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Fantasy Fantasia High

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(Since I just Cane In the Role Play I Will Be Start From That I am new so......) Amanda would wake up Nice and early for her new school. She would go in the shower and would wash her beautiful Brown and Honey Blonde Hair. When she got out she put on a Gray Shirt that had her name on it and Her Black and Blue Shorts with her Nice Black and blue converses. Since she was nice she didn't know who to hang with. In her old school she was popular everyone liked her Personality and who she really was. Know since she has changed schools everything has changed for her. Now she is Nice and ready for her first day.
The door to the classroom is suddenly thrown open, a lone figure standing in the doorway- and her odd little pet. With a yawn and stretch, Iggy stepped into the room, her dragon Nitro perched on her shoulders and snapping at the air, "Oh no! Am I late again? Sorry teacher lady or man, I-" it is this moment when she noticed the destruction of the room around her, and her eyebrows flew up. "... Uh.... I did get the right room, didn't I?" She looked at the room number out in the hall, then back in, her dragon tearing scattered papers on the floor to shreds as she looked at the fighting with confusion and amusement. "... The f***, did I miss something here?"
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Elizabeth looked at the girl who just entered

"You just missed world war 3"

She looked at her unusual pet and smiled, she had never seen a dragon before
(I'm controling all NPCs, okay?)

The teacher angrily glared at the students who made the mess. They yelled "Detention!" to all of them, face turning a bit purple. She pointed her crooked finger at all the students who were involved with it, including Kevin. Kevin flinched. He'd never been in detention before. He heard it'd been like prison. He stood up, and gave an angry look to the teacher before he left the room.
Iggy looked at the teacher lady, hopping she hadn't heard her walk in and backpedaled right back out of the room, grabbing Nitro by the tail and dragging him out with her. She watched Kevin rush off and in a split second decision , she followed him down the hallway, "uhhh... Hey, you...! I don't know your name but, uhhh, do you mind if I asked what just happened in there?"
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"No idea." he said, throwing his hands up. "Mayhem happened, and I didn't notice until it was over." He continued to stride down the hallways until he reached the detention room. He gulped, and opened the door. Wow, it really was like prison. The walls were not painted in the room, making the concrete look frightening. He sat down at one of the rickedy chairs, looking up at the fat teacher holding it. He looked back down at the desk. There was something engraved in the desk. He squinted, and saw that it said Death is like detention. It's hell. He gulped, and looked back up at the teacher, then down at the desk. Both sights were disturbing to look at. He sighed as he took out his phone and began to roleplay on a website.

(Detention happens in class, I guess. Well, less class for me :3)
Elena packed up her things and went off to detention in a huff. Normally, she would have wholeheartedly agreed that she deserved detention for her actions, but she had been standing up to a bully. She felt that warranted consideration, at the least.

Elena overheard the new kid asking for an explanation of the circumstances. "Some shapeshifter was mocking another girl, so I told him to shove it. Unfortunately, I had to use my powers, as the molten linoleum can attest to."

(Edit: Ninja'd)
"I see... Eh. I would've acted the same. She said, pulling up a chair next to Kevin and putting her feet on the desk in front of her, "So. Hi, I'm Ignatia Kahl, you can call my Iggy if you want." She said to Kevin, trying to reassure him about detention, "this place isn't that bad, you know. Boring, yes. Hell? No." She said.
"Hmm. Well, that's what it says here." pointed out Kevin. He might've been nagging a bit, but he didn't really care. He hated the way the room looked, with its bleak colors. The school looked beautiful, but now it's just... Industrial. It certainly was boring as hell... "Look at this." he whispered, showing her his phone. He was no longer playing on a roleplay website, but he was playing a video game. He had racked up the most points out of all the players. "It's new, so that's to be expected, but... I got a high score!" The teacher looked at him sternly, making Kevin shiver, then the teacher looked down and continued to read his book. He looked up at 'Iggy'. Wow, something in the room that's not gray. He stared, and felt impolite, but he couldn't help it. So colorful.
"Whaaaat? Seriously, I had the high score YESTERDAY!" She cried out, pulling out an iPod and rushing to the game. Sure enough her score had been shown up by a KEV. "So. Your name is Kev, eh? Oh it is so on, KEV." She said, then noticed him staring at her, "uhh... You okay there?" She waved a hand in front of his face. She could tell it was his first time in the detention block, but wow, a little too absorbed in her face.
"Oh, yeah, I'm fine..." he said, turning away to look at his own phone. KEV. Like KEVLAR. Funny. Hmm. What should he do now? He saw the teacher reach for a doughnut on the desk, and he made a break for it. He raced to the table, quickly grabbed a doughnut from the container, and sped back. The teacher didn't seem to notice. He grinned to himself. "Want some?" he asked, cutting the jelly doughnut in half. He turned them up so no jelly fell out.
Kayel shoved past the crowd into the detention. He gave Elena a dirty look and took a seat away from the others at the back of the class. A strange girl Kayel didn't recognize was talking to Kevin, flirting wildly. Kayel stared in disgust. Why would a girl like her go for a revolting lump like him?

