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Fantasy --=:A Fantasy Made A Reality:=--

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DeathWing landed in the nearest town, dropping into the town from above. He'd change midway and smirk, landing gracefully on his feet.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.png.cde96ed16fbe1e6696a7c78feb1b0276.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="85104" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.png.cde96ed16fbe1e6696a7c78feb1b0276.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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David leaned against a shelf, shoving the picture back in his jacket. Suddenly, hand-radio beeped, causing him to jump slightly, before turning it off. He turned his thoughts back to what he should do about that damn evil spawn of Lucifer himself. David folded his arms across his chest, deep in thought. "It's possible that I can call of backup, but that might scare him off...." he thought to himself, "or, I can face him head-on.....but a wild demon like him can be unpredictable....."

David thought a little more, before taking the radio off his hip and speaking into it. "Dispatch, roll me an additional two, Code One, make it a 10-45." David smiled once more, looking out the window and across the street, waiting for his backup to arrive.
Waiting for the store worker to answer him he heard the guy behind him make a note of his hair and Alexander sighed slightly. “Pretty rude to refer to someone’s hair as the devil’s don’t you think?” he replied to the man but the man already moved towards an isle of books. Alexander was pretty sure he heard him but he made no response to him. Alexander was not really concerned about the man but maybe he should have been. Alexander was not stupid he knew he was weak in this form but what could a human do to him really? Before Alexander could think on it more the store worker finally answered his question.

After the man answered his question he talked to the women whose name he now knew as Nora. Nora was an interesting women he still thought about maybe keeping a close eye on her but in his current situation it felt like people were trying to figure him out and that made him a bit uncomfortable.
“To hell with these human emotions,” he thought to himself. Alexander was interested in looking at the books that the clerk mentioned but he felt like it would be better to leave now before something else happened. “Thank you very much for the information Mr…” Alexander paused looking at the man’s name tag for his name. “Mr. Futaba,” he said smiling at him. “I am sorry but I do have to leave now.” “I have something that I must attend to,” he said turning his back and starting to leave the store. “I just wanted to see if you guys hand any of the books I was interested in on hand.” “I will return here tomorrow to make a purchase; thank you.” As Alexander passed by the man who was still looking at him he heard a beeping noise and then knew something was not right and he made the right choice to leave the store. Alexander then pushed the door open to leave the bookstore. He started to walk down the side walk and head towards the beach. Alexander was in no hurry he hoped in fact that he would be followed because maybe then it would be less of scene. He thought about what the man said again and laughed about his hair looking like the devil’s hair. How ironic…

@Soulless @Yoyoman200 @Wandering Hollow
David watched the Devil spawn silently, watching him as he left the store. "Stupid bastard, you think leaving will help you?" He muttered to no one in particular. Right on time, the two squad cars that he had requested pulled up in front of the bookstore, silent, like he had asked. He met the officers at the door, just as they were coming in. There were four officers in total, not counting David. A hushed conversation followed the meeting, with David motioning over to the bookstore employees and pointing down the street. The men nodded as David followed them to their cars, climbing in one, and taking-off without a word more.

On the road, David gave directions on heading to the beach, while a Strategic Response Team was called-in, for this could end in a deadly situation.
"Yeah, thanks." Mao said, a bit of annoyance in her tone as well. I still don't see why he was so rough with that girl? She thought to herself, glancing at the student. She seemed somewhat normal, despite her suspicious and anxious actions. But that doesn't mean that it meant anything. Finally, after a few moments of studying the girl, she beckoned her head towards the door, giving her a message to leave.

@Verdas @TheHappyPikachu
"Yare yare daze...." Futaba sighed at the two men left. Looks like its just Nora and him in the store then. He took out his hip flask of blood and drained it.

"Damned Hunter... Even I'm not that hardcore...." He muttered before heading back to the backroom to continue his nap.
Natalia after eating walked into the bookstore. She was a usual customer since she had a love for reading. She took a book or two then walked up the the register. " Hi, how are you?" She asked smiling.
"Its been going well, but lots of people have been dying lately. I feel like I've been working non-stop ." She said with a slight laugh as she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. She then watched as the man with the ring leave the store. Along with the person who had just come in, leaving shortly after him. Her eyes narrowed as she saw two cars parked right outside the bookstore and a couple of those supernatural hunters she had been hearing so much about. They were probably going after that man that had just left earlier, it was best not to interfere. It might not be long before those souls need to be collected though... She argued with with herself, before turning her attention back to Futaba who was already returning into the backroom.

After a few minutes alone in boredom, Nora grabbed her notebook, making her way out of the store and towards the beach.
Natalia looked toward the beach as well. David you idiot! She thought to herself. She picked up the books then walked to the beach. She planned to slap David in the head and tell him how bad his move was. But most people didn't know she was a hunter. So she had to stay calm and collective. When she made it to the beach she analysis his surrounding. What are you trying to do?! She thought.

As she sat outside the cafe, watching the girl she saw how her surroundings interacted with her. Strange. Her father seemed too rough on her. Maybe she was dating and he was upset because that's just how fathers were? Ah, but she looked pretty pale and uneasy. Could it be? A pedophile? How perverted. Gross old men. Jeane scratched her chin and continued to observe. A weird expensive scent filled her nostrils and she coughed out loud. Cologne. They tickled her nose. How she hated it. She turned her head and a man with odd hair wearing an exotic fur coat ran past her. The witch coughed again. Ugh. He stinks. After he passed by, she sprayed a few bottles used for eliminating odors and sighed. Jeane watched the scene again and continued to crave for cupcakes.

