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Realistic or Modern Juvenile Academy for the Malicious (JAM)

Orion stared curiously at the front of the class as one after another the other kids got up to admit their crimes. There was quite some variety from arson to torture, but most of everybody seemed to be ashamed of it, or technically weren't even the person responsible in the case of the ones with alters. So other than that, they didn't seem particularly dangerous, although it might be fun to bother them about what happened.

Some anxious kid- his name was N-something- went up and babbled for a few seconds before going completely silent, and Orion stopped paying attention in favor of inspecting the wood pattern on the desk, thinking up what his explanation would be. If everyone knew what sort of person he was right from the get-go, it could ruin his entertainment plans later.

By the time Orion realized someone else was at the front of his class, the person- a rather short boy- was already leaving to sit back in his chair. The next volunteer introduced themselves as Angel, and in a chipper voice told a story of robbing an animal shelter to sacrifice the inhabitants. That was interesting. Angel then proceeded to admit to being a pathological liar, and Orion snorted in laughter. What was the point in that? So readily exposing herself? Even if other people didn't believe a story, as long as they weren't sure whether the teller believed it themselves or not it could still be hilarious. As Angel walked back to her seat, he watched her with eyebrows raised and an amused grin.

Next up was Jersey, who threatened all of them and almost made Orion laugh again. This year would, hopefully, be way better than he expected when he first arrived.

After she sat back down, nobody else stood up. Scanning the room and seeing no one else about to stand, he figured it would be best to get it out of the way before the teacher started calling on the rest. Orion put his feet on the edge of the table to shove himself and his chair out and make room to rise. He strolled up to the front with his hands in his zipper hoodie pockets and friendly smile on his face.

"Hello everyone! I'm Orion Blackburne, and it's wonderful to meet you all," he gave desk-boy a wink, "I'm here 'cause I broke open some cages at a zoo. My great-aunt on my father's side is a monkey, and I find the imprisonment of animals for human enjoyment to be offensive and disgusting. I do not approve of any mistreatment of animals!" this time Orion gave Angel a hard look, "Anyways, I don't have any mental issues, and I hope we can all get along!" He grinned, nodded at everyone, and then made his way through the desks to his seat.
A few more people introduced themselves, and two of them were the people he'd been talking to recently. He was pretty positive the first one was lying, especially if the last tidbit was true. At least, he hoped she was lying- he didn't want to be near anyone who thought hurting dogs or any other type of animal was okay. The second, however, was a bit off, and openly mentioned she had two weapons on her. The teacher didn't seem to do anything, and he once again screamed at himself for not bringing a knife. A knife would've been very good and helpful. One of the kids that had been part of the mutual aggravation up front, though he wasn't sure which party he was, went up and introduced himself. He didn't seem all that bad and he didn't think mistreating animals was cool, which was a definite plus. He put down their names, crossing out what he'd been calling them before, knowing he'd have to find time to rewrite his notes later.
Evie's mind had finally settled as the second girl came up front to introduce herself. She couldn't help but snicker to herself as she openly said that she had two weapons with her and that was when she had cursed herself for not bringing her baton with her, her favorite weapon to use when she tortured someone. Oh well, she was resourceful anyway. There should be something in this school that I can use to kill someone with.

She finally sat up straight and eyed her new and "unique" classmates she knew she'd be spending possibly the rest of her life with. A wide grin grew across her face as playful thoughts come to mind.
Crimson leaned back in his seat in boredom. This day seemed to be going so slowly. Even B's morbid jokes weren't helping. Looking out the window he idly played with his necklace that had a hidden knife in it. Stupid coppers really weren't very thorough in their weapon checks. The thought made him smile again.
Evie looked towards Crimson, a similar boy who had the same disorder as her. She leaned on her palm as Val slowly began to emerge from the shadows. Evie was bored so she allowed Val to come out for a while. "So you're the Crimson kid Evie was talking to earlier huh?" she smirked at the kid as her brows furrowed and her lips curled into a wicked grin. "What was the name of your 'other side' again?" she added.
Crimson paused as he realized perhaps for the first to time since he entered the room he was being spoken to directly. Turning he faced the girl who had the same disorder and knew instantly by her body language it was her other half talking. Tilting his head to the side he wondered if he should let B out to play. He hasn't done so since the night his parents were killed and though he knew B could come without permission he usually didn't do so.

"Oh, please. " B tried to beg though it came out with a cackle which ruined the affect. "I'll be a good boy. "

Decision made Crimson nodded. Closing his eyes he felt his consciousness take a back seat as B took over. Then he knew only darkness. He had no interest in listening in to their conversation so decided a nap was in order.

