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Realistic or Modern Juvenile Academy for the Malicious (JAM)

Crimson looked around the room with curiosity. There were a lot of other kids here most of which towered over him making him scrawl. He always hated how small he was. Even B was taller then him. Then again at 6'7 he practically towered over everyone. He was surprised to find one person was almost his height and didn't look like a 12 year old which was a first. The boy nodded at him probably realizing they were of almost equal height and Crimson nodded back at him in acknowledgment ignoring the way the bell he braided in his hair jingled. He should really find a different place for that pesky bell.

Kael Kantit

Kael's attention was once more directed on over towards Orion's general direction when he proceeded to try and copy his posture, and overall appearance. This agitated him, and he once more took his emotions for hostage- this is actually happening. He tried to move his desk farther away from him, but it was of to no avail, and within moments, he was practically right next to him. He was trying to place heart shaped glasses on his face. What an imbecile, this kid was going to make his time here a living hell, not to mention how long it'd feel. Would it feel like an infinity, or perhaps a simple lifetime?

His eyes narrowed with no amusement present within them whatsoever.
"You're a true cretin, you know that? I don't like you," he stated. That was the honest truth, he did not like Orion- at all. Kael wanted to cause harm to him so badly, and he would probably only be able to do so once he got out of this awful place. He wanted to sit down, and ignite the premises, set them ablaze just like his burning emotions.

He hated how Orion had a joker-like smile on his features as he offered him these glasses, this kid was surely insane, but who's to say that Kael wasn't either? What would it be like to be classified under the status of 'normal' anyways? Would it feel any different than it did to be called a 'delinquent'? Maybe, but even so, no one here was normal.

Jersey gripped the girls hand and squeezed it tight before looking at her with a dead expression on her face. "...Dont touch me..." She tells her then throws her hand onto the girls own lap. She stood up and grabbed her board and bag then moved to a different seat in the back. She went back to listening to her music and closing her eyes. Before she did so she looked around making sure no one was following her.

@Zaffre Blue
Stoked911 said:
Jersey gripped the girls hand and squeezed it tight before looking at her with a dead expression on her face. "...Dont touch me..." She tells her then throws her hand onto the girls own lap. She stood up and grabbed her board and bag then moved to a different seat in the back. She went back to listening to her music and closing her eyes. Before she did so she looked around making sure no one was following her.
@Zaffre Blue
Amaris threw her head back and laughed, " Ahh, feisty.You held my hand !". Widening her eyes with mock surprise, she'd look at the girl and yell loudly "OOPS, ARE YOU STRAIGHT ?". Pulling out her own pair of headphones and placing them around her neck, Amaris would stare at the girl with a odd smirk on her face before giving her a mock salute and turning around. "I'll definitely make notice of her"
At desk-boy's hate-dripping retort, Orion's eyes widened and his mouth made an excited 'o' shape. He stayed exactly how he was for a minute, letting his friend fume. With every single reaction, desk-boy was more and more fun- Orion would have never expected to be this not bored in a detention facility. With all the excitement, he'd even forgotten his anger at his parents. Desk-boy had all his attention now, and the question of how much further?

After deciding he'd waited long enough, with his free hand Orion pushed down on the desk to scoot himself forwards just a little more, the glasses now resting crookedly on desk-boys furious face.

"Boop!" he let go of the bridge of the glasses and flicked his bud's nose, his face a mixture of eagerness, wonder, and the same shit-eating grin.
The girl being flirted with had moved away, Conner noticed, though it didn't seem to bother the one who had begun it. What an imbecile, Conner thought, making note of how the one being touched had reacted. He realized he should probably take notes of what he found important, and gave all of the others in the room nicknames before reaching into a small bag he had brought with him and pulling out a simple spiral notebook to write in, starting with the beginning of what he remembered. He noticed that whatever was happening with the cheery guy and the grumpy one was coming to a head up front- he was rushed to nickname people, okay?
mikaluvkitties said:
The girl being flirted with had moved away, Conner noticed, though it didn't seem to bother the one who had begun it. What an imbecile, Conner thought, making note of how the one being touched had reacted. He realized he should probably take notes of what he found important, and gave all of the others in the room nicknames before reaching into a small bag he had brought with him and pulling out a simple spiral notebook to write in, starting with the beginning of what he remembered. He noticed that whatever was happening with the cheery guy and the grumpy one was coming to a head up front- he was rushed to nickname people, okay?
Seeing a boy look in their direction, Amais would snap her teeth at him then wink and draw a finger across her throat.

