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Realistic or Modern Juvenile Academy for the Malicious (JAM)

(@Zaffre Blue @khloerose

Hey you two >,...,<

I can see you guys are having fun here, and it's really freaking cute of what's going on with Serenity and Amais, but can we limit the 1x1 between you two a little bit? It kind of drowns out the rest of us because no one else is on and responding at the moment. Maybe continue after a couple more people respond? Sorry if this sounds rude, and I am really starting to ship these two, but please settle it down on the posting right now. Okay? :3 I'm just helping everyone else here so they aren't all drowned out from not being here while you two are just posting away. Again, not trying to sound rude here. )

"I do not suffer from my insanity, I enjoy every minute of it."
Yes, I understand completely. (: Don't worry about it, you don't sound rude at all. \\
(Well. I'm also in Asia xD . I usually wake up 12nn-1pm in my time, which is 4-5am in their time so ;/ yes it is hard to catch up :( )
Luna Fender Calmed

Luna was made a little happier, knowing that no one had noticed her; or that no one had tried to pull her out of the small space that was her comfort zone. She pulled the pale white sleeves of her turtle-neck over her hands and held them to her mouth. More people had filled the room. Which meant that the room was louder now, and Luna could hardly even pick out conversations. She heard a lot of shouting. Things like 'I don't like you.' and 'OOPS, ARE YOU STRAIGHT?'. Luna smiled. She had realised a long time ago that she enjoyed people watching. But, that was a little inappropriate now, considering she was a convicted stalker. Sighing, Luna noticed another boy walk in the room. He was as pale as the white walls of the entrance, and his hands were shaking. Luna thought perhaps she was seeing a living embodiment of fear, but no, this boy was real.

Feeling entirely sorry for him, and herself, she used all of the energy to get up and move towards him. He seemed a little zoned out now, listening to music. She pulled up a chair, moving it in front of him, so she could face him. Gulping away the dryness in her mouth, she spoke,
"What're you listening to?" She tried to smile, bus she was 100% confident that this guy would hate her yet.

Everleigh eventually walked into room 36A, assuming that it was also her classroom. Despite the fact that she hated crowds, she found a spot nearest the corner which had no bag on it and she sat there, it was one of the most isolated spots in the room. There were a lot of interesting looking people, many of them had really annoying looks on their faces. Then again, that was just her being an introvert. She's never really made friends that lasted long, they all leave her especially cause Val messes them up too. She eyed the girl who had made a move to talk to one of the anxiety kids by the other corner of the room as well as the kid with this look of confusion on the row nearest hers. Every time another would pass her seat, she'd secretly hiss at them with the hopes that they'll leave her alone. But amidst the 'lone wolf act', Everleigh secretly liked being around people because their presence had always stopped her from committing suicide.
The girl was flirting with another victim now, and was actually having a conversation, perhaps. The air got a bit thicker, and the smell changed a bit, reminding Conner of when his foster parents had tried out E-cigs. It hadn't stayed, but the air had certainly been better than before or after the small experiment. He decided that he didn't really care who was doing it and would keep not caring until anyone began smoking real cigarettes.

Another student entered, after a botched attempt, and took a seat near him. He looked like he'd been crying. Noted. Two girls left, and another one entered- two for two. That was cool.

For a second, he thought of talking to the guy that had sat near him, but someone else beat him to the punch, and he just looked down at his notebook, trying his best to look unintimidating- easy, considering how short he was- and keep a small, peaceful smile on his face as he closed his eyes. It was hard, as both the people and now the air to his back in the room was making him irritated. He couldn't understand how he ever thought it might be a good idea to sit in the center of the classroom. He'd make sure not to sit where he was again. People were still moving, though, so maybe he could just move himself closer to the wall.

He quietly picked up his stuff and moved over to an unoccupied corner seat, glad to at least have the air at his back a much more controllable amount and the admittedly better vantage point. His neighbors might be closer, but that was fine for him.
Everleigh eyed the guy who had just taken the seat at the end of the row she had been sitting on. Seems to her that he wanted some space away from the other idiots running around the place.

They say that we can sense it when someone is looking at us. Let's try...

She thought as she slumped down on her desk but kept her gaze at the same student, wondering if he'll notice her.
He looked around the room after a few more minutes, much happier with his new spot than he'd thought he'd be, ignoring the slight itch of his skin that he'd come to associate with being watched. Eventually, when it was getting to a point where Conner wanted to claw some of his skin off, he turned to try and find the person that was staring at him- it wasn't particularly difficult, and it took him only a few seconds to realize it was coming from the row he sat in. He looked at her owlishly, and lifted up a hand and waved before setting it back down.
On such rare occasions does one see Everleigh chuckle, this was one of them. It perhaps has something to do with her interest towards how attention feels like or probably, it's just those weird emotions one gets when he or she has their own alter ego. But it was rare for Everleigh to let out a chuckle especially when he had reacted in such a way that it seemed that he acknowledged her presence. That was a first.

