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Fantasy --=:A Fantasy Made A Reality:=--

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(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧crying over fictional lesbians (╥︣﹏᷅╥)

Humans have one flawed weakness... anything we don't understand?... anything that we don't know everything about, all their strengths, weaknesses... anything we don't get to cut up into little p i e c e s? Scare us and this is why other creatures have learnt to fear, learnt to fear the things that rose from dust and stole their homes, the things that built castles of brick and machines of metal to destroy what the world has given us... and if you are to face them?

death shall swiftly follow...there will be no mercy.

That is why they hid, the creatures long lost and told now in only stories...
fairy-tales, the dragons and mermaids, vampires and werewolves, witches and wizards are all real. some live among us, maybe you passed one on your way to the shops, never even realizing it because they have one major advantage, they adapt. Humans, the ones who have conquered evolve now slowly, but them? they evolve quickly, able to change their form, learn our language and act like us in only a tenth of the time.

These creatures? these
'things' that we call monsters? only want peace... but for whatever causes humans to fear, there will be an enemy... and that enemy? The hunters... They are not ignorant of little boys with oddly sharp teeth or how some girls only go to places where there's water...and how they see certain people buy ingredients that wouldn't be used for cooking...no...they are aware and are on the hunt.

They will not stop until the
earth is cleansed of this filth...until there is nothing left but humanity itself.

They've been trained to hunt....to
kill....without any mercy...

These are the Hunters of Humanity

A Fantasy made a Reality



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/mythical_creatures_background_by_cello_is_love.jpg.9b1056d5238a886bafdd9fed18c0dc21.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84588" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/mythical_creatures_background_by_cello_is_love.jpg.9b1056d5238a886bafdd9fed18c0dc21.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>







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“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.”

Roald Dahl

Sora walked along the beach's shore, the tides whipping at the sand as her... feet. left soft imprints within it, the ocean seeming endless and full of wonder under the rising sun, she stretched, putting her arms behind her head and smirking to herself a bit, crystal blue eyes staring lustfully at the waters great depths.

"Dammit... can't believe I have to go to school tomorrow... and even worse it's yearly swimming again..." she said, flopping down pathetically and looking more than a little fed up "I think I've run out of excuses for not getting in the water." she mumbled to herself "sundays suck." she stated blankly shortly after, fidgeting with the small, pink pearl on her necklace, she looked beautiful against the horizon, her pale and perfectly shaped figure, long soft hair and eyes almost seeming to sparkle... it was if she radiated the worlds beauty itself.

But what could you expect? after all. she is a...

Cain walked to the place he worked in. A small cafe, not far from his own home. It had many different people coming in, allowing him to observe and inspect each one. No one would suspect a Hunter to be working as a waiter, not even Hunters themselves. It was very convenient, however, since this would allow him to get close enough to get a good look of the people that entered. Vampires, fairies, witches, mermaids, whatever type of creature might enter, they rarely escape him. Of course, he had to change the way he finds out due to complaints and nagging from his boss. Still, it was effective and a very efficient way to find and track supernatural entities.

Unfortunately... He has not had any luck during the past month, with the exception of one vampire, he has not even encountered a single one of those disgusting creatures which he so despised. Still, he kept his trusty knife with him, hidden in his left pocket. Of course, he kept replacing the knife from time to time whenever it broke or took any significant damage. The supernatural creatures were pretty strong, but it was nothing more to him than a slight inconvenience. He wondered if he would get lucky today and encounter one of 'them'.

Sora wondered for a while until the sun rose, leaving the beach behind she made her way to her usual Cafe` she always came here, it wasn't too far from the Beach nor school, and didn't get many customers so was always quiet enough to sit down and read a book... well, most days. there was one employee who happened to cause a ruckus every now and then, but he'd seemed to calm down over the past month, only acting up once, the man didn't speak much, but always seemed to be watching each person closely... he kinda gave her the creeps.

She sat down at a table, not bothering to go to the counter and instead enjoyed the last
resounding ring from the small bell on the door, the place was empty except for her, she tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear slowly in fluent movement with her hand, on the outside she seemed calm and elegant... but on the inside?

