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Realistic or Modern Hunt on the Deviants

" Mind if I join? " Sky asked smiling as she gave off a soft yellow glow of happiness that she found a place she might be able to fit in
"Car, we need to go, now, quickly, they're waiting for something,I'm not sure what's happening, but we don't have much time."

Leven said, hurrying out of the classroom, he glanced at Eizan and opened his mouth to say Tommy, but hesitated. Would the other deviant come if he knew who it was? Leven couldn't take that chance.

"I-it was blurry, lots of blood, unrecognizeable, I think he was shot."

All those things were true, you couldn't tell who it was because of the bad shape he was in, Leven only knew because that was the person it had taken him to when he thought of Tommy.

"Come on! I know where it is, I'll drive."

He shouted as he dashed out of the door to the parking lot and turned anxiously to Lucina for direction.
Eizan nodded "I'll come with you" maybe they would need someone to quickly open a door or something, Eizan wasn't too sure if he'd be any help, but he didn't want to take any chances.

"Interesting" Jenn said as she noticed the yellow glow, she quickly snapped out of it and laughed "Of course you can! I was about to go there"
Lucina's heart stopped when Leven mentioned someone being shot. She didn't know if she could deal with a bullet wound on a normal day, let along when she was already running on her leftover energy. Do it anyway. There was no other option- she'd do her best. She would not let whoever it was die, at the very least.

She ran to her red Jeep as fast as her legs could carry her, flinging her keys clumsily at Leven. She climb into the passenger's seat, smiling at Eizan anxiously as he followed. Calm down calm down calm down calm down.
Hiresh made his way to the school and walked inside before heading for the cafeteria. As far as he knew, everyone here was a human, but there could be others like him with different powers. Students and maybe staff could be hiding in plain sight, scared to show their powers. With humans hunting Deviants, he figured it was a smart move to stay hidden if you were the prey.
Sky giggled a bit and the glow mirrored her reaction by glowing brighter then dimming when she stopped giggling
"Eizan is there any way you could, I dunno, reduce the friction to make us go faster? We don't have much time."

Leven shouted as he started the engine and swerved out of the parking lot, driving absurdly fast and gripping the wheel with white knuckles. His expression was grimly determined, Leven was going to help Tommy, he wasn't sure why, but he felt he owed it to him.

He made several mad turns, but was careful to make sure Lucina wasn't panicking too much, he needed her calm if she was going to be able to help enough. Levem figured they'd have trouble getting Tommy out of there, so she'd be able to recharge a bit longer before having to do anything major.

Soon enough he had pulled in an alley, and shut off the engine, pointing to the bar's entrance and sitting back in his seat. Once again, for the billionth time that day, Leven traveled with his mind, and was shocked to see Mac in the bar. What the hell is he doing here?

He shook his head and turned back to Tommy for a moment before examining the building. There were windows, but too high up and small, and the door was too obvious. It looked like there weren't any other exits that he could see, but perhaps one of them could sneak in as a bartender or something.

Leven came back to the jeep and opened his eyes, swaying slightly and looking at the three in the car.

"The best idea is for one of us to go in disguise, I can be inside without moving, so it'd be better if it was one of you I think. Though I'm not sure which. He needs to be healed, but Eizan you can fight, which may be important... gah this is hard."

Leven said, gritting his teeth and scowling while punching the dashboard furiously.
Eizan nodded and moved as much air out of the way as he could, air is compromised of lighter molecules so it was pretty easy for him to do. "I'll try and do as much as I can, though I won't be able to control elements heavier than carbon when we arrive, so a graphene shield is out of the question if I still want to fight, worst case scenario I can blow the place with hydrogen gas, but I'd rather not do that" he rambled on about things he could do, it was a way for him to try and relieve the nervousness he was feeling
Lucina tapped Leven's shoulder lightly, giving him the most convincing smile she could. Having someone else to calm down made her feel better. "It makes more sense for me to go in, since I can heal myself too," she said calmly, pulling off her tie. She definitely looked like she was in high school, but thankfully she kept some extra clothes in her trunk. She tossed the tie in the floorboard, climbing somewhat awkwardly into the backseat with Eizan to reach into the trunk.

