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Realistic or Modern Applegate House


Agent Honey Bee

Welcome to Merriam Boarding School, located in the small town of Venice, Maine. Merriam is a school well-known for its academics as well as its athletics and arts. In general, Merriam is rated as one of the top schools in the country. Although the majority of the school's populace is in the upper class, there are many scholarship students, with scholarships for academics, the arts, and athletics.

Like many boarding schools, Merriam is divided into separate houses. These houses are well-known for their rivalries against each other. Each of the houses are given Points based off of the residents' achievements throughout the year. The house with the most Points at the end of the year is given an all expense paid trip to the Bahamas as well as guaranteed the best dorms the next year, complete with everything a teenager could want.

However, there is one house that hasn't ever won the Point Game. The house's official name is the Applegate House, but it is often called the Outcast House. Who knows, though? This might be the year they win the Point Game.

Like all houses, Applegate House consists of ten dorms, containing a total of twenty students: ten females and ten males. It is the farthest house from the school's main building, making it difficult for students to make it on time. Many residents own bicycles or skateboards to help them get to the school faster.


Each dorm room has two beds, two wardrobes, and two desks. Students may decorate their rooms as they wish, including painting the walls and putting down rugs. Students are not permitted to use wallpaper or carpet unless they remove it by the end of their senior year. Cleanliness Checks are conducted in a biweekly basis and without warning. The house with the cleanest building is given 45 extra points. Each house that is up to code is given 20 points. Any houses under code will lose 10 points.


The school uniforms are required. Previous winning houses are allowed to alter their uniforms. Any other house resident found with an altered uniform will be reprimanded and told to change, as well as cost their house 5 points. Any socks, stockings, or tights are allowed as long as they do not contain holes or vulgarity, this applies to ties and bow ties as well. Black, brown, or white shoes are required, but it doesn't not matter what style of shoe they are. Boys may have one button undone on their shirt, but girls must be buttoned up all the way. Girls are required to wear skirts at all times, with the exception of any physical activity. During Physical Education, any PE activity, or sport, students are required to wear the school-issued clothing.



Merriam Boarding School prides itself in its vast and diverse academics. The school provides all basic needs as well as in-depth needs, which can be considered college level courses. Students pick one from each of the required courses and there is a total of seven classes each day, not including Zero Hour, which is held one hour before school starts. All scholarship students are required to take at least one AP or advanced course each year and all students are required to take a foreign language in either their Freshman or Sophomore years and all students are required to take one PE class.

9th Grade//Freshmen


Consumer Math

Algebra I

Algebra II {Advanced}

Language Arts:

English I

AP English I


Physics I

Earth Science

AP Physics I

AP Earth Science

Social Studies:


World History


AP Geography

AP World History

AP Government

Foreign Language:

Spanish I

Japanese I

French I

Italian I

Mandarin Chinese I

Greek I

10th Grade//Sophomore


Algebra II


Pre-Calculus {Advanced}

Language Arts:

English II

AP English II


Biology I

AP Biology I

Physics II

AP Physics II

Social Studies:

World History II

AP World History II

Government II

AP Government II

Foreign Language:

Spanish I//Spanish II

Japanese I//Japanese II

French I//French II

Italian I//Italian II

Mandarin Chinese I//Mandarin Chinese II

Greek I//Greek II

11th Grade//Juniors



Pre Calculus

Business Math


Language Arts:

American Literature and Advanced Composition {Advanced}

Basic English III



AP Chemistry

Biology II

AP Biology II

Social Studies:

U.S. History I

AP U.S. History I

Foreign Language: {Optional}

Spanish II//Advanced Spanish

Japanese II//Advanced Japanese

French II//Advanced French

Italian II//Advanced Italian

Mandarin Chinese II//Advanced Mandarin Chinese

Greek II//Advanced Greek

12th Grade//Seniors



AP Calculus

Trigonometry {Advanced}

Language Arts:

