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Fantasy 3 Vertices IC

Sophia Yurel
Interactions: Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko (Sirindra and some NPCs), AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa (Tear), TreasureSniper TreasureSniper (Talio)

Sophia's gaze didn't change from her bored, unamused look as this farce went on. Of course she had chanted along with others, but not bombastically or loudly, but any paying attention would see her mouth moving and those listening for her voice could hear it. Still, her gaze remained as stoic as it usually was. Zelig's last comment, while unsuccessful to change her expression, it did cast her gaze to the ether and turn her gears as she thought about it.

"Ill-bred, huh? Guess I can't technically argue with that..." she thought before hearing Alina's voice call out to her departing sister. Sophia felt her empathy stir looking at Alina, and hearing that voice of despair she had once heard come from her own mouth, perhaps more than once. Frankly, she didn't have the heart to look, and it was then she saw the sight of the Robicc brother she had happened to have been the first to interact with in Sordrinn. Seeing him walk away, she had to wonder how bad their family dynamics must be. Sure, she had a lot to complain about, but this was the first taste she had of how things could be worse. Yet, all she could really do was shove the pain and discomfort down through her throat and give a sneer at the sight, a true form of disdain and disgust as her brows furled unevenly and she felt like spitting what remained out.

Thankfully for her, the mention of sweets caught her attention. Then it was immediately ruined when the gloomy looking woman pointed out the 'obvious'.

"Impressive as the sweets here may be, it isn't an array of everything this city has to offer. Just because they're sweets doesn't make them all one and the same. Every baker has a variation in techniques, ingrediant proportioning and usage, and in creativity. Each time you bite you can taste for these differences, and to say every experience of eating such things is the same is ridiculous."

She stopped, hoping the message had been thoroughly drilled in, but soon she realized that she technically didn't know the people she was talking to now. While yes, she had come up to stop the disaster of a spectacle that was happening, which was an odd thing for her to do, Sophia reminded herself that she technically represented her family. Years of etiquette began to kick in and her speech pattern changed despite her overall bodylanguage remaining mostly the same. After all, her uncle wasn't hovering over her shoulder, she didn't need to try that hard.

"Apologies, I should introduce myself first. I am Sophia Yurel, Niece of Count Frederick Yurel," then like a switch it flipped back somehow. "Please don't treat me any differently, call me Sophie if you want. As of now I am simply an adventurer and fellow contender in this tournament."
Maryam hummed playfully at Sirindra's initial confusion, and to Hausan's agreement. "Forgive my bearing~" she said. "It's simply vital to know what kinds of people my little girl will be fighting. And dear Sophie here is correct~" She finally let her daughter go, satisfied with the present company. Before Tear could muster an answer to Talio, though, it was her mother that would answer him. "Textiles! My baby cushie wushie doesn't handle the business part, I'm afraid. She helps move the stock around like the strong girl she is! You'll have to talk to me and my husband~" Maryam's sharp merchant demeanor softened into a warm smile, as did her tone. "By the by, I offer my sincerest gratitude for standing up for my daughter... Not that she needs it," she added as the smug grin returned.

Maryam patted Tear, and she sighed. She felt both frustrated with her mother's constant babying and relieved that she wouldn't have to handle a business partnership. Still, Tear couldn't help but feel annoyed. "None of you were supposed to see that 'move'..." Then again, these people weren't prelim victors for nothing.

Unfortunately for Tear, her troubles weren't over yet. Sirindra took it upon herself to give the girl's hair a makeover—one that rattled Tear's brain like a smoothie! After that dizzying experience, Tear grumbled; she didn't even need a mirror to guess how ruined her hair was. She glanced up at Sirindra, grimacing as she recalled the self-assigned 'Big Sis' role. "I'm not a munchkin... And I don't need looking after..." she said through gritted teeth, turning away with crossed arms. "And don't do that again!" Her cheeks puffed and pouted like a kid.
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location: pre-Stage party
characters: Peacroot
interacting: Femboy Femboy
"Oh, but Vivi..~" Peaceroot pouted. Why did her friend have to be so negative?? She didn't like seeing Vivi hate the world. It made her heart ache.

"But~ Vi~vi~!" She pouted and whined even more when the woman told her not to put things in her mouth, as if being denied that was unreasonable. "It's~ go~od~!" As if that justified it.

At the question Peaceroot seemed to consider it, looking up. "Hmm.." She tapped her lip. "I dunno!!" That was the truth. It hadn't even occurred to her to even pay attention to the contestants specifically like that.

She wrapped her arm around Vivi. "Lets go find out! C'mon! Lets go inspect the fighters!" She eagerly pulled the other witch away into the crowd to find the fighters, as if they would stick out so they could easily be identified. Peaceroot never thought too hard about anything. Unlike Vivi, who thought too hard about everything. Completely opposite witches.

characters: Sirindra
interacting: TreasureSniper TreasureSniper AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa Silver Wolf Silver Wolf
Sirindra was paying attention to the random bored girl who was interjecting into the conversation. It didn't bother Sirindra one bit. After all, all this had been a huge mess anyway. Where had that pixie flown to?

The maroon-haired woman grinned. "Sure, Sophie. Always welcome to meet the competition!" She said with a toothy grin. "I'm Sirindra Halileil. A fighter in the tournament! I hope you put up a fight if we match in the tournament!"

"What move? -This one?~"
Sirindra responded to Tear, leaning in, and poking her finger into Tear's side, giving it a little twist. "Mama sure thinks so, kiddo! Khekhehehe! And don't do what? This~?" She poked both pouting cheeks with her pointer fingers, pushing the cheeks in and rubbing. Only to laugh heartily. "Go on, give it a shot, Sophie!" she said, pushing Tear towards the other girl. "Tear's a funny kid!"

The pre-stage party was much more fun for the woman with these silly kids to play with.
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fiona shokm.png
location: Epica, Grand Stage reveal event
characters: Elis, Sirindra
interacting: AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa Silver Wolf Silver Wolf TreasureSniper TreasureSniper Femboy Femboy

Three weeks later.

"Thank you for gathering here today, ladies and gentlemen!" Began the Empress. Unlike the Pre-Stage party, this was a more intimate event. Consisting of select individuals, officials, world leaders, and of course Grand Tournament contestants, and their entourages, as well as, other interested parties.

This group was outside of the palace, on the expansive Palace Grounds. The grounds were so accommodating that even this large group was just a blip on the green grass. Empress Elisztraza herself was standing atop a podium with a small magical tool set up before her to amplify her voice (a magic microphone). She was joined by a few of her own personal entourage that had become more famous these past few weeks, as she was rarely seen without them. There was the Grand Court Magician, Razial. Imperial Advisor Trudüün. Two unknown individuals. And of course, Elusadimus, the Grand Architect of Magical Structures. Who was looking rather restless, fidgeting, tapping his foot, and looking around with increasing nervousness and impatience. He could scarcely stay in his own clothes, tugging at his collar, and plucking at his sleeves and other places. Then again, Elusadimus, unlike most in her entourage who showed stern and stoic countenances, had become known for his rather eccentric and wily demeanor. To the point that many wondered how a "man like that" could stand beside the Empress.

The Empress, whose reputation had only risen in the past month. Many people were beginning to look towards her favorably. Good rumors about her began to travel, raising her reputation even more. Many were being drawn into her orbit. Her characteristic dignified and beautiful exterior was a detail that drew the people to her.

Aside from them, the Chromatic Knights stood around the podium at select points, guarding it well.

Then, on another elevated stage nearby, were leaders from the other world powers. Including the Lords of Robiccs, Au'Oshos, Inolores, and Winblades. As well as, a few royals and officials from the Reysha Kingdom, and from the Aezunura Sultanate. Some Olti from Oltinia was there. As well as, a handful of other officials from here or there, who were lucky enough to stand up on stage amongst the superpowers.

"I'll keep this brief, so let's get this out of the way. Supernovas!" She called. "Will join me up on the stage??"

It seemed this was prepared beforehand. There were many contestants, fighters, participants -whatever you wanted to call them- in the Grand Tournament, but there weren't many that had earned the title of "Supernova". That title had only been given out by scrutinizing assessors. A group of strong-looking individuals marched up on the stage. Despite their strength, and some possessing rough exteriors, they all behaved with dignity and acted dutifully.

Including Sirindra, who was amongst them.

The group marched up onto the stage at a slightly lower level than where Elisztraza, herself, stood. They lined up beneath her.

"We are honored by Your Majesty," the Supernovas said in unison, bowing, showing respect towards the Empress.

Then they turned towards the rest in attendance. They stood with poise, proudly posing. Some wore expressions of pride, some were smirking, others looked like they couldn't be bothered, and that they were ready to get this over with, and yet others stood, emotionless, as if they couldn't be bothered to be bothered by this at all.

Elisztraza spread her arms wide. "These are your Supernovas!"

Amongst them was Sirindra, Hausan, Zelig, Vequanial, Adonia, the Au'Oshos representative, the Inolore brat, and the Winblade representative. As well as, a few other noteworthy fighters.

"The Supernovas are ~~~" A few bits of info were rattled off about each one, though not too much, as she said, she wanted to get through this quickly. "These Are. Your. Goals."

Truthfully, she had wanted some bigger names in this tournament, but she could only play with what she got. It seemed like the leaders all felt the same, and hadn't joined. Even the Olti hadn't. She had hoped to snag one or two.. There were a few noteworthy Adventurer names in the tournament, but none of the S Rankers.

For the scrutinizing types like those sitting near her -her red eyes briefly glanced at the world leaders- they would know that this tournament couldn't possibly be said to have the strongest in the world, despite what it was setting out to do. But for the crowd who simply loved spectacle, they were none the wiser. Oh sure, it was obvious someone like Craxisys was a judge, instead of a fighter, or Lord Robicc was watching, while his kids were in the tournament. But the audience didn't really think all too hard about it. Leave the fretting up to Elisztraza and the other leaders.

Her eyes swiveled back to the gathered people before her.

"We have decided to forego Seeding in this tournament!!! As this is the first iteration of the Grand Tournament, we decided NO SEEDED FIGHTERS! We decided on complete fairness! Everyone has to fight and win from square one, fair and square!"

Cheering erupted.

"However! This group before me has made themselves stand out! They've performed feats many of the others have not! So, as I stated before, this group before you, are your goals as contestants in this tournament!!! AIM TO DETHRONE A SUPERNOVA! IF YOU DO THAT, YOU'LL BE REWARDED!"

Everyone quieted down when she began speaking again. Then once she was done, cheers erupted again, louder than before. It seemed it spurred on the other fighters, seeking to dethrone these "arrogant" "Supernovas."

Elis smiled, and lowered her arms. She was happy with this outcome. Elusadimus looked like he was on the verge of death.

She clapped her hands once in front of the magical 'microphone'. "NOW! Onto the main event! Supernovas?"

Together, the Supernovas unsheathed their weapons and fired up magics or Qi bursts up into the air. Eliciting many gasps of "oos" and "aws" from the crowd. But that wasn't what really caught their eye.

With gazes now raised up, it was clear what they were all meant to look at.

"Behold! The GRAND. STAGE!!!"

Empress Elisztraza said at just the perfect time for effect, arms once again raised up.

"Give gratitude once again to Elusadimus, our Grand Architect of Magical Structures! For his design! And the wonderful mages that slaved for 6 months to bring the Grand Stage to life!"

From above, a massive landmass began to descend. Seemingly revealed from the clouds, though, in truth, it was "decloaking" from invisibility magic. Yes, invisibility magic that had been casted on it by Razial all those months ago, which had persisted this entire time. Elusadimus began going nuts, like literal nuts, but no one paid any attention to him.

This landmass descended. What came into view first was the massive beehive-like crystal underneath it. The crystals glowed and glittered like a rainbow. The landmass itself was clearly massive. As big as, or bigger, than Epicanth. Well, definitely bigger. As it lowered, more of what made the Grand Stage came into view -albeit just barely. Rising towers that were clearly buildings were visible. Greenery that belonged to trees and bushes signified the "Grand Stage" had a forest, was visible. Rocky and earthen mountains. Water was running off the edges, falling upon the ground somewhere out of view, giving the Grand Stage a few beautiful waterfalls.

The Grand Stage was not just a fighting "arena".

But a giant landmass that seemed to house a modern, wonderful city, and other various biomes. The Arena itself, was equally big and splendid. The arched walls of the colosseum visible, but its size didn't reveal much or everything, mostly just giving a "peek" of everything the Grand Stage had to offer.

Those "oos" and "aws" grew and became much louder. Leaving the audience in stunned awe.

With the revealing of the Grand Stage, Elusadimus became aggressively more animated. Until he was just into full-blown insanity, ranting and raving at his creation, and finally as how it was revealed to all.

Finally, the Grand Stage settled in the air, coming no closer. It remained there, fixed. The magical crystals and many different spells woven into its make keeping it perpetually floating.


Elisztraza shouted through the magic microphone.

Everyone erupted with cheers and loud applause.

The Empress looked pleased with herself. Some of the leaders were equally impressed, despite having been aware of the project many many months beforehand. It could be said, they didn't expect it to be that wondrous and mythical.

Sirindra whistled. "Goddamn, Empress, nice one~" she mused from where she stood amongst the Supernovas, eyes up like everyone else. Ajuu trilled from her shoulder, looking up alongside her.

She was from the underground. But this was the first time she had seen quite something like this. To think! An entire country-like place, in the sky!

"Today, the Grand Stage is OPEN!" Elis carried on. Which made the crowd cheer again. Though it was still a week until the Grand Tournament proper.

"But before that -one more thing!" She snapped. Razial waved his hand.

Devices came up from seemingly nowhere, portaling through magic. The devices all floated over to the contestants -and the leaders and officials. People reached out and grasped them from the air.

These magical devices resembled tablets, and effectively 'turned on'. Mana sparking through them, brought the screens to life. What was there read "Epica System."

Specifically, "Welcome to the Epica System."

It also rattled off several things, but none of that was wholly important.

"Channel your Qi and Mana and Astral Energy into the Epic Plate!" Elis instructed.

Once that was done, info about whoever did so came up on screen.

Sirindra channeled her mana into the 'Epic Plate' she was holding. She watched as her name came up on screen. And all the public info about her filled out her profile. A full rendition of herself appeared as well. But she was busy looking at all the info, feeling impressed.

Then she read under her status, "Free" and "bounty removed". The maroon-haired woman looked up at Elisztraza. The Empress caught her eye, and grinned. She nodded to show it was true.

But she hadn't won a fight in the Grand Stage yet!

"If you're wondering. Yes, for the Supernovas, their criminal pasts have been erased! Congratulations!!"

People looked up and murmured about that.

Sirindra just stared.

"Trri trri!" Ajuu trilled, hopping in place on her shoulder.
'Congrats, master,' Moonhu said in her mind.

"But I hope that doesn't dissuade you from giving your all in the tournament," the woman said sweetly to Sirindra.

She smirked. "Keh. Do you know who you're talking to?" Her eyes gleaming purple-red auras. "Something as silly as a eliminating a 'criminal record' isn't enough to stir a fighter's heart! Make no mistake, Empress, my fighting spirit burns as strong as ever!"

The Empress stared, then smiled. Exactly as she had predicted.

After all, these were warriors. They fought for fighting's sake. That much was clear by now.

Some saw the interaction up on the stage. And discussed the removal of criminal records from some of the Supernovas, which included Hausan. But many were engrossed in their new magical device, experiencing what Sirindra experienced. Enthralled by the info they now had access to at their fingertips.

"That's your profile! That Epic Plate now belongs exclusively to you and cannot be accessed by anyone! The Epic Plate will be used through the duration of the Grand Tournament! Itineraries, match times, exclusive deals on weapons and equipment, restaurant openings, events, and many other things will be sent through the Epic Plate to notify you! So pay attention to it! The Epic Plate runs on mana, so keep it charged! For those of you who do not use mana, charging stations exist. For those of you who did not receive a Epic Plate, they will be for purchase going forward! Be sure to buy one! Right now, they're in limited supply! I'm sorry!"

Many loud murmurs had arisen, all talking about the Epic Plate, and flipping through it. Everyone was once again astounded that something like this exists. It was a magical tech marvel.

Elisztraza let the crowd get used to it before continuing on.

But just before she was about to speak again, her mouth hanging open, lightning flashed across the sky, momentarily blinding it with light. At the same time, a heavy thunder punctuated the shake of the ground. And stars bright enough to be seen, streaked across the sky. The audience was caught off guard, and stumbled at the suddenness of it. Everyone looked up in confusion. But Sirindra was looking down at her epic plate.

Something began changing on it, and something new appeared. Reading, "Irrisina Thalkiazol Syztema." Or, translated to, "Pale Hall of the Gods System." Which would later become to be known as the IrrisThal system for simplicity's sake.


Wow, what an honor, they said the Empress' name specifically.

The voice that bellowed seemingly from the heavens, and nowhere, was hard to pin down. It was like a mix of voices, all rolled into one. Masculine, feminine, and other voices all mashed together. At what was being said, people screamed and began to panic, but they couldn't get away from the harsh voice. Most quieted down, listening, enthralled by this momentous occasion. However, at what they said, many murmurs of confusion spread across the crowd. Even the leaders and Elis herself seemed confused.

However, Sirindra understood.

Not everyone was granted the IrrisThal system.


With that, it seemed the oppressive presence dissipated, and the sky returned to normal, having taken on a darkish gray-red hue.

Elusadimus seemed stunned, stumbling a bit. He was mumbling. "Gods?.. Wha? R-really?.. There's such a thing?.. go-gods..? gods.. they exist?.. go.. gods.. gods.. unhhn.. gods.."

Many were like him. Stunned by the revelation that there were gods. The leaders, too, were discussing it at length, with Elisztraza talking animatedly to them. She seemed out of it, for just a moment. Clearly thrown for a loop just like the gods had wanted.

The mages who had worked on the Grand Stage had been granted the IrrisThal system. Clearly the gods thought of the creating the Grand Stage as "accomplishing something that was recognizable."

In her hands, was the IrrisThal system. Sirindra found she could easily switch between the Epica system and the IrrisThal system by pressing a button. But her marvel for the Epica system was short-lived. The IrrisThal system had much more info about her. It even said her real identity, which made her glare and sweat. So these so-called 'gods' knew who she really was? She grit her teeth. Ajuu trilled from her shoulder, looking down at her plate with her.

The IrrisThal system had much more in-depth info about her. Including her techniques and skills, which were not public knowledge.

But what really caught her eye was something that read, "Thalkiazol Binizaa." Which translated to 'the god's Bazaar'. Or Bazaar of the gods.