Should I enter into a conversation or not?

That was always the question. But as she was deciding, a bunch of other students decide to go towards her direction and stay there, doing god knows what. This freaked her out and caused her to move 2 seats away from the same guy she was eyeing earlier.

"Damn people" she growled, not even trying to keep her words to herself.
PlaguedWithInsanity said:
(@Zaffre Blue @khloerose
Hey you two >,...,<

I can see you guys are having fun here, and it's really freaking cute of what's going on with Serenity and Amais, but can we limit the 1x1 between you two a little bit? It kind of drowns out the rest of us because no one else is on and responding at the moment. Maybe continue after a couple more people respond? Sorry if this sounds rude, and I am really starting to ship these two, but please settle it down on the posting right now. Okay? :3 I'm just helping everyone else here so they aren't all drowned out from not being here while you two are just posting away. Again, not trying to sound rude here. )

"I do not suffer from my insanity, I enjoy every minute of it."
( gotcha. THE SHIP IS ON)
Jersey continued to sit listening to her music her eyes closed and her head back. OK she was sleeping but that's only cause she got to bed late and had to wake up early. She was really tired after killing a few guys who tried to mug her then she had to hide the bodies and do other things she just wanted to sleep some more...and that's what she did.
The clicking of Lovell's shoes bounced around in his ears. He held a bright smile on his face as the two guards followed behind him. He felt like a celebrity, He was a celebrity. As he entered the room, he scoffed at all the fresh young minds, tainted by the pleassure of committing sick and awful crimes. The idea of it gave him the giggles, that just because he'd done his crime at a school, he had been seen by many as the new Erik and Dylan...sick....

As he scanned the open seats for a place to sit, he spotted one right next to a girl who seemed to be sleeping. He sat in the chair next to her as the guards sat in the chairs behind him.
khloerose said:
Serenity smiled, tucking the lighter into the pocket of the leather jacket she wore. She couldn't help but laugh at the reference. "An octopus?" Serenity exclaimed, still laughing. "Never heard that one before," she said, taking her hand and smiling widely. Serenity wouldn't let her in, no, but it didn't mean she couldn't have some fun. "I think if I were to use a reference to how I look when I'm dancing, I'd say a hippopotamus in a bathtub," At the comment she made, Serenity lost her grip on Amais hand and doubled over, clutching her stomach as she laughed. She didn't know why she was laughing so hard and her cheeks were tinged with a light pink blush. Serenity's cheeks cooled off in a short amount of time and she stood back up, smiling at Amais and taking her hand to dance with her.
Taking Sere's hand, Amais would yank her thumb at the classroom door, " I hate to say it but we should get back. A. The teacher will be here soon and B, I just cant deprive these people of my company". Skipping into the classroom, Amais would continue with her octopus dancing, "I'd also be an epileptic chicken with it's head cut off". Unbuttoning the flannel and tying around her waist, she'd be left in a black bandeau, overalls shorts and knee socks. Posing with her hand behind her head and her hip jutting out, Amais would give a over exaggerated pout " Aren't I fabulous ?"

Throwing herself over her desk, Amais would see the boy walking in with a smile and being flanked by guards. Tapping Sere's shoulder, she'd point to the boy "Looks like we got a diva, folks". Frowning she'd look bitter "Harrumph*is this a action or a word ?*. Why didn't I get guards ?"

