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Fandom Future of the Wizarding World (One on One)(Closed)

Emily smiled at the snow, making it all feel quite magical. This made her chuckle the school was so strange, snow were you ate it was nothing but unpratacal, a waste of energy her father would exclaim.
Earl couldn't wait. The things he was going to show her. He wanted to take her up on his broom so she could see the castle all white and snowed over. Then he was gonna take her to Hagrid's where they would be get to meet ice gekos, a cousing of fire salamnders.
Earl couldn't wait. The things he was going to show her. He wanted to take her up on his broom so she could see the castle all white and snowed over. Then he was gonna take her to Hagrid's where they would be get to meet ice gekos, a cousing of fire salamnders.
(Awww Earl is nothing but amazingly sweetheart, that's all super sweet that he wants to do all that for her <3)

Emily went back to finishing her food. Enjoying the very sweet and festive breakfast. Once done she dug through her bag pulling out a box "Earl here...I almost forgot" she said handing him his present. She really hadn't forgotten, just felt it was not a very thoughtful gift as his present was. It was a very neatly wrapped box with a bow on top. Inside the box, he would find a Hufflepuff gym duffle bag. On the bag it had his name and team number embroidered on it.
(Awww Earl is nothing but amazingly sweetheart, that's all super sweet that he wants to do all that for her <3)

Emily went back to finishing her food. Enjoying the very sweet and festive breakfast. Once done she dug through her bag pulling out a box "Earl here...I almost forgot" she said handing him his present. She really hadn't forgotten, just felt it was not a very thoughtful gift as his present was. It was a very neatly wrapped box with a bow on top. Inside the box, he would find a Hufflepuff gym duffle bag. On the bag it had his name and team number embroidered on it.
Earl smiled when he opened the present. "Thank Emily. It's great." he said.
Earl smiled when he opened the present. "Thank Emily. It's great." he said.
Emily had been lost in her mind and hadn't noticed he had opened the gift. "Really?" she said looking over to him and seeing that he indeed had opened the box. "I know you all have your lockers and such....so it's not much needed, but I figured you could use it... Oh and I did cast the undetectable extension charm on it...you can practically fit anything in it" she spoke gently smiling seeing that he seemed to like her gift.
Emily had been lost in her mind and hadn't noticed he had opened the gift. "Really?" she said looking over to him and seeing that he indeed had opened the box. "I know you all have your lockers and such....so it's not much needed, but I figured you could use it... Oh and I did cast the undetectable extension charm on it...you can practically fit anything in it" she spoke gently smiling seeing that he seemed to like her gift.
"Thats a tough spell to work. You're good." He said opening the dufflebag. "Hah. I could fit a whole person in this thing."
"Thats a tough spell to work. You're good." He said opening the dufflebag. "Hah. I could fit a whole person in this thing."
(definitely a spell she would want to know aside from her healing due to her homelife)

"Trust me I know, I practice for a while making sure I got it just right..." She said with a proud smile. She watched him open the duffle bag inspecting it. Emily could not help but laugh at his comment "Only you would think of such strange things"
(definitely a spell she would want to know aside from her healing due to her homelife)

"Trust me I know, I practice for a while making sure I got it just right..." She said with a proud smile. She watched him open the duffle bag inspecting it. Emily could not help but laugh at his comment "Only you would think of such strange things"
He smiled. "Well it can also fit lots of other stuff. Like Weasley Jokes."
"Yoi sure are. Mostly." He saod
"...oh that's reassuring..." she replied with a chuckle. She was glad Earl ended up enjoying her gift, as she had been worried if it would be something he would like. Standing up she reached the middle of the table, gathering a few cream puffs before all the food disappeared.
"...oh that's reassuring..." she replied with a chuckle. She was glad Earl ended up enjoying her gift, as she had been worried if it would be something he would like. Standing up she reached the middle of the table, gathering a few cream puffs before all the food disappeared.
"No class what should we do?" He asked
"No class what should we do?" He asked
(Well he was going to take her and do these things right?....."Earl couldn't wait. The things he was going to show her. He wanted to take her up on his broom so she could see the castle all white and snowed over. Then he was gonna take her to Hagrid's where they would be get to meet ice gekos, a cousing of fire salamnders.")

Emily thought for a bit "um...not sure...at home I'll stay in my room...or at the library if my father is busy...thats is we are hosting Christmas party....or we be at some fellow wizards party. Though here not sure what you can do....I heard the food was good but besides that I was going to go find a place to read maybe... guessing your going to go off flying some were and get practice in?" She asked.
(Well he was going to take her and do these things right?....."Earl couldn't wait. The things he was going to show her. He wanted to take her up on his broom so she could see the castle all white and snowed over. Then he was gonna take her to Hagrid's where they would be get to meet ice gekos, a cousing of fire salamnders.")

Emily thought for a bit "um...not sure...at home I'll stay in my room...or at the library if my father is busy...thats is we are hosting Christmas party....or we be at some fellow wizards party. Though here not sure what you can do....I heard the food was good but besides that I was going to go find a place to read maybe... guessing your going to go off flying some were and get practice in?" She asked.
(Oh yeah)
He took her hand. "Come on."
(Oh yeah)
He took her hand. "Come on."
(You know that these moments of them are always going to stick with her. giving her true happy memories and points as to when they are older and she starts developing a crush on him. We are going to go with Emily crushing on him instead in this story version right?.....dont remember)
Emily was a bit suprised but held on to his hand and just followed him. "Wait Earl were we going?..." she asked as they left the great hall "Earl wait we aren't going back down there....I know we said we would try again,....but your arm....it was all badly mangled" she spoke with concern remembering how bad his arm was left after their little adventure.
(You know that these moments of them are always going to stick with her. giving her true happy memories and points as to when they are older and she starts developing a crush on him. We are going to go with Emily crushing on him instead in this story version right?.....dont remember)
Emily was a bit suprised but held on to his hand and just followed him. "Wait Earl were we going?..." she asked as they left the great hall "Earl wait we aren't going back down there....I know we said we would try again,....but your arm....it was all badly mangled" she spoke with concern remembering how bad his arm was left after their little adventure.
(Yeah that was the plan)
"No come on." He said leading her out if the castle and tkward the the pitch
(Yeah that was the plan)
"No come on." He said leading her out if the castle and tkward the the pitch
(Hehe so adorable >3<)
Emily let's out a small sighing breath as if annoyed, though she isn't and simply allows him to drag her to were ever he is planing to take her. "So you are going to get some practice in..." Emily comments as she noticed the pitch. Maybe he just wanted to show off and she could to some reading out here, not like she hasn't gone to watch him practice before.
(Hehe so adorable >3<)
Emily let's out a small sighing breath as if annoyed, though she isn't and simply allows him to drag her to were ever he is planing to take her. "So you are going to get some practice in..." Emily comments as she noticed the pitch. Maybe he just wanted to show off and she could to some reading out here, not like she hasn't gone to watch him practice before.
"No we're going up."

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