English IV

AP English IV

Science: {Optional}

Chemistry II

AP Chemistry II

Social Studies:




AP Economics

AP Sociology

AP Psychology

Foreign Language: {Optional}

Advanced Spanish

Advanced Japanese

Advanced French

Advanced Italian

Advanced Mandarin Chinese

Advanced Greek


{Freshman: 2; Sophomores: 2; Juniors: 3; Seniors: 4}

Creative Writing

Advanced Creative Writing


Advanced Journalism

Computer Science

Advanced Computer Science

Home Economics

Auto Mechanics

Horseback Riding



Advanced Choir

Marching Band


Jazz Band

Music Producing


Advanced Dance

Art I

Sculpting I

Art II

Sculpting II

AP Art

AP Sculpting


Physical Education

Advanced Physical Education




Every student is required to join three clubs each year, unless they participate in sports. Each club will have one elected president and one teacher advisor. Clubs will

receive funding based on how many awards and/or accomplishments they have made throughout the year. Note that all meeting days are subject to change.


Book Club

Creative Writing

Chess Club

Drill Team

French Club

Bible Club {Not Funded By the School}

School Play


Gay-Straight Alliance


Debate Team

A capella Choir

Art Club

Cooking Club

School Paper


Computer Club

All Strings Orchestra

Show Choir {May Be Subject To Change}

Pre-Med Training {Actual Pre-Med Training}

Student Government


Rock Music Club

Art Club

Drill Team

School Play

All Brass Band


Student Government

School Paper

Chess Club

All Strings Orchestra

School Play


Saturday: Student Government

Sunday: Bible Club

Sunday: On-Campus Church

Saturday: School Paper

Saturday: School Play

Merriam has a large variety of competing sports teams with some of the best young athletes in America. We pride ourselves in our athletic achievements and all first place individuals earn 60 points for every gold medal they win.



Boys' Soccer


Cross Country



Girls' Soccer

Ice Hockey

Ice Skating







Track and Field



Competitive Dance




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Nobel Graceland

The weather was perfect with a faint breeze coming in, though it did nothing to affect the obvious warmth of early August. A blonde girl stepped off the bus in front of an old house. In fact, the house even appeared haunted to some. To Nobel Graceland, it was a wonderful sight. She pulled her duffel bag up a bit higher, yanking up the handles of her two suitcases. With a sigh, she entered the house. A woman with a warm smile greeted her inside. "Welcome back, Nobel!" she exclaimed, giving the teenagers a hug. "How was your summer?"

"Great," Nobel responded. "I'm going to go drop these off."

"Kay. You're the first person here, so it might be awhile."

"New roommate," Nobel huffed. "I'm going to miss Allie."

"We all are. hey, we've got new students this year! Maybe they'll get us some points."

Nobel smiled,
"That's what I'm hoping for."
Finn Joyfully hopped off the bus with his duffel bag wrapped around his neck and his yellow striped suitcases covered in stickers in his hands. The breeze lightened the mood as Finn had gotten a small case of home sickness. He tucked his hair behind his ear and entered the building. It was his first year here and he had no idea where to go. He walked in to the house and was greeted by the lady who gave him the key to his room. He took his bags to his dorm where he began unpacking by putting up posters and lining his shelves with action figures from movies and his never ending collection of DVDs.
Nick pulled up in his parents escalade in front of the house. He smiled as he grabbed his bags and with his parents walked into the house. A woman with a warm smile welcomed him in. "Oh you must be nick." She said, she smiled as she showed him his room. His parents and nick unpacked his bags in his room. Nicks roommate wasn't there yet, so he picked his side of the room and unpacked. He was supposed to have a meeting with the hockey coach. He waited to see if his roommate showed up so he could meet him, but he hadn't arrived yet. Nick said goodbye to his parents and then walked over to the ice rink to drop his gear off and to have his meeting with the coach.
Olivia stepped off the bus gingerly, dragging her cumbersome suitcases out with her. When she got off, she stood and stared at the old house for a few moments, her white blouse fluttering in the cool breeze. Then, once again latching onto her suitcases, she climbed up the house steps to be greeted by an old lady. "Ah, welcome!" she beamed warmly. After a few exchanges, the lady sent Olivia up to her room to unpack.

