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Fantasy --=:A Fantasy Made A Reality:=--

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Nora stopped writing as she felt another presence enter the book store. She glanced over to front counter, seeing an unfamiliar man dressed in fancy attire. It was rather odd seeing such a well dressed person in a small shop like this. She thought. Almost nobody came here besides herself. There was something off about him yet she couldn't pin down what it might be. She closely concentrated on him with her crimson red eyes, attempting to search his human memories. Until, she realized that she couldn't find anything. It was filled with blackness. "Strange." She muttered under her breath as she trailed her eyes down to the ring on his index finger. It seemed like any other ordinary ring but she was curious to who this man might be. She walked over to him, focusing her gaze on his finger. "What a pretty ring." She said, smiling sweetly.

@OverlordSenpai @Wandering Hollow
While Alexander was waiting to see if anyone was going to come and help him with what he needed not like he really needed the help... he heard a feminine voice talking to him. He looked over to see who it was and it was the same women who was sitting at the table. He could see her face now and the one feature that stood out the most to him was her red colored eyes and this raised a flag in his head. Red eyes? Humans could not possibly have red eyes unless she was wearing some sort of odd contacts that made her eyes appear red. Then he noticed that she really was a beauty. Alexander really could not help himself for smiling at her. Then he finally realized that she was looking at his ring and then the words she said finally registered.

He looked at the ring and raised up his hand a bit and gave faint sad smile while looking at it.
"Yeah this ring is beautiful it means a lot to me." he said with an almost sad like tone. He was trying to give the impression that the ring had a sad history behind it. His green eyes looked away from his ring and looked at her eyes before speaking to her again. His hand went back down to his side gently. "So are you the owner of this store or perhaps an employee?" he asked in a slightly impatient tone. He just wanted to see if they had any books that interested him and if not he would return to the place he was temporally staying at. Alexander thought it humorous already about the lie he just told. Like anything could matter to him at this point. He had never cared for anyone other then maybe his kitsune pet named Luna and maybe his butler he had back in the demon realm. In the back of Alexander's mind he thought it might be fun to maybe keep a tab on this women to see if he could have some 'fun' with her later.

@Soulless @Wandering Hollow
Sora watched the small 'puddle' on the table, at first her initial reaction was the desperate want to jump away screaming but she managed to keep her composure, even if it looked a little 'struggled' "N-no problem." she said in response to his sorry, she still glared at him though, no matter how convincing he seemed to be, she couldn't forget the expression his eyes had originally had.


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Nora simply nodded at his response as she listened to the sad tone of his voice. It seemed pretty believable, yet she was still having suspicions about the ring. She tried to ignore the subject for now and looked at him as his hand went back to his side. ¨I believe that the owner is asleep right now. Are you looking for a certain book?" She asked.

@OverlordSenpai @Wandering Hollow
Satisfied with his surroundings, David pick-up his coffee and sipped it. He lifted it away from his mouth and stared at the cup. "Hm, why had this gone cold so quickly?" He muttered to himself as he set his coffee down on the table and stood up.

With one final glance around the small cafe, he half-haphazardly threw down the money for the coffee on the table, and exited the cafe. Once back out on the street, he took in the sweet and calming breeze coming from the direction of the sea, but not for too long. Every day, no, every moment spent hunting should not be wasted for a professional such as himself. Almost immediately, he entered the bookshop next-door, hoping to find any books that would help him, although, by the looks of the shop from the outside, it seemed that he wouldn't have many options.

Surprisingly enough, as he stepped into the bookshop, he felt the cool breeze of the AC, accompanied by the wonderful smell that many bookshops have. These, with the sight of a wide variety of books, led David to hope for the best as he looked around, making note of the entrances and exits, and finally resting his eyes on the man in front of him. David froze in place, quickly surveying the man from top to bottom. He didn't like the looks of this at all, judging by the lavishness of the suit, as well as the ring on the man's finger. Yes.....David knew exactly what this man was. He brought out a picture of the man from his jacket. Although the photo had been taken from a distance, the similarities between the man in the photo and the man in front of him were uncanny.
When the Cafe was destroyed, Bob moved on to to the book shop. When he entered the shop, he zapped all the books with super, godlike laser beam thing-a-majigs. After all the books were only ashes on the floor, Bob unleashed a deadly wave of cosmic-god like energy, and blew up the shop.

After the shop was reduced to only rubble, Bob walked down to the street and did a happy dance. In the middle of his happy dance, a car zoomed past and took Bob with it.

Before he blacked out, Bob managed to scream something aloud. Unfortunately, Bob's scream was incoherent, and sounded like gibberish to most.
TheHappyPikachu said:
Sora watched the small 'puddle' on the table, at first her initial reaction was the desperate want to jump away screaming but she managed to keep her composure, even if it looked a little 'struggled' "N-no problem." she said in response to his sorry, she still glared at him though, no matter how convincing he seemed to be, she couldn't forget the expression his eyes had originally had.


