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Fandom 19 Years Later (Harry Potter Role Play)

Jupiter takes her time in the tub, examining the necklace throughly before setting it back in her pocket. She stands carefully and dries herself, sliding out of the tub and pulling on a knee length woven dress. She drains the water and gathers her things, walking back into the sleeping chamber. As she crawls into bed, she remembers the books she bought while waiting for Oghern. Jupiter grabs the small journal she purchased and opens it up, writing down her thoughts on the open page. So much is spinning inside her head, Jupiter has a hard time choosing what to write first. She starts with Oghern.

Don't let me forget to mention Og. The man I have started to get to know has taken a place in my heart. I'm not sure why or how really, everything just kind of fell into place. He's brilliant, and bright. Funny without intending to be. He has a certain dedication to his job hat I can't help but admire. His smile brightens my mood instantaneously and his kind words often clear my muddled mind. Not since Grace have I been able to let anyone in, let anyone know about my secrets and worries but..I do with him. I do because I feel like he really cares about my wellbeing, which is a strange thing in itself. He's older, works here at the school. My father would crap his trousers if he knew I was remotely interested in a boy. A man nonetheless. And am I really interested in him? Yes. I can't lie to you, journal. But like I said before, his dedication to his job is admirable. In my brief time knowing him, I know that his attention cannot be wavered, not only because of him, but because of the school. How can I ask him to take time away from the protection of students and staff for my own selfish wants? I'll keep you updated journal, but for now, save my thoughts.
(I'm not going to be able to post a lot in this thread so anyone can control Victoria and Michael if you want to. I'm pretty much going to give Michael away to everyone who wants him. No, I'm not leaving the rp. I'm just really busy right now. Also, I'm going to choose a co-owner so if anyone is interested then please PM me)
Beneath the tall and full trees of the forest a watchful gaze alert as Oghren sat on the ground leaning back against the base of the tree, A relaxed if hard feel about him. He sat watching the skies and observing the trees, keeping alert of every sound and movement for his awareness was at full ability. A fall back just in case his charm for some reason was surpassed with the alert being sounded and warning of intruders. After all he couldn't be completely reliant on the charm while on patrol in the forest, it would make for a poor showing if he hadn't and death eaters discovered and out maneuvered his charm.

During his watch Oghren soon turned to his thoughts for occupying him, the peace and lacking of danger from the dark arts and it's wielders was nice, but made for a long patrol in the meantime. He had a mixture of thoughts, some memories... Both good and bad even a combination of his school years at hogwarts and time outside of school and while an Auror. Of course his school years had come to him multiple times since arriving at the castle. But memories of his past involving his family and loss of his father couldn't be helped. It recalled and replayed in his mind, witnessing his fathers fall to death eaters and being tossed off a castles tower was not a easy thing to see... Much less relive in ones mind. Then came his time as an Auror when he hadn't dealt with his death eater kin... He fought a few death eaters and dark wizards and witch, that were not related to him. But only a few so far, and those were memories he kept. They all played in his mind in flashes, glimpses and full images of the memories. But along with those, were his recent days and experiences... He met a fair number of people here at hogwarts of who he hadn't met until now. The students were talented and brave, intelligent and able, they possessed good qualities about them, they had likely bright futures. The sneaking out by a few of them, reminded him of the adventures to be has as a student, and places to explore. The dangers that come with it and the punishment you receive afterward.

Then the memory of his meeting of Jupiter or Junie as he often called her, and the encounters and conversations since. She was special perhaps? He wasn't certain, during his time as a student he was well polished and versed with his feelings and words, he talked to girls and charmed them the best he was able even finding success at times and dances came about. But his experiences since and finding himself on the road more often then not in search of the dark arts and the Wizards and witches who used them and especially the death eaters who may have been still about before the mass escape from Azkaban.

Brought some rust. He was out of practice perhaps? It sounded rather poor but it also had some truth to it. He was dedicated to his job and liked to explore and duel and discover knowledge he hadn't yet. He was curious. But now this young girl of who he figured was around seventeen or eighteen, had brought a curiosity of a non Auror related nature. He found himself interested in the girl, she was kind and caring, smart and a beauty that was more then just her looks and she was or is rather a beautiful young woman.

He enjoyed their conversations and time spent together. He could tell her personal history about himself or what he has gone through and experienced, he never quite felt the same ability with others. He was always conscious about keeping his troubles or past to himself and not burden others with it. She was unique to him, and never seemed to mind.

It was all these thoughts and memories that came and passed to him in his mind. How he managed to balance these and keep aware and watchful he couldn't explain exactly, he just was able and did.