She came back with a black hoodie, pulling it over her head and letting her hair down from its ponytail. "Do I look like I just came from school?" She asked, her nerves creeping back into her voice. Calm, she reminded herself furiously. She had no idea how she was going to wing this, but she'd manage somehow. Being 5'1 might come in handy- not many people saw you as a threat when you were a girl and tiny. Eizan, on the other hand, would draw attention fast.
Hiresh reached the cafeteria and put some fruits, vegetables and a loaf of bread on a plate with a glass of water.
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Leven nodded slowly, then frowned slightly, realizing how vulnerable she looked. He clenched his jaw slightly and turned in the seat, shaking his head.

"Eizan, you should go with her, she's going to need a lot of energy to heal him and she cant be healing herself at the aame time. Go with just as a safety precaution, I doubt anyone will mess with you guys if you go in together."

Leven said, trying to sound logical and create the safest scenario possible given the circumstances. He was nervous as hell, this was not helping his anxiety.

"Do you have any other pants? Or a different skirt?"

He asked, directing the question at Lucina with a hasty expression. If not then the uniform skirt would have to do, his only worry was that if she didn't fit in with the crowd some the guys in the bar might cause trouble.
Eizan nodded "I'll do whatever I can to protect her..." he was wonderibg how long he'd be able to keep up using his manipulation when the time comes to fight.

Jenn took note of her aura again "sorry for asking, but... are your powers linked to emotion?"

@Wild Born
Sky nodded " They call it an active aura " she held her hand up and a whispy almost smoke like aura swirled around her fingers then it faded and she dropped her hand back down to her side
Lucina reddened considerably before nodding. "Uh, yeah. I'll put that on," she mumbled, adverting her eyes as she climbed into the wide trunk and worked on pulling off her skirt and replacing it with a pair of jeans. Her face warmed further at Eizan's words, but not in embarrassment. "And you let me know the second you're hurt, i-if that happens," she demanded, zipping up her jeans with slightly shaking hands and climbing back into the backseat with Eizan. "You be careful too," she ordered Leven. "Please," she added afterwards, feeling somewhat rude.
Leven turned back around, politely averting his eyes and waiting until he heard her come back before turning back and looking between the two of them. He nodded his thanks to Eizan, and then offered a slight smile to Lucina.

"Alright, you guys get going, it looked pretty safe when I looked in earlier. Oh, one more thing, I saw Mac in there.. I'm not sure what he was doing but just as a forewarning just in case."

Leven said, remembering seeing the man earlier when he'd gone in to investigate. Leven sat back in the seat and blew out a shaky breath through pursed lips. This was bad, dangerous, not looking good at all. Leven wondered if it was a good idea to risk three lives--maybe four, depending on if Mac was with them or not--for the sake of one, even considering the chance that one had saved them all.
The Old Man entered the bar, sulkiently resting his hand on Tommy's head. He leaned his head towards Tommy and whispered into his ear. "Not a bad girl you had..." Tommy muffled loudly, causing The Old Man to smash Tommy's head into the bar. It was like a movie; Mac appearing out of nowhere. Once Mac said what he needed to say, every hunter in the bar drew weapons at him. The Old Man was missing his left arm, but kept his right hand in his pocket. "Oh boy... You just warped into the wrong bar..."

Leven closed his eyes and renentered thw builsing to see the ols man, vaguely familiar from when he'd seen him walking from the house. And every man in the room pointing guns at Mac. His eyes shot open and he sat up, flailing his arms in an attempt to stop them from going inside.

"Not now not now not now." Leven said quickly, wincing as his head swam and he had to sit back for a moment, clutching it and groaning. He took a few deep breaths, closing his eyes to regain himself.

"Don't, don't go in. They all have guns, Mac's in trouble." He said slowly, voice somewhat hoarse and quiet as he spoke. Shit, he needed to take a break, all the mindtraveling was seriously starting to take its toll.

"We need a new plan, it's not going to work to just walk in, they flipped on Mac, we-we need to get them out of there."
Lucina eyed Leven worriedly, her green eyes flickering from the bar to Eizan and then back to Leven again. She took a deep breath, waiting until she was reasonably sure her voice wouldn't shake to speak. "So, we need a distraction," she mumbled, studying her bloody fingernails. "I could... I could try to distract them? Better for me to get shot than for either of you," she said, attempting to sound confident in that. Sure, she'd healed herself millions of times and she knew without a doubt she was best at healing herself. But that was different than saying she'd be able to heal herself if she was shot. Leven and Eizan didn't need to know that, though.

