Video Games League of Legends

Could someone explain to me how all of these DotA rip offs differ from one another?
That's like asking how Empire Earth is different from Starcraft. Yes, they're the same genre (RTS) and there are similarities (both use resources and armies), but they're really different games. Also, DOTA was hardly the first game of its type (that award goes to Aeon of Strife, if I recall correctly) so calling either a DOTA ripoff is a bit harsh.
They're similar, but each evolved in its own independent way. I personally never liked Defense of the Ancients much, played like 2 matches in my life, but League of Legends on the other hand got me completely hooked. Each wolf to his own I guess.

On a side note, even though everyone is playing Varus right now, I'm still kicking arses with good ol' Olaf 10/5/21. There's no stopping that guy. Literally. Varus solo top vs Olaf stands no chance.
[QUOTE="Lord of Chaos]That's like asking how Empire Earth is different from Starcraft. Yes, they're the same genre (RTS) and there are similarities (both use resources and armies), but they're really different games. Also, DOTA was hardly the first game of its type (that award goes to Aeon of Strife, if I recall correctly) so calling either a DOTA ripoff is a bit harsh.

I know that the original was AoS. I'm calling them DotA rip offs because when they made lol they looked at DotA not AoS. And I would say that there is a lot more different with sc and ee that there is with dota and lol.
It adds insult to injury when people say "I want to play DotA-style maps". So many people make the mistake today that I stopped correcting them. =_=
I got LoL recently, it's pretty awesome.

Summoner name: VonRidel

Account name: TheVonRidel

I dont' exactly know which one it takes to friend people... I'm a noob.
VonRidel said:
I got LoL recently, it's pretty awesome.
Summoner name: VonRidel

Account name: TheVonRidel

I dont' exactly know which one it takes to friend people... I'm a noob.
You can add me. Mondrethos
medelsvensson said:
Could someone explain to me how all of these DotA rip offs differ from one another?
There's a long post somewhere in L-Space that answers you comprehensively, but I'm going with the short version.

I'm going to assume you're somewhat familiar with DOTA? Correct me if not, and I'll adjust my post accordingly.

LoL has the same basic map design to DOTA, with a number of key differences:

- Towers target creeps first, and Champions second, unless Champions are attacking other Champions in range of the tower.

- The jungle (IT'S A FOREST! WHY DO THEY CALL IT A JUNGLE? ARGH) is full of neutral monsters, one of whom provides a buff increasing mana regen and reducing cooldowns, and another who provides an on-hit slow and damage boost. As such it's not uncommon for one team member to spend their entire game in the jungle, except for ganks.

- In addition to Nashor (Roshan, ahurr), there is a Dragon full of gold on the other side of the river.

Huge differences in Heroes, beyond that. You have a persistent skill tree attached to your account which can be readjusted between games to provide different, minor bonuses to the Champion you play, and a book of Runes which further allow you to differentiate your playstyle of a given hero from that of other players. In addition to the abilities of your hero, you can choose two spells from a list of Summoner Spells to further change the way you play.

And then, each hero has one unique passive ability, three basic skills, and one ultimate skill.

Finally, the interface is just wonderful and the item purchasing and combination system is far, far more fluid and intuitive than DOTA or HON.

In my experience, the community is also much less hostile.

And it's free.

Right, that ramble over, my Summoner Name is Vraelis on EU West. I mostly play with my friends in real life, but feel free to add me.

I understand, but you could see why someone that isn't very into AoSs could feel that these are very minor differences ;)
Oh my goodness, yes. If it's not your cup of tea it's not really going to make a difference. I thought perhaps you were on the fence about trying it out.
I played this for a good long while, but haven't in probably 4 months or so (or about a few weeks after summoner mastery revamp patch, whenever that was). I just got annoyed with all the new champions coming our rather than new maps or other improvements. Each time they drop in new champs it becomes harder and harder to bring friends into it (and to catch up if you've been gone). :-/

I could probably fire up the updater and see how bad it would be to learn all the new champs... Actually I think the main thing I didn't want to do was remake all my rune and mastery pages. :P

*edit* and the genre title you are looking for is MOBA
Darius, the next-to-latest champion, is the most horrible thing to have been added to League in a LONG time. Don't care if he's OP or not, but a champ that was BUILT to KS, does tons of all three types of damage, and ALL of them scale well with AD... how the hell did that even get off the drawing board, much less released? I hate having them on either team, 'cuz if they're on my team they'll just ensure that the real carries don't get any gold ever, and on the enemy team they're just obnoxious assholes, like Yi 2.0 in terms of cleanup but fifty times tankier.

I've yet to lose to a fed Darius, he's really just good at killing and hogging all the kills KINDA screws his team over, but... god damn. Just seeing a Darius on either team reminds me how much I hate life sometimes.

/rant inspired by Feantari's post
Yeah... the new champs they put out often make me wonder if they even think about balance and game impact before they release a champ. At first I though it was just a ploy to get people to spend more money, but there are a few in there that have had some either really bad mechanics or really op mechanics (the mechanic rather than the magnitude of it). I'll grant them that they sometimes realize the actual problem after a week or two... Have they fixed stealth mechanics yet?

At least Morello finally came out a month or two ago and straight up admitted they borked up the stealth rework so hard it wasn't even funny. it's back to being Soon.

Some of the champs lately have actually been pretty fun (Ziggs, Draven, Varus, Lulu, etc) but there's always the Volibears/Sejuanis/Dariuses who are incredibly boring and binary, and in the case of Darius, flat out broken design.

And of course all new champs are 6300/975 these days, and there hasn't been a damn price drop in months.
Most people say MOBA stands for Multiplayer Online Battle Arena, but I prefer the version a friend of mine came up with - Minion Oriented Base Assault.

Edit - Oh god, no Stealth rework again?

At least Solotop Eve is still hilarious to play.

Am I a bad person for really having fun with Volibear and Darius? I actively avoid killstealing with Darius where I can, though. Still, something needs a nerf on him, I just hope it won't be his passive because I have an unseemly fondness for bleed effects.

Draven is the only AD carry I don't fail miserably with. He's also way more fun than any of his peers.
Grey said:
Most people say MOBA stands for Multiplayer Online Battle Arena, but I prefer the version a friend of mine came up with - Minion Oriented Base Assault.
That works pretty well for Dota, but I think LoL is too champ focused.. idk.. maybe? /cartwheels
Well the stealth got a rework, Eve just got her stealth turned into a passive and if she gets near enemy champs it comes off.
She's quite fun to play with the rework. Haven't tried the reworked Twitch yet, though.

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