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Realistic or Modern Hunt on the Deviants

Lucina's eyes widened at Mac's question. She didn't deal well with anger, or any emotion in all honesty. She smiled weakly at him, shrugging her shoulders. "Uh, just wondering if you were okay..." She trailed off as Leven refused her healing, pouting slightly as he pulled out of the bar's parking lot.

They actually did it. Got Tommy out of there without anyone dying or getting hurt- well, no more than they were already. She leaned her head against the back of the driver's seat, inhaling deeply. The adrenaline was still in full swing even though she was safe now.

"My house is the other way," she said after a few minutes of driving, rolling carefully to her knees and looking through the windshield with a frown. "Don't worry about my parents or anything, they won't be home," she mumbled. "Do you know where South Sanders is? My house is off there, " she continued after a moment.
Leven looked up, realizing what she had said and nodded, turning in the direction of South Sanders and mentally calculating a route. He was driving slowly, very slowly and the car sometimes veered off to the side as he lost focus, but Leven kept driving. He looked straight ahead, staying focused on the road to distract himself ffom the strange, churning feeling inside.

He should have listened to Lucina, Leven felt like complete shit, and honestly had no idea what had possessed him to go back in. He must be completely insane-wait, now he could remember, the family thing. Leven mentally sighed, looking at Tommy's unconscious body in the rearview mirror.

That poor poor guy, loosing the two people he loved and then not being able to get the revenge he wanted. It must be so frustrating, feeling as helpless as he must feel, the deviant had had some rough times, but damn. That must be hard.

Tommy didn't really seem like he was going to get any where with his revenge. The old mad seemed from what Leven had seen like a powerful adversary. Even if he somehow convinced some of tue other deviants to help it'd be near impossible to get him.
"That's my house right there," Lucina said when they pulled up to her street, pointing to a small yellow house on the corner. There were no cars in the driveway- her brother wasn't home, either. She waited until Leven pulled up to the house to climb into the passenger's seat, glancing back at Tommy every few seconds. "You're going to have to let me help you now," she said gently. "Because I won't be able to get him inside without your help." She didn't really care at this point if he refused. She'd just heal him anyway and deal with his potential anger afterwards. She was fairly sure she could help now, since his physical body was obviously suffering.
Eizan sighed, he was about to handle them before they ran away. Sitting in the backseat of the car, he looked outside, thinking about this action, just to save that damn hunter, but he guessed that there wouldn't be any point in arguing about it now.
Leven turned off the jeep and stiffened slightly, frowning as he looked back at where Tommy lie across the seats, a bit of fuzzy black spots around the edges of his vision. He turned with a small sigh back to Lucina and nodded stiffly, avoiding looking at her eyes and keeping his gaze stubbornly on the steering wheel.

"Fine, but only enough so that I can walk. Eizan will help us carry him if I'm not strong enough, but you have to save the rest of your energy for him." He said, nodding politely at Eizan before jutting his chin back to Tommy. He'd lost so much blood, it would take forever for him to go back to functioning normally, which meant forever and then some before they could get revenge on the old man. That was officially on Leven's to-do list, they would definitely get their revenge if he had anythign to say about it.
Lucina smiled smugly, reaching out and placing her index finger lightly on Leven's forearm. She winced at the state he was in- even worse than she thought. The exhausted tissue was hard to revive without water and rest, but not impossible. "Better?" She asked anxiously, hopping out of the driver's seat and leaning in the open door to speak to Eizan and Leven. "I'll go unlock and open the door," she announced, holding up her house keys and then jogging the short walk to her front door.

She unlocked it and threw it wide open so they could get Tommy through without stopping, then jogged back over to the Jeep. "When you go in, my room is the first left down the hall. You'll see it," she instructed, opening the back door of the Jeep and awkwardly cradling Tommy's feet. "Wanna get his arms, Eizan?"
Leven felt an almost instant relief as she touched him, and closed his eyes resting his head on the back of the seat. He stayed in that position until Lucina came back, relishing the feeling of the nausea leaving his body. It wasn't much, but enough to get Leven the confidence boost he needed as he got out of the car to offer some help. Looking at the way Lucina picked Tommy up, the young man realized they were going to need some other system, possibly a makeshift stretcher or something.

"Do you have any cutting boards?"

He asked, already moving swiftly up the steps and digging around in the kitchen until he found a quite large one, and then another almost the same side. Both were large slabs of wood, which Leven carried back outside, then, using the guaze he had in his pocket from back at the school heattached them in the middle then held up the 'stretcher' to inspect his work.

"Could we carry him in with this? It would probably jostle him around less and make it easier for us."

He suggested, a bit of color rising in his cheeks before he set the wooden cutting boards on the ground and stepped back. Ok, so maybe the stretcher idea was a bit excessive, but Leven couldn't exactly offer assisstance carrying Tommy without making it awkward having one person round his middle, and one on each end.
Lucina watched Leven get up with a pleased expression. It was hard not to admire her own handiwork, especially when it took the form of someone feeling-and looking- a lot better.

She laughed under her breath when Leven returned with her mom's butting boards. It was a pretty good idea. She would just have to remember to clean them before her mom chopped vegetables again.

"It should work," she agreed easily, carefully reaching under Tommy to lift him up enough to slide the boards under.

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