She clicked it. Her eyes widened. Displayed there were various other 'tabs', leading to weapons, items, equipment, consumables, trophies, food, trinkets, and many other things. Under each was listed items for seemingly purchase; if this thing could be believed. On the front page were items listed as "HOT." With little flame symbols by them. Everything... was priced exorbitantly. Or, she guessed as much.

Sirindra looked up at her 'wallet'.

0 Paragons

Which looked like some sort of coin-like currency.

Then suddenly 1 Paragon "dropped" into her wallet, which now read, 1 Paragon. And the symbol looked like a sparkling diamond-like coin.

She had 'mail', with a little red notification flag.

Curious, Sirindra opened it up. It read:

'For the new Supernova.'

And that was it.


That was.. nice?

She frowned. 1 Paragon wasn't enough to buy anything! She scrolled through the list of items. Nope. It wasn't. Everything was much more expensive.

"Tsk. Stingy gods."
"Tksk.." Ajuu mimicked.

She clicked her tongue, then clicked the button to put the plate on a black screen, pocketing it. She glanced around to inspect what others were up to. It seemed, from what she could gather, that the other Supernovas were also aware of the IrrisThal system. So they were equally rewarded by the gods.

She glanced over at the leaders and Elisztraza. Everyone, including them, had taken the time to look over this new thing. It seemed they also were privy to the IrrisThal system.

She looked back over to the audience. Many were mumbling in growing frustration. Well, of course, not everyone had been given the Epic Plate with the Epica System in the first place. There was no way they could know the IrrisThal system.

But still... just what was this IrrisThal system? She didn't even know 'gods' existed. What were these gods up to, anyway?

Elisztraza, above her, seemed flustered. Like she was irritated that her own system got upstaged by a sleeker, more mystic, and special system. The moment she unveiled her own.

Finally it seemed the Empress regained herself.


She coughed into the microphone, catching the attention of the audience, that had been growing impatient, once more.

"Well.. we had a momentary distraction.. but.. let us move on! We will have a press conference about the Epic Plate and Epica System and.. the.." She seemed reluctant to talk about something, which drew a wry smile out of Sirindra. Yup, it was clear the Empress didn't want to give credit to that other system. "-An-anyway! At a later date! We will discuss them in length at a later date! Let us get to the main event! Entry into the GRAND STAGE!!!"

It seemed Elis got her groove back.

People noticed as well, as more gasps of awe were heard from them, with people pointing up to the sky, drawing the attention of other less-attentive people.

Ephemeral Skyrides began descending, drawing magi-tech carriages that lacked wheels.

Ephemeral Skyrides were akin to pegasi. Only their coating was rainbow. And they had scales, with some reptilian-like features, and feathers. They were like a mix between horse and dragon.

"Everyone!! Gather round the Ephemeral Skyrides! Enter the carriages! They will take us to the Grand Stage!!! I'll meet you there!!"

Empress Elizstraza and her entourage all climbed into the carriage pulled by a particularly powerful and spiffy-looking Ephemeral Skyride. The beast was larger and more regal than the others. Befitting that of an Empress. It immediately took off, taking its esteemed passengers to the Grand Stage, which loomed above.

Then the Supernovas got into a carriage, and so did the other leaders, and finally, the rest of the crowd. The sky was filled with beautiful dancing Ephemeral Skyrides, flying about like butterflies painting the sky. It was just one of the wonderful events that happened that day. This day would go down in history, resulting in many festivals and holidays. And it would be discussed at length by historians, philosophers, and archivists.

The pre-Grand Stage party in the palace, ended. Leaving the entire world nervous with anticipation, and the city of Epicanth experiencing a festive atmosphere. Then the Grand Stage reveal event happened. And now, high in the sky, the Ephemeral Skyrides launched over the edge of the Grand Stage, revealing it, in all its glory.

Below, was like a small country. That's how vast the Grand Stage was.

On one end, a magnificent, megapolitan city, made with modern cityscaping ways, looking even grander than Epicanth herself below. On the other end, a colossal structure. The Grand Colosseum. A massive arena, with beautiful statues depicting fighters, and Empress Elisztraza, and the Epica coat of arms etched proudly into it. Where the Grand Tournament proper would be held a week from now.

Connecting them was a road, cutting through green terrain, with forests and mountains and rivers. The Grand Stage was one of the marvels of the world. Truly a masterpiece worthy of respect and admiration for and from all those involved. Perhaps, the greatest marvel in the world.

The Emphemeral Skyrides hung in the air just long enough to allow their passengers to absorb the view. Undoubtedly, the people would be stunned breathless.

Then the Ephemeral Skyrides dived down, heading towards the designated location. There, the end of the reveal event would happen, where Empress Elisztraza -and other choice leaders- would have a closing ceremony, giving closing statements.

Then, the contestants, with the tournament looming, had a week to themselves.

A week. To train in the state-of-the-art training facilities and relax in the modern metropolis, Grand Gala.
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Vivi Finii

Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko

Vivi could have been back home, within a library, in bed or literally anywhere else right now. Instead, she was stuck at another event she didn't want to be present at because of the guilt-tripping and desires of her friend that had managed to convince her to come. Remaining in reluctant silence as she was left to witness the event, she noticed the request of the Supernovas to step onstage. Not expecting to care much about whom they may have been, she could remember two familiar faces from a few weeks ago among them. Zelig and Sirindra were two she could recall seeing at the initial party among a group that were bickering with eachother. With it resulting in the pixie being ignored, she now supposed it was truly something about victor's pride.

"They are never going to acknowledge this as anything but primarily that shab of a fake architect's work. What a disastrous time to be alive" Vivi muttered as she was left to bear witness to the official unveiling of the Grand Stage. It didn't truly matter how flashy or much of a marvel it was in reality, she wasn't going to let the truth that she knew about it go. They deserved much more than the treatment they had received, in fact the entire thing should have belonged to them in the rightful place considering they ended up doing it.
"We were given a few measly magic rocks for all we did, of which'll just be taken in possession by those higher up in status anyway and not for the common mage. People are such horrible things to celebrate this accomplishment when it was done by the likes of those whom society will never realise their accomplishments just for it to be taken by the undeserving. To think the potential millions those who claim they are above us have probably stepped and taken the lives and works of others for their own pride" Vivi muttered as she refused to accept anything about it and remained stubborn about her pure hatred of the whole thing.
"The world is ran by the incompetent and undeserving it would seem, what a tragedy for the oblivious. Hyiesi klaavis bwiuernan plyuaeris taa kemis lwei" Vivi muttered quietly with her arms crossed as she mumbled things in pixie language that would make anyone stare and scold for such uncalled for vulgarity and language.

Raising an eyebrow once they had presented the Epica Tablet and given a limited supply to certain people, she eventually found herself among the other mages who lent their support receiving one as well. As she looked at it, she dismissed it of being of any reason to forgive them over.
"They think that this is a reason to accept the work we did, when they sell this to the general public and market it too? Do they think we are fools?" Vivi muttered as she contemplated ridding herself of the tablet in order to disapprove of absentmindedly buying into their ridiculous system of superiority. Glaring at it in frustration, her frustration turned to confusion once she heard unmissable noise within the skies above and the unusual sights that would appear.

The supposed Gods themselves had made an unpredicted debut during the reveal, a mystery that was much more interesting to Vivi than anything else going on. Pondering to herself on what power these unknown beings could be on or if there was some sort of greater trickery in play to call themselves deities out of their own ego, she looked back at the tablet to find things weren't exactly as she remembered them being. Vivi was pretty convinced that it was not stated to be the Irrisina Thalkiazol Syztema before, hearing as the Gods told of introducing their own system which felt more bizarre than anything.
"What sort of deities would be wanting to include themselves in all of this?" Vivi questioned as she took a brief look at what had been on the Tablet now with the new system that found itself to be there. Watching as the entire thing was shifted back to the initial speaker, she rolled her eyes at the Empress passing over it like nothing happened.
"Leave it to them to disregard godly beings for themselves" Vivi answered as they were shown how they would travel to the floating place, realising how much they were likely going to be there along with the fact that Peaceroot probably wouldn't want to leave at all now that this was the chance they were getting.

Sighing deeply in hatred at what she was about to allow, she shifted back to small pixie form in which with her manipulative magics had also shrunk the tablet to a fitting size for her pixie self for convenience. Sitting herself on the shoulder of Peaceroot, Vivi continued to take a look at the tablet and system as she spoke.
"Beawenna, I will be adhering to their invitation if you are also going" Vivi answered, seeing as considering the crowds it was easier for them to stick together if she was small enough to be held even.
"I am going for primarily business and my own interests though, so don't get any wildly strange ideas" she insisted. The new system, and the voices of gods that had spoken had aroused her curiosity. Unsure of the available knowledge she would be able to discover in the Grand Stage, she planned to seek out whatever greatest library or sources of information she could to learn what she couldn't back home. Hopefully there was something more worth her time here than first expecting, perhaps to figure out the secrets of the IrrisThal system or who said Gods even are.
"I'm going to find a library or place of storage of information to get to the bottom of some things. I doubt that you hold as much interest in such pursuits" Vivi answered, knowing that Peaceroot could possibly invalidate her limited valuable time by dragging them on silly matters, hoping that Vivi saying she wanted to go just so she could go back to doing the same learning of things she always did wouldn't upset her. Vivi would probably have to entertain Peaceroot's own desires a little just to get guilt and said cheerful girl off her mind as distractions.
And just like that one month went by with a blink of an eye. Suffice to say, Talio, the merchant, the mercenary, the one who bit off more than he chew did everything he could to get stronger before the next cycle of fights. While the fights themselves were a concern, Talio was much more focused on how he would hope to best or even survive an encounter against the greater Earthbane brother, Hausan. Thus far, he had made a few breakthroughs in his armor, increasing the strength amplification of the suit while also improving his own increase in overall mana capacity. He still had strong doubts he would be able to match his opponent. Thankfully, he was able to at least delay their little duel until the end of the grand ten tournament. Though if they were unfortunate enough to match with each other, this occasion would be taken as their official duel.

Unlike the other fighters, Talio did not get a fancy introduction. Unsurprisingly, he was considered a supernova due to his lack of raw strength and potency, unlike the other fighters. Seeing Sirindra being among the group titled as "Supernovas" wasn't too surprising considering how much of a bloodbath she made during the preliminaries as well as the bandit ambush. Of course, both Hausan and Zelig were there as well. It seems this family's bloodline was noticeably potent with magic which got Talio thinking about his own place in all of this. Was this supernova status truly something achievable through hard work alone, or were people "born" as supernovas? Either way, he had found strange fascination with this term and was curious to see how far his trinkets and tricks would carry him. After all, if a man like him could be a supernova, then perhaps they are not as special as he thought they were.

And now came the sudden change in environment, an action that truly made this tournament, "grand". Whatever was done during the preliminaries had absolutely paled in comparison to whatever is being done here. An entire ecosystem, a miniature city-like structure was created in just mere moments, with powerful magic and wisdom, such a feat was possible. The type of magic and technology displayed was something had only read about in fairytales. And despite all of this unfolding in front of eyes, he still had a hard time believing as everything was just so surreal. If that wasn't impressive enough, then came the mysterious plates given to each participant. Just by sampling some of his magic energies, the plate was somehow able to determine details of himself, including things even he was not privy to. Aside from that, it also provided some sort of a "shop catalog' of some sort, full of weapons and gear that he hadn't seen before. They were selling for a currency that he was not too familiar with known as "paragons".

If that wasn't he started hearing voices, apparently the voices of "Gods'. Not only were these divine deity's real but there was more than one of them! While he's never been a religious person, he always did believe there was some sort of higher being out there. He just didn't think he would have the opportunity to meet them so soon. As interesting as the day was, his mind couldn't help but go back to the technology this city possessed which seemed decades, maybe even centuries of what normal folk were using. If he can somehow replicate even a bit of this technology somehow, he stands to gain a lot of power in building his golem enterprise empire. Without wasting more time, Talio went off the closest shop possible, immediately bombarding the closest clerk about the ware they sell, any golems available, and discussing about possible upgrades towards his strider armor. He counted himself fortunate to be put in this position, and he would be foolish to waste this chance.
Tear Ripley
Doing Training Things
The fancy showing of the contestants was an absolute nightmare. Who in their right minds would want their information read out like a play for all to hear and see? They might as well have read their three sizes (but Tear is eternally grateful they didn't)! Admittedly, it was exciting to be in the Grand Stage. It more than lived up to its name, though she wished she could enjoy it in silence.

So after shifting uncomfortably for hours on end, trying to pretend hundreds of eyes were not on her, Tear was ready to disappear. And the moment she could, she did so. She shrunk into the many contestants who were more than willing to take up the limelight. Tear wondered why some showed off their moves—revealing valuable information to their rivals, she thought, but Tear digressed. She'd much rather find a way out than to stay and judge.

Tear's parents were waiting for her outside, where they took full advantage of the crowds to advertise and sell their wares. At least some people enjoyed the cramped nature of the event.

Shortly after reuniting with them, Tear went on her own. The whole time, she wanted to use the week to actually do something beneficial to the tournament. The first and only thing on that list was to train. And Grand Gala was renowned for their training facilities for a reason.

Tear entered one alone, eyes sparkling at the shining space that beheld her. There was the staple machines and equipment off to the side, but she set her sights on a much smaller, makeshift arena. Manning the area was a large, bulky coach; the sort of grizzled person with a history of combat, now wanting to teach their methods to others. She could feel the employees' eyes on her as she marveled at the sight—this was definitely their intent with the design. Tear knew it would only be a matter of time before the facility filled up with people wanting to see a contestant in action, thereby spinning the wheels of business.

Better get started...

"E-Excuse me, sir...?"

Tear almost stumbled on her bum from the sheer volume. The hearty man, missing a tooth to his permanent grin, bent over with his hand cupping his ear.

"W-What training courses do you offer...?"

The Coach flexed an arm; Tear had only heard of people ripping their sleeves from stretching so hard.

"I said, what training courses do you offer?"

He let out a hearty laugh.

This was going to take a while...
Finnigore <3
With an impish grin on their face, they watched the unveiling of the Grand Stage.
It was a marvel, that was for sure. But Finn wasn’t here for that. They were here for all the rich that gathered. The royals. By the moon, maybe even a merchant with their guard down. Anything worked.
Taking out the candy they kept in their pocket- a toffee, of sorts- they sucked on it, and weaved through the crowds. While they would be most comfortable on the outskirts of the Grand Arena, they had nothing better to do than to watch the contestants. Oh, what they would give to be up- no. Never mind. They hated everything to do with this competition.

Scoffing, they walked away from the boisterous contestants.

Entering a training facility, they looked around in awe. They had mainly entered to get away from the noise and the lights, but… this was much better than the Grand Stage itself. Infatuated with the machinery, they couldn’t help but wander around. They only stopped when their ears perked up, to the sound of a loud man. And… and another, much quieter voice. Crunching the toffee between their sharp teeth, they watched the conversation from afar. Becoming increasingly annoyed by the loud man, they marched on over. standing beside Tear, they looked the man in the eye.
“She asked for training lessons,” they raised their voice- cutting themself off before they could say something they regretted. They glanced over their shoulder, looking to Tear for a moment before looking back at the man. “If you weren’t so loud, you would hear her over yourself.” They threw in a backhanded insult, just for good measure.
Ragnar Fireheart


The Grand Tournament. A perfect opportunity for Ragnar to test his limits. Sure, he has faced powerful foes before but aside from his mentors he was never pushed to use everything he could, and couldn't, do. So Ragnar joined in hopes to face strong enemies as well as discover new ways of fighting. Though he was sadly disappointed with the preliminaries where he had to hold back a lot in order not to accidentally kill someone.

With the money made from winning the preliminaries as well as betting on himself Ragnar gathered his supplies and bid his homeland farewell, using a portal t reach the capital quickly. He wasn't about to waste precious training time, although he first went to "discover" new cultures by joining the festive activities surrounding the tournament.

Once Ragnar had enough he worked a bit as an adventurer in order to learn more about the adventurers guild in the capital and its adventurers. Then he worked a bit as a blacksmith, not to make much profit but mostly to get his name out - which isn't easy in a city with a lot of talented blacksmiths. Then, finally, he committed the rest of his time into training, by day however he could and by night with astral studying.

Then it was finally time for the unveiling of the Grand Stage.


The ceremony was truly something to behold. So many powerful leaders and mighty warriors in one place was rarely seen in this world. And Ragnar felt as if he was on fire. Well, maybe because his was. Literally. Scorching the grass around him (poor gardeners, thank the gods for magic).

He couldn't wait until the tournament began properly. Introducing the Supernovas and inviting to challenge him fired him up even more - Ragnar recognized that they were strong but he also felt as if he could beat them. While he got the title of "Meteor", which he quite liked, defeating a Supernova felt like a worthy accomplishment of its own.

Then came the Grand Stage itself, descending from the heavens as if gifted by the gods itself. It was a marvel to behold. The sheer scale and beauty left Ragnar in awe. He reckoned he could spent the rest of his life up there and never get bored. And then came the Epic Plate.

Appearing out of nowhere and hovering in the air was a marvel of magical engineering with its Epica System already containing a lot of useful features - about him, the arena and its facilities and much more. But the real surprise followed shortly after.

Booming from above and seemingly everywhere at once, a hundred different voices speaking in unison, speaking with an oppressive authority that left little room for debate: The Gods had spoken. And while they did call everyone children, compared to them they may as well be. In age, wisdom, and maybe even far lineage, they may all be children in the eyes of these higher beings (though it may be a bit more literal in Ragnars case).

And with their message came the IrrisThal System, something that provided access to the treasures of the gods themselves, although at a price. It seems one needs to earn their favour in order to get anything, even the system itself. Although Ragnar noticed that quite a lot of participants, aside from the supernovas, didn't receive said system. And while he didn't know what he did different than them he didn't question it for long and was just grateful that he got it.

Ragnar thought to himself that a lot of people are going to regret not joining the tournament, a big reason being the appearance of the new system. But the show must go on and he can't waste too much thought on it as it was time to go into the sky - To the Grand Stage.

The Emphemeral Skyride made him giddy like a little kid, although it didn't show much on the outside. Such beautiful and strong creatures, Ragnar would gladly have one himself for a mount. His excitement only grew being lifted into the air by them and seeing the surrounding area from so high up, not to mention the Grand Stage. He had to bottle his excitement up a lot, otherwise he might accidentally set the other contestants in the ride, or the ride itself, on fire.


Having now reached the Grand Stage proper Ragnar wasted little time on exploring, he could always do it later, such as after the tournament. For now his excitement and passion lead him straight for the training facilities. And while he did find quite a lot of other contestants as well as trainers there, he went for the training dummies. There quite a few to choose from so he chose the one that was hardest to destroy.