She was completely and utterly

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Cain soon arrived at the cafe, entering casually and taking a close look at the inside as usual. There was a customer here already, who seemed to have arrived even before him, one of he employees here. He hasn't had the chance to get close enough to this one yet, as there were others serving, but this was a good opportunity for him. He didn't have too much suspicions on this girl, however. She seemed to come here often, and there was nothing too unusual. Still... He would still observe carefully. He walked up to her table and asked "Is there anything you need?" In a polite manner. His eyes seemed to be contradicting what he said by staring at her coldly, in an intimidating way as he waited for her answer.

Of course, he had scared away a couple of people in the past, getting some more nagging from his boss. He had yet to fix this behaviour since he was, after all, a hunter who specialised in killing supernaturals. Just realising how he must look now, his eyes quickly changed to a less scarier and more friendly look. 'This job is good for finding "them"... But it's such an utter pain to keep this act up.' He thought as he appeared to have suddenly become friendlier and nicer than before.


Sora raised an eyebrow at him, tracing her finger around the table in a lazy fashion, completely spaced out till a moment ago causing her to stare at him blankly, blinking a few times 'Oh, dammit... it's the weird one.' she thought, laughing weakly to herself in her head before stretching "One cheesecake please!~" she asked in a childish fashion, raising her voice in pitch and looking rather adorable briefly.

her eyes suddenly slit in a curious fashion though and a smirk curled its way onto her face "And stop the act." she said, her crystal blue eyes paying attention to his every moment, there was something-... odd about this man, and her curiosity led her to find it quite 'intriguing'.

She leaned into the palm of her hand, placing her elbow on the table and crossing one leg over the other, turning herself side-ways to face him, she looked rather 'sassy' wether or not that was her desired result that was what ended up happening.

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"All done....." Futaba muttered menacingly as he put his utility knife aside as he admired his work under the solitary lamp with a dark chuckle.

"The tasteful red.... The smooth curves.... Yes.... Its perfect!" He laughed as he held up the.... RG MS-06S Zaku II Char Aznable Custom and carefully placed it in the display cabinet in the Mayonaka Kami bookshop. He gazed at his small Gunpla collection before sighing and looking around. About 4 hours into his shift and no one has visited the shop..... Yet again. The tinted windows show people walking past the shop and entering the damned cafe next door. Oh well, that just means more time for him to take a nap.

"Ah.... I love my job," he chuckled as he entered the back room of the shop and kicked up in the plush armchair. He turned on some soft music before yawning and falling asleep. And so begins another day for Kirigiri Futaba at his not so dead end job as assistant manager of Mayonaka Kami.
Cain nodded and was about to go get the cheese cake as the customer has ordered, when she told him to "stop the act. 'Oh? Did she see through my act? Is she just a normal person with some skills, or a supernatural being...' He thought as he turned around to face her. "Excuse me, what do you mean by that?" He asked her in a very convincing way. The girl changed, and it appeared as though she knew something. He wasn't quite sure about this girl. A supernatural creature wouldn't have revealed themselves so easily, even if they are incredibly strong, revealing their face and identity was very risky. He wasn't certain whether she was a Hunter either.

If it was just an ordinary person or another Hunter, he would be greatly disappointed. 'Either way, if she wasn't just playing around, I might as well take a look at who this person is.' He thought, a sudden interest in this person making him very curious.


Sora smirked "I mean, you don't have to act 'nice' in front of me, I come here almost everyday and I see how you treat certain people. sometimes cold and others with a fake smile. honestly? I think it's slightly disturbing when you try to be... 'friendly'..." she said, a hint of disgust in a sarcastic and joking manner on her face as she spoke.

"I... See..." Cain replied. 'So is that all it was?' He thought, as he observed the girl carefully. "The boss will lecture me about it if I don't keep up this act, however. My cold act scared away a few customers in the past." He said truthfully, not exactly revealing or mentioning why exactly he was cold to others and observed everyone carefully. He began to walk to the counter. "I'll get your order now." He said as he walked away from the table. The girl seemed normal enough for him to stop being as suspicious of her as he was before. Deep down, he was kind of hoping that she would be a supernatural. He was getting bored with all this. He wanted to kill a supernatural to let out some stress and anger.

He got to the counter and got a cheese cake which was shown on the counter (like in Star quacks) and brought it over to the table, placing it down. 'Why do they even need me to get those to begin with. They're one of the stuff you can just...' He thought in his head, a little bit annoyed, but let none of these emotions show.

