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Fandom 19 Years Later (Harry Potter Role Play)


i was gone and now I’m back

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September 1st, 2017


Sorting Hat Ceremony

"And that will reduce the possibilities of- Are you even listening to me?" An angry Simon asked his best friend, Michael Knight while they entered the Great Hall with the other Gryffindors. Usually, Michael would've been paying attention to his friend's 'clever' comments about some silly fight between him and a younger Ravenclaw who had gotten off the train with a broken nose, courtesy of Michael. But today was not a normal day, just a few hours ago they had been aboard the Hogwarts Express where he had read the first page of the Daily Prophet which simply made his day. According to the news, various witches and wizards had escaped from Azkaban, all of them known for being followers of the Dark Lord, one of them being his own father, Alexius Knight. He didn't know how they had escaped or if they were still loyal to the dead Lord but he was sure that something very big was about to happen and he was ready to join his father in any way possible. "Simon, there are bigger things to worry about at the moment so if you're not going to make any comments about it or don't have any extra information then you should go talk to your girlfriend and let me find Victoria." He said, walking away from his friend and making his way towards his sister who was talking to some of her Hufflepuff friends.

Victoria's day had been simply perfect until her brother decided to finally talk to her after a summer of completely ignoring each other. The worst part was her brother's happy look when he approached her. Victoria knew nothing good was going to happen so she mentally prepared herself for the meanest comments her brother could think of. Surprisingly, his brother didn't even open his mouth when he gave her a folded newspaper and then returned to the Gryffindor table with a small smirk on his face. Not knowing what to say, Victoria returned her attention to her friends and unfolded the paper in front of them.
"Let's see what the little rat wants me to see" She muttered and began reading the paper. As soon as she read the words 'Escape from Azkaban' and 'Alexius Knight' her once happy face turned into a sad frown and she sighed dramatically. "And I was hoping we could have a good year. Do you think-" She couldn't finish her sentence because of the professors asking the students to head to their tables immediately. Not wanting to get in any more trouble, Victoria headed to the Slytherin table and sat down in the middle.
September 1st, 2017


School Grounds;

Beneath the stars and the dark of night Oghren stood quiet, A silence about him that was not unusual of him yet not usual either. He was clear in the faces expression not here under more common and happier circumstances.
He stood there on the grass staring at the grounds of the school and the castle itself.... thinking, watching, and ever ovservant of every aspect of the school and situation he found himself. The wand made up of hornbeam and made use of unicorn hair that he owned and had used since his first day, was located inside the holster at his front leg. While his hands were both at the ready to draw at a moments notice similar to a quick draw style... Though his right hand was more so since it was his main hand, while his mind was focused along with his eyes as they remained open and keen, as sharp as they have ever been. Oghren's body was relaxed and tense at the same time mixing up into a prepared set. Soon thoughts began streaming through his mind, both memories of school and his time here at hogwarts memories that were trying to balance within himself to counter act the memories of which saddened and angered him at the same time. Memories of his father being cast down from the roof of a tall building much like hogwarts, his body lifeless and victimized by death eaters......some of who were his own blood. " Cursed Purists....too easily are they tempted by Voldemort, even after all this time and his death." He thought and motioned for the door taking casual steps while keeping watchful of his surroundings.

The tail of Oghrens coat moving about behind him as he walked, Og as some had come to call him for short over the years... Gathering himself and keeping composed. Still prepared and seeming straight faced, calm and overall well collected now. No trace of his more common expression and kinder, charming face and smile. He opened the doors, pushing them open and striding through walking with a purpose and feel that few could have expected at a time such as these. Not unless they already knew of why Oghren Lewis former student from house Ravenclaw and now Auror had come to Hogwarts at this time of night and occasion.

Og continued on through the hallway and began his way for the great hall where everyone would no doubt be located. After all, even years since he had been a first year and a couple of years removed since his seventh year Og still remembered what today was for all students and first years especially....

