Ancient Order of Angels

My apologies everyone it's been a busy day I will be posting this evening. Keep up the good work and glad to have you @SekiryuuteiDxD
I must ask, Proc, what the heck did you mean by "piling yoctograms"...? xD I can only assume that's an autocorrect typo? Because I literally have no clue what that is supposed to mean >D<
Very clever, Proc, I didn't know that that existed xD as a strange note, if you google 'piling yoctograms', you will receive a link that directs you to my original comment above, seeing as it's so rarely used xD
Anyone keeping track of the imp death toll? 
Hmm seems like getting our demons to work together will be an issue eh? I was assuming we'd group up based on our Chiefs. A bunch of Centurions walking around by themselves will be kinda boring.. Although there are angels to interact with....
Yocto, I believe, is 10^-24. Yoctogram is basically 0.000000000000000000000001 grams. It basically means 'insignificant' in maths.
Anyone have a problem with John using his photokinesis to travel faster than light.. basically, teleporting? 
Not a lot, just to get to Barcelona
Question: Is anyone confused about whats going on in the rp? We don't want anyone getting lost or anything 
@ArsenicJohn I'm still on the train I haven't arrive in Barcelona yet lol
@ Proc, I figured that much out as soon as I figured out it was a real word and what it meant xD

@ Eeryone, I was just trying to put in a little char interaction, so feel free to do whatever with what Sidwy directed them to do. If you wanna group up, that's cool, she said for them to work together however they wanted, I was just gonna have her eventually make her way to the cathedral herself and snoop around, see what she could see :3
Frankly I'd like to see Lust interact with an angel haha.. Can't see her teaming with Iris personally.. Maybe Diablo 
Wow, we're missing a lot of centurions actually 
Wait Diablo's a Chief? I forgot
Btw the reason I don't make a third character is I really can't handle three in one RP. If I thought I could do it I surely would

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