(Continuation from this post.)

Sora slowly stood up to move away from the water, shuffling away and standing up, taking another bite of the cheesecake before handing the guy some money "Thank you." she said in a slightly shaky voice, still pale and it only continued to worsen, she kept her other hand firmly by her side "I'll-... be going now." she said, throat completely dry 'dammit... I didn't think I would dry up this fast...' she thought to herself uselessly, an awkward and pathetic smile on her blank expression.

She turned to walk away slowly, but hesitated, wondering how she could make suddenly leaving look less suspicious.


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A ringing noise? Eh. They'll probably go away after awhile. Wait.... Ringing....? A CUSTOMER!! Futaba practically lept from the armchair and burst from the back room.

"W-welcome to Mayonaka Kami! Stocking every known book unser the Sun and mo-! ..... Eh?" Futaba stared blankly at the scene before him. There was Nora, a usual sight but she normally didn't disturb his slumber. A tall stranger with an odd ring... And that aura... Hm. The other man. Not sure who he is but he seems hostile.... A Hunter meeting its Pray for the first time? Futaba knew how it felt before it all gone to hell. The screaming, the blood, THE BITE.

"Ehem. Gentlemen," he said aloud, ringing the bell on the countertop once. His expression was serious and his eyes shone a dull red.

"If you wish to have an.... arguement, please do it outside. I don't want to file a damage report to my boss and my just completed Zaku II would like tp stay intact for a couple more months," he said, moving his slight glare from David to the air around Alexander. He then smiled at Nora.

"Oh hey there Nora. I'd like to offer you some coffee but some guy taking the night shift thought it would be funny to make coffee with Red Bull. Spoilt the damned thing," he said with a warm smile.



[QUOTE="Adrian Johaanson]WHY AM I IGNORED, AHH, ANSWER TO BOB!! TAKE BOB SERIOUSLY!! -.- Seriously though. Be cool, respond tuh meh.

((Because his posts are OP as heck... xD "^W^))
(C'mon now, he is a Bob. Name something a Bob can't do. Besides, Bob should have a special power, for Bob's sake. Can I give him super plumbing powers?)
OverlordSenpai said:
(OCC: I am ignoring it because it is godmodding. You stated your character was a human so your human cant have god like powers and blowing up everything etc. That is why I am ignoring it.)
The owner was asleep? Humans really were as lazy as Alexander thought. What kind of owner or employer would be sleeping on the job? This made him chuckle slightly at how stupid it really sounded to him. Alexander was about to answer the women when he heard the door open and he sighed. He thought this place was not one many came to and he really did not want to be around a lot of people mainly due to how much stupidly of the human race he could take. He glanced behind him to see a male walked in and was now staring at him. He did not like how the man was looking at him like he was studying him. Could it be that someone managed to find out who he was or that he was suspicious? This bothered him slightly as the ring made him appear human and he did not remember acting out of the ordinary to anyone. Before he could think more about it he heard a males voice in front of him telling him that he better not be starting a fight.

Alexander's attention went back to the front of the desk to see the man who apparently owned the place or was a worker. "
Rest assure I have not raised an argument." "I was just wondering if you had any books on folklore and history for sale?" he said trying to clear up any misunderstandings. There was now four people in this bookstore and he already kind of felt uncomfortable. Oh how easy it would have been just to kill everyone and have a merry time. But even demons had to be civil at times and this was one of those times. Alexander did not want to cause a huge scene at least not in his human form. If he were to appear in his demon form then yes he did whatever the hell he wanted to. Alexander had no idea what this Zaku II this guy was rambling on about but he did not really care he just hoped he could pay for the books and leave but seeing how that guy in the back is looking at him that might not work the way Alexander would have liked it to.

@Yoyoman200 @Soulless @Wandering Hollow
David averted his gaze, looking up at the man who had come in from the back. After hearing what he had said about starting a fight, he shook his head, faking a warm smile. "Oh, no sir. I would hate to cause any misunderstandings, but I am here to simply purchase a book." He glanced back at what he was sure to be a descendant of Lucifer. He chuckled, looking at Alexander's hair. "Well, looks like you have the Devil's hair, as some may say.." As he chuckled to himself some more, before striding into an aisle, pretending to look for a book.
Nora turned her head toward the sound of the door opening and saw another figure walk in. There was already enough strange people in this shop already but this person seemed to be human. It looked like he was thinking very carefully about something. Her attention was then caught when she saw Futaba burst into the room, who looked as if he had just woken up. ¨It´s alright, I'm not really thirsty anyway. How was your slumber?¨ She said with a smile.

@Wandering Hollow @OverlordSenpai @Yoyoman200
"We have a new set of books about Romanian folklore. Would you like to check those out, Sir?" Futaba asked politely, pointing out the New Arrivals shelf.

