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Realistic or Modern Hunt on the Deviants

( @Brown, I feel like the deviants should intervene some how but I'm not really sure how to get them to the bar... Maybe Leven could invite Lucina to go eat dinner or something and then see them somehow..? Then use his ability to get the others to come help? Dunno, just throwing out ideas)

Leven felt a bit of color creep into his cheeks at her words and concealed his face by looking down again. Man this girl was full of compliments, he was kind of surprised how nice she was being.

"Yeah, I guess so, looking back I never really thought about it like that, I only ever saw it as me trying to survive. But I guess it must've been pretty hard."

Leven marveled, frowning slightly as hetilted his head up, resting the back against the wall and examining the ceiling.

If he were in the same position now as he was before, which he kind of was, the only difference being he was now back in a foster home. Leven wondered how things would be different. He'd likely be able to stay out longer and not get caught as easily, perhaps he could even use his age to get out legally.

The streets would be much less terrifying too, suddenly Leven had a sort of flash back, remembering the terrified feeling he had wondering around on his own at such a young age. But he assumed he must've gotten used to it, because dB that feeling came from the beginning, and he was out for many years.
She half-smiled at "must've been pretty hard." She rested her chin on her knee as she mused over everything he said, a twinge of gratefulness going through her. Deviant's lives were far from easy, but hers- in comparison- was perfect. Perhaps that's why she was the last one to see what Tommy for what he was. She was still naive to how dangerous things could actually be for people like her.

Maybe it wouldn't hurt to be more guarded in the future. She remembered what Mac something said earlier; "But when he kills one of us, you have no one to blame but yourself. And he will. People don't learn." She winced as she thought of that. Had she been wrong to heal Tommy? She rocked slowly back and forth as she considered that, tapping her fingertips on the floor.
Leven nodded slightly, closing his eyes and thinking about it. Yeah, it was pretty hard, but he got through it and was still alive today, if maybe a bit damaged. Leven lifted his head and opened his eyes, looking at Lucina as she sat across from him.

Since he'd been looking away, he noticed for the first time the sort of lost in thought look she wore. Leven hadn't noticed before, but she had a somewhat anxious, worried look on her face.

"What are you thinking about?"

He asked, leaning off the wall slightly and folding his hands in his lap. He couldn't tell what the look was from, but he assumed it had something to do with the story he'd just told. But she had made it clear she didn't pity him, so what, or who, could she be worrying about?
Damn, he was perceptive. She paused, deciding that she'd keep her thoughts about Tommy to herself. For now, at least. He'd been the one to come get her to help all three of them, he must've thought Tommy was worth saving too. "I was just thinking that I'm really lucky," she said quietly. "I think one of the reasons I find your... uh, situation impressive is because I couldn't do that." She smirked, shaking her head. "Remember when we first went into the gym and there was blood everywhere? I asked you, "who?" I needed you to tell me who to start healing," she said, a bit of sullenness creeping into her tone. Of course, she'd ended up actually made the decision herself. But she did poorly under pressure, she knew she did. She couldn't deal with that Leven had- she didn't have the personality for it.
Leven smiled slightly, if a bit tense, and shrugged, lifting his shoulders up then dropping them in an uninterested manner.

"I guess some people do better under pressure than others. And in the gym, even if you panicked, you did fine without me telling you what to do or anything. Maybe you just need someone else nearby, for the, oh I dunno, emotional support or something. Some people would rather go through things with others, some people do better alone. For me it's not exactly that I did better alone, I don't think, I just.. didn't have much of a choice, so survival instincts kicked in and I adapted."

He said with another shrug, looking up at the ceiling as he spoke. Leven guessed he was more of an adapter than a changer, some people changed their situations to suit them, he just changed himself to suit the situation. It couldn't really be as hard as Lucina was making it out to be, could it? Leven shook his head slightly, man all of this was getting confusing.