Finally something he could test his full strength against without worrying.

Ragnar started without using spirit or qi, just chaining one hammer swing into another. As the strikes rained down faster and faster, his martial arts looked quite a bit like dancing, with one fluid motion seamlessly leading to another. Sometimes he spun on the spot to preserve his momentum and the blows echoed throughout the vicinity.

Ragnar was in the middle of his element now and his body burned the air around him.


Location: Grand Stage training facilities

Interaction: None
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location: Synthesis of Heaven and Transience
characters: Peaceroot, Penn
interacting: Femboy Femboy
"Vivi..." Peaceroot sighed, standing beside her friend. The thing she had learned about the pixie witch was that she could really hold a grudge.

"AH! Look! Look at this!!" The blonde witch shouted excitedly, holding up her own Epic Tablet to Vivi, pointing at the screen, swishing her tail. "Look at thisssss~" she purred, grasping it in her hands, staring down at the magic screen. "If only the Spire had something like this!.. It's incredible, isn't it, Vivi?!?! This'll revolutionize the spire! No, the world!" Her tail was swishing even harder.

Peaceroot's ears perked up under her wide-brimmed hat, looking up at the skies as the voices boomed. At the debut, her eyes grew 3 sizes, stars sparkling in them at the prospect of these 'gods'! "Ohohhoooh~~~" She seemed enthralled for the entire time. Then was once more lost in her plate, child-like eyes staring at the second system.

"Huhh??" The woman glanced down at the pixie sitting on her shoulder. Beaming she replied. "Of course I'm going!! Lets gooooo, Vivi~!" she called, holding her hat on with one hand, as the Ephemeral Skyride lifted off into the air, carrying the two in its carriage.

As their ride ascended over the Grand Stage, presenting the Grand Gala below, Peaceroot replied. "What are you talking about!? Lets go to the libraryy~yyy!!"

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Announced a floating 'boy'. Presenting the library to the two witches that entered. The library started off with them standing in a small sphere, then it spread out, growing around them, until the sphere changed shape into a more traditional looking building interior. With countless floating bookshelves filled with books, moving about, until they settled in place. The place was cast in a silver and golden glow.

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"Thank you for coming to my library,"
the boy purred, holding a book in an embrace to his chest. "It always warms my soul to see young people seek knowledge. I owe miss Empress my gratitude for allowing me to move my library here and to form and combine it with the great library she amassed before the merger. Coming here was a small price to pay to gain all the knowledge of Epica."

He opened his eyes, which glowed with white energy. A soft smile on his face for the two witches down below.

"Oh my! Oh my word!!" Beawenna gasped, grabbing at Vivi and pointing at the floating boy, surrounded by books suspended in the air, all dancing around him on magic trails. "Its -Its -Its the Nascent Ace!! Nascent Ace Penn Page, the Magic-and-Astral Ace!!" Her eyes were once again glittering. A Double S ranked individual of world-renown!

Penn was famous. 'He' was an androgynous-looking individual. And his gentle voice had a subtle feminine lilt, especially with his giggle, but truthfully, it wasn't clear his gender. As that was not public information, nor would Penn answer such a question. Though most just called him by masculine pronouns. Some used "they/them" for Penn.

Still, Penn was not only the Nascent Ace - the Ace of Magic-and-Astral, but he was the Head Librarian of the biggest library known to the 3 continents that once existed on his own floating island. Peaceroot had been there once before, though Penn hadn't been there at the time, which had crushed her spirits. It had been impressive then. But not like this! If anyone needed to reach a bookshelf out of reach, a magic path would anticipate their movements, spreading out before them. Just the knowledge in this place would be enough to help anyone reach the end of any of the 3 Vertices. Or you could study how to be a Commander, and topple any of the major powers of the world. Penn's amassed knowledge was enough for you to do whatever you wanted! It seemed, mixed with the state-of-the-art city Grand Gala, that his library had transcended even farther!

Beawenna was about to pass out, unable to breath anymore, having exhausted her breath from holding it too long.

An amused hum left the boy.


location: Grand Gala, Grand Stage
characters: Sirindra
interacting: no one

After inspecting it more, Sirindra determined that both systems had their use, and neither was a strict upgrade to the other. It appeared that the IrrisThal system was more selective and scrupulous in what it conveyed or allowed. It seemed to largely be a god-oriented thing.

Both had bios, and while the IrrisThal bio was a lot more intensive, literally explaining one's moves and 'stats' based on whatever godly knowledge those gods had (Sirindra was left wondering how the parameters were exactly graded and measured), there was a use for the Epica system bio as well. First and foremost, it appeared the IrrisThal bio would be kept completely secret from others. (Unless one wanted to show theirs for whatever reason). For Sirindra, there was no way she could reveal her origins after all. So, that made the bio of the Epica system immediately more enticing, she figured, flipping over to it.

Plus, the Epica system seemed built into the Grand Stage on the whole. Specifically, everything within the Grand Gala operated off the Epica system. Using magic, it was possible to magi-tize currency into the plate, granting her a "balance". Which allowed her to pay for things in the city -food, amenities, renting equipment, transportation, etc, etc.- with just a tap of her Epic plate on a magi-terminal. Which magically removed currency out of her balance, making paying for things much easier. Truly state-of-the-art. It also used the Epica bio to allow the individual into various places across the city. Such as training facilities for the contestants, libraries, and other such similar places.

At said training facilities, various "training dummies" could be found. T. dummies that were so much better than those found out in the world at the moment. While there were the more regular type of dummies, there were other dummies, too, made of premium materials. Almost like new-age golems. Magic script coursed through their artificial veins, written by the wonderful mages of the Great Cauldron Spire, ready to be rented and programmed through the Epica system. Such programming could simulate various tiers of fighters, allowing for a more immersive experience and better training. With their sturdy bodies built of arcane materials found in deep labyrinths and dungeons, the dummies were not liable to break easily, and would make for excellent sparring partners. However, they still paled in comparison to real fighters.

Depending on your designation - contestant, Supernova, diplomat, pedestrian, contestant family- certain restrictions were placed on the individual around the city, though for the most part, it was pretty open.

The Epica bios were like identification, rather than personal outlines like the IrrisThal bios.

The IrrisThal system didn't seem to affect anything outside of the plate. However, the IrrisThal system went into depth on one's Vertices. How it knew such, Sirindra didn't know. But having this information at the ready made training the vertices even easier and more refined. She had no doubt, going into the future, the IrrisThal system would help her acquire more strength faster, if she just paid attention to the pointers and problem-areas the IrrisThal system pointed out. It would probably revolutionize vertices training for everyone in the future.

To sum it up. For the most part, the IrrisThal system was more personal, and the Epica system was more impersonal and environmental. Working together, the two systems were near-perfect, covering the weaknesses and strengths of the other, all at one's fingertips. It would be up to the individual to master how best to use these two systems.

Sighing, Sirindra set her plate down and leaned back in her chair, stretching her back, head angled up towards the blue sky above. She was from a rather barbaric place, so getting used to this strange magi-tech device was hurting her head. She needed a break. Something to clear her mind.

With a final stretch of her fingers, arms, and back, the magenta-haired woman hopped up, pocketing her plate, and strolled forward into the city. Perhaps it was time to overcome that 'wall': Defulsiveddhana.

A grin spread across her lips, and her eyes gleamed.

location: Wravadar, Void Pit
characters: Mijorine, Vermeerie

To Mijorine, "Wravadar" barely meant anything.

But by the girl's tone, and her description, this place wasn't a good place to be in. At some point, the white-haired woman might've known what it meant. In fact, she felt she did. It was a painfully digging in the corner of her mind, but it never surfaced, like a particularly painful persistent itch one couldn't scratch.

Well, she set that aside, as the girl began describing the place she found herself in. Whether it was because of her memory loss, or because she was just a naturally good-listener, Mijorine listened well to the girl, hanging on every word.

The girl's name was Vermeerie. She had granite-black skin, with amber speckles. She had gray -almost dead-like- eyes, shiny black hair like liquid onyx, and a single horn sticking up out of her forehead. She looked very different from Mijorine herself.

That was because she was of the Dire people. Inhabitants of Wravadar.

Vermeerie had only decided to check here in the bleak and black Void Pit, because she thought this was a good place to look for Zinniaphi. This was one of the final places to look. It was quite the reach to find Zinniaphi here. After all, why would she venture down to the Void Pit? Not after she... Vermeerie glanced away, through the nearby barrier, and over to the black misshapen and craggy castle in the center of an inverted peninsula.

"The barrier that existed here in the Void Pit was dissolved when Zinniaphi slew the Ruler of Void, Defulsive. Though.. it's odd.. it's returned.. I wonder what that's about..?"

She was saying to Mijorine absentmindedly. Talking matter-of-factly, but like her voice was miles away.

After she slew the master of that dreadful ziggurat, ridding this place of its sweltering evil, there was no reason to come here anymore. Vermeerie still remembered that day, with the arrogant, and stubborn woman saying she would handle such a foe alone. Vermeerie was amongst those that protested, fearful for the princess's life. But Zinniaphi insisted, even claiming she'd kill whoever got involved. Which rooted all to the spot, none wanting to earn the princess's ire. Her father merely laughing, proudfully boasting about how "great of a daughter Zinniaphi was."

Although she had been worried, Vermeerie watched in awe. Watched how Zinniaphi broke through her own barriers and surpassed her limits. How the Wravadaran princess grew in the middle of the fight, forming and refining cores and stars. It was like a fallen star struck the ground when she struck the Voidruler. Nothing like it had ever occurred in Wravadar before. To Vermeerie, Zinniaphi was a falling star. Her own personal star to watch.

That's why she was here hysterically searching for her friend. But instead she found some strange woman who didn't know up from down. And how she had gotten roped up into explaining everything about where they were to her. Still, the woman absorbed information like a sponge, so it made talking to her easy. Plus, Vermeerie had been alone for quite some time in her search. Finding and talking to another was a welcome change of pace.

Even for a Dire person such as herself.

She found herself smiling as she talked away, gesturing with her hands, Mijorine nodding. But her eyes continued to drift towards the looming ziggurat in the distance. For whatever reason her mind continued to drift towards that day, and that fight, and how Zinniaphi looked when slaying that terrible master of a monster. Forever imprinted on her mind. She hadn't thought of that in a long time, Vermeerie wondered why it was stuck in her head now.

"Hey!" called a voice, snapping Vermeerie out of her thoughts, and snapping her own chatterbox mouth shut. Jolting, Vermeerie tentatively responded with, "Wh..at?"

"There is one thing I remember."

"Y~yeah? What's that?"

"Got a sword?"

"?" Vermeerie blinked her white, blind-appearing eyes.

"I remember how to fight."


An enemy after all!

Had she just helped her enemy?! Foolish! How foolish!

Her defensive energies spiked suddenly from the suddenness of the proclamation. Assuming an instant defensive stance.

"Don't be scared, it's nothing like that. There's something I can do for you for teaching me all this stuff. An exchange of sorts." Mijorine said with a giggle. "You seem to have a strong body and solid cores." She said, eyes sweeping over the dire woman's form. "Want to train? I think I can teach you a few new things that you may like."

She suggested so confidently, grinning all the while.

The Dire woman stood for a moment, staring. Then grinned in return. And tossed her a sword.

Mijorine caught it, glanced at it, glanced back at the Vermeerie, and smiled. Gripping the blade, her eyes lit up with energy.
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She stared at him and he stared back. They were strangers and the memories they once shared felt like they were someone else’s - a different life.

“Are you going to say anything?” Snow Wolf approached him and placed a hand on his shoulder as he sat on the bench, inspecting one of his daggers. Blood red runes burned along the flat of the blade; a nasty fate awaited its target.

“What is there to say?” Umbermark’s voice was low and calm, like a coating of molasses over a pebble beach.

“Oh, I don’t know, something like ‘It’s good to see you again, Avalina’?” she offered a small chuckle and traced the seams of his sleek leather armor.

“Is it?”

“Hmm… good question,” she retracted her hand.

Silence. How are you? Did you miss me? I missed you. What have you been up to? What’s new? Are you happy? I’m sorry. I hate you. I don’t hate you. All the words that came to mind felt caught in a lump in her throat.

“My first match starts soon.”

“Good luck.”

“I don’t need it.”

“Have it anyways. I’ll be watching,” Snow Wolf watched him stand up and turn towards her. At least he had the same face. That cold, infuriatingly blank glare that pierced through her. Well… and the anger. The rage. It still burned behind his eyes and the scars on her back suddenly came calling, the marred flesh grazing her shirt. She hated it. It took Cayd away from her and clutched his heart in a grip not even she was strong enough to break.

“At the very least, you will watch me achieve what I should’ve done long ago,” Umbermark walked towards the door.

“You always were hasty. It’s nice to see you take your time for once,” Snow Wolf shifted her weight.

Umbermark stopped at the door. “Is Liana well?”

Snow Wolf smiled. So he still cared. “She’s better. It would mean a lot if you visited her,” she said.

“I’ll think about it,” he said, before stepping through and shutting the door behind him.

For a moment, there was silence. Then, a small meow. The black cat nestled in the furs of her mantle stirred and looked up at her. Snow Wolf sighed.

"I know, Dr. Nesbitt," she scratched him behind the ear. "That was quite painful, wasn't it?"

The cat blinked at her before curling back up again. Snow Wolf wasn't sure what she expected seeing Umbermark for the first time in almost a decade but it was eerie how little they had changed. It was like they got frozen in time and thawed out when she opened the door to his quarters. Outside, the roaring of the crowds could be heard rattling the walls of the room and his footsteps faded a while ago. Snow Wolf sighed. Scars made a lady ugly. She hated them just as she hated Umbermark's rage-fueled obsession. She stepped out of the room and closed the door behind her. The halls were not lonely but she was thankful no one was here to see her. She didn't feel like looking anyone in the eyes. Voices echoed from around the corner. Excited whispers and gossip about Umbermark no doubt. Good gods, it was infuriating how much attention he got. Why couldn't she garner the same? All the men were shamelessly moronic or too smart to approach her for a drink, leaving her with bottom of the barrel riff raff that scattered after discovering her teasing yet relinquishing flirting. Nevertheless, Snow Wolf hoped she could find someone handsome to enjoy the tournament with.

Snow Wolf stopped. She looked down the hall as pair of young women chatted idly.

"Hmm..." she exhaled. That magic she sensed... did she fail to notice it before? It was growing stronger, yet no one batted an eye. It must be quite distant. "A lich...?" she muttered under her breath. Such foul... twisted magic. That was the closest thing she could compare this to but... it still carried with it an eerie quality she couldn't quite grasp. Snow Wolf scrunched her nose in disgust.

"True Polaris... bring unto me the strength to cleanse this world from the rot that festers. Dun' Rashkhar!" she cried out, not that anyone would hear her. The world around her became cold. Enough to make her shiver but that sensation only excited her heart. It made her restless. In an instant, Snow Wolf was streaking through the halls at a qi-enhanced speed. True Polaris offered her only a few seconds but that was all she needed. Before the lid of an eye could finish closing in a blink, she found herself before a dust-covered door, the handle cleaned. Time came crashing forward again and Snow Wolf's foot found itself planted in the wood, splintering it until the barrier gave way and the room was revealed to her. A young woman sat still, channeling the magic that now plunged her senses with its putrid stench. How someone so naïve and foolish could think it proper to toy with such twisted power was beyond Snow Wolf but she was not going to offer her any quarter.

Snow Wolf unsheathed Frostbite and held it out, giving the woman an icy trickle down her back. "Care to explain? You dip your hands in strange magics... foul magics," she spoke calmly but her voice was piercing and her distant gaze burned into the back of the woman's head, as if to sear straight through her skull.

November Witch November Witch
The night before the Grand Tournament was to begin, beautiful stars streaked across the sky. People were standing outside, enjoying the crisp night air, a pleasant breeze blowing through their hair, as they observed the shooting stars. While looming in the background was an impressively large tower that could be viewed pretty much anywhere atop the floating island, that had -what was being called- a "clock"; a brand new magitech device to tell time. The magical zips and zaps sparked through it to create numbers, magically ticking down the time to the tournament proper. The entirety of the Grand Gala was collectively holding its breath.

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Music danced in the air. Cheers shook the sky. And confetti swam on the wind.
It was a beautiful brand new day, with a charming blue sky above.
Crowds of delighted people progressed towards a fanciful arena.
Its considerable dimensions standing before all, ensnaring the senses of all.
A palpable elation was felt by all. It was intoxicating.
Entering was like stepping into world not meant for mortals.
Stands filled with people as bewitched with excitement as the next.
An intensity filled the air. Common sense was left behind. Anticipation drew everyone forward, like the gravity of a black hole.
Commoners took their seats. The Elite took their places. And the fighters stood by, preparing to fight. To dazzle.

location: Grand Stage Amphitheater
characters: Sirindra, Cyran, Elis, the Grand Ten, the Judges panel
interacting: Coyote Coyote Mechking Mechking AriAriAbabwa AriAriAbabwa Hvnny-Bvns0 Hvnny-Bvns0 Silver Wolf Silver Wolf TreasureSniper TreasureSniper Femboy Femboy November Witch November Witch

Matias glanced very subtly around, peering darkly under his hood. Seriously? All of us are here? He thought wryly. To think, the entire Grand Ten roster (sans Mijorine, of course) was standing here! He never would've imagined it. These guys just do whatever they want, after all. Some haven't even been seen in years. Where have they been? Tch.

That one's eyes are on me.
The woman clad in white thought bitterly, feeling icky. Keep your eyes to yourself cretin. I did not come to this unpleasant event to be probed under your bile-filled gaze.

Elis was beaming. When she sent out the invitation for all the Grand Ten to show, she never imagined they all would! Well, its true, she seriously hoped they would, but it was well-known that this particular group of people were hard to contact, and even harder to get them to do anything. And that was saying something, since a few of them hadn't been seen in years! She couldn't even send a message to them magically -she had been forced to just send out notices and put her invitation in papers around the world and use word of mouth, simply hoping somehow they would hear it, and come out from whatever rock they were hiding under. But they were the Grand Ten; it was a good assumption they would notice. So, here they were! Wow! Her eyes were starry, staring at the magnificent group of assembled warriors, momentarily forgetting she was an Empress.

One of them frowned. Grand Ten this, Grand Ten that. She thought irritably. Why does everyone insist the 'Grand Ten' is so special?! I never even claimed to be as such... In fact, it's annoying.. The auburn-haired woman rubbed the back of her head. All this 'Grand Ten' business! Ahhh... I wanna leave. Her piercing gaze found a dark-furred beastman. But if I didn't show up, that one wouldn't let me hear the end of it! Ugh.. filthy furball...

