Broken Streets and Blood Beaten Wolves Private

Parker looked at him when he came up behind destry "when have i been known to cuase a small earthquake never its not my power..."he said sighing ".... and i thought i broke that vase...weeks ago..."he said sighing " ..i know i did becuase i had to replace it...."he said thinking back he sighed some and shook his head , Liberty sighed some looking at the wound on her arm *this sucks... *she thought seieng the blood she sighed some looking at it "crap"she muttred.
Destry shook his head and looked at Parker. "Should I yell at them or leave it slide this once. Even if I leave it go, you'll still have to act like you took the fall just to humor them." He said looking at Parker with a semi amused look on his face. "I do believe they both managed to harm themselves in the chaos." He sighed feeling a the urge to lecture them, but he wouldn't.

Emery had cuts on the palms of his hand. "You okay?" He asked looking at Liberty and sighing. "I have a first aid kit under my bed if you wanna use it." He smiled licking his hands trying to stop the bleeding. He often behaved like this. Destry had lectured him about it too, though his brother had lectured him about most things in truth.
Parker gave a sigh some ".... i let emerys slide..but that table was really expensive i aint taking the falls for libertys..ive done broke the vase once anyways... "he said luaghing some but sighing some "she told me... her boss wasnt answering ..."he said frowning "though..i hope the suckers dead...for different reasons then you i just dont want him..trying to get my cousin pregant already"he said frowning , Liberty sighed some and looked at emery "its not that bad..."she said lieing "ive dealt with worse..."she said sighing she looked at emery and luaghed some "think he will believe parker did it?"she asked
Destry frowned at that word. Pregnant. "Yeah. I would say that word around Snow. You might cause her to remember something she rather not." He said before walking away. What a shameful act on her part. He didn't care what she said happen. It was still shameful and it had caused them so much trouble.

Emery shrugged. "It's hard to tell." He smiled a little leaning back and giggling a bit. "Big brother is hard to read at times." He wondered if Parker would be mad at them for blaming him for the mess.

Snow sighed as she glanced over at the grave. It had been a whole year since she had been here last. The hurt was still clear as day and burned like no other pain she had felt. It was her fault, no matter what had really happen. It was still her fault. Her fault, because she was a Noble vampires daughter. A girl.
Parker sighed some before going to emerys room and opening the door he looked at them two"despicable "he said luaghing at them he wasnt very mad but he did want to go check on snow he sighed some before walking off and went to the garden he looked at snow and sighed some "i jsut came to watch over you.."he said sighing, Liberty looked at emery and looked at her wound "...well looks like he took the blame for the vase if that..."she said sighing "destry ..going to be mad next time i see him.."she said sighing shaking her head some looking at emery "so..your picky baout what you eat?"she asked.
Snow looked up at him and gave nod. "I see, but why?" She asked before looking back at the grave. "That's my baby you know." She said quietly not wanting others to know about it. It wasn't something she was proud of. It was a painful truth that she could never erase.

Emery gave a nod and smiled. "Yep, I'm not all for the blood thing, but I have my moments where I need it. I mostly like fruit though." He had climbed up on his bed now. "Destry wont be too mad. If he was going to be yelling at you he would have been here before Parker was." He laughed a little thinking about it.
Liberty sighed some and nodded slightly "i see.."she said sighing she looked at emery and sighed some "ill really do feel bad for breaking your alls table..."she said sighing looking at him and tilting her head some she gave an odd sigh and thought about everything she looked at emery"will you keep a secret for me?"she asked, Parker sighed"no use in letting my new pet get hurt on the second day"he said sounding jokignly he joekd about everything "yeah "he said clearly not wanting to push the evenlope if snow wanted to tell then he would let her he just sighed though worried about everything.
Emery gave a nod. "Yep I will and don't worry bout the table." He smiled knowing it was replaceable. It wasn't a person so there was no big deal after all. He wondered what kind of secret he would be keeping for her.

