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Realistic or Modern Applegate House

Paxton laughed at Nick's comment about his name rhyming, "It's my stepfather's last name. No, I'm not the sporty type. Maybe you can show me sometime? I'd show you something, but all I have is a bunch of artwork." He grinned, shifting awkwardly.
Nick laughed a little. "Hey it's all good not everyone plays sports, you're an artist that's cool. I can't draw or paint or anything like that." Nick smiled back at him. Nick went over and finished unpacking. "Are you okay with that side of the room? I wanted to wait for you to get here but I had to go meet with the Coach."
(I didn't get any notifications about this! Stupid phone... ;_ ;)

Austin was walking up to the school, vaulting over handrails and other things along the way. He had been working at the gym this morning and had been for the past week so he could get a head start on making sure he could pay his tuition. He'd been staying in a motel room for that whole week before school started.

When he finally got to the house he took a second to look at it. It was a pretty nice looking place and it was bigger than he originally thought. "I just hope I can keep up with the tuition." Austin muttered to himself as a woman approached him and greeted him with a warm smile.

"You must be Austin. Welcome." She said as she handed him his dorm key. He nodded and walked past her into the house. After a minute or two of looking he stopped right outside his dorm and took a deep breath as he walked in. He heard the singing before he saw his roommate since he took a sudden interest in observing the ground. He went over to the other bed and took off the backpack that was carrying all of his stuff and began unpacking. He turned to his roommate and gave a simple, "Hi." so that he didn't come off as rude.
Hearing his roommate come through the door, Aurelian immediately stopped singing and was silent, blushing furiously. He wasn't too big on letting people hear him. He got to his feet and crossed the short distance to his roommate, outstretching his hand he spoke softly "My name is Aurelian Vallencourt, it is a pleasure to meet you," he said with a genuine smile. Silently Aurelian was cursing the high heavens because his roommate wasn't really cute... like some of the others he had noticed. He kept his smile though and just wondered what kind of person he was now roomed with and if he could make the best of an unfortunate situation.

Austin turned around and shook his roommates hand. He replied quietly, "Pleasure to meet you, Aurelian. I'm Austin Kost." He turned back to his stuff and pulled out an old pair of shoes that were really worn and even ripped in some spots. He then pulled out a framed picture of Edward and himself, smiling at it for a moment before placing it on the nightstand next to his bed.

Austin just kept to himself the whole time he did this. He didn't want to come off as annoying to his roommate and start the year on a bad foot so he just kept quiet as he set his old bell alarm clock for 3:45Am.
Aurelian was a little flustered by the lack of talking and the silence always made him uncomfortable. He looked about and began unpacking his things as well. First and foremost was a picture of him and his family of four sisters, and his parents. Next came his poetry journal and his calligraphy pens. After putting away his clothes and other toiletries and settling his things on the shelves he turned back to Austin. "If you don't mind my asking, do you like to talk to people or are you just shy? Because personally I am a bit shy, but I would really like to actually get to know you," Aurelian said giving another smile before plopping down on his bed.
"Yeah. I'm really shy, not too good with people. So I apologize if I don't warm up to you immediately, if at all." He replied meekly as he turned his head slightly toward his roommate. This guy definitely didn't come off as shy, but Austin wasn't gonna say that, he was too nervous about everything and this was just starting to make it worse.