She only got lost once before she found her room. She tentatively knocked before opening the door and walking in. Dumping her bags on the floor, she fell back onto one of the beds and sighed. Her hazel eyes traced the cracks in the ceiling as she thought about what this new school would be like.

Paxton Sebastian

Paxton stopped to stare at the house and his mom looked back at him. "You okay?" she asked, making his stepfather pause.

He nodded and smiled,
"Yeah, it's just weird is all..."

It was really weird to think that he'd be spending his entire high school experience here at this school, in this strange house. At least it was a nice house. He picked up his bag and followed them in. At his appearance, a woman with a kind smile and an even warmer disposition greeted them. "You must be Paxton; I'm Lyla Norse, the overseer here,"
he took her outstretched hand, shaking it slowly. She looked at his parents, "I can take it from here."

Paxton's mom grinned brightly and turned her son towards her with misty eyes. She enveloped him in a hug and his stepfather gave him a hearty shake. "You'll fit in here," he said. "I can almost guarantee that."

And he watched them leave. When they were gone, Lyla smiled once again. "I'd introduce you to everybody, but most people aren't here. You're room is down the hall and to the right. Most of the other dorms are upstairs, but lucky you, you're close to the kitchen. The bathroom is the second door on the left. I think you're roommate just left, but he'll be back soon."

That's when the panic set in. Roommate? As in male roommate? What if he was cute? What if he was straight? Even better, what if he was gay? Paxton could feel his heart beating in his chest, even though he knew his roommate wasn't there. Lyla raised an eyebrow, her smile never faltering, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine."

"Good," she handed him a key. "Don't lose it, you only get one."

With that, he walked away to his new room. His roommate had already partially unpacked. Paxton decided it was best to start unpacking too.

Nick talked to his coach in his office for a while, discussing different things about hockey and what the coach expected of him. After the meeting was over nice headed back to the house. He smiled at some girls and guys that he passes along the way. Nick had been confused about his sexuality for a while now, but he kinda started to believe that he was bi and Into guys more. Nick made it back into the house and opened his door not expecting his roommate to be there. When he opened it he saw his roommate who to say the least was absolutely stunning. Nick blushed, "oh um hey you must be my roommate I'm Nick nice to meet you." Nick was blushing a deep shade of red as he went to shake his roommates hand.

Hana Stattling

Hana was looking out of the window as the bus pulled up, watching the dorm come into view. She was glad to be back and determined to work hard to keep her place here at this amazing school. She readjusted her skirt and stood up, heading off the bus. She was shoved aside.

"Move aside, geek!" That was Christina Gatsby, the only girl Hana had ever met that was constantly angry. Why? Nobody knew for certain but last year, there was a rumour going around that Christina was adopted.

Hana recollected herself and followed everyone else off the bus. Not even Christina Gatsby, who she always referred to using her full name for some reason, could ruin her good mood today. Hana went to collect her key and made polite small chat with Lyla, before heading to her room. She wanted to make sure that she claimed the left side of the room before her roommate did. She preferred sleeping on the left of the room. She got there, was delighted to find the room empty and began to unpack.

Christina Gatsby

Another year in this hellhole. How on earth could Christina suppress her excitement? She smirked in amusement at her own thought. Christina climbed off the bus, pushing people out of her way and headed inside. At least it was better than staying at home and watching her parents coo over Evie- her new, younger sister. Evie was everything that Christina wasn't: cute, kind, friendly, beautiful, polite. Christina detested her.