Snow gave a nod and sighed. "The father was a vampire and he forced me to be his pet. My sibling didn't know about any of it and I could tell them. I was being threatened. Every time I tried to go for help he would hold me down and drain my blood until I passed out. When I started to show Destry got enraged over it. He said I had shamed the family. When my child was a stillborn.. I had him buried here in secret before Destry and I fought. I was still so weak that I stood no chance at all. Destry throw me out and threatened to kill me if I came back. I think he was more mad, that the vampire behind all of it.. ended up killing Cari and if I would have said something sooner she would have lived."
Parker sighed some looking at snow and sighed some before grabbing her hand some"come on..ill take you somewere"he said sighing wanting to take her somewere and not be stuck around here for a change he sighed and shook his head some thinking about everything right now *liberty,,, and snow *he sighed some, Liberty sighed some "im fixing to sneak out ....i gotta go check on my captain "she said before walking out of emerys room and towards her room were a window was she gave an odd sigh and looked around before opening it though it made a very loud noise when she went to go out it went down on her back "sh!t "she mumbled and sighed *great...*she thought.
Snow looked at him and gave a small smile before nodding. "Okay." She said standing up and following him. "Where are we going?" She was curious and didn't feel and better tell her secret to someone. Her doctor had told her it would help her get over it, but she wasn't seeing how.

Emery gave a nod and followed after her. "Can I come?" He asked knowing she would probably tell him no like every one else did. He blinked hearing his brothers foot steps. "I think brother knows." He called to her frowning a little. Destry glared at her and sighed. "If you must go any where i shall come with you. Come a long emery." He said as he grabbed his brother and jumped out the window.
Liberty frowned"...why ..."she whined" i got to go find my captain...and i aint risking you sucking his blood out"she growled some and sighed giving up before walking towards her base she seemed to get a bad feeling everytime she approached it she gave sigh and stopped worriedly *this isnt normal..*she thought, Parker sighed before wlaking off and taking her to a big garden in town "i like coming two gardens their quiet....and not... noisy"he said sighing.
Destry followed after her and sighed. "Why must you act like such a child. Have I not proven that I am not like that?" He sounded a little bit hurt by her words. Cruel. He was starting to feel she was cruel, just like the rest of her kind. Shaking his head he held onto his brother just in case something went wrong.

Snow gave a nod and looked around the garden. "But why bring me here?" She walked over to a bench and sat down and looked around. True it was quiet, but the garden back at the base had been too. Shaking her head she looked at Parker and sighed. She couldn't understand his actions at the moment.
Parker gave a sigh some "i was in love once ya know a morpher"he said sighing just hoping to engage in conversation he sighed some truthfully he just wanted to get away from that place he sighed worriedly and looked around oddly and tipped his head some thinking about everything he just gave a sigh some, She looked at him and sighed "sorry forgot..."she said before looking at the door and walking cuastiously towards it she sighed some it feel down she frowned when she saw the bloodbath that had happened *...most of everyone..*she thought frowning she frowned some walking further before walking towards her boss office she frowned when she saw everything it was more of a calling card drain your victims and hang them..were their more comfortable at "how dare he?she said clearly knowing who did this.
Snow gave a nod. "It's nice you got the chance to know love." She smiled not knowing if her heart could ever love after the mess she had been through. "What happen.. if you don't mind me asking?" She sighed wondering if he had gotten his heart broke one way or another.

Destry cover emery's eyes and frowned. this was horrible even in his own opinion. His clan would have never done something on this level. the vampire behind this attack was twisted and he felt the urge to hunt that man down. "This is disrespectful and dishonorable." He growled looking around as he stayed close to Liberty in case trouble were to appear.
Liberty looked at Destry "its all my fualt"she whispred she looked at emery and sighed some she was slightly crying now *ravine..are you even alive now if you are...hes done changed your mind..*she thought sighing trying not to crry at all "its my fualt this happened"she said sighing some looking around, "the same guy whos after liberty killed her...he told me if i ever came near another morpher girl that was one of his hed kill me... he killed her so he does...'" he said frowning "thats when i ran off...i left liberty there i left my own cousin in that wretched place"he said frowning
Destry put Emery down and told him to keep his eyes closed. walking over to Liberty he grabbed her and pulled her into his arms in a hug. Gently he smoothed her hair and hummed to her like he had used to do for his little sisters. "It's not your fault." He whispered to her wit ha gentle sigh. "Don't worry I'll find this guy and kill him for this." He told her after he left go of her.