Kael Kantit

Kael was just about ready to smack this kid upside his face, Orion knew that he was getting on his nerves, and it seemed to please him. Kael finally realized that his anger did nothing but bring Orion pleasure, so- he decided to do what he'd usually resort to doing, ignoring him. All was fine, and well until Orion decided to continue his childish antics. As soon as he placed those neon glasses on his face, he was immediately overcome with a rather large amount of rage, it having been ignited with that simple action of childishness.

Kael knew that this is what Orion wanted, but he needed to act out, or he'd surely do something worse than he previously thought. He pushed himself up and out of his seat, practically shaking with anger. When he first got up, it probably would've seemed to everyone else that he was going to cause physical harm upon Orion. It took him most, if not all of his will-power to resist the motion of placing his hands around Orion's neck, so he instead stared into is eyes.
"Leave me the hell alone before you really do something you regret. Does it seem like i'm in the mood to deal with you? No, it doesn't. I've already figured out that, that's what you want, but do yourself a favor and drop it," he stated with a partially steady tone. It was obviously beginning to shake halfway through his statement due to the immense amount of anger that he was holding within him. Once Kael finished his sentence, he sat back down in his seat quietly, hoping for Orion to back away.
The girl who had decided to be a flirt made what Conner could only guess was supposed to be a threatening sign at him and winked. He was unimpressed, to say the least. Then the grumpy one got up, and it was so calm for how much the cheery guy was doing. It looked like he was finally confronting the cheery guy, and he silently cheered that he didn't punch him before the first class of the year had begun- that would reflect badly on everyone, Conner thought, and he preferred to not have to explain that just because a few of them were short-tempered enough to hit someone, not all of them were. It would be much harder to get out of here if the staff was even more biased towards them than they probably already were.

Absentmindedly, he wondered if he could've brought in a knife and not gotten caught- kids were smoking and no one had checked their bags yet. It was a bit amusing, really, with the amount of checking done in both mental hospitals and jails that a combination of both would be so.... lacking. More to the point, there were some people in here he was beginning to feel the strong urge to stab.
Serenity was sort of bored by the activities happening in the room and pulled her hair back into a bun that sat on top of her head, two pieces framing her face. She wondered if all the people that were there were just like her, being framed for something that they didn't do. But she knew that that wasn't the truth and that each and everyone of their smiling faces--give or take a few--had an evil story to tell, whether they committed a crime or not. Serenity couldn't push the thoughts away and thoughts only of what they might have done wandered about in her large, imaginative mind.

