Broken Streets and Blood Beaten Wolves Private

Destry stood up and walked out from behind his desk. "I see. I'll do what I can to keep her here, though if you really want to protect her it would be best if you took care of this vampire whom is after her. I like to hear that family is looking after family. If you need anything else do not waste a moment coming to me for assistance." He said with a approving smile.
Parker gave an odd sigh"one thing you should know...hes got ravine.... thats her other little sister... if he ...brings her with him...your going to have trouble keep liberty here... she ..wont...stay in place again...watching another one of her little sisters... drained or worse... from her point of view"he said before walking towards the door.
Destry gave a nod and sighed. Walking back over to his chair he understood. He had watched his own sister go through such a thing. Poor Cari, and it was Snow's fault too. Shaking his head he went back to his work. He would go to Liberty before sun raise and stop her from leaving the base. he would make up some reason for her to stay.

Snow sighed and whined some more waiting for Parker to return to the room. She was curious about what would happen now. There were so many things going on that she could not keep up with them all at once.
Parker looked at snow when he got back and jumped on his bed "your whineing ?"he asked looking at her"youve got a cute one sorry i shouldnt have said that" he said sighing shaking his head some looking at snow he sighed some thinking about liberty *in a few hours the sun will be up...*he thought sighing.
Snow curled up next to Parker and was a sleep before long. She had blushed at his words but other then that she had not let them get to her. She knew emotions like that toward him were dangerous and she was best to avoid them. In the end if she started to feel anything toward him she would have to leave, even if Destry killed her for it.

Destry sighed after finishing his paper work. Standing he walked toward Liberty's room and knocked a few times hoping she would answer. "It is I, Destry. I would like to speak with you if you have the time." He sighed hoping she would be wise and hear him out. After all he was just looking out her.
Liberty gave a sigh and opened the door she sighed some she sighed some holding her stomach *really..?! *she thought frowning feeling pain in her stomach "...what... do you want to talk to me about "she asked backing up somewhat alot *..dont think trying to avoid you *she thought to herself she sighed some.
Destry sighed looking at her. "Are you not feeling well. If so I can get you medicine to help. I was just going to ask if you would do me a favor and stay here a few days longer. I would like to maybe become friends with you. I was thinking about what you said.. and maybe.. I do need to have fun more. Could you show me how?" He hoped this would be a good reason enough for her to stay here longer. He would rather not use force on her.
Liberty looked at destry "i really shouldnt this week... no its something normal... dont need medicine... i mean..i cant stay here this being this near to me a risk right now... not that i wouldnt like to talk to you more"she said frowning some she gave a sigh looking at destry and sighed some she made a rather werid face some looking at destry "your going to make me stay here either way arent you"she said sighing.
Destry gave her a crooked smile. "Yeah, sorry." He sighed feeling bad about it. "If you would rather not see me while you stay here then I shall do my best to avoid you, but please stay." He was trying to be nicer then he normally was and he really hoped she would just cave and stay. It was for her own good after all.

Snow woke up sleeping on Parker's face. Blushing she scampered off under the bed and sighed. She had a bad habit of being all over the place when she slept. Wagging her tail a little she glanced out from under the bed and wondered how things were going with Destry getting Liberty to stay here.
Liberty sighed some"Destry...its not just you..that im worried about right now its all of yall "she said sighing "its a female...problem"she said looking at him "im surpruised the smell hasnt hit you yet"she said sighing some slightly worried about them getting the smell of it she sighed some looking at destry "fine ill stay but i got to call my boss ..hes...probably mad enough already"she said sighing.
Destry sighed at her and shook his head. "Look we are able to control ourselves, unlike what rumors say. Go on and call him. Tell him I give my word that you shall not be harmed and if he would like I shall hand over one of my own until you return." He gave a warm smile. It was the first time in awhile that he had given such a smile to any one.
Liberty sighed some and walked towards destry some "sorry..but i like i said earlier..i dont trust vampires...easily"she said frowning she gave an odd sigh"..why suddenly keeping me here... and you should smile more its very nice"she said sighing some before getting her cellphone and calling her captain she frowned when he didnt answer she sighed when she called again *still no answer..*she thought worriedly.
Destry gave a nod and sighed. "Trust me when I say I do it because it is safer for you and others that way." He smiled and placed a gentle hand on her head for a moment before letting it fall back to his side. "Do you trust me at least?" He asked hoping she did even just a little bit. He sighed when Emery came running around the corner and hugged Liberty. Shaking his head he wasn't going to tell Emery no at the moment.

Emery smiled and looked up at Liberty. His little fangs were poking over his bottom lip a little as he smiled. Normally he wasn't this friendly with people, but he really had found himself interested by Liberty. "Are you going to stay and play with me?" He asked with a small childish smile.
Liberty gave a smile"good morning emery"she said smiling she looked at destry "i have to dont i..."she said looking at him she gave an odd sigh Liberty looked at emery "of course silly"she said smiling even though his fangs were out"i see..your fangs"she said smiling at him she gave an odd sigh though as if she was worried about something.
Destry chuckled and shook his head. "Emery hasn't learnt how to hide them yet. I'm unsure if he can considering his mixed blood." He told her knowing she would probably understand. "He doesn't eat like the rest of us vampires either. He tends to be picky about food. some days he will eat nothing but normal food and others he'll drink a little bit of blood." He shook his head amazed by his brother. Emery was the first case of a turn half blood. His other sibling had been one or the other, never both. Snow had also puzzled him but he would rather not think about her.

