Grand Adventure: Red Skies at Morn

Think of it like a resistor in an electrical circuit. Their entire being is something of an opposite to magic that if they attempt to engage with magic beyond anything in stasis (ex: they can handle mana crystals fine as long as they're just moving them) that they disrupt the flow of magic. If they keep attempting to interact with magical items or rituals they may negate the magic entirely, rendering the spell or device useless.

But to be fair they can handle magical items and not break them if they wear special gloves for the job.

Also to be fair I'm making up a lot of this as I go along. :P
Are you okay with it so far, tho? Remember it's only a belief system, not necessarily the One True Cosmology.
I'm good ^-^

got back from taking my dogs to the groomers and I'm watching sandlot with my step dad = w=
And I'm playing the gypsy Con Artist aboard the Banshee ^-^

My girl is uh...I mean I'm glad you like her. She's erm...very

She is well suited for the pirate life 8D
Okay! I finished my exegesis of Manumite religious beliefs:

In their own slithery reptilitan language of A’Surayash-Eel the Manumites are called Surayash, meaning Children of Sur, their chief deity.

Sur/A'Sur - the Dragon. Also Sesk-Antur the Winged Serpent, Ashama the Great Father, Shara-Sin the Creator of the World, or simply Lua, God. Generally referred to as the Serpent God or the Ourobouros by human academians. He is said to be the originator of all things. He has no temples or priests - only household shrines and carried talismans, for all Surayash venerate Sur in their own fashion.

Uwr - the Cosmos. Often styled as Aral Uwr, Ocean that is Everything. Also Ea-Ahahat - the Gates of Being. The genesis and origin-point of the Cosmos, where and whence Sur was self-created.

Seeth - the Void. Seeth Uwr, the Emptiness of Uwr, the primordial darkness before creation. Also called Isreet, Chaos, and Twhi-ai-Bwhi, Formless-and-Empty.

Sin/A'Sin - the World, also An'Hara, the Great Egg. Laid by Sur, who impregnated himself in hermetic fashion. Sin contains the goddess Sinlua within. Alternatively, Sinlua is the heart of Sur, and the world is the ribcage surrounding it, Ibash-Sur, the Bones of Sur.

Luash (singular Lua) - the Gods. Most are created by Sur from his bodily aspects.

Sinlua - from Sin-Lua the Earth Goddess. Also Shala-Sin, the World Mother, Qilal-Sin, the World's Heart, and Qilal-Sur, the Heart of Sur. Either said to be the dormant daughter of Sur’s World Egg, or created from his Heart. Sinlua lies dormant within the world and receives the dead in her bosom, to be born anew when she hatches from the World Egg at the end of the Suq Uamash or Age of Men, whereon the Surayash believe they will inherit the new world, Sin Olaam, the World To Come. Sinlua's Mastabah temples often double as funeral houses and her shrines stand at the gates of cemeteries. They tend to be subterranean in some fashion, occasionally built within natural cavern complexes or artificial catacombs. Funerary rites are dedicated to Sinlua, as are all places of burial.

Sharash - from Shara, Progenitor in majestic plural, Maker of Makers. The Sun God, born from the right eye of Sur, and thence called Adjat-Sur, the Eye of Sur. Also called Sha-Lua the Sun God and Shama-Sha, Father Sun. A deity so popular among the Manumites that in some places he supercedes Sur himself, or they are conflated as Sur-Sharash. Sharash is venerated by male Sun Priests who practice Sha-Hequt, Sun Magic, which chiefly involves pyromancy and divination. His temples are in the form of ziggurats. Male manumites born with melanism (black scales) are said to be Sha-Saabe, Sun Blessed and destined to become influential Sun Priests and prodigies of Sun Magic. Melanistic females, on the other hand, are Oshethash, Abominations, and immediately sacrificed to Sharash on a pyre at the summit of his temple.

Lailua - from Lai-Lua, the Moon Goddess, born from the Left Eye of Sur, and so called Nebet-Adjat-Sur. Also called Shala-Lai, Mother Moon, or simply Lai, the Moon. Lailua is worshiped chiefly by female Moon Priestesses and practitioners of Lai-Hequt or Moon Magic, a form of witchcraft closely associated with herbalism, midwifery, illusion and mystery. Her temples are in the form of sacred circular or crescent-shaped moon pools enclosed by an open hieron. Female manumites born with albinism (white scales) are said to be Lai-Saabe or Moon Blessed and have a natural talent for Lai-Hequt. Male albinos are considered accidents of birth and are castrated at the age of ten, to more properly reflect the feminine moon.