He looked down at his wrist and was surprised to see that it'd been around two hours since school had let out, which seemed like it should be a lot, but in retrospect it felt like they'd been doing stuff in the club for days. Leven stood up and brushed himself off, then offered Lucina a hand.

"We should probably start heading back, I'm guessing the club will be ending soon and we don't want to be stuck in here."
Lucina took his hand and pulled herself up, glancing down the glass window at the end of the hall at the darkening sky. She was also surprised by how long they'd been there. "Do you think you'll keep coming to the club?" She asked as they walked back to the classroom. She still wasn't sure if she was planning on coming back or not.
He frowned and furrowed his eyebrows, letting out a long shaky breath as he tuckes his hands in hia pockets. That was a very goos question. Would Levn keep coming to the club? He wasn't sure.

He wasn't quite ready to trust these people, but he also knew that he needed to advance his social skills. This club might be the only, or best opportuniry Leven had to do that.

Not to mention the support for deviants it provided, it was unlikely he'd find another place where he could share with people who were like him. Leven considered all of this with a thoughtful expression, and when they were outside the question, finally answered.

"I.. I think I will. Yes. It'll be new, and hard to adjust too, but, but I think it'll be good for me."
(You can if you want haha, I'll just slow down the progress a little.)

Tommy was thrown out of the car trunk, still tied up and almost bled out. A couple of hunters picked him up from the ground and carried him inside 'The Ol Bar'. "Hope it was worth it kid... Not sure how The Old Man's gonna react." Tommy knew exactly how he would react, he was probably going to cut his fingers off one by one and feed them to him. They threw him on the bar and took seats, awaiting The Old Man.
Mac tapped his fingers on the desk he was sitting in. "I feel it's necessary to methodically test everyone in this club. Whether it be background checks or anything else, I don't want anyone else getting hurt by some psycho."
Noah looked up fter walking into the room and turned his gaze on Mac. He frowned slightly, it was unlikely there'd be any files on him, and the ones existing he'd made himself to give to the social workers. But he figured that he was paranoid, so it's reasonable for Mac to be paranoid too.

"I personally don't really care what you do, but don't use your little background check as an excuse to just learn all our secrets. I'm sure there's things about you that you don't want us to know about you, so it's likely everyone else here has some too."

Leven said sternly, giving Mac a stiff glance before heading back to his corner of the room. Well not exactly his, but the one he'd occupied before leaving. His unfortunate pitiful past was not something he needed half the people here knowing, what mattered was who Leven was as a person now.
"Relax." Mac said. "I couldn't care less about your personal life. I just want enough information to be sure that we can trust you. All of you. And honestly, I don't think you guys handled that well. He's going to go to his hunter buddies and say it's easy to attack us, with free medical care after."
Eizan sighed "If they're as resourcefull as him, then... this school won't be standing much longer..." Eizan suprisingly regained some of his manipulative energy, though not much, maybe this was the result of the healing Lucina gave him.
Leven scowled and spun around. He wasn't surs why but for some reSon those words really set him off. The fact that Tommy was now, or at least based on what he had seen Leven thought he was now going to get revenge for his family, made him irked. Family was a touchy subject for Leven and because of that he would defend Tommy's reasoning to the end.

"You dumbass, that's not even remotely what he's doing. Stop making assumptions about people based on biased facts."

He snapped, glaring at Mac with a deathly serious stance. Suddenly Leven had an idea, perhaps he could go to where Tommy was and show Mac that he was wrong. He spun at Eizan with a somewhat surprised expression, even he was being negative.

"You too? Really? You guys aren't even stopping to question why he's a hunter, you just automatically hate him for it? What the fuck man? What ever happened to don't judge a book by its cover.
He scoffed. "Right! Next time a guy has a gun to my head I'll ask him his life story before judging him. Who cares? If you want to kill people just because they're different, you're a bad person no matter the reason."
Eizan frowned "I have my reasons..." he said, looking away from Leven, he sighed, grabbing his iron orb again, though he had not enough energy to manipulate iron, the heaviest he could do now would be Magnesium.
Hiresh Hitomi rested underneath a willow tree with his backpack lying next to him on the ground. His eyes were closed as he enjoyed the warmth of the sun, his right hand resting on the earth beside him and his left resting on his stomach. Often found outside, he hadn't yet made any friends so far.
Leven marched closer and grabbed a fistful of the other man's shirt, twisting it and leaning forward. The man was pretty tall, but Mac was around the same height, so he hoped his appearance was as intimidating as it felt.