@khloerose @KillGill
The girl chuckled. She actually chuckled. That was good- you didn't chuckle at people you thought could kill you. Then more people sat down in their general area and she moved. He was a bit let down, but i meant he'd discovered a way to act that worked for at least one person. A boy entered, smiling, surrounded by guards. He looked vaguely familiar, and he set off alarm bells in Conner's head. It was harder to keep himself from hunching up, and he fidgeted with his left arm and tried not to look at the smiling guy, now understanding how a smile could be so unnerving. Vaguely, he noticed that the two girls from earlier had returned, but it didn't really matter all that much.
@khloerose[/URL] @KillGill
Serenity laughed softly at the diva bit. "No questions here," she commented, running her fingers through her hair and walking to her seat, which still had her bag placed next to it. It wasn't the smartest idea to leave her bag alone with a room full of criminals, but it didn't look as if anything had happened to it so it was a breath of relief for Serenity. She glanced around, noticing how the number of students had grown from the two she had seen when she first came.
khloerose said:
Serenity laughed softly at the diva bit. "No questions here," she commented, running her fingers through her hair and walking to her seat, which still had her bag placed next to it. It wasn't the smartest idea to leave her bag alone with a room full of criminals, but it didn't look as if anything had happened to it so it was a breath of relief for Serenity. She glanced around, noticing how the number of students had grown from the two she had seen when she first came.
Getting up and offering her hand to Sere, Amais would roll her eyes "I think we should meet diva boy, maybe I can convince him to get me some guards for that whole I'm a star ! factor '' @KillGill
Serenity smiled, shrugging her shoulders. "Okay then," she said, offering her arm out to link with Amais instead. Serenity was practically walking the plank creating this friendship with Amais so quickly. It was dangerous, she was letting her in, and Serenity wasn't going to let that happen any longer. The life of a girl with PPD, everyone. Take a bow, Serenity, you're looking great at your attempts to make new friends.
khloerose said:
Serenity smiled, shrugging her shoulders. "Okay then," she said, offering her arm out to link with Amais instead. Serenity was practically walking the plank creating this friendship with Amais so quickly. It was dangerous, she was letting her in, and Serenity wasn't going to let that happen any longer. The life of a girl with PPD, everyone. Take a bow, Serenity, you're looking great at your attempts to make new friends.
Placing her hand on Sere's arm like a lady, she'd be a bit disappointed. She'd skip over to the guarded kid and give a red-lipped pout as if he was interviewing her and she was a starlet " Hi, I'd ask why you have the guards but I guess that would be rude, instead I'll ask your name" @KillGill
Serenity smiled and played along, acting all posh and whatnot, flipping her hair over her shoulder and giving a million-pound smile. She gave a small wave to the guarded chap, in hopes of not being escorted by the burly guards that would probably be able to pick her up as if she was a feather. Serenity crossed her ankles as she watched the mate with interest, her arm still linked to that of Amais'.
SpectroVector said:
Luna Fender Calmed
Luna was made a little happier, knowing that no one had noticed her; or that no one had tried to pull her out of the small space that was her comfort zone. She pulled the pale white sleeves of her turtle-neck over her hands and held them to her mouth. More people had filled the room. Which meant that the room was louder now, and Luna could hardly even pick out conversations. She heard a lot of shouting. Things like 'I don't like you.' and 'OOPS, ARE YOU STRAIGHT?'. Luna smiled. She had realised a long time ago that she enjoyed people watching. But, that was a little inappropriate now, considering she was a convicted stalker. Sighing, Luna noticed another boy walk in the room. He was as pale as the white walls of the entrance, and his hands were shaking. Luna thought perhaps she was seeing a living embodiment of fear, but no, this boy was real.

Feeling entirely sorry for him, and herself, she used all of the energy to get up and move towards him. He seemed a little zoned out now, listening to music. She pulled up a chair, moving it in front of him, so she could face him. Gulping away the dryness in her mouth, she spoke,
"What're you listening to?" She tried to smile, bus she was 100% confident that this guy would hate her yet.


Norman was enjoying his backwoods-progressive rock whenever somebody, a girl, came over and pulled up a chair in front of him. He watches as her mouth moves and quickly takes out his earbuds when he realizes that she's talking, "Uh, you asked what I was listening to? I'm listening to Beck, the Mellow Gold album." Norman says before turning off the MP3, "I'm-uh, I'm Norman. I'm here due to man-slaughter, I have Anxiety. I don't get out that much." Norman says after ending his awkwardly-phrased sentence describing himself. The bad taste in his mouth simply added to his discomfort and ill-mannered social skills.

Norman notices all of the commotion going on in the class, some kid just came in with guards, lots of flirting was commencing, and other things were probably happening that Norman didn't know about at the current moment. Norman thought that the girl looked nice, her purple hair seemed to complement her (so far) kind demeanor.

Luna Fender Comfortable

The boy explained his music; what he was listening to. Luna nodded, prettily, pretending she knew who it was. Music wasn't really her thing. The boy went on to describe why he was there. She almost sighed with relief; she thought she was the only person who had killed someone- accidentally. Not that it was something to be relieved about. Luna gulped. "Man-slaughter." She looked at her hands. Should she tell him about the stalking? Surely, no one would talk to her if she let it slip about what she did. "That's about it." She smiled. "No need to be anxious around me, I'm an open book!" Which was ironic, considering she had missed out some pretty important information only a few seconds before.

Luna grabbed one of her braids and twirled it around her finger. There air was silent, and Luna didn't want to make the boy feel uncomfortable, so, she gathered up some words and made a sentence, "So, how are you?" She spoke as if she knew him; as if they were long time friends. That was one thing Luna was good at; pretending.


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