David entered the Cafe, the usual grim expression on his face, hardened and scarred from countless years of tracking, hunting, and a seemingly endless amount killing, killing, killing. The sunlight caught the badge on his overcoat as he strode silently across the floor and to the counter. David took off his sunglasses and shoved them in his front pocket. He looked up at the menu, seemingly unsatisfied at his options. Rested both hands on the counter as he watched out of the corner of his eye a member of the staff serve another customer. "I've got to look at the place next-door, it's the only bookshop in town I haven't checked..." He thought to himself.
Sora watched the man curiously, as he came back she clasped her hand together in joy "yay!~" she said happily, taking a bite cheerfully, suddenly though she looked back up at him, seeming slightly pale "Excuse me, can have some water?..." she asked, in a slightly wavering tone, it was not unusual for her to request this and most staff just brushed it off as she was a thirsty person, ether that or it was because she always jogged on the beach before coming here.

TheHappyPikachu said:
Sora watched the man curiously, as he came back she clasped her hand together in joy "yay!~" she said happily, taking a bite cheerfully, suddenly though she looked back up at him, seeming slightly pale "Excuse me, can have some water?..." she asked, in a slightly wavering tone, it was not unusual for her to request this and most staff just brushed it off as she was a thirsty person, ether that or it was because she always jogged on the beach before coming here.

For David, time seemed to move in slow motion as his brow furrowed at the question he heard from the female customer. He looked over his shoulder just enough to see the expression on her face as she asked the question. At the same time, he felt the heavy weight of his pistol in his jacket. "Water....mermaid.....siren.....shape-shiftier...." he thought to himself as he turned over the possibilities in his mind. But, there was always that nagging doubt in the back of his mind, that his instincts could be wrong, instincts that he had honed for countless years of doing this. Of course, there are times when he needs proof that someone is a magical beast, and this seemed to be one of those times. All the more reason to visit the nearby bookstore
Nora walked along the sidewalk and made her way to the Mayonaka Kami bookshop. She was a usual customer and would come very often to just sit down to read or write. It was bizarre how she would always arrive at the exact same time everyday with the same black note book that she carried in her hands.

She quietly opened the door as the bell on her wrist let off a warm, yet peaceful sound that gave a dreamy-like aura about her. She took a seat at small table near the window and began to open a new page in her notebook. With that, she had begun to write.

@Wandering Hollow
Cain nodded. "Of course~" He saw a well-known Hunter enter the cafe. He seemed to come here very often. A cafe where Hunters gathered and supernaturals unwittingly entered... The entire cafe was like a bear trap. The girl's face was unusually pale as she asked him for water. 'Is this due to dehydration? Or perhaps...' He thought as he grew slightly suspicious again. Walking over to the counter, he got a glass of water and headed back to the table, but didn't put it down. "Are you sure you don't want anything else? Such as juice or soda?" He asked, waiting for her response.

This was actually quite ridiculous, though. Being suspicious of someone because they asked for some water. In fact, it sounds silly when you think about it, however the girl's face was pale, and she seemed desperate for water. This behaviour was... Unusual. Especially because she seemed perfectly fine until now.

(If they find out she's a mermaid, there's gonna be police
sirens as people look for her. @TheHappyPikachu @Yoyoman200)
Sora gulped once before he came back, she seemed kinda-.... 'spaced-out' until seeing the water, her eyes becoming lively again but her face grew paler "y-yeah. for now..." she said, wary of the water as even a single drop could turn her back, but at the same time desperate for it, she couldn't drink other liquids... it would be the same as a human drinking poison, she fixed up her composure and reached out a hand to take it from him.

Megumi wanted to take a little risk today, and decided to actually go out in public, during the day. Thr vampire going out in public during a sunny day was a very very very rare occurance, but she couldn't help herself. Most time during the day she was sleeping, reading, or doing something lazy like watching tv, but today it was not the case. As long as she didn't spend too much time in the sun Megumi should be A-ok. Putting on her sun hat, she walked out of her place and began walking into the town. After a bit of exploring she found herself at a cafe. She noticed a nervous, younger girl, and an attractive waiter that seemed to be givin him a hard time. Not my problem. She thought to herself, taking a seat in the shade.
Cain handed the glass of water to the girl, spilling (phone auto corrected spilling to "spill o my god") just a little bit of it, which dripped down the side. It was easily noticeable as it dripped on the table. "Ah, I'm sorry. Shall I clean that up?" He asked, gesturing to the small "puddle" of water on the table rather than the drip of water. Contact with it was avoidable, but he was wondering how she would react to this. Just a little test. If he were to just suddenly pour water onto a customer or spill something on them, the boss would be annoying again. He would have to resort to threatening the boss to let him stay, as a Hunter.

