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Fandom fancy 1x1 search


Can't fight the temptation
• The name is galaxy. I live in EST, USA.
• I'm in my twenties
•I work fulltime, Monday through Friday.
• I have been roleplaying for 10+ years now.
•I'm very laid back and a easy person to deal with. I would love to chat ooc too cause ya girl needs more friends in her life
•I do not require you to reply many times a day or even once a day. I understand, life happens. I just came back from another hiatus and just got back into this account. I am ditch friendly! I've done it in the past, so feel free at any moment to leave, just try to let me know.
•I can generally type anywhere from 200+ words to 1,500+ works, it just depends on what I'm given and how i feel that day. I prefer quality of quantity. You give me 3 very descriptive sentences I can work off of? Fine by me. I love both long replies and quick rapid replies
• I do ask for no text chat. I'm not going to require great spelling or grammar, there are better things to worry about.
•Lets double. Triple. Hell, play every single character. I will play a male to your female, i just ask that you do the same in return!
•I refuse to deal with the "oh I just play female." I'm going to be straight up honest here, it's bullshit. I wouldn't be invested in the roleplay if it's just one sided. Sorrynotsorry.
♡ As for pairings,
I am most comfortable with FXM. I may be convinced to do other pairings, but for my pairing i ask it is FXM.
18+ ONLY!! Yes, I know. I remember being 15 and getting mad seeing that but I just don't feel comfortable roleplaying with anyone under 18.
•I mainly perfer fandoms and canon x oc. I will play any cannon for you, once again I just ask you return the favor. I'm usually really good with most characters, if not I can and will study their personality. If you have a great slice of life plot, just PM me, I'm all ears.
I am ALSO down for oc x oc!
Appearances- I widely prefer real life actors / actresses / models but I’m also okay with realistic AI and just descriptions for books or slice of life.
•I think that's it. Anything else may be added later

Now onto the best part; what fandoms I’m looking for! Top of the list are my biggest cravings!
-GOT or HOTD; looking to play against Aemond or Jon Snow.
-ACOTAR or Crescent City; looking to play against Azriel, Lucien, Ruhn or Hunt
-Marvel; looking for Steve Rogers or Thor Odinson
-HP; Looking for Draco or Fred, Sirius or Remus for Marauders.
Hunger Games; let’s talk about this one!
Edited to add some other fandoms: Greys, Percy Jackson, Resident Evil
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