Oghren was quiet and allowed these thoughts to come still. He kept his eyes open and watched the forest from his view point, thinking for a moment he had seen a dark figure moving about in the distance. "It couldn't be.. The charm would of..." He thought and rose to a stand, he grabbed his wand from its holster and walked forward a bit closer, seemingly waiting for another sign. "Perhaps they could have... Hmm but maybe not. It could be something else?" He continued and pondered of the different appearances of creatures that were found in the forest, he continued forward and observed quietly. Keeping his thoughts minimal and prepared just in case he was wrong and danger was afoot, he would be prepared for it.
"Hmm... That is actually very tempting... We could change you for Moira and reduce our days in detention. Speaking about it, can you believe Royston is actually giving us detention?" She complained while she examined a vial before putting it down after checking the cost. She didn't have enough money for it and they didn't need it. "I mean, they should be building a statue of us instead of punishing us!"
"We did sneak out, Victoria," Thaddeus said shrugging at the whole thing, he then sighed as though came to his mind and gilt build up. "And got Hans killed.... Because of it... Besides we barely survived, I doubt it is parade worthy, maybe a few house points."
Victoria hung her head in defeat and nodded. "I know. I know. It just seems a bit weird, doesn't it? I was being sarcastic about the statue. I know I wouldn't like a statue of myself in the school. Imagine what the other students would do to it" She replied with a weak smile, trying to lighten up the situation. "Dorian, have you gotten what you need yet?"
Jupiter closes the book and sits up, grabbing her homework from Defense Against the Dark Arts. Opening the text book, she picks her wand up from her bag, sliding it through her fingers as she reads on the page. She lets herself get focused, gripping her notebook and a pencil, she starts writing notes.

Soon her mind starts to wander, wondering what her sister was up to. She writes a small message on a piece of paper, whistling to her owl, Sasha. Jupiter clips the message to her claw, she smiles lightly and brushes her hand over the owls soft feathers. "Take this to Liz alright?"

She watches the owl fly off, sitting back on her bed.
He nods holding up some vials with a grin before shaking his head "Although a statue always sounds more tempting than a detention, although I must say being at home all summer has made me miss detention with you guys" he grins wrapping an arm around his friends and laughing before sintering over to the till and paying for the items (sorry I keep not getting notifications, im working from my phone a lot D: )
Victoria rolls her eyes when he says he missed having detention with them. "Are you a child?" She asked sarcastically as he payed for the items and then she proceeded to take them out of the store so they could go look at the brooms. "Alright, let's go to the stupid broom store so you two can obsess over some extremely expensive brooms while I see if I can buy early birthday presents for everyone I know"
"Yeah I miss detention too. Particularly detention with Professors Longbuttom two years back, remember? Never laughed more in my life." He said chuckling butting his hand around Dorian too. He winked at Victoria." Well, arent you go to us Vic? I promise we wont be long and we can have our beers. "
After a few moments, Jupiter stands. Sliding on her shoes, she then walks from the bed chambers and down through the common room. She told Elizabeth in the note to meet her by the courtyard, but she wanted to be a few minutes early. Walking down the corridor, she smiles at a few of the ghosts and other students before taking a seat on a bench near the window.

Looking around slowly, she sees Elizabeth approach. She smiles wide and stands up and Liz runs into her arms for a hug.

"Hey there princess. Hows everything going?" she asks

"Oh Junie its been so hard! Daddy sends me letter almost every day, telling me he's proud of how hard I'm working but really i'm struggling with my potions homework and our flying teacher isn't very nice because on the first day I kind of ran into her with the butt of my broom. But oh I do have some really nice friends that I will have to introduce you to. I wish I could show you the Hufflepuff common room! Its so big and there's this big comfy chair by the fireplace that I sit and read at. Oh and.."

Jupiter giggles quietly, letting her sister talk excitedly as she pulls them back to the bench to sit down. She takes her sisters hand, realizing just how much she's missed their long talks. Gossiping about the neighbors and playing silly word game, Jupiter knows that looking after her isn't a very hard job, shes a great kid. Its the fact that her father is so insistent on her not having a life outside of Elizabeth. The fact that the only letter she's received from him was to scold her just proves how much he truly doesn't care as much about his first born child as he does the younger.
Oghren moved toward the direction he thought a figure was seen moving by his eyes. The twelve inch hornbeam wand of his out and ready for swifter action, held low near his leg while he walked forth at a normal if careful rate of motion. As his eyes scanned the area seeing nothing more than one of the many creatures of the forbidden forest, he returned his wand and grinned." Nothing out of the ordinary, after all." He spoke

Then upon seeing the light of the sun peek through the trees and open sections of the forest, Oghren looked up and pondered a return to the castle for a time. Perhaps a visit to some of the classes and observe while he was there. He once more pulled out his wand and Appirated, vanishing in moments and reappearing before the front doors of Hogwarts.

He looked to Beast and nodded, a silent greeting and using the lack of words to signal a clear patrol of the forest. Oghren then turned taking a moment to gaze out onto the grounds before heading into the castle and making his way for the Defense against the Dark Arts classroom.