Emery smiled and jumped around for a few while his brother spoke. "What kind of games do you play?" He was curious because Destry only really played games like Chess with him. "You don't play boring old Chess do you?" He puffed out his cheeks hoping she didn't.
Liberty gave a sigh "no i never could understand though my dad did... i tend to like to play baseball...and fetching tennish balls..and playing tag... and stuff like that " she said barking she looked at destry nodded"yeah i used to call my little sister snaggle tooth when she was youngeR"she said luaghing at the memory.
Destry smiled a little having memories like that too. "Yes I called my little sibling things like that too." He sighed missing those days when things had been simple. "Emery is special to me so take good care of him." He told her before walking back toward his office. He knew she would and he knew Emery would finally have someone to play with for a short while.

Emery smiled as he clapped happily. Finally someone whom would play interesting games with him. 'You don't mind playing tag or something with me right?" He hoped she didn't mind his fangs either.
She looked at emery and shook her head happily"of course not...but if we break somehting we blame it on parker deal..."she asked looking at emery and smiled some and looked at him "i bet when you get bigger..your fangs are going to grow with you"she said smiling she gave an odd sigh having a nagging feeling.
Emery smiled and gave a nod. "Big brother says the same things though he is worried about my growth since my blood is equally mixed. He doesn't know how I'll grow up and it worries him a lot. I can tell." He sighed thinking his big brother was a worry wort sometimes. "Can we play now?" He smiled as he took hold of her hand.

Snow had turned back into herself and was looking out the window watching the birds flying passed. She remembered being a small child and running these halls with her many sibling. No matter their blood they had been one big happy family at one time. It had all changed now and many of those sibling were buried out in the garden. A small sad whine escaped her as she thought about it.
Parker gave a sigh and walked over and sighed some "family?"he asked wondering if thats what she was thinking about he sighed some looking at her and thought of Liberty he sighed some looking at snow and just sighed some thinking about snow and what to do , Liberty nodded "of course emery"she said looking at him she was worried about breaking something she gave an odd sigh and looked at emery and started poking him with her one hand "who should be it first?"she asked
Snow gave a nod. "My mother, father, and a few sibling are buried out in the garden. A long with a secret. A dirty secret." She looked up at him and there were hints of tears in the corners of her eyes. "good morning by the way." She sighed swallowing her sorrow for the moment and trying to but on a happy face.

Emery smiled at her and thought for a moment. "I will!" He liked being it only because it allow him a reason to run in the halls. Destry would yell at him if he didn't have a good reason. He looked around and hoped he wouldn't break something. Though he had a record of breaking stuff and he held the high score when it came to getting yelled at by Destry.
Parker gave an odd sigh and looked at snow and kissed her head"thats how i say good morning..i gotta atleast make it look atleast using you as a pet..but im not going to do anything that crosses the line"he said sighing looking at her and sighed some "if you ever want to talk about it let me know..." he said sighing, Liberty nodded and looked at emery and took off running she gave a sigh some though she was running backwards "well come on "she said looking at him before sighing she thought about destry never having any fun she felt bad about that *he dosent seem terrible..*she thought truthfully but she just shook her head some though her head had wondred thinking back about her boss.
Snow gave Parker a nod and sighed. "I'll keep that in mind, but I am afraid you too would hate me if you knew my secret." She sighed and walked toward the door. "I would like to go to the garden.. if you don't mind." She gave him a small smile and reached out for the door knob.

Emery ran after her giggling as he went. He had almost caught up to her when his foot got caught on something and he tripped knocking a vase over and him landing on top of it. "Owie." He whined as he pushed himself up a little and sighed. He knew Destry would be there in minutes to start yelling.
Parker looked at her"if you get in trouble...yell for me"he said sighing shaking his head and sighing "...ill come and find you..if i need you"he said sighing sounding odd when he said it "sounds foul coming out of my mouth"he said to himself, Liberty sighed and grabbed emery before running off she sighed when she put that boy but she found herself tumbling down a set of stairs and somehow breaking the table from a small earthquake and it wasnt just that whatever else that was on the table or near it"...parker did it rember that"she said sighing.
Snow gave a nod before walking out to the garden. Standing out there she looked down at the unmarked grave of a infant. Shaking her head she sat down on a bench next to the graves and pulled some snack food out of her pocket and begin to eat it.

Emery gave a nod and paled a little when he heard Destry's voice from up stairs. "Who one earth is breaking stuff in this base!?" He heard his brother yelling. "Parker is!" Emery yelled before grabbing Liberty by the hand and running off to his room in a panic. Hopefully Destry would buy it.

Destry frowned looking at the mess. "Parker!!" He growled crossing his arms and tapping his foot impatiently as he looked at the damage. He wasn't sure if he should believe Emery or not but it wouldn't hurt to yell at Parker first any way.

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