Someone whistled. "Master Ren made it! Even the cat's apprentice! Are miracles a common occurrence now?!" Exclaimed an overly-excited voice of a man who was floating, looking over. Well, it was assumed he was; it was hard to tell with his mask covering his eyes.

Tch. "Still calling me that? We're on an even playing field now! I haven't been his apprentice in years! And shut up!"

"Once a disciple, always a disciple"

"Pihii!" Giggled a short girl in a witch's hat. "It seems everyone's having such fun~! I was afraid it would be gloomy!"

"What are you talking about, witch?! Read the room!"


"Disciple, perhaps you should be the one to read the room; your showing is unbecoming of someone of your standing."

"Grr..! Like I care!" But the woman seemed to settle down after that, glowering.

The witch giggled again. And the masked man chuckled. "It's always so fun when we all come together~ Right Matty?"

"... Right. But don't call me that."

The floating man clapped him on his back. "Sure! Sorry! I forgot!"

"H~how?.. Impossible.."

"Heh heh.. As as amusing as you all are, I feel rather left out. I'm afraid I cannot banter like you all," complained a handsome dark-haired man.

"Bantering?! Whose bantering?! Ugh!!"

"Pulihihi!! Sure you can! You just did!!"

"Ah? Is that so? I retract my previous statement, then, Mysti. Thanks for including me."

"Puhlilihihi! Of cour~se~!"

"Speaking of being included -would the silent one like to be included?"

"No way." The blonde man, smirking, replied to the woman with antlers. "This is pure gold. I have a policy to never interrupt what produces gold. Besides, look whose talking."


"It's figurative gold, though, isn't it?"

"Who would let that hold them back? Figurative can lead to real profits!"

"Tch. Penny-pinching bastard."

"Yuaha! Always lookin' to make a quick buck! That's why I like you, blondie!"

"Indeed, more money only benefits the Grand Ten. I only do what I do in service of us."

"Riiiiight~" The girl chimed, flexing her eyebrow and elbow-nudged him.

Grr, they're all so carefree.. How annoying. Why do they always rope me in?

The Grand Ten rarely came together; the beings at the top of the 3 vertices, whose power hypnotized all. This was an unusual circumstance that brought them all together at the forefront of this event, for all to see and witness. But they did have a Conference Hall very alike to the Grand Stage. Which only the Grand Ten knew of its location. And only the Grand Ten were allowed there. You literally had to have a Grand Ten pass allowing one to be able to transfer there. Sometimes some people found the place, demanding a challenge.

As introduced to the masses before by Elis, the Grand Ten were as follows:

Jewena, the Authority of Divine and Leader of the Holy Clerics of the Holy City.
Avryss Gemlinn of the Gemlinn Merchantry Guild.
Yoam, the free-spirited Astral master.
Matias, known as the Average.
Godlis, Hero of Old, and the Dragonslayer.
Master Renkaka, the strongest Pasfiri.
Garnestra "Garnet" the Allmaster, Ruler of the Olti, the Cat's Apprentice, and Unofficial leader of the Grand Ten.
Mystipiki Palulu of Mysti's Potions Emporium.
Medisfina Ilacthorn, Siesess of the Verdana Sauvaga Tribe from the North.

and the one who was not in attendance -for obvious reasons, the late Grand Ten member...
Mijorine Ohldking, of the Mirrorblade Technique.

Elisztraza's eyes were glittering again. Agreeing with Avryss, this conversation was pure gold! It was going better than she had thought! Everyone would be super-interested now! It was worth it to summon them all here! And an even better idea to put a magic enchantment around them so their dialogue could be heard across the stadium! They were all too preoccupied with one another to even notice!


All eyes were over here! Everyone was paying attention to the Grand Ten! As enthralled as she had been!

"HELLO, GRAND STAGE!" Elis began in an eager tone, pulling the eyes of everyone to her, including the Grand Ten nearby. "Today is the very first day of the Grand Tournament, in all of history!! Welcome!!!" She began, her voice carried across the Grand Stage by the magical microphone in front of her. Cheers erupted, bringing a smile to the Empress's face. With everyone's attention, the Empress then began an opening speech. Which announced the honored Grand Ten in attendance. The honored judges sitting in a panel below, down on the green grass beside the actual ring. And announced other such VIPS that were important enough to call out.



The voice shook the Grand Stage through a magical microphone. A woman with wild eyes and gigantic pigtails danced out onto the polished white of the arena.


"It's I, the stun~ning, spectacular, ravishing Coraeasea! All the way from the Meris Kingdom!! Called out here by the beautiful Empress!! Thank you, Empress!"

Cheers erupted at her introduction, which she utterly basked in, waving her hands up towards the stands. Then brought the microphone back to her mouth.

"I'm here to present the plAY-by-PLaY commentary, ya'll!"

"Gheh heh heh.. and I'll~ah provide your~hah color commen~tary~ah. Gheh hehheh.." Interrupted the lazy, rasping voice of another woman. A woman clad in darkness, with mad eyes like whirlpools of dusk, punctuated by hateful red suns. "I'm Sarissa-ah, of the-hah Black Spire, hahhh.. Co~host, of this little... event~ah."


"Uh-huh..." Coraeasea muttered after she was interrupted, looking across the ring, over to a small booth where her co-announcer sat, interlocked fingers placed atop her chest. "Alright, ya'll~!! It's TIME!!!" She screamed, with cheers immediately flaring up. "WILL OUR FIRST TWO FIGHTERS, PLEASE COME OUT!!" She whipped over to the arena's entrance, pointing, and rattling off the fighters' names, and some Vertex specs of them, with the backdrop of the peoples' cheers.


sirindra bak.png
Two people stood facing one another down on the white stone ring. A woman with maroon hair, and a boy with white hair.
arena ex.png

"Oh~? This is an interesting first match up, already! Supernova vs. the Reysha rep, right off the bat!!"

Her eyes flicked over to the announcer standing at the side of the ring. She was going through the motions and announcing who they were. A smile drew across Sirindra's lips, turning back to face her opponent.

"The round is over when either of you fall unconscious or if you concede defeat! You will also lose if I count to 20 while you're outside the ring! Got it?! Great! LADIES, GENTLEMEN, BARBARIC MONSTER-PEOPLE, AND EVERYONE ELSE UNDER THIS GLORIOUS SUN, TODAY, WELCOME!!! THIS IS THE VERY FIRST FIGHT OF THE GRAND TOURNAMENT!!!! EVERYONE, ARE YOU EXCITED?!?!"

Shouts and cheers sounded from the stadium as she held the mic towards the audience. Then she whipped it back to her lips -- "SIRINDRA, THE SUPERNOVA, VS CYRAN CIK, THE REYSHA REP. LETS KICK OFF THE TOURNAMENT!!!!"


Cheers erupted like thunder across the entire stadium.

With a grin taking up a majority of her face, eyes wide like a lunatic, the girl in pigtails cut the air with one hand, the other holding the magi-mic up to her mouth.


Sirindra unsheathed her sword. I'm the first fight, huh? How fortuitous. Lets kick it off with a bang then, shall we?

Don't go too hard.
Warned Moonhu in her head.

Don't worry. I don't know what 'too hard' even means! She replied with a smirk.

Moonhu sighed.

She held her sword out, and Qi began to gather around her sword, glowing purplish pink.

Coraeasea's eyes sparkled.

"Oh my!!! Contestant Sirindra start us off! Cyran is holding firm, watching his opponent! My word!!! Look at that sublime Qi! Sirindra is showing off RIGHT AWAY!! She wants the beginning of this tournament to be as exciting as possible!!! Everyone, be grateful to the Supernova!!! Thank you, Sirindra!!"

Cheers and "thank yous" could be heard echoing around the arena.

"Hm.. Yes~ Such Qi at such a young age. It is impressive. If she's showing that off at the very beginning she must be very confident." Said one of the judges. A greying man.
"It means she's got other hidden tricks too, if she's already whipping out Genuine Force Qi. I'm more interested in what else she's got up her sleeves." Said the Inquisitor.
"Still.. I'd be more impressed if it was Illuminated Force Qi..." grumbled the Draconian woman.
"Mhm." "Mhm.." "Mmm."
The other judges nodded in agreement.

They were all commenting on the match, their magi-microphones enchanted to magically broadcast their voices across the Grand Stage so all could hear their deliberations. Even the magi-screens outside of the arena, in the depths of the city Grand Gala, were presenting the judges and their words, before flicking back over to the fight.

Empress Elisztraza had already introduced the judges for the Grand Tournament, but they are as follows:

Sir Craxisys, the Director of the Great Cauldron Spire.
Lady Assa, the High Inquisitor of the Inquisition Mage Corps of the Holy City.
Lunamellia, the Mithril Moon, of the Draconian Council of Two-leg Dragons.
Samir-Tanis-Savkh, First Sehzade (Prince) and Vizier of the Sultanate.
Maxima Serein, Epica's Adventurer Guild Leader, and leader of the retired Maxima Ultimo adventurer party.

and the Guest Judge of Week 1
Vicross Darmstadt, the current Vice-Leader of the Olti.

Sirindra's Qi engulfed her sword, quickly showcasing Aura Sword. But that was small-time. If you were impressed by Aura Sword at this stage of the tournament, then you shouldn't be here. Her Qi quickly began morphing and growing. Holding out her sword in front of her the Qi grew until it was staff shaped.

Cyran felt his neck hairs stand on end, eyes widening. He immediately took a defensive posture. This display was giving him the creeps. But rushing in was inadvisable, he didn't know how she'd respond to such a move. Generally speaking making unnecessary movements only worked against you. But letting her just show off her power like this didn't sit well with him. Ughhhhh, so aggravating!

Her Qi struck the ground, then from the top curved down in a sickly pink crescent. Sirindra stood there grinning.


"Well now! Look at this! You don't usually see Qi control like this!" Lunamellia spoke up, changing her tune.
"Even the best of martial fighters tend to just use their Qi like bludgeons. Most cannot control their Qi to this extent. Shaping it into something else is entirely out of the question." Maxima elaborated, spoken from those cool blue lips. Of course the former adventurer could do it, but she was commenting on her experience viewing other adventurers.
"Truly impressive. Is this what a 'Supernova' is capable of?" Wondered Vicross in a silky smooth voice, not even sounding the least bit impressed, as it was laced with perhaps a mocking tone.

The audience cheered at the cool display. No wonder Sirindra wanted to do this - showing off a scythe to the audience would undoubtedly get a rise out of them.

Scythe's are universally cool. She thought smugly.

Cyran clicked his tongue, hating this turn of events. But even he couldn't deny.. That scythe was cool.

"I thought you were a swordswoman?! What's that?! Put away the toys! We're here to fight for real!"

"Hm? When'd I ever claim to be a swordswoman? -I don't recall ever saying such a thing!"

Sirindra's tone was dismissive and self-satisfied.

It was the type of tone to piss anyone off.

"Yeah yeah yeah, show off! I'll show you!! Don't think for a second that means anything! Stop looking down on me! I'm in this tournament, too!" Shouted Cyran. It seemed Sirindra's self-important demeanor struck a nerve. With his shout he launched himself at her. With a sword glowing with Qi, he began swinging his sword. She blocked with her Qi-scythe. He struck fast and sharp, but her block was impeccable.

Strike after strike. From the left. From the right. Downwards cut. Vertical slash. Horizontal slash. Diagonal, diagonal. Cut cut cut, slash slash slash. Cut, slash, cut, slash.

Despite him calling her a swordswoman, Sirindra was spinning her scythe like an expert. She was showing off skills that most would not have when using such an unwieldy weapon. Her counter-attacks never missed a beat, and her swings were strong, and with purpose. Against any lesser opponent and she likely would've cut them in half by now.

The onslaught continued, but Sirindra, with eyes wide, and a smile, deflected everything. The sparks of their clashes sending Qi out from them like bursts of the sun. Even if the crescent part of the scythe couldn't block, she managed to block where she was holding her actual sword.

That's what happened with this particular strike. Cyran paused when he struck her guard, glancing at their collision. His blade was blocked by the blade of her sword. His eyes caught her face, and she grinned widely. Then he glanced over at the curve of the Qi-scythe, looming over his neck like a guillotine.

"This is nothing!! Don't think for a second I'm flustered! Here! I can pull off fancy tricks, too!" He raised his nose sharply, as if instructing her to look behind her. Lake Reysha Spell Form 1, Azure Strike!

Still clashing, Sirindra took a glance behind her, then her lips curled. A blade of water appeared with enough definition that its watery edge glinted with a sharpness capable of cutting through solid rock. Then a second later the water sword flew right at her back.

Her Qi flared and she made a motion to slice Cyran from that very position, forcing him to respond with his own Qi, compelling an outburst of Qi from their clash, which sent him flying back. Sirindra, on the other hand, deftly stepped to the side in a simple, and elegant motion, cradling her Qi-scythe to her body like a pole. A small little wicked smile upon her lips, reddish eyes on her opponent as the magical blade sailed right by her. Its watery chill felt by her back, but otherwise it completely missed her.

Now its caster was in its direct path, the spell flying right for him. And after being blown back, his center of gravity was thrown off. "Augh!" Cyran grunted, forcing him to make a clumsy deflect, sending the magic flying away, hitting the nearby barrier. Sparking and splashing into harmless water.

"WOW DID YOU SEE THAT FOLKS?!" gasped the announcer, beginning the discussion.

"Ho? She used his own magic against him," said Craxisys, stroking his beard in interest.
"What's that phrase? 'Work smarter, not harder'?" Samir finally commented, appreciating such a maneuver.
"Yes. Fighting isn't just about who can 'hit harder' or 'do magic gooder'. It's a game of wits. If you can use your own enemy's techniques against them, then you should. Then reap the advantages."
"The MO of the true superiors, is that it, Vicross?" The dragon woman questioned, arms folded.
The man barely glanced her way. "Yes, drake, that's it."
His response made a vein in her forehead pulse.
"It's Miss Mijorine's claim to fame after all! Haha!" Craxisys interrupted, laughing. As if he didn't notice the tension between the judges.

"Hehhh, just as our esteeeemed-ah judgesshah said.. Use your opponent's skills and powersshah as your ownn." The announcer swallowed loud enough to be heard over the microphone, then Sarissa's grin spread across her face. "A secret to not just winning~ but crushing your opponent's spiiirit ~ha."

By now Cyran had regained his balance. He growled through his teeth in annoyance. It was embarrassing to attack oneself! He felt himself gripping his sword even tighter. And that bitch looked so smug about it! Plus the announcers and judges were talking about it! Ugh! How damn annoying!!

"Kehk. Here I come, kid. I'm not gunna let up~" Alongside her Qi, mana began pumping into her Qi-Scythe.


As Coraeasea announced what she was doing, Sirindra was already attacking. She didn't allow Cyran to come close again.

Before he had called her a 'swordswoman', but frankly, she always viewed herself more of a 'mage'. Or mage-blade, magic swordswoman, spellblade, whatever you wanted to call it. That magic-swordsmanship was on full display in this fight.

With a smile on her face she was swinging her scythe at ridiculous speeds. HUGE flying pink-purple crescents made of Qi-and-Mana mixed were sailing at her opponent, scraping along the arena floor, leaving nasty searing gashes through the tiling. Cyran was forced to play defensive, deflecting them with purpose and expertise, sending the dangerous slashes flying off of him in all directions. But the onslaught? Never stopped. Countless crescents bombarded him, and it was all he could do to keep his defense from completely crumpling under the attack. But for what it was worth, he was holding up well.

The crescents left minor cuts on Cyran's cheeks and arms, but nothing serious. Ripped up his shirt and pants, unfurling from him like petals from a blossoming flower. Sirindra began laughing.

Those crescents sliced through the arena, flying through the air and striking the barrier with dangerous-sounding buzzes before petering out, leaving the audience who had momentarily showed fear, gasping for breath, relaxing.

Cyran clenched his teeth. "That's it!!! You've been looking down on me! Here I come!"

His Qi exploded into blue sparks. "Sword of the Azurebreaker Form 1! Parting Sea!" With his amassed Qi, he slashed, breaking through her attacks like splitting the water of the ocean. Not even a moment later he was flying across the arena at Sirindra. In a surprising burst of speed, the Reysha rep disappeared momentarily from sight. Then he was behind her, viewing her as wide open.

"Got you!" He shouted, stabbing at his opponent. But then Cyran's eyes widened.

Sirindra glances back and grins wickedly. His blade was clashing against a magic barrier. Sparks flying off it as his sword grinded against her magic, as he tried to push it through. However, Cyran could not, and sweat rolled down his face.

"Did it look like I was open?" Sirindra smiled broadly, revealing sharpened teeth. Suddenly magic symbols appeared on her back and Cyran's eyes read them over, reading the spells therein; his eyes widened, as magic began to glow rapidly. "As if! Kyahahaha!" She laughed, as a magic explosion rocked behind her, engulfing Cyran in pink and purple fiery smoke.


The magical explosion rocked the ring and shuddered across the Grand Stage.

Many in the audience gasped, fearful for the boy's life. That attack had looked so nasty and deadly!

Cyran was struggling to stand up. His entire body was blackened from the magical explosion, and blood dripped off of his rough wounds. Now it was her turn to say it. "Gotcha!" he heard, forcing his eyes open. Before him was Sirindra in a pose ready to strike. And she did.

Her scythe slashed him quickly diagonally. He released a shout of pain. "Don't worry, I didn't cut you in half! I used just enough force to hurt but not kill you!!" Then her slashes came at a rapid pace. Slashing him repeatedly. Finally she spun her scythe and slashed upwards, sending a crying-out Cyran flying into the air. She jumped, and in an instant appeared above him as they sailed upward. She kicked him and his body zipped back downwards like a streak of light, crashing back down on the arena with a loud boom that sent arena pieces flying in all directions and dust into the air. "Kyahahahaha!!!" Sirindra spun her scythe. Qi and magic charged it until sparks became full-blown electrical discharges of magic.

"Yyah! Doom Sun Disc of Destruct~ion~!"

She released the spinning scythe down. It flew at him like a pinkish buzzsaw of purple-black magic. The magic so nasty it sizzled and cut through the air, leaving an impression of heatwaves through the air, as if the very sky was scarred. When it hit right where he landed it exploded in a magical explosion. Starting with a black burst, then beams of orange and yellow light, then finally the resulting explosion of purple-black smoke.


It was so much worse than the previous one.

The audience collectively gasped.


"That was a very-hh coldblooded attack, gheh. I wonder, is the boy dead?"



In fact, it seemed the collective Grand Stage was holding its breath, all waiting to see the aftermath.

The dust cleared, and Cyran was laying there, completely out.