Opening his eyes B's mouth curled into a demonic smile that looked out of place on Crimsons face. Leaning closer to the girl he met her eyes. "My name is B. It stands for Beyond. Wanna Gus Why?"
Val smirked at her first impression of him and she leaned closer. Unlike Evie, Val loved to talk to people especially if they had the same "unique talent" as hers. She liked the fact that he allowed his alternate self to come out and talk to her, something that no normal person would have done anyway.

"Hmm, I'm guessing it's because... You're from beyond this world?" Val tried as she snickered darkly, "You gotta explain it to me kid."

I like this kid.

You say that to everyone you talk to.

I got more friends than you do.

Say what you want.

Her internal arguments with herself still remained present even if Val were the one taking over this time. Evie was still very much alive within her mind.
B's grin grew slightly cocky. He loved the meaning behind the name the kid gave him. No matter how obnoxious it might seem. Eyes sparkling with barely hidden cruelty and bloodless he spoke. "It means I'm beyond the mortal realm and apart of the spirit realm. Where demons and spirits dwell. A nice little name the kid gave me. Is it not?"
Val cocked a brow with interest as she gazed into B's eyes that were burning with pride. "That's a nice name you got there B," she snickered, "I'm also surprised that you let the little brat name you. Almost like you conform to his rules."

Of course whether Val asked for Evie's permission or not, she always gets what she wants. It was then and there where Val flipped her hair and clicked her tongue like the proud demonic self she had, "Evie's real different. She got no fight in her therefore I rule this domain," she gestured to her body, "Name's Val Schneider. I chose it ever since Evie's idiot parents allowed her to watch 'Schindler's List', I see myself as a German Nazi who thinks that everyone and everything is inferior to me."
B didn't feel insulted in the slightest by her reaction. He knew how strange it was that he let the kid control him to an extent. It was just easier that way. Grin widening he nodded in amusement. "Interesting name. I let the kid control me to an extent cause It's easier. I don't harm any who dare to just push the kid or punch him and in exchange he let's me out every now and then to do as I please without a fight. Especially when we are being threatened. If I don't abide by the rules he will fight me for control and may even kill himself so I can't go on a killing spree. That's not to say he isn't a demonic little twarp in his own ways. He just likes hurting those that deserve it. "
Val grinned at his answer, "Well if you put it that way, I guess it makes sense..." she tapped her fingers on the wooden desk as she was forced to think about Evie for a while.

You feel guilty don't you? Evie chuckled as Val snarled at her softly.

Gives me some thoughts to think about.

"I guess you have a point. At some times, she tries to shut me out with the use of drugs her psychiatrist gives her or like a while ago, she smoked a cigarette from Crimson if I remember correctly... No matter, Evie in control is just as boring as not having another personality," she replied as she leaned on her palm.
B's grin wavered as he felt Crimson begin to stir. Get didn't let his disappointment show as he talked to him. Time to go already kid. After everyone is finished with their speeches or I get bored. Which ever comes first. Nodding B turned his attention back to the girl. "Crimson doesn't have a psychiatrists. He was able to keep me a secret until recently. When his parents found out the bastards wanted to send us away. "
Val looked around, "Oh sorry I meant that other kid with the cigarette but alright then. Don't worry, Evie's parents dropped her off here with all her belongings as well as a note saying: Don't ever come back! She's hated in that neighbourhood and household. So I guess that's what we got going for us."

Evie snarled inside her world of darkness as violent thoughts came to mind. She didn't want to sit idly in one classroom anymore. She wanted out and torture some unsuspecting victims at the moment.

Val Please, I need to do something evil right now.

Evie look around you, do something wrong and you'll get punishment.

I don't give a damn....

With that, Evie took her body back and laid her head back down as she broke into a cold sweat again. It happens when she takes over suddenly. Then she looked around with malice in her eyes, she wanted to reek havoc. Then she turned to B again, "When will classes end? I gotta go steal something...."
B arched a brow at the sudden disappearance of Val. Just when things were going to get interesting. Leaning back in his seat he let Crimson take over as the sudden events bored him.

Lips curling into a smaller gentler smile Crimson looked at the girl. "I don't know when class will end. "
Evie growled and writhed in her seat as she watched people one by one introduced themselves then boringly returned to their seats. Couldn't someone go and cause some trouble or something? She wished that someone finally snapped from whatever's wrong with them and sparked a fight within the classroom. She needs something exciting to happen in her life and this isn't helping. "We're all one day closer to death and we're all spending it in this boring classroom...." she said, how uncharacteristic of her.

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