Ancient Order of Angels

Haha, I always post like this, as we haven't even gotten to any good fight scenes yet :3
Hey so I've recently been accepted to the canon, looking forward to roleplaying with yah all.


What up.
And, the majority of demons are active.

I'm making Morbi seem all soft and mushy. I'm going to have to have Lotsa fun today. C:
My allergies are wreaking more havoc than every demon in this role-play put together could. Dx

I'll try to post later but, I doubt I'll be able to.
@Stickdom That would be fine with me. I was going to ask if she could be Sidwy's Centurion, it makes sense to me that way. 
Soo.. can humans be brought to Infernus for playtime? I'm assuming they can if brought there by a demon willingly?
Finally introduced Sarah/Lilith. Kind of unsure what to do with Death's time slowdown thing.. My understanding is time only slowed in the room with the Chiefs, right..? To everyone else everything seems normal? 
By the way if I get too risque with Lilith let me know.. I'm trying to tone it down a bit from my imagination, which would probably be a 18+ RP lol
I can't review the rp only you guys I'm out and people watching can 
I even like the bottom one for seraphim but need more human like for seraphim 
hymnal i mean 
I really like the top picture he posted though

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