"I mean, we only have two options. We can either try stealth or to overpower them. And seeing how we're outnumbered, I don't think we could overpower them. So, um, we need either mass chaos to try to get them out in the middle of the confusion, or a distraction... right?"
Leven frowned, looking up and suddenly brightened slightly.

"Mass confusion... that's, actually not a bad idea.. hm. Possibly we could use a distraction to create mass confusion.. surprise just one of those guys and they'll let off a shot, and then everyone else will follow suit. We just need something to get the first guy to fire."

Now he was becoming almost... eager, as he turned on the engine and backed up, aligning the car beneath the line of high up windows he'd seen earlier. He climbed through the open structure of the jeep to stand on top of it, and was able to reach the windows.

"Ok... ok, ok here's whats going to happen. I'll transport into the bar and get a big tray, while one of you, possibly Eizan stands here watching for me to move the tray over near Mac. Once it's there you'll break the windows, causing the gunmen to panic and fire, and poof, we've got chaos. I'll use the tray to cover Mac while Lucina, you, uh, you can come in the door behind him in case he gets shot and we can hide behind the bar. We'll grab To-" He paused for a moment, realizing he'd almost let out Tommy's name. "the guy, and then make a run for it. Eh, ok so that isn't kuch of a plan, but it could work... maybe..."

Leven trailed off and turned around, suddenly sheepish as he realized he'd just talked for probably too long.

"Um.. so.. whatddya say..? Should we try it?"
"Sounds better than anything I could come up with," she admitted, looking around her car as he explained his idea. She was looking for something for them to throw through the windows, but there was nothing solid enough. "Just give us a while to collect some rocks or something." After a few minutes of searching, she turned up with a few handfuls of moderately large rocks stuffed in the pocket of her hoodie. She gave Eizan half of them before carefully climbing onto the back of her Jeep to look in through the windows.

"I'm not tall enough," she said, pouting as she stood on her tip-toes to try to see inside. "You just tell me when to throw the damn rocks," she grumbled to Eizan. She turned to Leven, her dark eyebrows furrowed anxiously. "Don't overexert yourself, okay? I don't want to have to show you firsthand how well I heal," she said, wiggling her fingers at him playfully. "Let's go save Mac and Tom- uh, the guy," she said in a quieter tone, giving Leven a meaningful look.
"Right" Eizan said, he looked over and saw a puddle of water, he lifted the water molecules up, shifted it into an orb, which flew at his side. Water had a lot of potential usages here, creation of hydrogenperoxide for targetting the eyes, oxygen to start fires, hydrogen to explode, or even ozone-gas to poison a few men, the hard part was forming these new molecules from the water, it took far more energy than splitting them, freezing the water was no option either, Eizan did not have enough manipulative power left to change temperature, which he wasn't very keen at to begin with.

@Brown @Wild Born @eclipsehowls
Sky followed her and waited as she went into the cafeteria and began sternly talking to a student
Hiresh looked up at the teacher, slightly annoyed that he had been bothered. "Didn't know I was supposed to be telling anybody that I arrived here," he said.
Leven chuckled at Luxina as she tried to peer theough the window, and shook his head slightly before climbing back into the jeep seatand cloaing his eyes. Soon enough he was behind the bar, ans instantly began looking for a tray, which he found near the back. Leven quickly moved it around to show Eizan he had it before dragging it over to where Mac was standing. He then lifted it slightly and prepared to push it in front of Mac as soon as the first shot went off.

This was getting quite stressful, like a battlefield or something, and Leven had grown incredibly tense with pent up energy and anxiety. There were lives at stake here, he could not under any circumstances mess up, it could cost more than a few injuries. Speaking of which, Tommy still had the bullet wound. He needed some serious attention, and fast, or he'd be dying again for the second time that day.
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He cracked his neck before grabbing the old man from behind and teleporting him outside. "What bar?" He said with a sadistic smile.

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