Serenity took note to watch everyone with caution, as they might pull out a knife and take it to her throat or something such as that. Attempting to take her mind off of the crimes that the people might have done, Serenity wondered about what the asylum had to offer, meaning extracurricular activities. Her mind went back to MMA, a life long passion of hers. She hoped she could find people that shared the same interests as her, maybe, just maybe she could relate to them and attempt to make some friends, although they wouldn't really be friends, they'd just be people she could relate to. In Serenity's world, she didn't have friends. Only because friends could get close and figure out things about you and exploit you. That's practically the life of Serenity and her PPD.
khloerose said:
Serenity was sort of bored by the activities happening in the room and pulled her hair back into a bun that sat on top of her head, two pieces framing her face. She wondered if all the people that were there were just like her, being framed for something that they didn't do. But she knew that that wasn't the truth and that each and everyone of their smiling faces--give or take a few--had an evil story to tell, whether they committed a crime or not. Serenity couldn't push the thoughts away and thoughts only of what they might have done wandered about in her large, imaginative mind.
Serenity took note to watch everyone with caution, as they might pull out a knife and take it to her throat or something such as that. Attempting to take her mind off of the crimes that the people might have done, Serenity wondered about what the asylum had to offer, meaning extracurricular activities. Her mind went back to MMA, a life long passion of hers. She hoped she could find people that shared the same interests as her, maybe, just maybe she could relate to them and attempt to make some friends, although they wouldn't really be friends, they'd just be people she could relate to. In Serenity's world, she didn't have friends. Only because friends could get close and figure out things about you and exploit you. That's practically the life of Serenity and her PPD.
Seeing a new girl, Amais would run her hands through her thick green curls and tug her lip ring with her teeth. Jogging over to her and holding out her hand, she'd discreetly check out the girl "Hey, I'm Amais"
Serenity was a bit startled at the sudden introduction of one of the students, since she was lost in her mind for a little bit. Nonetheless, she smiled as she looked up to meet the face of a girl who had green hair. Serenity was intrigued without a doubt, wondering about where her idea of going with green as a hair colour came. She took a few seconds to examine the girl's face, noticing she had a lip ring. "Serenity," she replied, bringing her hand up to meet that of Amais.
khloerose said:
Serenity was a bit startled at the sudden introduction of one of the students, since she was lost in her mind for a little bit. Nonetheless, she smiled as she looked up to meet the face of a girl who had green hair. Serenity was intrigued without a doubt, wondering about where her idea of going with green as a hair colour came. She took a few seconds to examine the girl's face, noticing she had a lip ring. "Serenity," she replied, bringing her hand up to meet that of Amais.
Shaking Serenity's hand will a slow and steady grip, she'd trace her nail on the inside of her wrist for a second. Throwing herself into a chair , and patting her lap, Amais would laugh at herself "So Serenity, how are you doing this fine day ?". Amais was a unabashed flirt, she hoped the girl wasn't completely straight.
Serenity mentally questioned the trace of Amais' nail on her wrist as they greeted, but didn't comment on it. She laughed lightly at the gesture of Amais patting her lap and crossed her ankles, propping her elbow up on the desk to allow her head to rest in her hand. Serenity had gotten a very peppy, flirtatious vibe off of Amais straight away, given the fact that she did decide to come up to Serenity to greet herself. "I wouldn't exactly call this a 'fine day' since I'm being forced to stay in this asylum, but besides that, I'm peachy," she said, a hint of sarcasm lacing her tone.

Serenity smiled, hoping Amais would get the gist that it was only a small joke, nothing to have Amais see her as someone who often made irreverent remarks about things. Serenity tucked the baby hairs that tickled the sides of her face behind her ear, slightly annoyed at the fact that they weren't long enough to be put into the bun. She ignored them and brought her full attention to Amais, scanning her whole being, attempting to see if she could figure out who she was as a person by just her looks.
Austin Garrett Reinhardt

As all the other encounters of the other students began to unfold, the taller male merely sighed as he lied his chin on his backpack. No one wanted to interact with him, and that was a plus. He didn't feel like writing at the moment. Everyone was yelling and shouting around him, so he pulled out his e-cigarette and brought the mouth piece to his pierced lips, breathed in the strawberry flavor, and blew out a puff of white. The teacher wasn't in the room yet, so it all didn't matter; the window near the front of the room was cracked open about halfway, where the white would eventually crawl out of. Plus, this wasn't real smoke anyways. It held the scent of traditional oxygen mixed with a slightly fruity scent that he found quite pleasant.

The taller male clutched his elbow with one hand in anxiety, the other shakily at his mouth with his smoking piece. He coughed from his asthma, as well as from the relatively heavy atmosphere. He looked forwards at the large whiteboard on the wall absentmindedly and ran a hand through his white blonde mohawk. He then slumped over, slouching and resting an elbow on the desk in front of where he sat. The class was taking far too long, so he pulled out his laptop and began to write some on a story he had been focusing on for a while. He wasn't connected to the school Wi-Fi, and the administrators would probably never give it to him, so he pulled open his internet panel and began entering some complex codes that he had remembered by heart. Within a few minutes, he was in the school's Wi-Fi database and was able to access their internet.