@TheHappyPikachu @Verdas @OverlordSenpai

Sora was thankful as the girl allowed her an escape, she bowed briefly before leaving the shop quickly, the bell making the familiar ring as she left, she began to walk down the street, searching for any source of water available but most shops were closed and the town didn't have any water fountains that she was aware of, she gulped again, her throat dry and felt itchy, an almost burning sensation filled her mouth, with no other choice she slowly began to head towards the beach, stumbling as she went, her vision was blurry and the sun felt like a thousand needles were stabbing into her soft skin.

"J-just... a bit... more..." she stuttered out, the yellow sand in sight, suddenly she collapsed in the middle of the path though, breaths short and vision almost completely blacked out 'Dammit... I'm gonna.. slap that waiter... later...' she thought weakly.


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(Of course everyone's heading for the beach now to see some action, xD )

Soon, the cars had hit the soft sand of the beach, and parked seemingly in the middle of it. Each driver turned on their emergency lights, emitting the easily-recognized glow. David looked each way, first to the left, then the right. To his right, far off in the distance, he could spot a heavily-armored truck slowly making it's way to him. He looked back at the officers he had organized. "Poor saps," he thought to himself "they're only humble police officers, they know nothing of the world that I reside in, a world in which an endless battle takes place between the rightful inhabitants of this world......" He looked down to his right, expecting that Devil spawn to be here any moment. "and those of have spoiled it with there presence."

David turned back to his men, which were standing behind their cars uncertainly. "Alright guys, the man that should be here soon is armed and dangerous." He paused for effect. "And not to mention the ringleader of multiple drug gangs up and down this coast." They seemed to take the bait, as grim expressions dawned on each of their faces. "Do not fire unless I say so, remember, you're only here if he gets out of control..." David paused, thinking quickly. "Last I saw him, he seemed high on a potent version of what you all know as 'Bathsalts', so I warn you now, his behavior may be unpredictable...to say the least." His men nodded, understandingly.
Matty left the cafe and went to the beach to play with some of her dolphin friends she rescued a while back until she saw a girl on the path,"Are you okay" Matty said helping the girl up @TheHappyPikachu
Sora felt herself being lifted up "I.. water..." she managed to mutter out weakly, her throat stinging with each word, she could barely make out the face of whoever she was talking to as her pink, pearl necklace glittered under the bright sun, she heard sirens in the distance but didn't have the strength to care, let alone investigate.


@Robyn Banks
David saw, even though it was from afar, that there were others out on the empty beach. He quickly rushed to the car radio , not wanting to be responsible for any more lives than he had too. David quickly picked up the mouthpiece, speaking into it through the car's attached bullhorn. "Attention citizens, get off the beach!" It amplified his voice to the ears of anyone that could hear him.

Sora heard someone else and felt herself being placed in the water, she gulped once 'da-dammit!?' she thought as soon as the water touched her she felt her strength instantly come back, she opened her eyes and quickly started running '10... 9... 8...' she thought, she had a few seconds before she would change back, she jumped behind a rock just as she felt her body changing, a moment later she was back to her mermaid form, her shirt had disappeared and turned into some sort of seashell bra, her legs were now a fishtail, it was beautiful much like hr appearance, seashell hairpiece and pale, unblemished skin, her crystal blue eyes sparkling and scales shining under the sun, two fins had appeared on he side of each wrist and behind her ears.

She swore under her breath once
'what the hell am I going to do!? I can't let any of them see me!?!' she thought, glancing around nervously from behind her hiding place.

@OverlordSenpai \[uSER\=35873\]@WoodenZebra[/uSER]

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From afar, on top of a small cliff, not to far from the sea and beach, Jeane observed with her binoculars. How she got up here, you ask? Duh, she's a witch. Witches can fly. The blonde kicked her dangling legs and while watching. Ah, the police arrived? Was this girl a criminal too? Interesting! She hummed something as the mute scene went on. The girl entered the sea. A fishtail flapped and Jeane rubbed her nose. Mermaids. How long has it been since she saw one? The young adult sighed when the police ordered all citizens to get off the beach. It reminded her of that one fat hunter who tried to kill her. Taking out a siver spoon, she gracefully twirled the utensil in her hand. Stupid policemen interrupting her stalking. Now they scared one of her targets off. Jeane frowned as she silently aimed for the hood of the police car and threw. Using a vector spell, it flew and stabbed into one of their vehicles.

Jumping off, the witch plunged into the water, after taking a huge breath and swam as quickly and quietly as she could. She also brought a waterproof camera with her. (She has many stalker supplies) Pictures. She needed pictures.

@TheHappyPikachu @Yoyoman200
Sora desperately swam away from the group, once a safe distance from a group she peeked her head up from below the water, suspiciously glaring at the group with a blank expression "dammit." she mumbled in the water, causing bubbles to come from her mouth, she took no notice of the witch nearby.

Matty had formed a air bubble to breath in water and walked in,"Yo" Matty said looking like a human who could breath under water
NightCasterZ said:
DeathWing had followed after Sora closely. "What is up?" He asked, now in his dragon form. He was pretty big, even for dragons.
(Dude. no. have you read any of the other posts by yoyo??... no.)

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