He pulled out a poster of Arnold Schwarzenegger back in his body building days. He hung it up and read the quote on it to himself, "The worst thing I could be, is the same as everybody else. I'd hate that."
Aurelian smiled to himself hearing his intuition was right. "That is a lovely picture," Aurelian said pointing to the one of Austin and some other guy. "I apologize if I am bothering you or intruding, all you need to do is just tell me and I shall leave you alone for the time being, but don't think that I just want to ignore you. I would prefer to be friends with my roommate." He said with a smile. He stood up and grabbed his wallet and room key. He had decided to introduce himself to some of the others to try and at least make on friend since he and his roommate seemed to be in an awkward place. "I will be back later," he said over his shoulder still smiling and happy as he walked out the door and just started wandering around.
Finn took a break from all his unpacking and threw on some cleaner clothes. Some jeans and a t shirt with the reverse bear trap from saw on it. He continued out the door and out into the opening. He decided he would check out some books from the library to keep his mind off of things. He only made it a few steps when he realized he had nowhere to go. He spotted a young man and jogged his way up to him. "Excuse me, do you know which way is the library?"
Aurelian was brought out of his deep thoughts when he heard someone's voice asking him a question. Do you... library? was all that Aurelian had really caught. He turned seeing a boy jogging up to him, blush flooded Aurelian's cheeks as he realized the boy was rather attractive... that might have been playing it down a bit. He was at a loss for words... and fumbled his way through a sentence. "W.. well the library is that way," he said obscurely pointing in the general direction. "Though if you wanted I could walk with you there, I have been meaning to check out their selection of poetry." He said adding a smile and recovering from the initial shock.
He smiled as the boy seemed somewhat surprised. "I would like that, I was going to check out some poetry as well." He bit his lip and threw out his hand for a handshake."I'm Finn, but my friends call me Zepp. And your name is..?" He wasn't one to usually shy away from social interactions but there was a peculiar thing about this boy that made him nervous and tingly.
Aurelian really smiled now knowing there was someone else who was interested in poetry. He shook Finn's hand, "My name is Aurelian Vallencourt, though my friends call me Relian." He said warmly. "Zepp? You will have to explain how that happened at some point, but I really like the name Finn." He said happily. Aurelian was a bit off because of the butterfly feeling he was having. It wasn't everyday he got to speak to someone this attractive. "What kind of poetry are you looking for?" He asked curious to see if their interests were similar, all the while walking with Finn in the direction of the Library.
Finn blushed at his question. He honestly had no idea about anything related to poetry since he spent most his time watching movies.He searched down deep in his mind and searched for any answer he could think of. "I, uh, i'm a really big fan of Dr. Seuss." He chuckled a little bit hoping Aurelian would find it as a funny joke of some sorts. He peeked up at Aurelian letting a small smile crack over his face.
Alix walks down the road barely familiar with any hot spots or stops around here. She walks into a nearby coffee shop figuring that it would sufice and sits down at a booth. Only a few minutes pass and the out of breath waitress comes to her and writes down the order. A caramel machiato extra foam and a bagel.

((Sorry, I am completely terrible at jumping in. If I need to change this post I will.))
Aurelian could not contain his laughter, while Seuss was a poet that was not what he was expecting, it was rather cute actually. Once he recovered he spoke calmly and trying to suppress his giggling at this point. "You aren't really big on poetry are you?" He asked with a smile. "It doesn't matter, I am a fan of Poe and some others who write more dark poetry as it is filled with meaning and emotion. Besides poetry" he said while smiling, "What else do you do?" he asked.

Paxton Sebastian

Paxton nodded and smiled slightly at Nick, "I do have to warn you that Maine gets very cold in the winter and you'll be colder if you're closer to the window."

He was telling his new roomate the truth; Greyson brought his mom and him to Maine once during the winter and it was freezing. He had Greyson move his bed to the other side of the room. Paxton started stacking his sketchbooks on the desk and appraised the small space. Eh, he'd had smaller. The handbook said he could do anything to his room as long as he put it back to normal when he left. He set a picture of his mom and Greyson on the nightstand and dug through his bag before withdrawing a box of chocolate chip cookies.
"Want some?" he offered, holding the box out to Nick.


Nobel Graceland

Nobel was by no means a patient person. So, when her roommate didn't show up after she finished unpacking, she left. Sure, the freshman would probably be a bit confused, but Nobel didn't think it would do anything to permanently scar her. After all, she'd have to get used to her Nobel vanishing randomly. It was more or less her greatest skill.