She headed inside, pausing only to snatch her key and find out which room was hers. Then, she stormed down the corridor and kicked the door open. She threw down her bags and collapsed on her bed. The dull white ceiling greeted her and reminded her that she wasn't home, that this was a school. She opened a book and pretended to read it- anything to shut out the world around her. She didn't do people, she didn't do school and she didn't do friendliness of all things.
Finn had successfully decorated his room. He left the other half of the dorm for his roommate but for the most of it the walls had been covered in posters and flyers. The shelves were lined with action figures and his collection of movies were neatly organized in alphabetical order. He stood up and brushed of his hands. He lied out three movies to watch later on Scream 2 , Texas Chainsaw Massacre , and The Thing. He would let his roommate pick which one to watch first. He lied himself down on the bed and waited for his roommate to come. He felt a little nervous. What would he be like? Would he be nice? A jerk? An Idiot? He'd just have to wait and find out.
Elizabeth got out of the bus and took a deep breath. She hated the fact that she had to go to a new school just because the others liked to mess with her in her old high school because of what happened to her family. Even if the insults never harmed her she got in a lot of trouble because of fighting with other students. She walked into the house to grab her keys and entered her room, she decided to take the right part and started to decorate her side with a bunch of posters from rock bands, video games and horror movies and sat down in her bed and waited for her roommate
People gathered around as a black limo pulled up in front of the house. They whispered wondering what type of person would come out. Roxie sat the limo laughing. "Bet these idiots think it's some kind of damn celebrity. The driver came out of the limo and opened the door for Roxie. As she stepped out of the limo people were a little surprised. She smiled at them and said "What's wrong not what you were hoping for?" She said in a cruel teasing way. Some people got insulted and left while others stood and whispered or watched. "Good." She said proud of her self. Then she looked at the driver and said "By the way I can open my own door." Then she snatched the luggage out of his hands. "And I can carry my own damn bags." The driver nodded and waited for her to leave. Once she walked off he sighed and got back in the limo and drove away. Roxie walked up to the house and was greated by some lady. "Welcome your new here right? Here us your key to the dorm." Roxie snatched the keys out of her hand "Thanks" she said. "It's a honor to have you here I heard about your family they are very well known." Roxie gave a nice good glare to the woman then walked to her room with out a word. Roxie wasn't the angry type but she hated her family. At least that's what she tells herself. She got to her room and looked inside. She put her bags down and sat on the bed. "It's better than being at home." She stood up and decorated her side of the room. She choose the right. "Well no point of being sad." She put up posters of rock bands and skaters.
Hana looked up from where she was piling her books up neatly. She had a slight compulsive disorder when it came to things like books and liked them to stay neat and tidy- she hated untidiness. Anyway, she looked up when she heard the door open. A girl came in.

"You must be Elizabeth." she said, quietly. She wasn't particularly impressed by the girl, considering that the girl had basically ignored her. There again, she probably just hadn't noticed that Hana was there. Hana wasn't particularly noticeable.

"I'm Hana." she said, sorting the last of her books, "But you'd already know that if you asked Lyla the correct questions." With that, she picked the book from the top of one of the piles and flipped it open to the bookmark that was keeping her page.
Elizabeth turned around and saw a girl with some books at the other side of the room. She had been so busy with her own thoughts that she missed the other girl who appeared to be her new roommate. "Yeah that's me, sorry for not introducing myself before I don't really know how boarding schools work" she said lying to be a good person
Hana was tempted to remind her new roommate that politeness didn't change according to where you were and that you should always introduce yourself to new people, especially if you have to share a room with them. But she was too polite to say that, so she nodded and kept quiet. She licked her finger and turned the page of her book, though she was struggling to read with the girl looking at her. She coughed, pointedly.

"Would you mind... Taking a few of those down?" Hana gestured to the posters that her roommate had stuck up, "They're a little... Sore on the eyes?"
Elizabeth looked at her posters and raised an eyebrow, she thought the posters were not really scary despite the horror movies and horror video games they came from. She decided to take them down anyway since she knew not everyone thought the same way she did and she respected that and she didn't want any unnecessary drama with her roommate. She took down the horror posters leaving the rock band posters in the wall "Better?"