A smile crossed the male's face. A satisfied one that was quite genuine. He then continued on his creative writing.
khloerose said:
Serenity mentally questioned the trace of Amais' nail on her wrist as they greeted, but didn't comment on it. She laughed lightly at the gesture of Amais patting her lap and crossed her ankles, propping her elbow up on the desk to allow her head to rest in her hand. Serenity had gotten a very peppy, flirtatious vibe off of Amais straight away, given the fact that she did decide to come up to Serenity to greet herself. "I wouldn't exactly call this a 'fine day' since I'm being forced to stay in this asylum, but besides that, I'm peachy," she said, a hint of sarcasm lacing her tone.
Serenity smiled, hoping Amais would get the gist that it was only a small joke, nothing to have Amais see her as someone who often made irreverent remarks about things. Serenity tucked the baby hairs that tickled the sides of her face behind her ear, slightly annoyed at the fact that they weren't long enough to be put into the bun. She ignored them and brought her full attention to Amais, scanning her whole being, attempting to see if she could figure out who she was as a person by just her looks.
Noticing Serenity looking at her, Amais decided to do the same. She's really cute ! thought Amais, Serenity had a well shaped face and lips and had that "Sunday Morning Cuddles" look about her. Running a finger along her lip ring, a gesture she does when she's thinking deeply. Amais wondered why Sereinty was here. Looking up at her with her cobalt blue eyes, "Would you mind if I called you Sere ? There's no cute nickname for Amais though". Buttoning her flannel up to the middle of her stomach, Amais would shudder "Why's it so cold in here ?"
Serenity shook her head. "No, not at all. Go ahead," she confirmed, a small smile appearing on her lips. Serenity looked around the room, her attention caught at the sight of white smoke travelling into the air coming from one of the students that were smoking an e-cigarette, minding their own business. She sighed softly, her eyes scanning the rest of the room. At the comment of the temperature in the room, her eyes flickered over to the open window.

Serenity nodded her head in the direction of it, motioning for Amais to turn to look at the reason. Her eyes travelled from the window down to the student smoking. She rubbed up and down her arms, regretting not putting on a jacket. Her short-sleeve crop didn't do much for her, and Serenity fought the urge to pull her arms into her shirt and wrap herself up in her arms. Instead, she tucked her hands between her legs and rubbed her skinny jeans clad legs together, attempting to create warmth with friction.

Oh what a day today would be. Norman was currently in the bathroom, puking into one of the urinals and trying to restrain himself from bursting into tears. Today, before he left home, his mom called him a fucking psychopath and then threw a vase at him when he told her he loved her, needless to say that today is a bad day. Norman had always had a strong connection with his mother and she had always supported him, even when they found out that he had an Anxiety disorder, but now she looked down upon him, hated him, despised her own son for being a juvenile delinquent. After a full 3 volleys of puke had evacuated Norman's mouth, he stands and wipes the orafce.

Norman walks over to the sink and washes out his mouth as quick as he can, he's already several minutes late and he can't risk to throw up any more for fear of fainting. Norman rushes out of the bathroom and picks up his backpack with shaky hands, he then proceeds down the hall towards the room. It only takes him a minute or two to finally reach room 36A, but instead of going in guns ablaze, he mentally prepares himself for the challenge of making new friends, it was quite a challenge in his old school and it will pose another one here. After enough mental preparation, he finally opens the door. Upon the action of doing so, Norman automatically closes the door to restrain himself from crying again, another minute of mental preparation is spent before he actually is ready, Norman opens the door and walks in with shaky hands.

He quickly finds his way to a chair and takes a seat more towards the middle of the class to try and blend in more with the crowd and not be as noticeable, too bad not that many people were in the middle of the classroom. Norman takes out his MP3 to try and calm himself and possibly look more "hip". He puts on his Beck playlist and begins listening to the soothing sounds of Mellow Gold.


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khloerose said:
Serenity shook her head. "No, not at all. Go ahead," she confirmed, a small smile appearing on her lips. Serenity looked around the room, her attention caught at the sight of white smoke travelling into the air coming from one of the students that were smoking an e-cigarette, minding their own business. She sighed softly, her eyes scanning the rest of the room. At the comment of the temperature in the room, her eyes flickered over to the open window.
Serenity nodded her head in the direction of it, motioning for Amais to turn to look at the reason. Her eyes travelled from the window down to the student smoking. She rubbed up and down her arms, regretting not putting on a jacket. Her short-sleeve crop didn't do much for her, and Serenity fought the urge to pull her arms into her shirt and wrap herself up in her arms. Instead, she tucked her hands between her legs and rubbed her skinny jeans clad legs together, attempting to create warmth with friction.
Looking at the boy Sere nodded at, Amais would grunt " He's a hacker of some sorts, I can tell by that overbearing aura of tech coming off of him". Glancing at Sere and noticing her shivers Amais would reach over to her huge, striped backpack, unzip a pocket a produce a crumpled leather jacket. Sliding it over to Sere, Amais would shrug "It's probably way to big but you can button and zip it". Stretching her long legs out under the table and glance up a Sere "Tell me about yourself and I'll do the same. "
Serenity smiled a bit. "Thank you," she said gratefully, slipping on the leather jacket in which its sleeves had passed her hands. Serenity pulled it around her, smiling at the warmth. She became a bit suspicious at Amais sudden interest in knowing a bit about Serenity, and only told her vague things. "Well, I'm 17, I love MMA and longboarding, I love to sing, and yea..." Serenity constantly reminded herself, don't get too close. Getting close to someone you know will drop you in the end was simply self-destruction. Serenity pushed her limits by even accepting the coat, only showing that she was willing to become friends with Amais, if she wasn't already.

Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid. She put herself down about it, repeating it in her head.
khloerose said:
Serenity smiled a bit. "Thank you," she said gratefully, slipping on the leather jacket in which its sleeves had passed her hands. Serenity pulled it around her, smiling at the warmth. She became a bit suspicious at Amais sudden interest in knowing a bit about Serenity, and only told her vague things. "Well, I'm 17, I love MMA and longboarding, I love to sing, and yea..." Serenity constantly reminded herself, don't get too close. Getting close to someone you know will drop you in the end was simply self-destruction. Serenity pushed her limits by even accepting the coat, only showing that she was willing to become friends with Amais, if she wasn't already.
Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid. She put herself down about it, repeating it in her head.
Nodding her head at what Sere told her, Amais smiled since she did exactly what Amais would have done, vague info. "My name is Amais, not telling you my middle name Caroll. I'm 15 though I'll turn 16 in a couple weeks. I too like singing but I enjoy acting. I'm also a pretty decent cook, you should try my tiramisu cake it's amazing. I'm also a attention hog, it runs in the family". Looking around blearily, Amais would give a great yawn "When is the teacher going to be here, I'm bored and it's getting smoky in here". Giving a sultry glance at Sere, Amais would twirl a lock of her hair around her finger "You think the teach would mind if we skipped ?"
Serenity raised an eyebrow at the suggestive look given to her by Amais. She wasn't so quick to trust and go places with people that she had just met, but she figured what's the harm in getting some fresh air if no one was even supervising them. "Why not?" Serenity said, taking her hair tie out and allowing her dirty golden locks to fall to her mid-back. She bent her body in half a bit to look in her bag for her lighter. Serenity searched and searched, but couldn't find it and gave up trying to look for it. She stood up, out of her chair, running her fingers back through her hair to get it out of her face.
khloerose said:
Serenity raised an eyebrow at the suggestive look given to her by Amais. She wasn't so quick to trust and go places with people that she had just met, but she figured what's the harm in getting some fresh air if no one was even supervising them. "Why not?" Serenity said, taking her hair tie out and allowing her dirty golden locks to fall to her mid-back. She bent her body in half a bit to look in her bag for her lighter. Serenity searched and searched, but couldn't find it and gave up trying to look for it. She stood up, out of her chair, running her fingers back through her hair to get it out of her face.
Watching Sere run her hands through her hair, Amais blushed then pinched herself for being so sappy. Reaching into a pocket of her flannel cardigan, she would pull out a lighter and toss it at Sere "Dude, don't ask". Walking confidently out of the classroom, Amais would stretch and give a satisfied sigh " I've always hated school. Even though we're in a school of pyscho's there's still an upper and lower class". Pulling out her phone and some speakers from her backpack which she slung over, she would play some music, something with a deep bass and interesting lyrics. Raising her hands to the sky, Amais would go into a series peculiar gyrations, extending a hand to Sere, she'd smirk "Come on, I cant dance, I need someone to instruct me in the art of not looking like a octopus when one dances"
Serenity smiled, tucking the lighter into the pocket of the leather jacket she wore. She couldn't help but laugh at the reference. "An octopus?" Serenity exclaimed, still laughing. "Never heard that one before," she said, taking her hand and smiling widely. Serenity wouldn't let her in, no, but it didn't mean she couldn't have some fun. "I think if I were to use a reference to how I look when I'm dancing, I'd say a hippopotamus in a bathtub," At the comment she made, Serenity lost her grip on Amais hand and doubled over, clutching her stomach as she laughed. She didn't know why she was laughing so hard and her cheeks were tinged with a light pink blush. Serenity's cheeks cooled off in a short amount of time and she stood back up, smiling at Amais and taking her hand to dance with her.

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