She walked over to her library, one of the single greatest things about Merriam Boarding School. It was endless and eternal, something she found perfect. It didn't take her long to find a large stack of books to check out, including a new one about the Japanese Edo Era, one of her many historical obsessions. As she was leaving the library, she spotted a familiar face walking with an unfamiliar one. A grin broke out across her lips and she raised her hand into a wave,
"Hey, Relian!"
Finn chuckled and looked up at the falling leaves around him. He was clueless on what to tell him other then his obsession with slasher flicks."Well, for starters, I waste most my life watching horror movies and slasher flicks. That is where I get my nickname, Zepp from the saw franchise." He blushed as he felt like an idiot being around someone with such literacy. The brightly colored leaves making a crunching noise as each step they took landed on another patch of colors.
Aurelian smiled and looked at Finn, "I can't ever watch slasher flicks or horror movies..." blush crept on his cheeks again, "without someone there with me that is... I mean I like them... but they scare me." He said giving a pitiful chuckle. He wished he and Finn could marathon horror movies and just be close. Relian. That voice was unmistakeable. Aurelian turned on his heel and slipped as the leaves caused him to slide, falling to the ground with a bit of a thud. "Nobel!" he said after collapsing to the ground. One of his friends... if not his best friend.

Nobel Graceland

Nobel couldn't help but laugh at Aurelian's tumble. Still chuckling, she walked up to him and offered him a hand. "I thought we've been through this, Aurelian. One foot in front of the other," she smiled at his walking partner, "I don't think he knows how gravity works."

She looked back at Aurelian and mouthed
H-O-T to him with a cheeky grin.
Alix drinks the rest of her coffee and decides to make her way to the school. She was nervous and filled with anxiety. What if no one liked her? Oh well. Before she knew it, the school was right infront of her. "fantastique." She walks up to the doors and opens them slowly, making her way in.

((Uhm what dorm number am I? Lol.))
Aurelian took Nobel's hand smiling and blushing intensely at her mouthing of the letters. "Nobel let me introduce you," he said recovering himself and blushing profusely as he looked at Finn. "Finn this is my best friend Nobel," and he turned to Nobel, and smiled "Nobel darling, this is Finn," he said brightly. He was elated to be seeing Nobel again as they hadn't seen much of each other over the summer... he was traveling with his family and she was doing what ever she does.
Finn smiled and firmly shook her hand. "Nice to meet you Nobel." He peered at Aurelian and noticed his blushing." He grinned and looked back at Nobel and huffed out a chuckle. "As I was saying maybe sometime we could have a movie night of sorts." He placed his hands in his pockets like he usually does when he's nervous.
Aurelian lit up light a Christmas tree. "Really? That would be amazing." He said really excited. He turned to Nobel and looked at her, "What are you doing here Nobel? Going to the library or stalking me?" He asked with a grin. He looked back at Finn, "You have to keep an eye on her, she can be a sneaky one." He said before starting to poke fun at Nobel. He loved her company and he desperately tried to make the current situation less awkward for everyone.
Nick laughed "ehh I'm from Minnesota so I'm use to the cold but thank you I appreciate the advice." Nick took a trophy out of his bag and smiled as he looked at it. He also took out a picture of him with his parents. In the picture they were on the ice with the rest of his team and all of thirst parents after they won nationals last season. Nick smiled at the trophy and picture, it was the happiest he's ever been. Nick looked up and smiled at Paxton "yea sure if love a cookie thanks," nick grabbed one cookie and ate it. "So got anyone special back home?"

Nobel Graceland

Nobel nodded. "You too. Oh dear, I'm interrupting something aren't I? No, I was just going to the library like any ordinary person," she pouted. "At least I don't trip over gravity. So, Finn. What's your sexuality?"

Nobel tilted her head before realizing what she said.
"Sorry, sometimes I say things without thinking about it."

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