Snow gave a nod and sighed. "I am sorry to hear that. I can kind of guess how Liberty must feel though. Destry turned his back on me.. it's a painful feeling, though I am not trying to make you feel bad." She sighed and looked up at the sky before placing a hand over her stomach. Even now she still felt like she was in a nightmare.
Liberty looked at destry and just stared at him "if i hadnt come here they would all still be alive"she said shaking her head some she frowned some "im never going to be safe..hes never going to stop"she said seeming more scared then she had been "ravine..."she mumbled frowning she was clearly worrying about the girl, Parker frowned "i feel worse about it then anything... her and ravine..he really tried making them his slaves bascily...liberty got out ravine..didnt .. "he said frowning clearly worriedly " Liberty ....still is scared of about anything... " he said looking at snow he sighed some worriedly.
Destry took Hold of Liberty again. "I wont let him hurt you. I swear it to you. You come back with me and I will start the hunt for him right a way. I will bring him to justice." He told her with a fierce look in his eyes. Just like he had the vampire whom had hurt Snow, though he would never tell her that.

Snow gave a nod and stood up. "Destry will handle it. He has looked out for Liberty's best interest so far and so I doubt he will just stand by and do nothing." She frowned though knowing the same fear that Liberty must be feeling now. It was terrible thing and she hoped that Liberty would be okay. "I don't feel well." She sighed placing a hand on her head.
Liberty sighed some looking at destry "..... all this just cuase..he wants me there"she said frowning some she gave a sigh seeming to relax lightly"i dont understand why your trying to protect me"she said sighing looking at him "i quess your not as bad as they say"she said sighing looking at destry "im sorry..."she said sighing, Parker looked at her"do we need to stop and take a rest... ?"he asked looking at her"or do i need to carry you back"he asked oddly he was worried he tended to worry about everyone *once liberty finds someone she will be loyal to..its going to be very intresting...*parker thought sighing some.
Destry looked at her and sighed. "Don't worry about it. Plus.. I once made a big mistake and didn't protect someone I should have. I'm still failing horribly with it. Blaming them for something I shouldn't but I'm not sure how to stop in truth." He frowned knowing he was in the wrong but he keep doing it regardless. "Shall we go back now?"

Snow shook her head and started to walk. she took care of other, but wasn't used to people looking after her. "I'm fine.. I can walk by myself." She said stubbornly as she headed back toward the base. She wasn't fine though and she looked pale.
Liberty nodded slightly though she looked at her boss *you lied...*she thought before walking she sighed some knowing she just wanted to curl up a bed and just cry in her bed though she hadnt let anything ruin her days yet why start now she looked at destry "....thank you"she said when she got outside"thank you for stopping me... and im sorry about the table anything i can do to make up for it ?"she said looking down at her feet, Parker frowned some "your to pale..and no you cant...!"he said stubbornly "you maybe stubborn but so am i"he said sighing.
Destry gave a nod before taking her hand and then Emery's hand. "Don't worry about the table. It can be replaced, you however can not. Remember that and be more careful." He told her as he walked back to the base. "Would you like to stay in my room for the night. Emery can stay in there with you too if it would make you feel better."

Snow sighed looking at him. She had stopped walking and was just watching him. "I don't understand why you care about me.. I'm sick okay, but I'll be fine. I always am. I've been looking out for myself for a whole year and no matter the thing I had to do to survive I made it." She gave a small whine remembering the cold night when she had slept in the trash cans or had gone with out food.
Liberty gave him an odd look "im a big girl..i can sleep by myself..."she said looking at him as if he had just hurt her feelings "... im not a kid .."she said looking at destry straight in the eyes she gave an odd sigh she was calm she had been calmed since she calmed down from seeing her captain hanging , "I care becuase i just do..i care "he said looking at snow he sighed some "you say youll be okay..but will you really be okay?"he asked looking at her and sighed some he seemed worried like he had always been about everyone,.
Destry laughed a little. "I know you are, but I would like company some night you know. After events like this some people tend to want someone to hold onto. I know I did when my mother died and again when my father and a few siblings died." He looked at her with soft eyes that no one had seen before.

Snow fell to her knees crying. She was sobbing and her heart ached. He was right, she wasn't okay and she wouldn't be okay. She sniffled and tried her best to killing her sorrow and smile like she had been but nothing but tears would come. "You're right.. Parker.. I'm not okay. I'm a mess and I can't help it." She hid her face in her hands a shamed of herself.
Liberty looked at his eyes and huffed some and sighed giving in"yes sure "she said looking at him she looked at him and gave an odd look down at their hands she gave an odd look "Ermm...destry"she said looking at him "why are not going to run away..if thats why your holding my hand"she said looking at him *his eyes were soft..why ..*she thought looking at him she was really calm for some odd reason, Parker sighed some looking at snow before grabbing her up "all you had to do was say so ...snow"he said looking at snow "..whats wrong?"he asked looking at her and sighing.

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