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Fantasy Fantasia High

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Kevin was taken aback by the girl's sudden appearance. He almost jumped, but he calmed himself down. "W-What?" he asked. What was she asking him about? Why was she so blunt about it? He still massaged his heart as he appeared in math class. Just a small bump today... It's going to be fine...

(Y U gotta be so sneaky? You surprised him! xD )
"No... Not really" Elizabeth said while picking her stuff up

"We could always follow the crowd" she said remembering her last school were there was always a gigantic crown of students in the halls
EmilyPower said:
"No... Not really" Elizabeth said while picking her stuff up
"We could always follow the crowd" she said remembering her last school were there was always a gigantic crown of students in the halls
(It's a small crowd though. Just wanted to make sure you knew that.)
(Oh my god sorry guys there was no notification!!! :( ( )

"Good idea" Casey smiled and followed after Liz. He was really glad to have at least one female friend at this school. He hoped that Elizabeth and him could get along. "How was your old school?" Casey asked, trying to strike up friendly conversation.
"My old school was... Fun" she said, in her old school she used to play pranks with her powers on people she hated, she never got caught and no one suspected anything

"How was yours?"
"Bad and good," Casey replied as they entered the maths class. Casey took a seat at the back of the room. "I-I kind of had a... reputation shall we say." Casey said and took out his maths stuff.
Kayel walked into the maths classroom, again late. It was a small class. The red-haired girl was there again, along with a couple of kids whispering to each other at the back of the room, a strange human boy and a bunch of other people he didn't recognize. He took a seat next to the two whisperers, feeling evil enough to break up their little party.

"I'm Kayel." He said to the girl, smiling flirtatiously. "What say we ditch this piece of junk," he said, giving the boy with the funny equipment a dirty look, "and go have some real fun after this?"
(I'm assuming you mean me?)

Casey tapped the guy on the shoulder. "Yo f*** nut!" He yelled. Casey felt strength flow into him from the panic in the room. His eyes turn a deep deathly purple. He started to slightly glow purple as he seethed with anger. Casey started to hover slighly. He realized what was happening and sudden dropped down making a small dent in the ground. He turned and grinned at Liz. "Well, there's a glimpse of my power!" He laughed and turned back to the stranger. Casey stuck out his hand towards the boy. "Casey," he introduced himself. He then turned to look at the small crowd. "Ehem, you guys better pay attention in class!"
Elizabeth looked at Cass as he turned purple and started to hover. She turned to face Kayel and she made her hand go completely black.

" Get lost f*ck face."

She said showing him her fist. She then turned to face Cass and smiled

"Cool power"
"That's not it but yea..." Casey smiled. "Thanks for helping," he sat back down. "What a prick!" He says as he watches the asshole.
"Wow, you're persistent. Alright, how about this? Meet me at the girl's dorm at 11:30 tonight. We'll see where it goes from there, but no promises."
" yeah, he's an asshole" she said while giving the jerk an angry look

" I say we should just ignore him, he'll get bored and stop bothering. So... Anything you want to talk about?"
(W-When did he turn into an asshole o-o)

Kevin saw the whole scene from where he was. He just stood there, glaring at every one of them. Suddenly someone comes up to you and you call them an asshole? He sat near them, so he heard the conversation... But especially in class it's unacceptable! He walked over to them, and tapped each of them on the shoulder repeatedly, then slowly walked back to his, still crouching, and still staring at them. That was a warning sign where he came from. Twelve taps meant any more, and you die. Well, in this case, no one was going to die, but... Eh. No one would disturb his amazing study of a blue shirt! And the molecules of it.
Kayel gave the girl a look of disgust. He had tried to be nice, but apparently she wouldn't accept that. Someone had to teach her to have some respect. He had an idea.

"Sir!" He called, raising his hand. "May I be excused to use the bathroom?"

"Quickly." He replied, clearly not that interested in the children. Kayel got up and headed out of the door. He walked for a few minutes, and then shifted into Casey. This was going to be fun.