He was bleeding. His clothes were in tatters. His hair was fried. He had injuries all over. But he was alive. Barely.

Sirindra was already there, staring down at the defeated body of her opponent. "You weren't bad; but not great either. Did you really think with skills like that you were Grand Ten worthy?"


The audiences cheers were immense, roaring like the gods from a week ago. Clapping echoed across the stadium, rolling like thunder.

Sirindra spun her Qi-Scythe, then stamped it on the ground, looking around at the audience, grinning.

Healers that had been hired for the tournament all rushed out as soon as the fight was called. They were wearing Joint Grand Tournament Committee uniforms. Kneeling beside the injured party, they began to immediately cast heal spells. The healers employed were of a significant level, so their heal spells would quickly fix up the one who was injured. Cyran would get up soon.

"Sirindra set the pace of the fight from the very beginning. Even that "power-up" sequence was apart of her calculations."
"Very impressive."
"Yup, and she kept the same pace through the entire fight."
"You don't want to fall into your opponent's pace. You want to break away from it and set your own pace."
"Mhm. Yes, you don't want to fall into your opponent's pace -that can be a very dangerous thing, and very hard to break away from. But it's imperative that you do so. You always want to be the one leading. Following in a fight will lead you to a swift end. No fighter worth their salt will follow their opponent."
"It leads only to doom."
The judges nodded.

And with their commentary out of the way, they addressed Sirindra directly.

"An impeccable showing for a first battle, you truly are deserving of the title of 'Supernova'. We've decided to bestow the first winner a reward."
"You won, so, Miss Halileil, is there anything you want?"

This was quite something, wasn't it? "This is rather spur-of-the-moment," she mused.

"Apologies, contestant," one of the women judges said, with the whole panel looking at Sirindra, awaiting her response.

She had to think up something worthwhile on the spot. Then her lips curled into a grin. She held up her fingers. "I want three things."

"Heh, the contestant is greedy," chuckled the dragon woman.
"Greed isn't a good thing, contestant," warned Samir.
"Oh, let the woman be greedy. I bet there's a Grand Ten member who would disagree with you."
"If you win, then you reap the rewards, simple as that," agreed Vicross.

If they were going to offer her a reward, then she was absolutely going to be greedy.

"One, I want a way to breakthrough and make a Pure Core. Or at least refine my cores. Two, I want some knowledge on how to write another ring fast. And finally, after all this, I want to train under a Grand Ten member."

The judges seemed amused.

"I see... I saw this often back in Aezunura’s Colosseum. Fighters just want to get stronger," Samir said, lowering his eyes. He had been foolish to deny her.
"Once a fighter, always a fighter," commented Vicross approvingly.
"Contestant, we cannot promise that last thing," Assa spoke up. "We do not have any authority over the Grand Ten. We can merely ask them on your behalf. Is that okay with you?"

"Yeah, I figured as much. I'll settle for that."

Vicross smirked. "Then granted."
"Your rewards will be delivered to you at a later time," Lunamellia stated. And Sirindra seemed pleased.

Just after stating what she wanted, Sirindra 'felt' a ping. Like some sort of magical reaction. Right there on the arena, she took out her Epic plate and turned it on. Her eyes widened.

"Contestant Sirindra, what are you doing? What do you see?"

Sirindra looked over at the judge that asked her the question. "It appears I was awarded 1000 Paragons for winning. And 500 more for the first victory in the tournament! And another 500 for what was called a 'Flawless Victory'."

Her announcement swept across the stadium, with everyone suddenly bursting out in their own various conversations to talk about and reiterate what they had just heard.

"Really?" Samir replied.
"My word! Is that so?!" Craxisys gasped out.
"Is that the truth, Sirindra?" Maxima asked.

Sirindra walked over and handed her plate over. "Here, see?"

Assa took the plate, and together the judges leaned in and read, with Coraeasea bouncing on the fringes, trying to peek up and over to read, too, her eyes wide with intrigue, as if she were gazing upon unearthed treasure. Up until now people had tried to earn Paragons. However, for the past week, they had been unsuccessful. Not a single Paragon had been earned by anyone. (At least, not by anyone who was willing to speak up about it.) And here, suddenly, before all of them, was someone claiming to have just earned a hefty sum of Paragons!

Even Elisztraza -and other various elite- were all collectively leaning forward to listen and observe what was happening now. Almost as if the fight itself was forgotten.

The message read:

To the one known as Sirindra. For your valiant efforts. Congrats on your win. We look forward to your progress.
-the Gods

1000 Paragons for winning.
500 for the first victory in the tournament.
500 for a Flawless Victory.
And 100 for your own first win.
Plus 50 for overcoming your bounty and getting your criminal record expunged.

In Sirindra's wallet it read 2151 Paragons.

Everyone's eyes were sparkling with wonder.

"She's saying the truth," came the voice of a male. Everyone looked over briefly. Cyran had gotten up, and was holding his own plate. He had also been awarded Paragons, despite his loss.

500 for your first fight.
200 for participating in the first fight of the tournament.
35 for condolences. (Which pissed Cyran off, but he said nothing.)​

"It's the truth, then..." Assa murmured.
"It seems to be so," Samir replied.
"To think, the first awarding of Paragons would happen here in first fight of the tournament..." Craxisys muttered.

Now there was some hint to how to impress the gods, and how to earn Paragons. This would be discussed at length after this day, by other interested parties. With the news traveling so fast.

A brief reprieve happened for people to discuss just what occurred. And the Empress made an announcement about it to the masses. Which was broadcast on the magi-screens in Grand Gala as well. As well as, on the Epic plates. "So, the gods see fit to award the fighters of the tournament!!! Even those who lose earn Paragons!!! So, no matter who you are, pay attention to the Grand Tournament! You'll be rewarded!!" Elisztraza finished. With cheers erupting across the stadium.

She looked across the entire Grand Stage, a satisfied smile upon the Empress's face.

With the momentary interruption out of the way...

Coreaesea stepped up beside the maroon-haired woman. It was time to get the first fight completely finished and out of the way.

"So, how did you win your first fight? What did you take into consideration when you were fighting? Tell the audience the secret to a successful fight," the twin-tailed announcer girl asked, holding up the mic to Sirindra.

For her part, Sirindra had been waiting patiently. She was also feeling satisfied, having earned quite a bit from this first fight. She leaned in to speak.

"You want to know how to win like I do? Easy. Fight with a plan in mind; never fight without one. Make sure everything you do is all to win, every movement, motion, and attack is building up to the decisive blow to win."

At her answer, the crowd cheered. It sounded like a good answer! The judges all murmured approvingly to each other, too, not really having anything further to add. Coraeasea recognized this as the end.

"Alright~! Any final words from our very first winner?" She held the mic up to the winner's face.

"I just hope my next fight isn't as easy as that one."

With that, she flicked her hair coolly, and walked away, and down the steps, towards the open archway leading into the depths of the stadium.


The audience cheered and clapped once again. Everyone was hyped for the next fight. Sirindra had done her job, and won splendidly. Could there have been a better opening?
Last edited:
Vanta Obsidian
Status: Annoyed, composed, in immense pain.

Vanata had only come here to further her knowledge. To sate her curiosity. Satisfy her longing for more information. More knowledge. Specifically, she wanted to see just how exactly this floating island worked. How these odd looking tablets worked, and how the others would perform during their fights. Vanta was on a journey to find out more about the kind of magic she was attempting to learn. Perhaps there were others trying to harness its power. Perhaps there were none and she was the first. But if it happened to be the latter, she could use as much advice and guidance as she could get.

The magic was dangerous. It could turn her into a monster if she wasn’t careful. It also hurt like hell anytime she used it. And while the witch was masochistic, the pain could be alot to handle at times. She had been too excited to get here and look around that she didn’t do her daily endurance training. So she found a secluded room that seemed to not have been used in some time. The door was locked, but thanks to her magical ability, it was soon unlocked and open. A storage room of some sort. Vanta would use a spell to close the door behind her and sit in the middle of the room.

The lights turned off as she faced the door, sitting cross legged with her broom laid across her crossed legs. Both hands held a want which turned purple as she tapped her chest with it.

A torrent of foul, corrupted, awful magic flowed through her. A black-purple sludge she could feel moving through her veins and burning her body. As if she was on fire. But it also burned cold too, like she had ice in her blood. There was always a gnawing hunger that came with this. Always asking for more. More corrupted magic. More of the wrong. More of the sludge. But Vanta knew this would just consume her, and turn her into a mindless beast. So she filled herself with as much as she could handle, which very very slowly, would build her tolerance over time.

She’d been doing this for years, and had built up more resistance to it than the normal person. But she could still be turned if too much was used. So she traveled the world, looking for a way to keep herself from turning into a monster. While this was her main goal, her secondary goal was simply gaining more knowledge. Knowledge is power, after all.

Minutes later, she felt the vibrations in the ground as someone approached. The door was tried, but whoever was on the other side found it locked. A moment later, it came crashing down as the air dropped quite a few degrees and someone else entered the room to threaten her.

There she sat, cross legged, breathing heavily through the intense pain, and sweating due to her discomfort. But she was calm.




Vanta's tongue clicked as her eyes opened and looked up at the woman before her. She had to tilt her head up slightly to reveal who was there, as she was hidden by the brim of her witchy hat. Her face showed pain but was completely neutral outside that.

“What a brute.”

Her voice was deadpan. Emotionless. Her eyes glanced at the broken door.

“You realize you’re now in trouble, destroying property like that.”

Coyote Coyote
Vivi Finii


Vivi was hoping to spend a peaceful time in the library in quiet study, but it would seem that Peaceroot had other plans to spend time gawking and marvelling at how advanced it was. It would surely provide some of the information that Vivi may have been looking for, noticing that the present of a double-Ace was getting Beawenna considerably excited over the prospect of meeting them. The pixie wasn't too thrilled about celebrities and getting all excited over big names, returning to a larger size just in case the other witch ended up passing out over her own excitement.

"Thank you for allowing us here, we need not disturb you too long, but we are just here to potentially look for some things. Hopefully it is alright" Vivi spoke as she glanced at Beawenna, touching her shoulder.
"Calm yourself, it won't be helpful if you hospitalise yourself the moment you arrive. It is a library, not an amusement park" she said as she wasn't looking to be a babysitter for the other witch during their time present. She had to find information on what could be the plausibility behind the 'gods' that had made their presence known, for whether it was one they knew of at all. That, and anything interesting she could learn while they were there could become of use to her own studies or information down the line.
"If you can find a moment to calm yourself, you should help seek any luxurious knowledge that is around, perhaps you can ask him a few questions about where to find that" Vivi said as she gestured to Nascent, considering that it could get the other girl's hyperactive excitement out of her own hands for a little while during the focus on her own work considering Beawenna might overreact to every little book and story she hadn't ever seen before and rave about it to Vivi if the purple witch were not too careful.


Vivi was silently sat at the Grand Tournament, not paying too much attention to the events going on as she looked over her extensive notes and pieces within her grimoire. She had already researched a hefty amount from her time in the library and was partially present just to see if anything of interest happened relating to her own business. The noise of everyone was rather distracting, but just in case something happened first-hand she had came just to potentially see it. If naught happened, then not coming to any further would be a risk she would consider taking if it meant doing something else productive. Vivi just thought everything going on was a bit much, and obsessively ridiculous when it was just supporting violence for no reason at all. Then again, the 'gods' were clearly entertained by such pointless combat that there was a chance they would possibly find success without even intending to. Vivi sighed silently, contemplating as she glanced over her own work considering that coming to view the tournament may have proven a waste of time, just as much as the Spire having helped to build the Stage was.​
Tear Ripley
Hvnny-Bvns0 Hvnny-Bvns0
"TRAINING LESSONS? WELL, WHY DIDN'T SHE SAY SO?" He cackled with all his might. And when he heard Finn's backhanded remark, he merely laughed harder. "I'M SORRY, KID! THAT HAPPENS A LOT! HONEST MISTAKE!"

Tear felt like she just braved a hurricane by the time he stepped aside. Seriously, how could anyone get their natural voice to be so loud? Nonetheless, there was one definite hero to this encounter. Tear turned to Finn, mustering a warm smile. "Th-Thank you... I can't handle people like that..."

They looked young; only an inch taller than Tear. "W-Were you also going to practice here?" Tear winced the moment she asked that. What else would someone do at this place? "I-I mean, it makes sense, thinking about it. But, well, y-you were... I was... Yeah. We're here." She wanted to smoosh her face against the wall and blot out all sound.
Finnigore <3

“It’s nothing,“
They stated casually. “He was hurting my ears.” As if to emphasize the point, their ears pressed further back into their messy hair. “I’m not here to train, I’m here to wreak havoc and murder everyone in this building.” They said, face deadpan. After a second of this, choosing to ignore and movemon from Tear’s embarrassed state, they gestured around. “You are, though, right? From what I heard. I could, like, help if you want. Everyone here is so far up their own rears that they can’t hear a word you say.” It was clear the kid didn’t like loud noises. Placing a hand on their hip, and extending the other one for Tear to take, they smirked. “I consider myself to be good at the Astral vertex- if that’s something you can fight against. Unless you’re a martial artist. Then I could beat you in a second, and I won’t even bother to give you my awesome knowledge.” They spoke sarcastically, though they were being honest about looking down on martial artists. They would likely beat a martial artist, even if they were evenly matched- so Finn had to gloat about it every chance they got.
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Tear Ripley
Hvnny-Bvns0 Hvnny-Bvns0
"Oh? That's... great?" Tear nervously chuckled from Finn's declaration. They aren't serious, right...? Right? She hesitantly took Finn's hand, more so out of self-preservation and not wanting to upset them. But their next offer shot a pang of fear into Tear. With their previous threat still in mind, the offer to help with training wasn't as alluring as it would've been a few moments ago. I was thinking about training by myself, she wanted to say, but those were words never said. Tear, fidgeting with her fingers, added, "I'm also on the Astral Path... though I got my 4th Star a while ago... Are you sure...?"
Snow Wolf watched her for a moment in silence. Such naked apathy. Her indifference was the kind that didn't blink when horrors were abound. Benign... but dangerous. She scoffed. "Such a blatant attempt to deflect the conversation will do you no favors," Snow Wolf's grip on her blade tightened. With a simple flick, this girl's head would roll but guilt with no voice was indistinguishable from stolen innocence. "Speak. Direct your words to a better defense than deception. I've not the patience to hear much more from a dark witch," she scowled.

"I'm doing no such thing. I would have answered in do time. But if you're so insistent..."

Vanta would reply, only to smile a wicked one, seeping with just as much mystery as the aura her magic gave off. The broom laid across her lap would float up up and she would rest her elbows on it, intertwining her fingers. Red-purple magic goop would drip from the underside of her hat, forming arms and hands.

"I happen to be practicing magic like so many others here. I have committed no crimes or sins. While the magic I dabble in may be odd and obscure. Tell me, if you see a person of an unknown or obscure race, are you also this quick to violence and persecution?"

Snow Wolf narrowed her eyes. "How naïve. You seek to take advantage of the conscience of good people, knowing well that only those who feel a sense of guilt about wrongdoing will hesitate. You will not find that here. I do not know of what magic you practice but it smells similar to magic I've seen abused and misused to the detriment of others. It matters not the race of those I judge. No one enjoys losing their heads. So if you are keen on keeping yours, you will explain why you've hidden yourself away to practice such magiks and for what purpose do you intend to use it for?"

"I do not wish to take advantage of anyone. I ask you again, have I broken any laws? Have I hurt anyone? Have I even destroyed any property or insulted anyone? No. But you have. I have to say, I think I've been quite patient with you thus far. If you wish to talk, let us talk. But put the sword down and stop treating me as some sort of villain."

One of the sludgy hands would reach out and touch the tip of her blade, gentling nudging it down to the floor. It froze instantly as it touched the blade, but still moved smoothly. Was it unaffected? Did this disgusting magic simply work with the ice? Maybe the mage also had control over the elements? It wasn't clear. But what was clear, however, is that the mage was nearing the end of her fuse, being talked to like this. She'd done nothing wrong.

Snow Wolf watched her for a moment, calculating her odds as she would any hand of cards. Unfortunately, if the hands were stacked against her, she didn't think she'd be able to flirt her way out of it. Instead, she sighed and smiled a cold, distant, pale smile. The kind a woman gave to a man who had done something she was displeased by in public. She lowered her sword. "I do not think I've ever met a benevolent witch utilizing the kind of magik you employ. You've committed no crimes... yet. And I've yet to determine just how volatile you are," she relaxed her shoulders and let herself sigh. If this woman was dangerous, she was the type that didn't make a show of it. At least not now.

"So... help me understand, young one," her lips curled into a cynical smirk. "Is this ritual you call magick the kind that conjures bunnies, or razes villages?"

November Witch November Witch
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Ragnar Fireheart


The start of the tournament was spectacular to say the least and Ragnar was enjoying every bit of it. The commentators, the judges, the audience, and, most importantly, the fighters. With his fellow Fezinians he shouted and cheered as if the tournament would only last for this day. And yet he still aimed to learn as much as possible about - and from - his fellow contestants.


A few days had passed and aside from the first day with the most spectacular fights, Ragnar mostly focused on his training. After all, his first fight was about to begin.

He waited with his fellow fighters for their respective turns and exchanged a bit of banter here and there, it wasn't hard for him to find likeminded people amongst them. And so his turn came and the gate opened. Ragnar thought he would buckle under the pressure but with each step towards the grand arena his focus grew. He lifted his hands to greet the audience but his body was growing more and more tense. Finally, he stood upon the stage, hammer in hand and opponent waiting for him.

Ragnar couldn't really see who was underneath the heavy armor on the other side of the stage. Armed with sword and shield, they certainly felt a lot more powerful to him than most opponents he faced. Maybe even all of them, if he didn't count his masters. His excitement grew and he stopped holding back, releasing his full power in the process. There was no longer a need to conceal anything after all. At least for him, who wasn't good at it in the first place.


Ragnars body was filled with spirit and qi as he burst forward, with each step increasing his speed forward. He would not let anyone time to prepare, or breathe, under his onslaught. And so his hammer, charged with both spirit and (qi) aura, slammed with exploding might against his opponents shield. They had prepared their all into defense, though Ragnar couldn't care less what vertices they trained.

For a split second it seemed as if his attack had no effect but the might and momentum forced the opposing knight to take a step back. Ragnar used this opportunity for a heavy attack but the opponent recovered quicker than expected. They slashed across his chest but to no avail. While the fiery aura protecting him broke, his armor did not. And with a wicked looking grin Ragnar slammed down his hammer once more.