"You piece of shit. That's not why he was trying to kill us! He was being blackmailed, Mac, blackmailed, they had his family. He had no choice, and yet he failed for us, sacrificed the people he cared about! They fucking blew them to bits."

Leven dropped his hands and stepped back, clenching his fists and shaking slightly with anger.

"H-he didn't have a choice..."

Leven said, trailing off and looking away. He sympathized with Tommy, he understood how he felt, if Leven had a do over he would love his first foster family instead of leaving them. Fuck. Now he was getting emotional. Leven shook his head and turned, glaring at Mac and then at Eizan as well. Both of them, insensitive stereotyping bastards.
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Mac looked downward, deep in thought. "I'll.... Be right back." He said before disappearing.

A few minutes later Mac walked into the bar Tommy was in as they waited for the "old man" to walk in. "What's the matter guys? Am I not who you were expecting?"
Eizan noticed the new kid outside, wondering if he was a Deviant or not, he was still annoyed be Levin's words, he did not know what horrors the hunters did before he came to this school, there was a reason why he isn't confident in anything.

Jenn sighed, "Well... since you've only just arrived here, why don't I introduce myself, I'm Jenn Scott, your classroom teacher and head of the Deviant club" she smiled and held out her hand.

@Wild Born @eclipsehowls
Leven sighed and stalked over to his corner again, sitting on the desk and leaning against the wall. He pictured Tommy in his mind and found himself in a bar... with the 'hunter' in question sprawled over the bartop, bleeding profusely from what looked like a bullet wound or two and bound in rope.

The deviant's eyes widened and he immediatly went down and pressed on the wound, terrified of being seen even though it was impossible. But no matter what he did, in his sort of partially nonexistant state Leven couldn't help. He needed to get Lucina down here.

He went ooutside and looked at the intersection, the street names, address and what the bar looked like from the outside. It was kind of hidden, tucked back away but since Leven knew it existed he figured if his body was nearby he could get to the bar.

Immrdiatly he went back to his body, right before Mac stepped into the bar, and snapped awake, shouting Lucina's name and jumping off the desk.

"Come on come on come on we don't have much time!!"
" I'm Sky Blu, a deviant...and what is the deviant club? " Sky asked unsure if that was just a name or a club full of deviants
Hiresh opened his eyes and removed his hand from the earth before getting to his feet as his stomach grumbled with hunger. With a sigh he grabbed his backpack and got to his feet, noticing that he was being watched when he looked in the direction of the school. "Need something?" he asked.
Lucina had been sitting fearfully in a corner of the classroom while Mac, Eizan, and Leven talked. She tapped her fingertips as they argued- her nervous habit- and waited for things to get ugly. She sighed in relief as she turned out to be wrong. Sliding into her desk again, she was almost asleep when Leven shouted at her.

She immediately sprung up sleepily, not questioning him as she hurried over. "Do we need to take my car, or just run?" She questioned as calmly as possible. There was no one else in the school that she knew of, and so the injured person must've been further away. @No4hx
Eizan wanted to answer, but quickly turned to Leven "What's the matter!?" he asked after flinching.

The woman smiled "The Deviant club is a club where Deviants can converse, study and train in peace with each other" she said, looking at Sky, she guessed she was a Deviant as well
Hiresh stared at Eizan for a few moments before shrugging and began walking off, not sure what he wanted to eat. If the kid wanted to talk, he could speak up or follow Hiresh. It didn't matter one way or the other to the young Deviant.

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