As he got back to the class, he made himself look scruffy, as if he had been in a fight with a monster. Then he ran in, trying his best to look in pain. He pointed right at Casey.

"Who the hell are you?" He yelled.
Kayel's acting job might have fooled most people, but Elena knew about his shapeshifting abilities. She wasn't going to let anyone be bullied around on her watch.

"What do you mean? She's been here the whole time! I'm wondering who you are, come to think of it!"

Elena stood up, feeling her magic starting to swell. Her powers increased as she got more emotional, and she knew full well what the result would likely be. Then again, the school had probably been smart enough to fireproof its property beforehand.
Kayel smiled. This was going well. He shifted into Elena now.

"I'm wondering who you are." He said, mimicking her voice. The whole class had their eyes on him, watching his ability closely. He walked up to Elena, still looking exactly like her.

"What are you going to do?" He asked playfully. "Burn me?"

Kayel laughed.

"Go ahead and try."
Elena had tried this spell exactly once, and that time, she had ended up knocking herself unconscious. Nothing left now, though. If this doesn't work, there's going to be a fight.

Elena reached deep inside herself and unleashed as much magic as she could afford to. Her skin didn't simply burn; she doubted that would get Kayel's attention. No, she had transmuted her entire body into flame.

Her voice deepened as her blazing form took a step forward. The tiles sizzled and blackened under her intense feet. "I'm only going to warn you once. Back. OFF!"
Kayel leaped back in shock. He quickly gathered himself. So the girl could do one magic trick. Woo hoo.

No. He had never seen fire magic that powerful before. That girl was harnessing something very special indeed. Kayel knew when to admit defeat. He shifted back into himself and took his seat at the back of the class. The teacher seemed to be oblivious to the happenings behind him. It was as if he were asleep. Everyone was staring at the girl now. Kayel hated when he wasn't the center of attention. Something would have to be done.

Something terrible.
Elena gave Kayel a final glare that basically screamed, "Don't try to start something ever again." Then, she let her magic subside and the inferno once again became mundane flesh, her clothes still intact, albeit steaming.

She swayed like a drunk and barely made it back to her seat without falling down. She could feel the eyes of every student turning towards her. "What? You people act like you've never seen a pissed-off elemental before."
(Casey is a guy by the way :P )

Casey walked over to Elena and put his hand on her shoulder. "That was amazing, thanks for standing up for me," Casey grinned and lightly squeezed her shoulder, transmitting a tiny bit of the chaos energy into her, just enough so that she would remain conscious. "Just returning the favour," Casey chuckled and walked back to his seat once he had given Elena some of the energy.

"Well that was a sight!" Casey laughed when he got back next to Elizabeth. "Man, he definitely is a prick!" Casey picked up a pencil and threw it across the room and onto Kayel's desk. It thudded into the side and stuck.
(Please stop cussing in school. I might have to make someone catch you > :D It's just a personal thing.)

Kevin watch the whole scene unfold. He took the pencil that Casey flung, and threw it right back at him, making it's eraser part hit his desk. He hated bad language just because... Well, it had some bad memories stored with it. Kevin was just going to slowly change things... They won't even notice. The class seemed to be stopped, so he stood up, and walked over to the boy who had been called an "asshole" earlier, and stared at him. Kevin's eyes were gold, but they gave of an intimidating look. He barely used them, but he just remembered them. Now, to see his goals...
The injection of fresh energy from Casey left Elena feeling somewhat rejuvenated. It was a good thing, too, because just then, the teacher finally decided to turn around and saw the devastation she had wrought on the classroom. "What. Happened. Here?"

Elena had barely enough energy left to snark "I. Sneezed." "What was I going to say? Sorry, teach, I just happened to cast a fire spell that's beyond most professional pyromancers' wildest dreams?"
(Tiles charred, desk slightly melted, nothing that a decent bank account can't fix. Explaining it's gonna suck, though.)

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