This time they did not step back. And instead of accumulating a few mediocre slashes against him they seemed to focus more on defense, maybe to tire him out or maybe to wait for a better opportunity to strike. Either way it was exactly what Ragnar wanted. His fighting spirit and his qi burned within him, wilder and brighter with each strike he rained down on the sturdy shield. Yet he did not tire. He did not stop.

And instead of slowing down, Ragnars strikes began to increase in both speed and frequency.

After what must have felt like and eternity for both fighters but couldn't have lasted more than a minute, the knight was on the edge of crumbling down under the relentless assault. And now, Ragnar stopped and took a few steps back.

"I do apologize, do not wish to tarnish your honor. If you want to concede, you would be welcome to-"

"No need, I may be bent but not yet broken."

The knight began to recover themselves and seemed ready again for another round, although Ragnar knew that he had already won. And he didn't like to toy with his opponent or break their spirit, or bones, just to win. Especially not in such an official setting. Besides, he still wanted to test something out.

"Very well. Lets do it this way: I will attack you one last time and if you can block it without leaving the arena, you win. If I underestimated you it would be my loss. Deal?"


The knight put away their sword and began to concentrate all of their qi, mana, and spirit into their shield. Aura and defensive spells layered themselves together, all strengthened by spirit. This was truly a worthy opponent.

But Ragnar would still win, he was sure of that. While he did not push his opponent far with his previous attacks, this one would be different. Because in the same way that his opponent poured their all into their shield, he charged it all into his hammer and his muscles.

And it was really his all.

Ragnar gathered every last bit of qi, squeezed every drop of spirit he had into this, leaving just enough to keep him breathing afterwards. His muscles were on the verge of bursting open and his hammer seemed to glow with power. As everything within him is birthed from fire it threatened to spill out of him but instead of leaking, it all got concentrated into one single attack.

They were both ready. They didn't need words to understand that. Words had been meaningless the entire fight until just a moment ago, and they became meaningless once more. Time seemed to stop as Ragnars legs released all of their charged power, exploding him forward at a speed he had never reached before. Despite the high velocity, everything seemed as if it were in slow-motion to him. He could feel every which way his power flowed through his muscles, through his body, only with the intent of swinging his hammer. And just when it seemed as if he expended everything he had, the hammer reached its target.


It felt as if an unstoppable force had hit an immovable object. However one of them was stronger. And when it comes to strength, Ragnar is the expert. And so the knight got catapulted into the air and out of the arena. They were not dead, Ragnar was sure of that.


Well, mostly sure.

The crowd cheered and Ragnar could barely keep himself standing, instead he recovered what bit of strength he could before miss announcer came over. And with the knight no longer moving, he was declared the victor.

The judges complimented the fight and assured the audience (and Ragnar) that his opponent was not, in fact, dead. And while it was a good fight they would not reward him, at least not this time. They wanted to see a bit more, which was fine with him.

And as for the question from our dear announcer if he had anything to say before he left:

"If anyone wants to challenge me you can find me either on the training grounds or in the library. I'm here to fight after all!"


Ragnar took a day off and then headed to the grand library. A place he hadn't visited before his fight but was eager to go to now. He had learned a lot from this fight, including grasping a bit of weapon intent, but he knew that he was lacking.

Lacking in a lot of knowledge that is.

So he planned to rectify that, not only to learn more about this world and himself but also about possible paths that he could take. And while Ragnar may not understand all of the things that he will read, he still planned on memorising them. So he set to reading books about history, the paths, and the elements.

Location: Grand Library

Current interaction: none

Femboy Femboy Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko
Vanta Obsidian
Status: Annoyed, composed, in immense pain

Vanta’s expression was still one of confidence and malicious compliance. Something one could expect to see from the stereotypical villain of some sort of movie or TV show. Vanta studied the woman before her, only for her satisfaction to deepen when the girl relented. She felt like she knew the kind of person this girl was. So she knew how to play her games.

“Magic isn’t good or evil.”

Vanta replied as the other asked about what kind of magic hers was.

“A spell to heal can be used on the wrong people. A spell to make water for drinking can be used to drown. Just as my magic can be used to conjure bunnies and raze villages.”

Vanta replied, still sitting there on the ground. It looked as if she didn’t feel threatened at all.

“I enjoy going against the grain. Doing things others haven’t tried, or refuse to. Think of this as an experiment, and myself as the test subject. Can one learn to use this kind of magic without losing themselves to madness? Past that, can one use this magic effectively? This is what I aim to find out.”

Vanta explained to her interrogator.

“Does that answer your questions, cold one?”

Snow Wolf looked her up and down.

“You’re young. Let me ask you this. Does a plague infect and kill because it’s evil, or because it is acting in accordance with its design?”

Snow Wolf’s brow lifted ever so slightly, as if to enhance the weight of judgment she was casting with her gaze.

"When one's body gets sick, it builds up resistances and immunities. It can learn to resist and even fight the plague. I simply wish to see if it is possible by testing myself... If it is? Then I've simply found an entirely new section of magic to explore. If not, then those that come after me will know."

Vanta countered. Only those who pushed the limits of knowledge would pave the way for humanity’s future. She wanted to find out what possibilities lay in this unexplored realm of magic.

"Some of history's greatest atrocities are unleashed by people like you tampering about with things they have no business tampering with,"

She could only shake her head.

"There is a reason these magiks are cast away."

Vanta’s shoulders jumped up and down for a moment as she suppressed a laugh.

“Human curiosity and interest in the unknown isn’t something to be trifled with. If you really think that way, you must not be very intelligent.”

Vanta said in a matter of fact tone of voice.

“So are you saying humans should not have ever learned magic? It kills and it harms. It is dangerous and has played a part in many atrocities. Or maybe we should have never explored caves and ores stored under the earth? Weapons have been used in almost every atrocity committed by mankind. Are you saying we should never have harvested the power of ores and the technology they can bring?”

Vanta shook her head, an amused, yet sad smile on her face.

“Your line of thinking is flawed. So is your logic. I don’t have time for inferior beings. Leave, and go watch the barbaric entertainment you’re here for.”

Coyote Coyote
location: Grand Stage arena
characters: Feinfall, Yuffine, Aegim, Yoam, Garnet, Matias, Blindfold Sisters, the judges panel, Medisfina, Mysti, Vequanial, Quincy, Coraeasea

The tournament had been progressing smoothly. It was turning out to be every bit the spectacle that the Empress of Epica had hoped for, and every bit the cash-cow. Cash flowed generously during the tournament, and into the city of Grand Gala. The people who had come up to the Grand Stage to watch were all equally enthralled. Prominent fighters were beginning to pop up, even in this tournament. With favorites standing out, gaining recognition, and fans. While there had been some concern from the Empress and her cohort before the tournament began, that the level of participants were a tad low, they were not disappointing. In fact, the participants were not just doing their part, but seemed to be more promising than originally thought. Growing mid-tournament. And even showing off. The audience was just lapping it all up. However, despite this, there hadn't been any of what you'd call an 'upset' yet; no one had yet to topple a Supernova.

Even though the fights were splendid, and the audience was enjoying them. So far, the expected winners were the winners of their fights. Thus, the audience seemed to be growing a bit restless...

Three weeks had passed since the tournament began. The Supernovas remained firm, the Grand Ten disciples were equally as firm, and a few other fighters had begun to make a name for themselves.

There were two mages, in particular, who fought unconventionally. There was a mage who was classy and sleek, named Feinfall who was a master of Enchanting magic -or rather, the inverse of 'Enchanting'. That is to say, he used the Enchanting to "debuff." Therefore, Feinfall was known as the Master Debuffer. While he himself wasn't particularly noteworthy, he fought opponents who were continuously debuffed. With their own abilities and statistics lowered into the red, his opponents were easy pickings.


"He fights like you, Matias," Yoam joked.
"You mean without honor," Garnet interjected.
"Heh. You just can't stand it when people don't fight head-to-head like you, 'leader'," Matias replied.
While they watched Feinfall's debut match, seeing her soured face, Yoam couldn't help but laugh.

Then there was another mage who took a similar, yet, almost opposite approach. She was a mage who kept up constant regen, healing, and self-buff spells. She outlasted her opponents by simply overhealing their damage.

panamera fun defense by optimistic lord ch 22.png

"That's my Penolt Dis," said one of the Blindfold Sisters, a melodic voice that almost seemed mechanical, as it seemed mixed with other voices. The current guest judge. And a woman who was once associated with the Theocracy of Emersity Theota, but who had departed to join Oltinian party. And another who was considered Grand Ten material before the G10 had been established, and before this whole affair. 'Penolt Dis' literally translated to 'Olti Direct Disciple'.

The Blindfold Sisters were a trio. Yet, they were all "one entity".
norn sisters.png

"She's impressive," said Lunamellia. "And she's having fun."
"But it seems her fighting style is very inefficient. A truly rigorous and exhausting fighting style," Samir commented.
"Hm.." The sisters didn't seem thrilled by that response. And neither did Jewena, of the Grand Ten, watching from their VIP seat.


"Hmp!" The sisters seemed pleased.

Then there was someone who not many were thrilled to see. A dishonored knight who was known for betraying his kingdom and peers. He had slaughtered all of the knights under him and fled, becoming a scoundrel and bandit. His name was Aegim, the Betrayer. There weren't many in the audience who were happy with his progress through the tournament.

His foe crumpled under his sword, a bloody splotch on the otherwise pristine ring. Many in the audience gasped and shrieked at the horrorific sight. Aegim grinned, pulling his blade out of the body, dripping sticky blood.

"The winner is... *eul*.. AEGIM, the BETRAYER!" Coraeasea looked like she was about to be sick. Aegim flashed her glare, as he didn't seem to like that name. His glare caused her to recoil and back away some, laughing it off.

Boos erupted across the stadium.

"WHAT?! YOU WANT ME TO COME UP THERE AND SILENCE YOU?!?!" Aegim shouted up to the audience in anger. Which caused most of the people to back off, recoiling just like the pigtailed announcer.

"Hm, that man is dangerous," commented Craxisys.
"But he is skilled..." Lunamellia retorted. "Unfortunate his skills are not what people will remember him by."
"If only he would fix that personality, then he could be a warrior worthy of respect," Samir said with a shake of his head.
"Feh. A man like that shouldn't even be allowed to draw breath. He shouldn't even be in this tournament, and no one should be praising his so-called 'skills'," Assa hissed, with a glare that persisted his entire fight. Her aura was radiating, prickling between the judges.
"Assa, dear, your bias is unbecoming," chastised Maxima.


There were many "mana vein" vines spread around the battlefield. These mana veins looked like thick vines, colored blue, that broke out of the white arena floor, glowing and pulsing. Anytime someone touched them, they would absorb mana for their caster. Coraeasea was forced to stand on the grass outside of the arena to avoid them.

Vequanial, the redhaired boy, was in the arena. Stepping back to avoid a magical attack, his foot brushed one of the vines briefly before he pulled his foot away. He could feel in that brief touch mana pulled out of his body, traveling through the veins and feeding into his opponent. His red eyes looked back at his opponent. Then in a swift motion his sword sliced through the nearby vine, while he faced Quincy.


Quincy was the caster of these vines. For the young boy, they were unnecessary. He was the Inolore rep, and was heralded for his ridiculous mana pool. Still, he used the vines to throw off his opponents, and to make sure he could maintain his otherwise aggressive and wasteful fighting style. He excessively used mana, in almost a mana-exclusive style.


For the Inolore, he was young, and was not great at casting spells just yet. To compensate, he used "mana-based" attacks. His mana lasers were powerful, but extremely wasteful when it came to mana, making them not something most mages went to. Quincy used short-range teleportation to blink around the field, keeping the Robicc prodigy on his toes. Not many mages used teleportation this way, because even short-range teleports would expend a lot of mana. But for Quincy, this wasn't a problem. He fired off mana lasers from wherever he teleported, forcing Vequanial to constantly dodge -and occasionally bump one of the mana veins, siphoning his mana off to the annoying kid mage.

"What a strange child," Lunamellia commented, frowning. She wasn't sure how he was capable of doing what he was doing. "I only see a single ring."
"What nonsense, no mage with just 1 ring could make it this far in the tournament," Assa argued, though she saw the same.
"Yes.. but he made it this far... Hm.. what is his secret?" Samir replied, contemplative.
"Hm, there must be something.. Study him carefully," Maxima said, doing just that.

"Guh, those fools in the judges panel cannot tell?" Medisfina, of the Grand Ten, said in her own magi-microphone, uncaring if it was rude-sounding.
"Puhlilili!! Seriously?!?!~" Her fellow Grand Ten member, Mysti giggled. "Look at closer his 'ring'! Pililil!" She gave them a hint, only to giggle again.

"There's just 1 ring..." Assa mumbled, staring hard at the boy as the fight continued between him and Vequanial. With the swordsman avoiding or blocking blasts of raw mana.
"!!!" the dragon woman seemed shocked, which was very unusual for her. And her surprise was very subtle.
"Wait. No. Is that-! Could it be? He has more rings?!"
"Oh my word! Really?! What an interesting child!! Heh heh.." Craxisys seemed extremely interested, and even more impressed, stroking his beard. "The boy's Ring Formation is very interesting!" He went onto explain just what it was in his magi-mic. So the entire arena could be in on the secret.

Quincy's ring formation was what they were calling the 'Layered 5 Rings Formation'. Which was a 'stacked rings' formation.

The rings looked like one solid ring, as they are stacked upon each other. Quincy seemed to create it on his own, which was what ultimately impressed Craxisys. It wasn't quite as potent as interlocked rings, but it was of a similar principle, as the magic rings constantly grinded against one another, creating Raw Mana Points. Which boosted the magic power to a ridiculous degree. Due to the rings being almost one, higher tier spells were also easier to formulate and integrate with the mage's rings. The stacked rings were basically shortcuts to creating spellcraft. It had the benefits of rings grinding against each other, and, at the same time, was a Symmetrical Formation, gaining those benefits, too.

Plus it looked like a single ring, if you didn't look closely, or weren't good enough to discern hidden secrets like that. Meaning it was a formation that was capable of tricking his opponent, and making him seem weaker than he was. In fact, it had worked so well, that it had taken even the impressive people here awhile to figure it out.

It truly impressed Craxisys. And once revealed, other mages were in awe.

Quincy floated up in the air, holding his hands out in front of him. His ring formation was on full-display after its reveal. The 'single' ring appeared in front of him. But was thick. As it was obviously all 5 of his rings mashed together -'layered'- on top of one another. They began spinning and scraping, with mana-'electrical' sparks flying off of it.

Large quantities of mana built up as the rings spun in front of him. "Quintuple Force, Raging Eclipse Cannon!" Just like this entire time, Quincy had used very few actual spells, and had been almost exclusively fighting with raw mana. At his intonement the built-up mana erupted forward. A HUGE beam of mana fired at Vequanial, lighting up the entire arena, blinding like a spotlight, causing everyone to shield their eyes. A squall of energy and power hit the arena.

Vequanial raised up his sword, holding the thin blade between his eyes. A fiery aura lit up his blade, and ignited around his fierce eyes, framing him like a burning halo. He stared down the oncoming attack, not seeming phased at all.

"OH MY GOD!! I CAN'T SEE A THING!!! EVERYONE, SHIELD YOUR EYES!!" Coraeasea shouted into her mic, trying to peek at the action in the ring to see and explain what was going on. "WHAT AN ATTACK! THIS ISN'T MAGIC, FOLKS! ITS RAW MANA! QUINCY'S MANA POWER IS UNMATCHED! WHAT WILL VEQUANIAL RESPOND WITH!?! AHHHHH!!!"


sirindra use rn.png

location: Wravadar, Void Pit, Glassblack Ziggurat
characters: Sirindra, Moonhu, Vermeerie, Mijorine

In a bleak and blackened fortress deep in Wravadar, with a sky as black as emptiness, a huge, hulking monster stood before a maroon-haired woman. With four massive arms. An obsidian ornamental headdress crafted from glassy black horns and tusks crowned its nasty head. Red eyes gleamed down at the intruder. Its mouth flung open in a loud roar, revealing a nasty set of jagged black glass-like teeth.

Sirindra stood down below, staring up at the behemoth. For the woman, this had become a regular sight. The Ruler of Void, Glassblack Supreme Monarch of Dark, Defulsiveddhana.

The spirit of Moonhu floated beside her, only for her to see and hear. "Ready, master?"

"Of course."

"You haven't been able to defeat him yet."

"Don't patronize me. This time.. I'm ready. Are you?"

"Of course. Lets go."

Moonhu, the Dragon Lord's Moonscale, held down at her side glowed with intent.

She released the Gloomring Initialized power. Then scaled it up once. Royal of Wravadar Form One: Gloomblight Villain. Purple energy radiated off the woman, as her eyes took on a reddish hue, and her white skin tone began to subtlety darken to a light grey. She could feel the dull ache of pain beginning in her chest, but at this point, after getting used to this power, this level of pain was nothing for her.

With everything prepped, Sirindra launched up at the monster, screaming as she swung Moonhu. Her blade gleamed. A large purple-pink glow slashed the monster. The monster roared and returned its own attack to clash.

Their clash shook the area, and the power blew out like a shockwave.

For two women who were nearby, it was impossible not to feel the shockwave.

The pair were meditating, sitting upon the white-gray ground. The first to notice was Mijorine, bolting up. "You feel that?" She asked, looking in the direction she felt the spike of energy.

Vermeerie got up quickly next. "Yup! I.. I did. I felt a surge of martial and magical power from.. from the Ziggurat." She said, staring off in the distance. The large black structure loomed in the distance. Its jagged black glass-like edges were imposing, even from here. And for Vermeerie, she always felt fear when looking at the gloomy place. But... she knew there shouldn't be anything to feel from there. After Zinniaphi defeated the tyrant that lived there the place had been nothing but a tombstone. "I don't get it... There shouldn't be any sort of energy signatures coming from there, martial, magical, or astral, otherwise. Its ruler was killed long ago, that place is dead."

For Mijorine, she had felt an Astral signature on top of the others. Which, in the past would've been odd for the woman. But recently she was beginning to progress quite a bit down the Astral path, finding herself taking to it like she had to the sword and martial path long ago. She wondered why that was. Maybe a change of her environment had been the catalyst?

"C'mon, lets go. I want to find out what it was." Even so, she had felt a bit of stagnation. She felt she needed some sort of stimuli. This was the perfect thing!

"But the barrier-?" Vermeerie replied. They were right beside it. It literally gleamed and glinted with strange white tendrils and symbols.

"Yeah.. about that.." Mijorine placed her hand upon it. She put some pressure. Then she placed her other hand, and began to focus intently. "I think... Well, I've had a few revelations since we first met.. I think.. I can..."

