Video Games League of Legends

Is Teemo's Cloak still the same? I loved going Invisable before a Enemy push, and letting them get Past me...

Then my teamate Focuses on the squishier, and as they run, they get Shrooms and Darts up the Arse!
Yes, Teemo is unchanged. I really like watching him go stealth and then skillshotting him a dozen times before he finally decides to move (or dies)
I like it best when Teemo stealths out, but I'm playing Singed.

"Juuust gonna run in circles here for a few-" AN ENEMY HAS BEEN SLAIN.

Also being Singed when Twitch is trying to sneak up on you. Oh, look, suddenly I have a kill. You mad, ratboy?
I hope it's okay if I post. The last post was over three years ago, I hope this is okay...

I love League, even though I'm HIGHLY competitive and get really enraged when losing... I main ADC and my summoner name is TrueQueenADC on NA if anyone is interested in playing.
Wow, didn't know there was a post about league O.o lol hai!!!! I play league...or I did up until several months ago. It's been a little while and I don't rightly remember everything but I'd be interested in playing. Add me if u want andujarprime19
League is a difficult game to get into and takes commitment. Though once you do, it's an addiction xD In all the good and bad ways.
Lol I remember that much xD I used to find myself trying out alot of diff. Characters. I found myself sticking to varus, (I think that was his name O.o ) ziggs and cass. Mostly. The hardest part was figuring out a build for me.
They've changed the game a lot, even the shop. Now they have recommended Items. Sorta like a shopping List to use for the game. Though people have their own play styles and build the way they prefer. Like people hate putting Blade of the Ruined King on Caitlyn but I put it on her because it gives her so much help.
O.o yeah I saw some changes. I logged in for a random game a few weeks ago. Was only 1 game, but it was enough to confuse me. I should have jumped into a bot match lol
Yeah, if you haven't played for a long time it's best to get your bearings again in a bot match. I'm on right now on NA if you want to play.
Normally it's 13 since It allows me to work 3 days a week and maintain full time hours lol but yeah. This fool right here.
Hahahahahahahahaha I know right?!! I mean it's also because xbox has been beating on my brain in my free time but, I managed to escape undamaged...slightly lol
Every time I try to make an account it gives me an error message! HELP! I really want to play this game and can't ( :( )( :( )( :( )
Owen, sometimes RIOT Games has problems with their servers just keep trying. Make sure you're attempting to make an account in your country, like I live in North America so I use the website:

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