularly my siblings, cos they're really into sport and they blame me, saying I throw stuff because i like to see random things explode for no reason"

Maria30 Maria30 _gallifrog_ _gallifrog_
The noise coming from Rai could only be described as a deep and rumbling snarl from within the devil, she was losing patience with Thor but wouldn't attack untill he did. She was literally just there to scare the piss out of Thor. If there was one thing Rai was good at, it was being terrifying. You can't stay silent. You're going to apoligize to cl- what the hell...

The devil's line of sight shifts as Jason suddenly just starts waving for her attention. The fuck did he just call her? The devil pinches the bridge of her nose as he just seemed to start intentionally bugging her. Rather than a distraction causing her aura to shrink. It grew as she was too distracted to control it, the light bulb suddenly going completely out in a 10 foot radius as she just looked confused at Jason. That was one way to pull a devil out of her murderous focus.

Um. Excuse you?
Concord Concord Maria30 Maria30 Lotheralaix Lotheralaix _gallifrog_ _gallifrog_

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