The girl still seemed to be pale, but relieved at the sight of water. "Are you alright? You look a little pale." He said to her while looking concerned. This time, his acting was very convincing. This was one of the skills you needed as a Hunter, to find and catch supernatural and magical beings. It appeared that fake smiles and the like won't do with this girl, since she saw through them. Of course, most people would if you glare at them with ice cold eyes before suddenly acting all nice and friendly.

@TheHappyPikachu @Yoyoman200
The hairs on the back of David's neck froze as the door to the shop opened behind him and closed. He didn't bother to look for too long, only giving the woman a glance. He felt the need to keep his focus on all the people in the room, while making small note of each of their appearances. For example, he could simply tell by the waiter's posture that he was indeed a fellow hunter, but in order to identify a monster, he would need more evidence. David noticed what the waiter had done with the water. "Very clever, amateur." He muttered under his breath as he scanned the menu for coffee.

(Very punny. @Verdas)

A blonde young woman stood outside the window of a cafe, her face pressed against the glass staring at the sweets that were displayed inside the glass counter. She kept searching for that one cupcake she saw that looked very delightful. Ah, how she craved for it! She just needed a few sweets to satisfy her lips. As she kept staring, her phone gave a Da-Ding! The blonde quickly took out the electronic device and clicked on the notification. A request from a client. Auauauah... Couldn't this wait? She sighed and then mumbled before reading the text.

A few thousands if you watch this young lady for me? Her name is Sora [IMG]https://www.rpnation.com/attachments/upload_2015-11-9_21-49-8-jpeg.190124/[/IMG]
That much? Alright, how long will this take for me?
Just a few weeks.... A few months for a few more thousands...

Jeane placed her phone back and noticed the girl from the picture. She was sitting with... her father?..

@TheHappyPikachu @Verdas
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Bob had just finished up readjusting a sewer pipe, when he had the urge to go to a cafe. The urge was unlike any other, and being the happy-go-lucky feller he was, Bob went with his gut.

After putting his plumbing utilities on the back of his van, Bob jumped in the drivers seat and started up the engine. When the car hummed to life, Bob slammed his foot on the gas pedal, and drove away.

About a couple minutes later, Bob pulled on the brakes. As he stepped out of his van, a cold chill tickled the hair on his neck. Something bad was going to happen, but because Bob was a Bob, he went on.

When he pushed through the door of the cafe, a bell chimed and the scent of coffee beans filled his nostrils.

As Bob walked up to take his order, he slipped on a coffee spill and crashed to the floor.

When he got up, Bob grinned widely and did a little dance, before continuing to the counter.

It was a sunny and windy day in the small beach town of Reiamore Alexander was staying here in this small town for an unknown reason. Alexander did not like the idea of being up around daytime because for one the sun bothered him quite a bit thanks to the heavens punishment that his family received. To be more accurate it was all his Father's fault. He heard his father say countless times that it was the Heavens fault for turning their back to him but who would believe such a crazed man as his Father? And two the sun is annoying and makes him weaker and of course it hurts his skin and eyes to be out in it for too long. The sun would not burn him and kill him or anything silly like that but if he was out in it too much? Well that he did not know. He was cursed to live in the shadows and the darkness of the world and yet this did not bother him so much. Screw the daylight he did not want to be awake at this time anyways.

Alexander thought about all of this while looking at a ring that was on his index finger. The ring was something that was actually quite handy. This ring was made by a witch who he threatened to make just for him. The ring allowed him to appear to look human but it made him sometimes feel like a human and not to mention it made him very weak. In other words.... it really made him human. He was weak and had to do things that human did and for the most part it did irritate him but it was necessary to be uncover to blend in with the trash that was called human. Now for the reason he decided to blend in with the trash? Well he thought maybe it would be interesting to see what would happen. He could take off the ring and regain his true form but it would take about a minute to transform back and in that state he was vulnerable if and only his opponent could stand the horrifying aura that exploded from him when he transformed back. So this ring in a sense had so many negative things about it. The only positive thing was that the sun and light do not bother him as much as it would in his true form and the fact that he could blend in with other humans. As for his looks in this form he has shorter hair but it is indeed still black and of course the horns on his head and the mark on his forehead are no longer there. His eyes are not a deep red color but instead a deep green color. And as the rest of him goes he looks like just your average adult.