Suddenly her own energy surged, flaring up like a bright white light. Mijorine focused hard, and the barrier began to react and surge and ripple. Vermeerie was left staring in wonder.

A moment later, the barrier imploded, vanishing into little particles of light, and Vermeerie was at a loss.

Mijorine turned to her with a grin. This was the first time in a long while she had felt any satisfaction. It meant for the Grand Ten member that she had finally managed to overcome one of her walls that had been keeping her back. "Sorry, Ver. I'll be going on ahead!"

With that, her energy surged, and Mijorine dashed away with a burst of power. In an instant, she was flying across the massive grey expanse, headed towards to the ziggurat that towered over the tiny woman, leaving Vermeerie in her proverbial dust.

"Hey! Wait!" shouted the dire woman, dashing after her.


Within the Ziggurat, the battle was underway. Sirindra clashed with Defulsiveddhana repeatedly. Her blade swung and struck. The monster's huge fists and arms swung and caught the swing of her blade. Each clash sent out shockwaves, and managed to deflect her attacks. Her speed outclassed the hulking monster's by far, but it didn't seem to matter. At the last second, its speed caught up to hers and blocked. Or, rather, its skin was just tough enough to fend off her attacks.

Magical energy surged around her, increasing her physical parameters. She tapped on the air with her feet, magical circles appearing allowing her to push off, ascending up the behemoth of a monster. She darted and weaved, avoiding the monster's heavy strikes that cut through the air with enough force to pummel her body with pressure that felt like it would rip her apart.

But it didn't, and Sirindra sailed through the air. Aura engulfed her sword, looking like a pink glow, transforming into a raging inferno of purple as she raised up her blade. Magical buffs enhanced her once more, and she brought down a massive strike against the monster, sending out a purple slash that struck not just down the entirety of the black behemoth, but folded around him, and hit the ground and back wall as well, searing it with its power.

Meanwhile, outside, Mijorine's tiny form came up to the side of the massive Ziggurat, lost in its shadow. Her tiny form raced around until she found an opening, dashing inside. A distance away, another woman was eagerly pursuing her.

Back inside Sirindra let out a silent shriek as she was hit by the monster's massive fist. It sent the woman's body flying into some pillars and architectural art, smashing them to pieces.

Pushing herself up out of the rubble, Sirindra grit her teeth, blood leaking down her face. Energy swirled around her, and two horns began to grow on either side of her forehead.

Suddenly, Mijorine landed in the dark, dismal area that Sirindra and Defulsiveddhana were fighting. The white-clad woman landed with powerful grace, then looked up at what was before her.

Confusion flashed through her face. "Who are you?" Sirindra gasped out, glancing at the newcomer that crashed her fight.

Mijorine glanced at the injured woman pulling herself back to her feet. "My name's Mijorine," she answered, lifting her sword. She turned back to stare down the massive tyrant before her. "Looks like you're in a bind. Let me offer you assistance."

"I don't need your help!"

"Is that so? Because it certainly looks like you do."

The woman glared at the newcomer. Then Sirindra's frown turned into a smirk. "Hmp. Then don't slow me down, 'Mary'."

"It's Mijorine."


"And I won't."

Both women stood side by side, holding up their weapons. But Mijorine flashed a sideways glance at the maroon-haired woman. She was sensing something odd about her. Like she wasn't meant to be here. But that feeling was confusing, so Mijorine decided to ignore it. The Astral path and its strange senses was still odd to her.

Sirindra glanced once at the woman at her side. That name... It was familiar..

But then their adversary released a powerful roar that shook their environment, and both girls flew off, leaping into action.

The battle was savage and fast. Both women attacked and clashed with the beast. Defulsiveddhana's strikes were extremely powerful, both capable of blocking their attacks and rattling them simply by striking monster flesh-to-steel of their swords. The impacts left both women shaking simply by blocking, feeling like they were striking steel.

The attacks, even if they didn't directly hit either woman were strong enough to give them supplemental and superficial injuries. Both women landed, breathing heavily, holding their swords in front of them. Blood dripped and new bruises darkened their skin. They looked at each other.

"We'll need to kick it up a notch," Mijorine said to Sirindra, who was noticeably more winded and injured. She looked somewhat concerned for the other woman. "Can you manage that?"

Sirindra was definitely in a worst state, but she didn't think it was anything too threatening yet. Keyword.. yet. She could tell, if she continued at this rate, neither would survive. She had to step up and kick it up another notch, just like the other woman said. She nodded.

Mijorine looked at her briefly. Then said, "Okay. Follow my lead." With her Qi igniting, she flew off once more in a dash of white.

Tch. Sirindra clicked her tongue, then grit her teeth. Arrogant woman!

"Yyyraaaahh!!!" Sirindra screamed, trying to force the power she knew she had deep within to the surface. Her 3 paths ignited, and purple energy erupted from her body, blasting outward from her in waves.

Mijorine glanced back and grinned. Well look at that, her new friend had more to show after all. She hadn't thought the other girl really had much more. But it seemed the woman was trying to breakthrough here and now in this fight.

Hmp. Amusing. What an amusing woman.


If she's fighting like that.. then it's up to me to buy her time.

Mijorine took the offensive. With her sword -provided by Vermeerie from before- she began to attack the massive beast in front of her, slashing at its bluish-blackish skin.

Defulsiveddhana responded in kind. It swung its four massive arms like a tornado. But this little white fly zipped around her, leaving beautiful streaks of starlight. "GRAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" The monarch roared in frustration, not managing to land any significant attacks on this irritating gnat!

His blackish eyes burned red, zeroing in on the maroon-haired woman that was standing powering up. For him, she was a sitting target. "RRRRRRRRRRAHHHHHH!!" He roared. His fist swirled with a cursed green-black energy, then he threw a massive punch, ready to completely blow the woman away.

"No you don't!!!"

Mijorine was there in a burst of speed, intercepting the strike. And intercept it she did. The small woman managed to block this massive monster's massive punch, striking steel-to-fist with her sword. A massive bell-like clang rang out. With her arms shaking, she managed to stop the attack, looking up and passed the massive fist in her face, and at the target of her ire. She didn't have her usual weapon, but...

She figured she might as well try her signature technique anyway.


The technique was significant, despite the woman's current shortcomings.

She swung her sword up and deflected the monster's attack. Defulsiveddhana's fist bounced back with a raging swath of glorious white energy. The greenblack energy from its own attack blast back into his face, along with the white engulfing his entire frame.


Mijorine suddenly shouted, glancing over after she had earned them a moment's reprieve.

Sirindra nodded, a grin on her face.

Mijorine's sweet face curled into a grin to show her elation. Igniting her qi, she flew off once more at the monarch. Whipping her sword back she swung it, a swath of glorious white flying forth.

"YYRRAH!" Sirindra flew after Mijorine, bringing Moonhu back. Then she swung.

"The Other Side of the Moon, Lit, Illuminated! Shine Phase!"

A blast of bright pink energy cut a path towards Defulsiveddhana right behind Mijorine's attack. Together white and pink overlapped, landing massive slashes upon the beast, engulfing it in light, and shaking the ziggurat. Defulsiveddhana roared in pain.

But that wasn't the end. He retaliated.

He scrunched up, then flexed his four arms and puffed out his chest, roaring. Jagged spires of Black Glass burst forth from his very being, flying out in all directions, some of which were aimed at Mijorine and Sirindra. Together, the two danced through the air, and pink and white lights avoided the forest of razor sharp glass like threading needles. It was a beautiful dance like fireflies in the night.

The two continued to fire off Qi-bursting slashes. This only enraged the monster.

Defulsiveddhana roared again. Four of his hands came together. Then energy sparked between them. And an orb of swirling-and-sparking green-black energy appeared. Then suddenly it burst out. It swept over both women, and briefly, the two were zapped of their senses and motion controls, leaving the two twitching in the air.

"RRYYAARRRRHGGHHH!!" The monarch reared back two fists, and then fired them off like cannons. Both women went sailing through the air, smashing into the ground with incredible force, blowing up debris everywhere.

It still wasn't good enough.

Still not nearly good enough.

Sirindra's entire body felt like it was on fire. Not just from her released state. This battle had left her covered in injuries, which really made her body scream at her. But that last attack... It had knocked all senses out of her.

But she was still not prepared to give up. She had done this song and dance too long for the past couple of months. Today was the day. Surpass or die.

Gritting her teeth, eyes white with anger, she pushed up, forcing herself to get up.

Mijorine coughing, was already managing to get back to her feet nearby.

Still. It wasn't good enough. She wasn't good enough.

She looked deep within. Each of her cores were in the Muddled stage. The Heart Core, Crown Core, and Gravity Core. And that wasn't good enough.

Growling in frustration, with her concentration intenser than ever, she felt a newfound heat sparking within her. Her gritting teeth elongated, growing into fangs. Her two horn sprouts began to grow more. Two horns curled up from her head, and her grayish skin blackened, with the black color filling up the horns. Her maroon hair lost its coloring, whiteness filling through it.


Sirindra screamed. She felt it. She could feel it. Her Qi raged like a burning inferno, but was as smooth as polished ice.

All three cores now gleamed just like that polished ice, glowing deep within her. All three had reached the Refined stage.

Mijorine whistled. She knew she had felt something from this woman when they first met. But that was progress unlike she had ever seen. Buying her time had worked. Yet she could tell... the refinement wasn't actually quite done. No. It was more accurate to say, the woman's cores were in the process of refining. They were close, though. So close...

"Hey! C'mon! We've almost got this! One last time!!" Mijorine called over to her.

The whited-out eyes of the newly white-haired woman glanced over, with that creepy vacate gaze and fang-gritting maw. She nodded.

Mijorine was first, as always. With a coating of white Qi, she launched herself at the monster before them, preparing her final strike. Qi and Astral energy surged into her sword.



Sirindra followed just behind Mijorine. Her own energies swirled around her. With whited-out eyes, a maw of sharpened fangs screaming, and a set of blackened horns, she launched her fiercest attack to date.

"Non-Side of the Vacate Moon! Empty and Gone! Twilight Phase Zero!

Her sword swung in a circular pattern, leaving a ring of bright purple-pink raging like flames. Then she sliced straight through it from top to bottom.

Both girls' attacks overlapped and hit Defulsiveddhana. With Mijorine's striking and then impacting like a breaking mirror, even leaving a cracking pattern across the beast.


The behemoth's scream of pain shook the entirety of the ziggurat. Outside Vermeerie was just about to enter, but the ziggurat shook before her, causing her to skid to a stop. She glanced up at the shaking facility, face paling in shock. What was going on?! She focused once more and ran inside.

That was a death scream if it ever sounded like one. Mijorine glanced at her new companion with a happy smile. They had done it! She relaxed. Even for her, that had been tiring.

"YYRRAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!" Another roar came, causing her senses to immediate spike, her hair standing up on end.

Suddenly a powerful blast like no other ripped through her. She was blasted away by green and black energy. This blast was more of a beam, ripping through the facility, its master screaming as he blew away one of those annoying pests.

In response, Sirindra flung herself into the path of the beam, slicing it with Moonhu. "Yyyaaaaaaaaa~~~aahhhhhhh~~!!!" Her eyes ignited, and her Qi spiked till a raging inferno of pink was around her. She swung her blade up, essentially pulling the green-black blast upwards, folding it over and at its master. Then she swung down, with that energy and her own combined. "Moonscale Form 2: Two Faces of the Moon! Reflection~~!"

The energy-infused strike folded over Defulsiveddhana and sliced straight through him. And in her chest, a fourth star lit up, burning like a bright beacon. Three shining, refined cores were around it, cradling it. After another roar -that faded, it ended. The Monarch of the Glassblack Ziggurat was, once again, no more.

When it was done, all of her energy dissipated, and she slumped.

Two hands caught her, holding the woman up, as her hair returned to normal -a vivid maroon color.

Sirindra looked up at the hands keeping her upright. She looked into the face of Mijorine. Even though the other woman was battered, she seemed fine, having apparently survived that last attack. Sirindra smirked.

"Impressive. That was very impressive."

"Thanks.. Geh~! I think.. I just want to get back and rest now.. I've accomplished what I wanted to here."

She had shot up from Typical Martial Expert, straight to Typical Martial Master. Despite herself, she was feeling like she was on cloud nine.

'Good job, master,' Moonhu spoke in her mind.

'Thanks,' she replied, satisfied.

"And what was that?"

"What else?" Sirindra asked with a grin as bright as day, belittling her current condition. "Look within me right now."

Mijorine couldn't help but smile in response. "Congratulations."

"Mhm. Say. Before I say goodbye.. I think... some people are looking for you. You should really.. return to them." With that said, Sirindra righted herself, then suddenly she vanished in a puff of spiritual smoke.

A soft, and very delicate voice sounded from behind Mijorine. She didn't even notice the massive bisected and burning corpse and singed and scarred battleground nearby.

"... Zinniaphi. -Mijorine! Who -who was that woman?!?!" Vermeerie asked, demanding to know the answer, grabbing the white-haired woman, and pulling her over to confront of her face to face. "WHO! WHO WAS IT?! TELL ME!"

For Vermeerie the answer was obvious. There was no way it could've been anyone else. Only... it didn't look like the woman she knew. It didn't look like her. But it felt like her.

Mijorine seemed shocked and confused. "I.. I don't know!" she replied, shaken.

It felt like Zinniaphi.

Staring into the woman's eyes, Vermeerie released her hold on Mijorine.

"I have to go," she said, turning.

"Thanks for all you've done for me."

And with that, the Dire woman turned and ran out of the Ziggurat.

Mijorine was left standing there. Thinking very much the same.

location: Grand Stage arena
characters: Sirindra

Sirindra sat in the audience of the tournament, with the current fight happening down below. After what happened, she needed to relax. In the audience, she was busy looking at her plate -- specifically at the IrrisThal system. She had earned about another 20 paragons since that day. Except for what she did down in the Ziggurat. Killing Defulsiveddhana had awarded her another 800 paragons. So even things like that were rewarded. Since her fight opening the floodgates, people had been earning Paragons just like her. However..

Sirindra looked through the God's Bazaar.

Even with around 3000 Paragons, that still appeared to be on the low end.

Here is what the Bazaar is like.

In the Bazaar, there are several tabs for specific categories of items, and when clicked on, will open up to that category. There will be "Best selling" items, and "current picks" and "top items" in the list. Then there will be a bunch of other similar items down the list. There are even items that are "limited time offers". Or "only available for a limited time".

Some of the various tabs you could check were: Weapons, Armor, Accessories, Body Enhancements, Magical Spells, Technique Scrolls, Core Refinement Techniques, Astral Techniques, Body Refinement Techniques, Alchemy Materials, Blacksmith Materials, Elixirs and Medicines, Path Resources, Jewels and Gemstones, Herbs, Misc., and other such similar things. Picking any one of those tabs would bring you to pages and pages of items under that category. Examples are...

Body Enhancements
--Muscle Empowerment Enhancer -- Bolsters the muscles beyond regular limits. 120k paragons​
--Pure Yin Body -- A pure Yin body transformation that will change one to a pure Yin body. Incredibly painful. 1.2mil paragons​
--Pure Yang bodies -- A pure Yang body transformation that will change one to a pure Yang body. Incredibly painful. 1.2mil paragons​
--Emperor body -- A transformation that will change one to an Emperor Body, granting all the physical empowerment enhancements. 1.75mil paragons​
--Golden body -- A transformation that will change one to a Golden body, granting all the benefits of such. 3.5k paragons​

Magical Spells and Spell Scrolls
--Exemplary magic
--Preservation magic
--Enshrinement magic
--Augment magic
--Understanding Spell Construction manual -- How to allow one's consciousness to be absorbed by the construction of the spell​
--Formulate magic mechanism manual
Technique Scrolls
--Ritual Body Technique [J'krinne Maiten] -- A movement tech art that draws in mana to dance and glide around.​
--Self Protection Awareness -- 10k paragons​
--After Night After Night style -- 12k paragons​
--Illusory Steps and Ten Celestial Shadows -- 36k paragons​
--Dual Traversing Dragons style -- 55k paragons​
--80 Swords of Mount Uoa style -- 28k paragons​
--Whirlwind Feet -- 20k paragons​
--Heavens Forward Path -- 22k paragons​
--Gloomring Movement -- 90k paragons​
--Sky Shattering Demonlion -- 57.7k paragons​
--Mountain Splitting Descending Sword -- 39k paragons​

Weapon Techniques
--Soul-Chasing Spear Technique -- Outlines the Soul-Chasing spear forms. 6.5k paragons​
--Demise of Men sword style -- 35.3k paragons​
--Twin Season Gemstones style
Core Refinement Techniques
--9 Intensive Cultivating Techniques -- 9 different techniques to refine the body and cores. 12k paragons​
--Complete Cycle Circulation Qi, Reflection of the Sight of All Creatures -- Refers to the phenomenon that while one's qi is circulating trough ones body in a complete cycle, one's mind would seem to wander around the world, comprehending the rules behind creatures.​
Astral Techniques
-- 99 Annihilation Strike -- An Astral technique so powerful it can wipe out 99 spirits. 33k paragons​

Body Refinement Techniques
--Basic Body Refining Technique -- Technique that can be repeatedly used to refine the body making it easier to create cores, stars, and rings. However, as this is the most basic version, it doesn't help all that much when one is far along in their path. 1000 paragons​
--Supreme Vast Flame Cultivation -- A Refinement technique for Qi to transform into the Fire element. And a superior fire element at that.​

Alchemy Materials

Herbal and Apothecary
--Herbal compendium -- Reveals the properties and characteristics of 100s of thousands of herbs, and the origin and history of alchemy and the apothecary.​
Blacksmith Materials
--Cadmium steel