@Fallen from Heaven
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Aurelian listened to his father as he lectured him about family duty and family responsibility while being at Merriam. He got this lecture every year and every year Aurelian surpassed his father's high expectations and received a hug for his work. As the car neared the school Aurelian could see a black limousine pulling away, but this was rather typical due to some students belonged to rather wealthy families, like Aurelian. However no limo, his father hated them and thought they were noveu riche rather than real money, so Aurelian's father always traveled in an older Rolls-Royce... as if that wasn't going to draw attention. As the car pulled up the drive got out and walked alongside the vehicle opening the door for Aurelian, his father and his mother. Immediately Aurelian heard some sneers coming from some students who disliked how wealthy he was as they were most likely on scholarships themselves. Aurelian's father looked around and frowned seeing that the woman who was supposed to be in charge had failed to comprehend that the Vallencourts should be greeted at the entrance. "Unfortunate that she didn't greet us here, you would think after three years she would." said Aurelian's father. At his arrogance Aurelian just frowned and looked at his mother, who gave him a reassuring smile and a slight nudge to get him to start walking. The driver was carrying the bags for him, though he really wished he could just carry them himself. The walk up the steps and into the House seemed rather long and very quiet. As they entered the woman in charge greeted them warmly, before giving Aurelian his key to his dorm room. Up the stairs and into the empty room they went. It took a measly forty-five minutes to unpack everything, making it look neat, prim and proper before things were all completely put away. "Aurelian, you are the legacy of the House Vallencourt, be mindful of that and do exceed my expectations. You will make this family proud once again," His father said before giving his only son a hug and then a pat on the back. Aurelian's mind was sent into complete confusion as this was not what his father had ever said to him before... yes this message to any other person would seem uptight and arrogant but to Aurelian who had known very little affection from his father if any was astounded and soaring through the skies. "Relian dear, please do be mindful of who knows about you," his mother added with a worried look. Of course she was talking about his sexuality and that was not some topic for discussion, so he just nodded before giving her a hug that she reluctantly broke off to give him a kiss on the forehead and a smile. "We will be off, though if you need something don't be afraid to let us know," Aurelian's mother said as the pair gave him one last hug before walking out the door. The driver just nodded and smiled like he did every year before following Mr. and Mrs. Vallencourt to the car and finally driving off.

"Alone again... fantastic..." Aurelian said to himself as he gingerly sat down on the edge of his bed looking at the emptiness of the room, just waiting until someone came and found him, needing him for something or until his roommate came. Boredom quickly set in and Aurelian just started singing to himself, his voice unwavering and smooth. No one knew he could sing... not because he hated the idea of other people knowing, but because this was his thing and his alone.

((OOC: Sorry this is so long... I really didn't mean it to be. Also didn't know if he had a roommate already because I didn't find if I had an actual dorm number assigned.)
The bus rattled into the pristine parking lot and April hurriedly walked down the aisle and said thank you to the bus driver as she hopped out of the bus. As she started to walk she saw the smirks and the pointing she just closed her eyes and breathed she knew she was poor but it didn't mean these prissy snobs could do whatever they wanted. But she kept her anger in and continued to struggle with her eight suitcases which were falling apart at the seams. This was her first year at appellate but she would be attending as a year ten.

