Exoprism OOC

No, it's kind of like that time in SAO, where Asuna saw Kirito lazing around after that big meeting (I'm assuming that you're familiar with SAO). Kiri and Inca's conversation wouldn't go as well as theirs did, but it would be fun. Also, its not like I don't want Jenny to interact with Kiri, it;s just we placed them in two completely different spots and Kassandra was closer. 
Wait. Who will bleed on who?
I imagine we'll all be interacting with everyone before too long.

But work time for me. Goodbye . . . . *fades if into distance*

*Dislikes Hetero couples*

Yeah but she would have to come over to me or something.... I have to get ready for school now 
Bye bye
S.A.O. -drools-

And I've never been called a senpai before. I'm so touched.

It was perfectly fine to continue, but wait for me to catch up before going another round. I have my second double shift today, so like yesterday, my reply is pending.

And please don't give me away to some stranger I haven't met, dad.
Thysnia, dear, you know me your mother are only looking out for you. Kiri is a nice young man who will look out for your own and the future baby's livelihood.
Young lady! You will understand when your older! Now GO TO YOUR ROOM! 
I actually have to wait for Dusk Archon's Role Play reply to continue with Jenny.
Yes, she has grown so fast. It seems like just yesterday that I had to stop her from licking the plug-in outlet. Ah, memories...

I love how Inca is just like "What am I supposed to do, sit back and watch?" And then like probably a few feet away is just Kiri literally sitting and watching...


Should I make Kiri force her to sit down and talk about how life is a fleeting and yet wonderful thing, though death is much more beautiful?
I don't know. Do you think Kiri, in all his uncaring and phlegmatism, would say something like that to Inca who would most likely be rather edgy towards someone who is not pulling their weight properly?
BEX said:
I love how Inca is just like "What am I supposed to do, sit back and watch?" And then like probably a few feet away is just Kiri literally sitting and watching...


Should I make Kiri force her to sit down and talk about how life is a fleeting and yet wonderful thing, though death is much more beautiful?
That might earn him a punch in the mouth. Hah.

Or should I spew some crap about her aura?

Like oh your a pretty good person but you don't honestly like fighting do you
BEX said:
Or should I spew some crap about her aura?

Like oh your a pretty good person but you don't honestly like fighting do you
The only change would be her punching him in the mouth, then laughing about it.

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