--Mithril alloy​

--Midnight Steel
--Black Glass
Elixirs and Medicines
--Lesser Green Pill -- A small, simple, and low grade pill that gives simple healing effects. 500 paragons​
--Refined Green Pill -- A green pill with somewhat better healing effects. 1000 paragons​
--Emerald Green Pill
--Red Pill -- A pill with strong healing effects, soothing effects, and strength-enhancing effects. 2700 paragons​
--Almighty Red Pill -- A pill with those same effects, but to a much stronger degree. May cause adverse side effects. Which can worsen the health of the individual who takes too many in a short amount of time. 3200 paragons​
--Black Pill -- A pill with even better effects than the Red pill, but will cause adverse side effects. Which can worsen the health... etc etc. 4400 paragons​
--Golden Starlight Pill -- A pill that greatly helps refine and amass powerful spiritual energies.​
--Silverlight Starlight Pill -- A pill that significantly helps refine and amass miraculous spiritual energies. 10k paragons​
--Mana-Bright Pill -- A pill that helps refine and amass mana.​
--Tranquiled Heart Pill -- A pill that once taken, is meant to soothe the heart. However, if this pill is made or refined with someone with fluctuating emotions, then the pill will have effects reflecting that. For instance, if made in anger and hate, can turn into a pill that will give someone murderous intentions. The name 'Tranquiled Heart Pill' is a bit misleading in that regard.​
--Sacred Energy Elixir -- enhances internal energy, or Qi, to the next stage. Is a painful process.​
--Awaken Yin Pill -- Pill that awakens a body to Yin energies. Gains a significant qi power boost. 450k paragons​
--Awaken Yang Pill -- Pill that awakens a body to Yang energies. Gains a significant qi power boost. 450k paragons​
--Eight Methods of Pill Refinement book -- A catalogue of pills and how to refine and craft them.​
Jewels and Gemstones
-- Gray Jade -- High grade craftsman material. Wearing helps you maintain health, blood circulation and smooths qi. 80k paragons​
-- Pink Jade -- High grade craftsman material. Helps with health and deflecting curses, and smooths mana. 76k paragons​
-- Blood Jade -- Devours vitality as nourishment to evolve into a jade spirit. 270k paragons​
Path Resources
Different types of cultivation resources like pills, medicines, potions, bone marrow and monster bloods for blood baths, powders, breath-forging powders, and body-enhancement powders.​
--Books and compendiums of refining techniques for medicines, pills, and potions.​
--Different cauldrons of different grades and made out of different materials, used in refining and alchemy.​
--Heavenly Coal -- the best coal, which produces the most scorching flames for refinements and such. Its permeability of heat is top notch, allowing qi to easily control the flames​
--Immortality Slaying Rod​
Unique item and weapon forged from special materials. It flays skin and break bones and severs immortality. But isn't meant to be properly wielded as a weapon. 1mil paragons​
--Axe of a Thousand Nights​
A masterwork weapon that was crafted in a thousand nights, swirling with their energies and power.​

(All of that was just some examples, and no where near the amount of stuff offered)

In the weapons tab. The weapons said what their make was. Whether it was human made, elvish, Theottian, Fezinian, or whatever else. Sometimes the weapons listed the actual Blacksmith, other times they didn't. Specific and noteworthy blacksmiths would inflate the prices of the weapons purely because they were made by said blacksmith. However, some weapons that did not say who they were made by were still extremely exorbitantly priced, indicating that they were made by a blacksmith of renown and import, even if it did not say who. Most of the time all the weapon info you needed was listed, but not always. Which included things like the materials used and the overall grades of the weapon. Some weapons said their Boons or Authorities, and some said their negative Boons or "Banes", indicating the weapons traded something for effects that were negative for the wielder. However, some of the weapons didn't have much info to go off of, meaning buyers had to decide at their own discretion. Weapons that were cheap and crappy were lowballed in paragons -- about 3000 to 7000. But particularly impressive weapons with incredible boons and authorities that were made with incredible materials could range anywhere from 50k paragons to 500k paragons. The prices were staggering, and made Sirindra's head spin.

Armors, Accessories, and other similar items have similar item descriptions and set ups, with similar price points. Though armor can come piece by piece or in full sets. Or even broken sets if the seller doesn't have the full set.

There is also an Auction page, where people can Auction any of the items they bought and/or own. Sometimes you can get things cheaper based on the demand, or they can be more, making the auction risky. Sometimes items get "sold out", and the auction is the only place to find them, unless you message the owner directly and make "direct deals". In the auction, people did not go by their actual names, and instead went by nicknames or codenames. For example, Jim over there could go by the codename CoolItemSellerExtraordinaire5000. This was for privacy's sake, and to keep certain things secret. Revealing who one specifically was was not really recommended.

Users, items, and products all allow star reviews and written reviews to be left as well. Comments, too.

After looking it over, Sirindra felt her head spinning. The prices were staggering. After she had opened the floodgates, others had earned Paragons through fights and various other things, but she doubted anyone had surpassed her number of paragons, and her amount barely bought some of the lowest grade stuff in the shop. She sighed, wondering how any of these things were possible to afford. How did one make the gods happy enough to earn such vast amounts of paragons?

Well, no reason to dwell on it. She turned off her plate and finally put her focus into the fight below... Knowing her next one was right around the corner. With a smile, she knew she was ready.
Last edited:
Days turned to weeks, and perhaps even a month or so passed. The tournament was still going strong. Hype had died down, but interest and retention hadn't. Fights happened daily, with Sunday being the day off. The tournament day lasted from 9 in the morning to 6 pm at night, officially. However, if the fights that were scheduled for that day were not completed by then, then the fights would continue into the night. If for whatever reason, they were still not completed that day, then even Sunday was utilized for any catch-up fights.

Thursdays and Saturdays were "the loser's bracket", where those that had lost their fights got the chance to redeem themselves once, and re-enter the tournament. And re-enter they did, to try to prove their worth one more time.

With hundreds and hundreds of fighters, the tournament was a grueling ordeal. But it would not end, until one was crowned the winner. And one was officially deemed the next Grand Ten member.

Due to how tough the tournament was, the structure was changed to give the audience a bit of reprieve. The tournament went on break for 1 week, where people were given the time to reflect on what had transpired, or look over the IrrisThal system, since people had earned paragons, or to train, or what have you, or to just simply rest. Then after, it would resume with a new schedule where every third day was a break day, just so people could find better time to live their lives.. and that was how the tournament continued strong, to this day.


sirindra red.png

The current fight was one that was looked forward to by a majority of tournament aficionados. It was heavily broadcasted and heavily advertised. Two Supernovas were squaring off. The newcomer Sirindra, who had surprised the tournament, and Adonia, both a Robicc and a Peacestorm.


The tournament didn't have too many upsets so far, to be honest. Those who were expected to win, pretty much won. It was hard to compete with such unparalleled strength after all. A couple Supernovas here or there had been toppled, but only by other similar opponents, like the nations' chosen representatives, or the disciples of the Grand Ten. So far, there had yet to be a fight where a relative nobody had beaten someone of significance. Still, that was neither here nor there, this was Supernova vs Supernova. A grudge match of sorts.

The battle was underway, and had already been exciting up to this point. The crowd -which was still as strong as ever, surprisingly, the entire stadium still filled to the brim- was cheering and screaming for their prospective fighter. By this time, fighters had gained followings. It was quite impossible for that not to happen after all. Fighters left in the tournament at this point were going to have fans.

There were fans for both ladies in this fight. The enigmatic fighter, with the mean streak, Sirindra, master of unusual techniques not known to the public. And her opponent, Adonia Robicc Peacestorm. Head of the Flame Walk of the Silent Forests House, master of its style, and master of the Robicc's signature style the Fire Lord's 9 Bodies of Eternal Flames and who had awakened the Firebrand.

She can hide herself in her flames, using them as camouflage.

Not only does her fire make no sound, but her lightning techniques as well
... "Oh~? That's quite the interesting technique," Sirindra praised, lip curling in a smirk.

There were walls of orange flames alight on the ring. Within them, was the titular Robicc, hiding amongst the raging fire. Silent fire. Across the ring were scorch marks. Which was saying something to their heat. The ring was magically reinforced with enchantments after all.

"Well of course, I've mastered Walking Through the Silent Storm," Adonia took a moment to say, hiding amongst her silent flames. Walking Through the Silent Storm, was the style of the Flame Walk of the Silent Forest House. A unique style that allowed one to create "silence". They were particularly known for their "Silent Storms", which most would consider an oxymoron. For Adonia, the Flame Walk part really jelled with her already ridiculous Robicc aptitude and abilities.

Up until this moment, huge swaths of fire cut through the ring. With Sirindra avoiding them deftly, putting her on the backfoot this entire fight. But that was about to change.

"Heh. Seems like I oughta kick it up a notch. Ready ugly flame woman?"

"Grh! Who you calling 'ugly', witch?!"

"Yyyrah!" she grunted, bringing up two blades, Moonhu being one, the other her original sword, and swinging them down as she leapt towards her opponent, entering the flames Adonia was using for cover.

When Adonia's whip came up to block both at once, they clashed, and with their clash, came sparks and shocks of kinetic energy.

On Sirindra's face was a toothy grimace, eyes clenched shut with effort. On Adonia's face, mostly neutral, but a slight grin.

Her face changed. The toothy grimace became a wild toothy grin, and her eyes opened, glinting savagely.

Adonia's face changed in kind. Grin disappearing, eyes narrowing as she glared.

Finally, they broke their clash, with Sirindra bouncing back, doing a back spin in mid air. She landed on the ground, basically on all fours. Adonia's eyes were on her.

Then suddenly she began running to the side. Her eyes still on the swordswoman.

Combine the spell Quick Step, with the Martial techniques Explosive Acceleration, and Sudden Acceleration. And... with Frenetic Movement.. To make... the Spellblade technique.. The form Clarity of Swiftness form one: Hyper Pace!

Suddenly the maroon-haired woman disappeared in a flash of unprecedented speed. Kicking up dust and wind with an extreme burst of speed. Only her cackling could be heard echoing across the stadium. This speed was such an impressive force that it managed to snuff out Adonia's fires, leaving the woman in the center of the ring, holding up her hands to shield her face from the wind.

Tch. She clicked her tongue, pissed off her flames were snuffed out. Hell, she couldn't remember a time that had occurred. Just who was this woman capable of touching her flames? After the initial shock, Adonia's piercing orange gaze glanced about the ring. Her eyes zipped forward, as they fought to catch up their target. They did.. briefly, but her target was nothing but a pinkish-black blur. It hurt Adonia's eyes, as she struggled to keep sight of her. Then she lost track of her, and couldn't see her foe anywhere, but the way the wind was moving indicated she was, in fact, still in the ring, just rushing around. What her eyes couldn't see..

"OH MY!!" The announcer girl suddenly spoke up. "CONTESTANT SIRINDRA HAS DISAPPEARED!"

"She hasn't disappeared, dimwit!" Adonia barked at the announcer, causing the girl to squeak and jump back. "She's just moving really fast!" Adonia shook her head, looking irritated. "Idiot."

"OHH.. UH.. Right... EHEE... SHE'S SCARY..."

That was perhaps the first time Coraeasea spoke with such a soft voice.

At this speed, for Sirindra to maintain her ability to see, she needed dynamic vision and also supreme body control, otherwise she would just crash head first into the nearest wall. Even for her, it was a struggle to maintain, but she was managing. Sirindra had always been a speedy adversary, but even this... Well, she hadn't shown this sort of speed before. Only the best could keep up with her, which included the judges and the Grand Ten watching, amongst a few others like the other Supernovas or distinguished fighters.

For Sirindra, she knew she could work with this speed. Before when she fought with a slower speed, that had been on purpose. So no one knew her top speed, and would not be prepared for it when she finally showcased it. Turns out, it seems to have paid off. Adonia was glancing around, looking a little lost. Bringing a smile to Sirindra's face, that made it worth it.

She slowed ever so slightly. "Make sure to keep up!!" She taunted, before flying forward, matching her previous speed. The maroon-haired girl bouncing all around the arena in pink blurs. Seemingly able to even push off the air, as she was noticed reaching heights, but then a pink spark would shoot back down towards the arena, then to the other side and back into the air. That pace continued at a dizzying speed, every movement irratic and impossible to predict. The entire audience was silent, unable to understand what they were seeing -or rather, not seeing.

"Kheh, who could?" Adonia scoffed, eyes flicking around, trying to do just that. She knew she was doing this so she'd lose sight of her. Then she'd attack at the best time, and that would be that. She couldn't allow that.

Forget trying to keep her in her sights. Adonia slowly closed her eyes, holding her whip in front of her. Track her. Sense her. Adonia's spirit senses expanded, filling the air around him. Spiritual particles reached all corners of the arena, like a net. She could feel her, reaching out with her proprioception, but she was still so fast, so not even her sixth sense of heightened touch could keep up.

Her closed eyes scrunched up. Focus. Focus. Recall her. What did she look like? She brought up a mental image of her opponent. Now, her speed. Guess the speed she's moving at. Be precise. Now her intended path. The most logical movement. Predict it. Her swords.. they're nothing special. I can defend against them.. Now... add all those together... Where.. Where...? There!

She caught Sirindra in her mind's eye. For just one moment. But that moment was all that mattered. Her eyes flew open and she prepared a counter-attack. Her whip swung with vicious precision.

Sirindra was feeling rather thrilled with her performance. And obviously with this performance she'd be noticed even more, and have even more recognition and praise.

She pushed off, and swung her blades, knowing this was the end!

!! M? She responded. Even as her environment slowed around her, she noticed two things. One, there was a barrier of fire cast to interrupt where her blades were coming down. The flames were perfectly crafted to exact dimensions that would cause her the most issues. It was made in just a way to perfectly intercept her double-strike, as if she had perfectly predicted her attack, it's force and with the make of her weapons in mind. Even that brought a grin to Sirindra's face. Remarkable.

The second thing, was to her side. Adonia's own weapon. Swiping to catch her. She had perfectly counterattacked. Adonia's whip was as sharp as any sword. Sharper even.

All this would go as she planned.

Well, that is.. if nothing changed. Her grin grew wickedly.

Her swords were nothing special, that was true, well except for Moonhu, but anyway. All this was perfectly made to stop them with that in mind. However...

!!! Huh? Adonia was sure she made a barrier of fire good enough to defend against her attack..! But she powered straight through it, blowing through those flames as if they were not even there!

Sirindra's swords cut down Adonia's front, slicing through her, and drawing blood. The redhead shrieked in pain. Two swords glowing with royal purple Qi - no, with what almost looked like Aura Edge!

But Adonia wasn't out yet! That attack was nasty, but it would take more than just a single slash to bring someone like her down! This she swore! She'd kill this annoying woman! Adonia's pained face took a different turn. A wicked grin lit up her face.

As Sirindra stepped back from her attack, she felt something catch her.

"I got you! Give up!" Shouted Adonia, when Sirindra felt herself catch hard.

She glanced back. Multi-whips that looked like vines were wrapped around her left leg and arm. Their barbs digging in, holding fast. She gave a gentle tug, feeling the dull pain of the barbs digging in. Yup, she was stuck.

"You won't be able to break those binds! Not with your skill level!!"

Boy she was arrogant, huh? While it was irritating for this woman to just assert what Sirindra's "skill level" was, she was right. Adonia pushed herself, but it paid off. She put more than enough strengthened Qi into these binds that I can't break them. And forced me into this position; a good trap.


"I'm warning you now! My next attack will be the end! If you don't surrender you could die!"

Hm. She was probably being honest. With her next attack, I very well could die. Sirindra's eyes glanced over at the judges. They weren't moving, just watching sternly. They probably assume I look fit enough to continue fighting. They likely won't penalize Adonia for her attack even if it does kill me. It'll be one of those 'accidental' deaths.

Sirindra's lips smirked.

"I'm being serious! Are you listening! Last warning! I won't hol-"

Then I just got to do this -!

"Oho~?" Mused the judge Lunamellia.
"Such an interesting woman," the judge Craxisys said, scratching his beard.
"What?! How could she?!" Assa gasped.
"Huh, look at that," said Maxima, "a dubious move, but impressive."

"Hmp.. to go so far.." Matias, of the Grand Ten, hummed, seemingly perturbed by the contestant's action. But perhaps, someone like him could understand.
"That's extreme," Godlis remarked, looking on with a bit of worry.
"Some people go to such extremes," Medisfina retorted, with almost an approving tone. It was a bit hard to tell, since it was so unusual for her to have tone in her voice.
"I don't believe it, such brazenness," Master Ren said disapprovingly.
"Oh my! Pihlihihi!" Mysti chimed.

In one swift movement, Sirindra cut her arm and leg off, and gathered Qi under her right foot, she burst forward. People in the stands screamed at the gruesome scene, blood splashing everywhere. She moved so fast that she didn't even notice the pain from their loss.

The shock of it caught Adonia off guard.

She was wide open.

"Got you! "Madam Peacestorm"! Violet Path of Shadows!~" Sirindra shouted, swinging Moonhu down upon Adonia again. Her sword blazing with a fiercely purple qi, that almost resembled fire, or perhaps the light of stars.

Crap! I can't defend properly!

Sirindra slashed right across Adonia's chest. "This is how you hold back to not kill your opponent!" She chastised, with a look back as her opponent fell forward, her whip falling from her hand. "Now, go to the losers bracket, and don't return!!" Sirindra hissed, following through with her attack. A purple streak flashing beyond her, slicing cleanly through the arena, burning it with a fierce glow, leaving a pristine scar that glowed with an eerie purple glow for a brief moment behind the woman.

She cut off her own arm and leg! Just who would-? Wait! Shit! This can't be happening! Not to me.. the Great Adonia Robicc! Head of the Peacestorm family!.. I'm losing consci..ouss..

"You... bitch... Ungh."

Adonia hit the white marble. She was unconscious.

"ADONIA!!" her fiance, Zelig, shouted from the stands. His face was stricken, stunned, and distraught his woman had just been defeated! Such disgrace! He got up from his seat and immediately left the stadium.

"The lady Adonia Robicc Peacestorm has fallen!! WINNER!! JUYA'S SUPERNOVA! SIRINDRA!"

Sirindra stood up regally, smiling, easily able to balance only on one leg. Though she still stabbed her blade into the ground, hand clasped on its end. She used her rejuvenating spell to essentially stop the bleeding. That's all I can do, since I don't have a spell to heal this sort of injury.

"She hhh cut off her hehh own limbs to free herself nhehh?" commented Sarissa. "Hehh..? So.. hheh.. morbid.. mmm.. how.. delight~ful."

"Decisive, oho~ Such a decisive fighter... remarkable. I see now why they call her Supernova. Yes, yes, indeed." Craxisys said next, as cheers erupted.

Sirindra had proven herself time and time again to be quite the contestant to look out for. But still, no one had really expected Adonia Robicc Peacestorm, of all people, to be defeated. No less by someone who was relatively unknown like Sirindra. Although they were both Supernovas, it could be considered the tournaments first real upset.

"You gotta be willing to do what must be done; go the extra mile. Never falter. Never waver. No fear. No weakness. If you can't do that; if you can't be that way. Then you should just stop now. You don't belong here." Asserted Sirindra firmly to the entirety of the stadium, standing proudly.

"Couldn't have put it better myself," said Craxisys with a more lighthearted chuckle.

Sirindra stood there, smirking with self-satisfaction, as the joint tournament committee's healers raced out and began healing her with more potent heal spells. Sirindra versus Adonia, the first Grand Tournament upset. Winner, Sirindra, the Calamity.

"If you aren't that, then don't bother standing before me in the ring."

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