April made her way to an old building that was a far way of campus and squinted to read the fading sign "App-applegate house," she said trying to see the whole word. She let herself in and smiled at a nice looking woman "Hello I'm April Culturo I'm starting this year," she said the woman smiled and said some comforting words before giving her a room key April nodded thankfully at her and walked down the hallway until she saw her room she slowly opened the door and widened her eyes as she saw her roommate she was um... Different. April knocked slightly before coming in "Hello I'm April Culturo I'm your new room mate," she extended her hand

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Roxie finally finished her side of the room. She took a step back to look at it. "Not bad though I hate to admit it I miss my old room." She went to take out her special box but then she heard someone knock. She turned and saw chick standing at the door saying she was her roommate. She looked at her. "Hey I'm Roxie Heart." She said with a small smile. The girl looked a little shocked. "Let me guess wasn't expecting someone like me?" She said with a teasing smile. Then she took her box and set it under her bed. "Come on in."

@Allina Auburn
April went into the room slowly and cautiously before quickly shoving her tattered bags under the bed in one swift movement not wanting the girl to see the old sacks."I wasn't expecting some one like you I Was expecting a popular kid who would make my life hell and hopefully that isn't you," she said returning the smile "So I'll have the left side of the room but can we please not make it one of those I'll kill you if you cross the line sort of thing," she said cringing as she pulled one of her better bags out of the bed. She started to unload her crafted flags and Polaroids and hung them up around her headboard the photos of her mother and siblings covering the wall. She then unloaded her portable record player and placed it on the bedside table stacking her records against it "This is the only thing of mine you can't touch my record player the only thing my bastard of a father was good for,"
"Me popular ha! That's funny and don't worry I don't plan on bulling my roommate and I'm happy to here that you are not the popular type or it would be hell." She laid back on her bed looking at the ceiling. "Oh don't worry about the crossing line thing as long as you don't go through my things I'm good." She saw the pic she put up of her family. Must be nice she thought to her self. When April mention her farther it sounded like she hated him. "Hey! We have somthing in common you can't your dad just like me well I can't stand my whole family but you get what I'm saying."

@Allina Auburn
"Yeah I hate him so much but I can't relate to hating my siblings or mum, Mum has at least three jobs and my older brother works so hard for the family and of course the littlies are to cute to hate," she said "And the only reason I'm here is because of a scholarship," she sighed. "Sorry I must sound like a sob story but I have some rules 1.Never Pity me 2.Never touch my records without my permission and 3.No puns like ever," she said her serious tone changing as she said the last one,".

April then returned to her unpacking around half an hour later her side of the room was a DIY wonderland bunting and prints strung everywhere and throw pillows flung everywhere "Don't tell anyone but basically all of this stuff was from a junkyard, I guess you might not,understand Hart is a known name and I'm guessing you've never even been near th slums where I live," she said
"Thank you." Hana said, quietly, "I appreciate your cooperation." She returned to her book and tried to read. But she couldn't focus on the words as they wriggled about in front of her. Then, she realised. She didn't have her glasses on; of course she couldn't focus! She pulled them from her pocket and slid them on. Ah, that was much better! She returned to reading and this time, she had no struggle.
"No puns huh haha I don't know that's might be hard."

Roxie took out her psvita and started playing it while April unpacked. Them she looked up to see the other side. "No I guess I wouldn't know. But just because I'm rich doesn't mean I live the good life. But I'm not going to tell anyone. You know I use to go to the junk yard with my friends well more like pet dogs that did everything I said." She sat up. "You know I never really like anyone but you seem pretty cool." Stood up and stretched out her arms. "By The way I'm here because I got kicked out of my old school."

@Allina Auburn

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Damn... He's hot. At least, that was the first though that came to Paxton's mind when he saw his roommate. He didn't say that though. Paxton stood up, smiling warmly. "I'm Paxton. Paxton Sebastian." "So, do you play hockey?" he questioned, gesturing the Nick's hockey equipment.

Nick smiled and still blushing as he shook paxton's hand. Wow he's hot was going through nicks mind but obviously he couldn't say that. Nick laughed a little when he heard Paxton's name. "You have a nice rhyming name. I like it." It was kind of a stupid thing to laugh at but Nick thought it was kind of funny. Nick looked to the hockey stick he held in his hand. "Yea I'm here in an ice hockey scholarship. Do you play?"

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