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Fandom hunter x hunter

Conner was starting to slow down, panting and wheezing. Eventually he had to come to a stop to get his breath back. Those freaking things were fast, and this armor was heavy. 'Guess I'll just sit here for a bit.' Conner thought as he took out his sword.
Isles inhales and exhales to relax his self "Alright you go for the creature I'll back you up" he says in a serious tone.
Isles took note of the man "he could be a threat in the exams best to be careful" he then took caution for whatever outcome.
Archdemon sighed as he saw a house. He went inside the house and saw a smashed table and a wounded man. He crouched near the man and said "What happened here?"

Isles quickly dodged the punch effortlessly and backs some distance "What are you doing?" he pulls out his boomerang fast and in one swift motion releases it a mach one speeds normally it was going to smash into his rib cage before he could even dodge it.
The boomerang hit him clear in the stomach, bending him double. Then, two rabbit like ears popped out his hair, and his face stretched and his body grew, he changed into the same beast that kidnapped the girl "keshishi" laughed the creature. "You couldn't tell." Before disappearing into the thick woods
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(Pb Please edit your post if not then my character is most likely going to give up and i'm out. But it's your RP you don't have to)
(Thats not the case Pb was in a group so someone more capable of your group took over possibly and there are alot of people who would leave. My character would utterly feel defeated if a attack that he trained years to use were utterly defeated with no effort that was the most capable attack without causing serious damage and he is not trying to kill or seriously hurt anyone unless necessary. Also you caught a shuriken which I did not throw I threw a Boomerang)
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Conner walked carefully through the woods, sword out and shield ready. He lost his target, and wasn't sure which way it went. It might come to him and try to rip his head off. Or it might have just run off. Conner wasn't one hundred percent sure which it would do, and was hoping for the latter. But none the less, he was prepared for the just in case.
Conner wheeled around to face him, sword raised. Seeing that it was Pbtenchi, Conner lowers his sword. "Are you sure?" Conner asked "Because last I saw, he was pretty messed up."
(honestly I am grateful for you editing thank you)

The attack landed gracefully then returned back with even greater force surprising Isles and as if that wasn't enough the creature had fooled him and even mocked his lack of intelligence, usually he would be pissed but out of nowhere his body created a chuckle and he goes after the creature once again the girl was not with this one but it was his only lead.
Conner wasn't a doctor or anything, but he was sure that the wounds the man had were pretty bad. "Ok, if you say so." Conner said a bit skeptically. "Did you see a creature running around somewhere? Probably carrying a screaming girl?"
"Alright then, you can at least make yourself useful and help me look for it." Conner said before turning and walking in the direction he last saw the creature go. He didn't like how Pbtenchi was inching up on him either. He might swing that way, but he sure didn't. And he kept his sword ready, just in case.
Conner whipped around and held his katana to Pbtenchi's chest. "If you get any closer, I will not hesitate to kill you." Conner told him, meaning every word.
"Yes, personal space." Conner told him. He was acting strange. But then again, Conner didn't really know Pbtenchi, so he wasn't sure. Still, he kept his sword out, and now he kept an eye on him.

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