Qiyal Ulul Neen-Sur - The Four Pillars of the House of Sur - A collective term for the worship of the chief gods; Sur, Sharash, Lailua and Sinlua.

Rahhabash - from Rah-Hab, Salt-water, in majestic plural. Also Arallua, Sea God, and Abdaba-Aral, Old Man of the Sea. The god of the sea, saltwater, storms, disaster, war and conquest. Born from the spilled Venom of Sur, and hence called Lassuk-Sur. Rahhabash is a vengeful, capricious and exceedingly dangerous deity. He is married to the moon goddess Lailua, who curbs his tempers with her sweet songs. Their offspring are the great sea serpents, krakens and monsters of the deep. Their eldest child is the Leviathan.

Talissua - from Tal-Essu-Lua, Nourishing-Life-God. Also Hwahhabala, Fresh-water Lady, and Hiwt-Somsee, Provider of Milk. The goddess of freshwater, rivers, rain, clouds, nourishment, love and fertility. Born from the spilled Tears of Sur, and hence called Ayal-Sur. Talissua is a nurturing, gentle and beneficent goddess, and considered the most beautiful of all divine beings. She is marred to the sun god Sharash. Their children are the Allash or Stars.

Qallu-ai-Qanu - meaning Skillful and Strong. The god of fire, volcanoes, metallurgy, skill, ingenuity and craftsmanship. Born from the spilled Blood of Sur, and hence called Soma-Sur. Qallu is married to Sehereesi. Their offspring are the fire-dragons, wyrms and flying beasts of wind and flame.Their eldest child is the Phoenix.

Sehereesi - from Seher-Eesi, Wind Dancer. The goddess of air, winds, art, poetry, song, dance and festivity and hunting. Born from the Breath of Sur, and hence called Ushu-Sur. Qallu is Sehereesi’s husband.

Qiyal Dymah Neen-Sin - The Four Walls of the House of Earth. A collective term for the four nature gods; Rahhabash, Talissua, Qallu-ai-Qanu and Sehereesi

Loseeth - A concatenation of Lua-A'Seeth, the God of the Void. Born from the shed skin of Sur, which was filled with the darkness of the void and became the personification of chaos, evil and darkness. Also called Sur-Sheeut'Lama, the Shadow-twin of Sur. In human literature he is called the Hydra. Loseeth was beheaded seven times by Sharash and grew an extra head each time he returned until he had seven heads, whereupon he was imprisoned in Lusk, the Underworld.

Semsebetu Uluskash - the Twenty-One Evils. The heads of Loseeth that were cleft by Sharash and became the demons who embody all sufferings and wickedness.

Lusk - the Underworld, also Neen Ulusk, the House of Evil, beneath the shell and yolk of the world-egg. A place of fire and brimstone and gnashing of teeth. The wicked are said to go there after death, but the righteous may walk through Lusk unharmed and return to the cradle of Sinlua at the centre of the world.

Surayash (singular Suraya) - the Mamunites as a culture. Meaning Children of Sur. Said to have been born when Sur gave his hundred-thousand-million shining scales to Sharash and Lailua, the Sun and Moon, who planted them under Awa-Taten the Tree of Life, in Awa-Adyn, the Garden of Life, upon Awa-Arat, the Mountain of Life - whereupon the first eggs of the first clutch of the children of Sur grew as fruits upon the tree.

Uamash (singular Uama) - Humans, mankind. Humans are said to have been born from those scales which were dropped accidentally by Sharash and Lailua on their way to the hallowed place of creation. Because they were not planted properly, they did not grow from eggs, and had no scales of their own.

A’Surayasheel personyms:

Ara - being

Ama - male

Ala - female

Shara - progenitor

Shama - father

Shala - mother

Aya - child

Hara - eggs

Hama - son

Hala - daughter

Lara - sibling

Lama - brother

Lala - sister

Neen - house, household, family

Qaleem - clan, extended family
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Yup. Mostly because I needed a cultural explanation for my character Qal-Eel's being made a gelding for his albinism.
Pooka is amazing like that. I'm going to have a LOT to read if I join later on.
btw, I'll still slightly personally offended that you left all the text centered on the profiles. You plebian, that is a humongous no-no in graphic design.
Welp this cast is turning out to be a lot of fun. x3 time to break out the pinata!

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