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1x1 Partner Search (Still Open! Don't Look at Reply Count!)


mighty lil goon
Hey! (Updated June 7, 2015) Completely Revised!

I'm interested in role-playing with pretty much anyone but I do have some things I would like to get across to see if we can be good partners or not. So please read on!

-I need someone that I can talk to and someone who is good with spelling and punctuations.

-Please post at least once or more a day.

-Please don't just drop from the role-play without reminding me!

-Please don't nag me or always remind me after like one or two days to respond!

Here are some things about myself and what I expect from you also:

-I'm not too good at fandoms because I don't really watch a lot of shows anymore and I have an awful memory!

-Please don't come up to me with a plot already in mind (It feels like I'm being controlled. If you know the story it's like it has to go your way.)

-I like to make up a story with my partner so we both agree on it instead of hearing something like this

-I'm more interested in making a story with pre-made pairings and also creating a story with you, so that would be nice but this is optional.

But yes, that is what I ask you about plots. But if you still do have a plot in mind, please don't be controlling about it if I say no the first time! Ex: Well what if we do this instead of this? No thank you, I said no once. Let's move on ^^

This is About How I Cope With Characters and Gender Roles! Also With Grammar About Myself! Very Important**

-I am very flexible in characters. I prefer to play a girl but I don't mind playing a guy because I can be good at role-playing with them.

-If I play a male, the plot has to be worth it for me to play a male. I honestly don't want to play a guy that works with an annoying girl character. Ex: She's nice but just doesn't listen to anything the guy says but tries to help. That honestly just makes me want to delete the role-play. Anyway!

-I am usually good with punctuation and grammar so don't worry about me typing shortened words in a post, it annoys me so much. But I'll be nice to you! Just don't do it too many times.

-I am A-OKAY with cursing. Just don't over-do it please!

-The only times I am not on is when I have no wifi or I'm traveling and sleeping.

-Please don't do one liners! ** But please, no one liners so the story can go on. So post about 2-4 sentences if you can! I can usually post from 2-7 sentences to 1-4/5 paragraphs depending on how creative I feel.

-I can do advanced rp's but I mostly am in regular ones and I get easily bored in advanced role-plays...Too many details and it leaves me being not creative anymore.

-Also for characters, please use either an anime picture or a real life picture! I like visualizing you're amazing character!

-I won't accept, is if there is a very large age gap in romantic role-plays, it creeps me out!

-Lastly, character development is key!

Lastly, This is The Types of Role-Plays I Can Do and Also With Adult Situations in Role-Plays**

-I have to have romance in the rp! I only do FxM!

-I can do gory, bloody action/horror ones, dramatic/romantic, funny/ridiculous, fantasy, etc.

-I like doing things about Korean Drama shows/ K-POP! But I'm not very good at American fandoms but you can ask me if I know a show and I'll let you know what I've seen!

-The only types I'm not too interested or good at but I can still do them is: Medieval, Cowboys, anything really old.

-I'm better at modern, fantasy, the ones that are like today because I'm a bit more comfortable with those but I do try my best on all of them!

-I'm good with magic and supernatural so that won't be a problem.

-Another thing I'm not too great is fighting scenes. I don't play God but it's very difficult for me to fight with my partner, I'm good with fighting scenes when it's not with my partner.

-If you've gotten this far, write your favorite song or movie!

-Lastly, for the adult situations, I ONLY fade out. Plus it's the rules :P Yes, I like kissing and cuddling and all the cute stuff but once it's about to get a little too rough, we have to fade out and transition after!

Alright! Now for the good stuff c: Please Comment or PM Me if You Are Interested!!

Ideas Just For a Roleplay! (No Pairings Yet) Anything with a check is already done!

-I've seen the movie Gone Girl and I'm interested in doing a role-play similar to that. If interested, PM me for details!

-Apocalypse survivors get together

-A person loves another person who is in a relationship already.

-A story like Absolute Boyfriend (Just look it up if interested!)

-Something like the Matrix maybe? Being in a dream world but then getting unplugged..??

-No more ideas >.<

-Right now, I'd like to be in a Band Member x Normal role-play but I prefer playing a girl since I've been playing males in most of my role-plays at the moment.

Pairings For Role-Plays: (Ones Bolded are the ones I'd like to do. Italics are where I can play either part in gender/role of the role-play [These are all MxF Pairings]) Anything with a check is already done!

-Wolf x Vampire

-Wolf x Human

-Wolf x Wolf

-Vampire x Vampire

-Vampire x Human

-Rockstar Vampire x Human

-Genie x Human

-Demon Genie x Human

-Poor x Rich

-Time Traveler x
someone in the future

-Detective x Detective

-Pirate x Victim

-Half-robot/cyborg/humanoid x Human (I have exceptions though)

-Mental Person x Normal

-Shapeshifter (Like Mystique) x Normal

-Gang 1 Member x Gang 2 Member
(Two opposing gang members fall in love, just to clarify)

-Shy guy x Crazy/Nice girl (Search Yandere for the definition of the girl)

-Mean rich guy x Nice poor/moderate girl

-Celebrity x Regular Person

Band Member x Regular Person

Band Member x Band Member

-Celebrity x Celebrity

-Popular x Unpopular (Nerd, shy, etc)

Cancer x Normal

-Orphan x Orphan

-Cancer/sick orphan x Orphan

-Can't think of anymore but let me know!

Fandom Ideas: (Ones Bolded are the most I'm interested in) [Only putting this down just in case other role-players/writers want to do a Fandom Role-Play!] Anything checked is already done!

-The Walking Dead (Created Character x Carl) (CC x Daryl)

-Harry Potter

-Amnesia anime

-Another Anime

-Twilight (Don't judge I know it's cheesy >.< Created Character x Jasper)

-Boys Over Flowers (Created Character x Woo Bin/Ji Hoo)

-Coffee Prince (CC x CC)

-My Unfortunate Boyfriend (CC x Tae Woon/CC that acts like him)

-Absolute Boyfriend (Chinese Drama)

-Resident Evil (Created Character x Leon S. Kennedy)

-Vampire Knight (CC x Zero/Kaname) or (CC x CC Vampire)

-Devil May Cry (Created Character x Dante)

-The Last of Us (Ellie x Created Character)

-The Last of Us (Joel x Created Character)

-Can't think of anymore but ask me if you want to fandom :)

K-POP Fandom Ideas: Anything with a Check is already done. The most empty part of this thread

-Created Character x T.O.P

-Created Character x Taemin (SHINee)

-Created Character x Jonghyun (SHINee)

-Basically Created Character x Members from SHINee

-Created Character x G-Dragon

-Created Character x Lee Min-ho

-Created Character x Kim Hyun Joong

-Created Character x Jang Geun Seuk (I forgot how to spell his name >.<)

-Created Character x Jung Yong Hwa

-Created Character x Kai (From EXO)

-Created Character x Hongbin (From VIXX)

-Created Character x Ravi (From VIXX)

-Created Character x Neil (From Teen Top)

-Created Character x Ray (From C-Clown)

-Created Character x V (From BTS)

Thank you for reading this freaking long message xD Maybe we can rp soon!


Meisaki <3

P.S. Still Open if you're still interested!! :D P.M. me or comment!
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Hi there! ^^ I'm interested in a horror type rp as well, haven't done one yet. If you're still interested.
I'd love to rp with you! The rich x poor one (I've been looking for a pairing rp recently...). Looked over at your kpop ideas too. A little interested since I'm a fan of SHINee (but prefer suju and red velvet).

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