Alexander looked away from his ring and looked towards the beach. Yes he was quite a ways from the beach but that was the one thing he liked about this realm. Some of the scenery was indeed beautiful and maybe even mesmerizing at certain parts of the day. The beach looked even more beautiful at night when the moon reflects off the waters. Alexander stopped thinking about the ocean for a moment to remember why he was out in the daylight again. After a few seconds he remembered that he was going into the bookstore by some cafe that always seemed to be busy. Alexander was observing the bookstore from afar for many days and found out that hardly no one enters there which was great for him as he hated being around big crowds of people. Yes it was great cover if he needed it but why in the world would he out of everyone need to be covered? He scoffed at this idea and headed to the bookstore. Alexander was curious to see if they had any books on folklore and history as he found an interest in reading those type of books. Some of the human legends and folklore they believed to be real made him laugh. He found that some of the things that humans write are quite humorous.

After a while of walking through crosswalks and twists and turns he made his way to the bookstore. The wind picked up slightly and the black fur coat he was wearing that had like a fur scarf attacked to the back collar of the coat and all the way to the front which draped down towards his chest waved slightly as the wind blew it against the side of Alexander. Alexander was not cold really but the coat looked fancy as hell so he wore it. He was also wearing a black undershirt and some black pants that fit tightly around his body. Alexander also smelled of expensive cologne and looked generally handsome. He has made female women turn their heads to get a look at him and even... some males... which gave him an unpleasant feeling...He had a slight chill throughout his body as he thought of that but quickly shook it off.

Finally arriving at the bookstore he looked through the windows and what he could normally see as a demon he could not see as a human. The windows were tainted so it was hard for him to see what was inside and he cursed slightly under his breath. Being human sucked who in the hell could do this? Good thing he developed some patients during the years of him being alive. He pushed open the bookstore's doors and walked inside of the place. There was quite a bit of books and the place smelled like old wood maybe? His sense of smell was also pretty much dulled and it just made him even more upset about the ring. As he walked through the store looking at the bookshelves he noticed a white haired women sitting at a table writing something. At least that is what he thought he was still some distance away from her. But something did stand out about her...she was gorgeous... He thought that maybe she was just too gorgeous as no human has caught his eye before but maybe because of this ring he wore for some reason maybe it was affecting how he saw humans? Or maybe it was the side of Alexander who liked to mess around with women and enjoy himself. Either way he was curious about her but he knew it would have been weird to just approach her without a reason. So he took his gaze off of her and looked ahead of him as he continued to walk around the store. He saw the front desk but there was no one working it.
"How lazy.." he thought to himself before reaching the front desk and ringing a small bell that was on the counter. He was looking for some books and wanted whoever worked here to actually do their job and help him get what he seeks.

@Soulless @Wandering Hollow
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[QUOTE="Adrian Johaanson]Bob had just finished up readjusting a sewer pipe, when he had the urge to go to a cafe. The urge was unlike any other, and being the happy-go-lucky feller he was, Bob went with his gut.
After putting his plumbing utilities on the back of his van, Bob jumped in the drivers seat and started up the engine. When the car hummed to life, Bob slammed his foot on the gas pedal, and drove away.

About a couple minutes later, Bob pulled on the brakes. As he stepped out of his van, a cold chill tickled the hair on his neck. Something bad was going to happen, but because Bob was a Bob, he went on.

When he pushed through the door of the cafe, a bell chimed and the scent of coffee beans filled his nostrils.

As Bob walked up to take his order, he slipped on a coffee spill and crashed to the floor.

When he got up, Bob grinned widely and did a little dance, before continuing to the counter.

David glared at Bob, clearly annoyed, as he took his coffee from the counter, sitting down at a nearby booth. He didn't begin to drink his coffee right away, as some poepl would, rather, he clasped his hands over the drink, resting his chin on them. David's gazed flowed across the cafe, taking in every detail.

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