"We have many similar books at the History and Culture shelves over there and there," He added, pointing thise shelves out while keeping a wary eye on David. He's definately a Hunter... Futaba could recognize that tactic anywhere. After all, he did use that tactic plenty of times. He then turned his attention back to Nora.

"Eh. Its alright, I can manage. How's your writing? Made any progress on it or did you just scribble some ideas on?" Futaba asked with a small smile as he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a hip flask. He screwed the top open and took a swing. Nothing like O type blood to get you through the day.... He thought with a satisfied sigh as he capped the flask and stowed it away.

@Soulless @OverlordSenpai @Yoyoman200
Matty walked into the cafe and sat down.She had a week off because of how many hours she worked at the center.Matty ordered a usual cold water with cake,while eating the cake Matty made the water shift up and down over and over again until the water came out the cup and a cup out of the water.Then Matty remembered someone could be watching and quickly put the water back.
The girl's reaction to the water, the way she looked pale and sick, it was certainly not just someone with Hydrophobia. Mermaids turn into their true form if they come into contact with even a single drop of water, and other drinks besides water were deadly to them. He gently grabbed her arm to stop her from going. "You still haven't finished, are you sure? And you didn't pay." He said to her, trying to delay her to see what would happen. He had a pretty scary smile on his face as he spoke to her, patiently waiting for her to reply. 'Did I hit the jackpot? If this is just an ordinary girl, I'll definitely need a magical being to let out some frustration.' He thought as he tried to delay the girl and stop her from leaving the Cafe.

Sora turned back "I... just handed you the money. I, err... yeah, I'm full. I'm not this skinny for no good reason you know." she stated, speaking fast and doing a bunch of crazy poses and arm movements as she went trying to get free, the pearl around her neck glinting slightly from a ray of sun, "but, I have things to do, places to see.... b-books to read? there's a book shop next door, I may just, you know.. check it out?..." she asked, trying to think of anything to get free, but the longer she stayed here the weaker she was getting.


Nat walked into the cafe with her hands in her coat pockets then sat on the bar tables, waiting for someone to get her order. She had a cold, emotionless look on her face as she took out a blueprint of an invention then started to adjust it. She was bored and had nothing to do but to top all of that... She was soooo hungry.
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Megumi watched the girl and the butler from her little and shaded table, an amused look on her face. The waiter started to get much more aggressive and questioning while the girl got scared. Could she be blamed? A complete and older stranger started to harass her out of the blue. If Megumi was younger and in that situation, she'd be pretty scared too. However, Megumi wasn't an evil person and decided she would step in, plus she was getting a little thirsty. "Hey!" She called out, directing it towards Cain. "Can a person get service around here? I suggest you stop flirting and do your job..."

@Verdas @TheHappyPikachu
Cain turned his head to look at another girl, but did not loosen his grip (poor Sora. *weeoo weeoo* ambulance sirens.)on the one that was acting suspicious. "Of course. I am doing my job. This customer looked very sick... So I'm checking to see if everything's alright." He replied. The way he the last part of his sentence would've been enough to send shivers down someone's back. As his focus was averted to the other girl, he unintentionally loosened his grip on the suspicious girl's arm.

"So? Do you need anything?" He asked the other girl politely, though still in a somewhat scary way. He had gotten his hands on a potential magical being. He wasn't willing to let his prey escape just like that. Ironically enough, he had loosened his grip which may be just about enough for his "prey" to break lose and run or get away.

@Kayzo @TheHappyPikachu
A small frown formed onegumi's face, taken aback by his cold tone. Jeez, who hired him! She thought to herself, sitting up straight in her seat. "Actually yes. I would appreciate it if you would get me something to drink. Like coffee." She said firmly, tapping her feet. "Throw in a sandwich, surprise Me with what kind."

Cain frowned, getting annoyed by the other girl. He hated interruptions. Especially when he's got his hands on a potential magical being. 'This little...' He thought, wondering why she was bothering him like this. "I'm sorry, but I am currently preoccupied, as you can obviously see. There are others here that can assist you. Please... Ask them instead." He said to her, in the cold tone he used before, which was now more evident. If she kept bothering him, he feared that he would have to let the suspicious girl go and get her order. He could always dig up information about someone. He was a Hunter, after all.

In fact, now that he thought about it, it wasn't the best idea to reveal whether or not this girl was a magical being out in the public just like that. Witnesses would be... Troublesome, to say the least. He should learn more about her before jumping to conclusions. Once he had enough info, he would either eliminate her, or leave her be, depending on whether or not she was a magical being. Let go of her arm, he turned to the girl that was bothering him and politely bowed his head. "I'm sorry about that. I'll go get your order now." He said, just a hint of annoyance in his voice.


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