Video Games League of Legends

The Dark Wizard

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How many of you play this or are interested in playing this?

Alot of us on the site play and almost everyone on the staff plays everynight.

My username is Mondrethos if you wish to add me. If you have never played before please use my invite link so we both get a bonus.

So how does everyone like the latest champion?
A League of Legends thread!

Whoa :eek:

I'm playing, mostly overnight too though I doubt most of you are in the same time zone as me or even the same server. I fall into EU Nordic-East.

As for the latest champion, I bought Fiora immediately after seeing the spotlight. Though she seems rather op at first it has proven quite difficult to play her. I've tried several starting items such as Vampiric Sceptre, Cloth Armor, and Long Sword, and I did jungle, lane and solo top. Still can't get too good scores. For someone who's supposed to be so "sticky" what with her Q and E, most enemies still escape before I can deal a decent amount of damage. Ultimate is great but I usually end up dying regardless or not I use it. I usually excel at playing 1st time champs and AD like her, so all this just leaves me more puzzled.

p.s. you can also join the game by clicking HERE, it loads faster and makes me happier ;)
All the new champions are OP.

Ghan04 on League of Legends NA server.
Well, that's just untrue. Xin Zhao on release could solo entire teams nearly independent of player skill. Still, the sentiment is important to keep in mind, after all Kaza OP.

I'm Kaza42 on North America, I main Ezreal but play about a dozen other champions on and off
My mains are Nasus, LeBlanc and Leona, though I often play a dozen more favorite champions.

Replying to Lord of Chaos: I admit that Riot often makes too strong champions initially, especially most of those in the last six months, but they're always rebalanced in the following patch. With a game such as League of Legends that already has close to a hundred champions, different minions and monsters, towers and structures, not to count all the respective abilities of each and every champions as well as their detailed statistics, and finally the various items themselves - it's impossible to have a completely 100% balanced experience. It would take nothing less than a perfect mind to account for all of the above.

That said, champions have different roles. I don't see for example a Soraka ever defeating Tryndamere, and besides this is a team game. The goal of the game is to work with your other 4 team mates to destroy the enemy Nexus. If a team has a champion that's slightly "better" (mind the ") then the rest, it doesn't mean they will win. A single player never could and never will be able to carry the whole team - at least not when it comes down to two teams who are both skilled and not when one team is full of incompetent idiots intent on focusing the fed enemy tank.

When we're on the topic of "fed", it's crystal clear that anyone who is fed can be op. Once you achieve an advantage early to mid game, provided you don't suddenly start failing, the match is yours.
[QUOTE="Renarion Arenimon]That said, champions have different roles. I don't see for example a Soraka ever defeating Tryndamere,

You have never seen my Soraka.
[QUOTE="Renarion Arenimon]I did see a 20+ kills and 0 deaths soraka. My whole team was retreating when she advanced :eek:

You should actually get on TS and you could play with us, we play every night. If you check the teamspeak tracker on the sidebar of the forums you will see us playing as of this post being made.
I cannot play with any of you, since from what I gather I'm the only LoL player at Wayward who is playing EU Nordic & East.

I explained in the 2nd post of this thread.

update: Just lost a 5vs4 match because three in my team fed enemy Ashe and Poppy. I just couldn't carry the whole match myself... Unbelievable...
KeiroD on LoL NA. Haven't been able to play as of late due to the fact that this laptop is nowhere near powerful enough to play LoL.

... And I need to rebuild my desktop.
It's trivial to change servers, really... there's nothing stopping you from switching to NA, or to EU.
Well yeah I used the button once to play on West for a single match. Still I play on East, except maybe if we had an organized event, then I'd switch.
Actually, now that you mention it... how many people here would be interested in an organized event? whether just some premade 5v5 matches or a tournament or whatever.
[QUOTE="Lord of Chaos]Actually, now that you mention it... how many people here would be interested in an organized event? whether just some premade 5v5 matches or a tournament or whatever.

A lot most likely.
Myself included. I'm in an entirely opposite timezone compared to you NA players, but I'm playing overnight anyway.
Alright. Let's create a running track of interested parties. Once it hits 10, we can do a 5v5. If it exceeds that, we can set up some sort of tournament or something.

Interested Parties:

  1. Lord of Chaos
  2. Renarion Arenimon
  3. Dark Wizard
I'm not going to be in for that... at least, not until my desktop has been rebuilt. Which will take a while... but I hope my new laptop can play it. ;_;
Just to add, if we have only 5 we can still go play premade on the Rift versus some unlucky sods :D

Damn, just hit me. I don't have an account on NA :o

Making one and switching my client for this purpose is no problem, provided that you guys are interested playing with me on my low level account. I'm a great player, but I'll be stripped of my runes, masteries and bought champions though :(
I'll be interested.

Well then wolf you'll have to start getting a little rubbed up for playing without runes. I'm used to it, as i don't even have a complete rune set at lvl 23. The biggest hurt is jungling from what i've experienced. We've got a few people who like to jungle. I can probably add a few people who wouldn't post on this thread: Wizard's friend knight may join, Ghan may join. Monsterous may join, and maybe a few others too, but of course, I can't speak for them.
I have an additional level 10 troll account on EU East, so I don't have problems playing without runes and masteries.

My main account is lvl 30 with 4 complete runepages and 3 masteries pages, so I do feel the difference after all.

I can hold my own. At the very least I won't feed :D

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