Upon arriving he stepped through the door and began walking about the room and looking around.
Aiden gathered the last of his purchases and made his way back to the school, taking the main road this time. He stepped on the school grounds and glanced at the castle before shaking his head and turning to walk to the forest, not wanting to be in the groups of people up there. He stepped just inside the edge of the forest and stood with his back against a tree facing away from the school. "Lumos!" his wand dropped into his hand from his sheath and he muttered the spell, allowing him to see enough to read one of the books he had bought. He popped a blood pop into his mouth and read about the properties of shield spells .
Dorian laughs placing the items in his bag before grinning to Thaddeus "oh my gosh, she's going to let us look at brooms" he chuckles, moving from the shop with them and turning to Victoria "You're too good to us dear, I'll write you a get out of jail free card for your next detention" he jokes, tugging his hat back over his wild curls
Victoria chuckles and puts her arms around their shoulders and rolls her eyes. "I'm just too good for my own good aren't I dear? Maybe we can go rescue orphans from burning buildings. That, after joining the Aurors of course" Victoria said sarcastically as they walked towards the broom store. "So tell me, broom experts. Who's gonna win the Quidditch cup this year? That information might save me having to go to some matches. I honestly just want to go to the Slytherin against Hufflepuff match so I can see my house mates kicking your ass"
Amber smiled at her toes as she sat and waited for her dismisal. She had had enough of the slytherin thing and longed to go somewhere else. Anywhere else. "Ugh" she sighed glancing at the rooma round her until her eye's stopped on a case a silvery case with floral inprint on it. Amber walked over un-noticed and picked it up shoving it in her bag then dismissing herself quitely.

Amber took her time in the bath examining the box. Amber lokked at the box for a while then opening it and seeing small pile of jewels including a necklace, a ring, a braclet and an anklet. Amber stepped out of the bath and slipped a long skirt on with a blue top. Amber sat on her bed and examined the jewelry until she was confident enough to put them on. Amber slipeed the braclet on, it shon in the light and reflected out the window.

(( Does anyone wanna be Amber's friend/Foe or something like that?))
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Dorian sarcastically scoffs and fakes hurt, a hand on his heart as he looks to Victoria "You wound me, are you truly saying you do not enjoy coming to my games?" He grins, pausing for a second and then adding "Although we are going to kick Slytherins butt, we're going to have Thaddeus" He nudges his friend as they walk ((Sorry it's not much I'm in class at the moment))
Looking about the room with a gaze at the different points of interest in the classroom. "Ahh... The book." Oghren remembered the book Junie had lent him to read, it rested safely in his inner pocket. He reached a hand inside his coat and pulled out the book while taking a seat in the corner of the room and began to read, taking a moment to look over the defense against the dark arts classroom before taking his eyes back toward the book and continuing to read beginning with the first chapter.
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After some time had passed and students of various years passed through the halls on the way to their respective classes, Oghren moved for the door and was about to enter the hallway himself when the Charms Professor approached him and looked up to him with a greeting and smile. "Ah Oghren.... I was hoping to catch up with you and ask of a favor if I may." He asked kindly and appeared with a suitcase in hand. "Of course Professor Flitwick, I would be happy to help." Og responded rather glad to see his old charms professor and head of house. "Thank you Oghren! I knew you would be up for it. You see I have a matter to see too at home and will not be able to teach in my charms class today. I will be back by morning though, but until then I need a fill in Professor and since they are all busy with there own classes, I thought of asking you if its no trouble. Your not a professor, but I know your capable of teaching in the subject and would be a great choice to fill in for me. Would you mind?" The professor spoke and asked the favor. Oghren looked to him and thought it over for a moment, he had never considered himself a professor even if for only a day while his favorite professor from school attended to a home matter. After some brief consideration and seeing little harm in him filling in, Oghren looked toward professor Flitwick and smiled. "Well... It would be quite the experience. I haven't any teaching experience but I would be more then happy to fill in for you Professor. It's the least I could do after all you have done for me." He replied and shook Flitwicks hand, "Thanks again Oghren and I know you will do splendid, your knowledge of charms and talents will benefit you in teaching and the students I am sure wouldn't mind learning from a Auror for a day." The man spoke and departed with a wave.

Oghren then looked at his pocket watch after pulling it up for a moment from his vest pocket,
"Oh, yes it's almost time for class isn't it?" He thought and headed for the charms classroom setting his pocket watch away and continued down the halls. He entered the room upon reaching the door and walked down to the front of the room while eying the desks on each side of him as he passed, he then pulled his wand and thought over what Professor Flitwick had told him of what today's lesson was going to be and giving Og free range of what he would like to do with the choice of lessons and how to go about teaching the class today. He recalled some books in the classroom that was of use for higher level charms and there learning, he then pulled out his wand and performed a spell, a simple and effective spell that brought the books from there place and each of them levitated toward the desks the students would be seated once class began and be set down atop the respective desks. While Oghren faced the front of the room and had his back turned away from the levitating books and the door. He continued to think over his lesson and how he was going to handle teaching since he hadn't done so before and felt a bit odd yet rather calm about it.

After awhile he could hear feet walking toward the door and almost echoing in his ears, the students were beginning to enter the room and seat themselves down where they would find the books on charms awaiting them. Oghren then took a final moment for some continued thoughts before turning to speak and introduce himself while explaining why he was present and Professor Flitwick was not. The young Auror after gathering himself and finishing up some thoughts turned and faced the students...


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