Kayel started to play catch with a crumpled piece of paper, bored out of his mind. He suddenly grabbed the paper and launched it at Kevin's head.

"Oops." He said, smiling as it impacted. "Sorry. My hand slipped."
Casey sighed and smashed his desk in two. He was bored. "Oopsies detention for me too," he grabbed his stuff and left the room he strode into the room just to see Kevin get hit by a piece of paper. Casey picked it up and sat back down at the desk beside this new looking girl. Casey stuck out his hand. "Name's Casey," he said"to whom do I owe the pleasure?" He asked, putting on a flirtatious grin.
Elizabeth looked around and sighned. She made a small ball of dark energy and threw it at the teacher. " Detention " she said and walked towards the detention classroom. She took a seat next to Cass and started playing a game on her phone
"Nah, jelly doughnuts have never okay with me. I could try to explain, but then it would just sound awkward." She said, shaking her head and holding her hands up to show much she did not want that doughnut. And when a wad of paper flew into Kevin's head, she turned and looked at the one who threw it and narrowed her eyes, then rolled them and turned away. Then another kid practically came running up to her and introduced himself, his hand stuck out in front of him, and a big smile plastered on his face. "Uh... Ignatia Kahl...." She replied, staring at his hand.
Casey turned and looked at Liz. "Whatchya playin," he asked, peeking at her phone and trying to get a look. Casey was bored so he got out his own phone so he could get the game. It looked pretty fun.
Kevin just shrugged as the paper hit him. He saw the odd introduction the boy was doing. What the hell was he doing? No one would normally do that. Unless he had some sort of plot against him? Hmm. He just put his hand on his chin and thought about it, pausing the game he was playing and nibbling a bit of the doughnut.
Iggy sighed as the other kid walked off, then put her feet down and rested her head on the desk in front of her. "If I had just not showed up for class today... Ah, well. Can't help it now... So is your name legitimately Kev, or what?" She said, turning to look at him with a raised eyebrow.
Kayel snickered, watching Casey's failed attempts to flirt with the girl. She was obviously infatuated with Kevin, a stupid decision but one she was sticking with nonetheless.

Detention was so boring. The teacher was just sitting there reading, not paying attention to any of them. Kayel pulled out his phone and started browsing his messages. Nothing special.


There was one thing.

A message from an unknown number. Received ten minutes ago. He opened it up.

Neat trick. So you're a shapeshifter. I bet you think you're so smart. Well, I'll tell you something. You're not.

Kayel frowned, glancing around the classroom. No one here could have his number. But then, nobody in the school could.

He quickly typed a reply.

Who is this?

It looked like school had just got interesting.
Elena pulled out one of her textbooks and started to read. Might as well do something useful while she was stuck here.

Sylph scales are rarely used in alchemy, as lamia blood can often perform the same function more reliably. However...

Oh, forget it. The text was so boring, it brought tears to her eyes. Much more interesting to talk to the new girl. "So, I can tell you have some sort of fire magic, but what exactly can you do?"
"Huh? Oh... Yeah, uh, I'm a dragon." She said, blowing out a smoke ring and rubbing her eyes, leaning back in her chair and putting her feet on the desk again. "Did you miss this guy?" She grabbed Nitro and hauled him up into the air, tossed him up and watched him fly off, screeching, then pointed at her back, where her ruby red scaley wings were folded loosely, "or theeeese?"
Casey smiled, "cool." He went on the app store and downloaded the game. "Huh cool." Casey grinned as he played Call of Duty.
When Amanda has finally reaches to School she realized that she was late for her first class. Amends would rush inside the school and the she reached in side she said " Wow is school is beautiful when she was walking she forgot what class she was in so she went to see if anyone can help her fun her class
"Sooo, uh... Yeah. And you are?" Iggy said, raising an eyebrow at the girl who had asked her a question, grabbing her small dragon and handing him a pad of sticky notes, which the little gemstone dragon promptly began to shred with his teeth and claws. "And why are you asking?"


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