' Footsteps echoing in the hall and sounding nearer and nearer with each step,almost able to hear the purpose behind his pace and walk. He then came to the last dor separating himself and everyone else present, pushing open the doors and taking a step inside keeping silent and motioning aside from the now closing doors. Realizing he should not make more of a known presence and loud one at that, for all his silence or atleast it seemed to him.

He stood at the back of the hall, looking first to the headmaster and then to the professors before eying the room as a whole. Og attempted to bring forth his charming smile and tried to keep out of the spotlight.... Not aiming to steal any from the first years, this was their time and not his nor should it even at such a time where troubling news was no doubt looming or about too.
Thaddeus standing opposite of Victoria, standing at about 9ft with alot of facial hair and mass, definitely stood out. He was in the school for the best part of five years and it was tough being the only half giant student, especially after the giants joined Voldermord during the Second Wizarding World. Friends were hard to come by and not to mention the various difficulty that came with his giant mass, however thanks to friends like Victoria he managed to pull through. It seemed now, despite a few issue here and there, he was now part of the background just getting on his day by day.

He was chatting with Victoria when she paused seeing her brother approached her. Her cheerful demeanor seemed to fade especially after checking the newspaper, which concerned Thaddues. Despite the call to tables he followed her." Hey what is up?"
Sarah looked around the room she and the other first years had been led to. After getting off the train they had all been seperated from the other students, going to the school by boat. She had been left breathless when she first laid eyes on the castle,eyes wide as she had gazed on the place that would be her second home for the coming years. Once they get out of the boats they had been led inside and ushered into a room where they were told to wait. The first years surrounding her were chatting, but Sarah was captivated by her surroundings. Even in this ordinary room magic was present as paintings all around them moved and talked to one another. Curiosity burned inside her, and she wanted to know how they could talk and move. She wanted to ask the paintings but she doubted they knew, and she was too shy to ask.

Sarah jumped when there were suddenly screams behind her and a cackling. Turning around she saw a... was that a ghost!? She was shocked, her mouth slightly open in surprise. "Ickle firsties!" the ghost cackled, dropping an armful of wooden sticks over their heads. She raised her arms above her head together with the other first years, preventing the sticks from falling on her head as the ghost zoomed away, cackling as he disappeared through a wall. Lowering her arms, Sarah was shocked. Is this what ghosts were like? Were there more? She wasn't sure if she wanted to meet more if they were all like that.
Victoria had been re - reading the newspaper, hoping it had just been a very bad prank or her mind was going crazy. Unfortunately, this didn't work and now she was a hundred percent sure that dangerous Death Eaters were free and probably ready to attack, one of them being her own father who absolutely despised her. The bright side being that she still had supportive friends like Thaddeus who would help her with anything. "Remember by father who was sent to Azkaban a few years ago? The one I never talk about or allow you to talk about? Well, he's free and he's gonna be pissed when he finds out I practically 'betrayed' the family. That's what's up" She replied resting her head on the table with a frown. "I don't even know why I'm worried. Hogwarts is the safest place on earth, right?"
"Oh that father... Yeah I remember you not telling me about him."He said with a small attempt at a joke, as he sat carefully on the Ben h next to her without breaking it. This was serious staff, death eaters free and running a muck will hardly lead to anyplace good thr question was the scale of the problem. "Well sure if we should be anywhere is here. Though I doubt he or others would be that big of a problem, the ministry must be more careful than last time and the big bad leader of the death whatever is gone, I doubt the will find someone to fill those shoes, ... I hope."
Victoria banged her head against the table and groaned when he mentioned the possibility of a new Dark Lord becoming their new leader. She had never considered that possibility before and it seemed like something that could happen. She slowly lifted her gaze to her friend and smiled weakly and she returned to the previous position. "You're right, the ministry must be getting this under control" She reassured herself. She noticed her brother looking at her from the Gryffindor table with a big smile and clenched her fist. "Look at that happy brat. You know what? I say we forget about this and enjoy the sorting ceremony. What do you say?"
"I say why not, cant wait for dinner i am starving." He said chuckling touching his stomach, "You want me to do something to your brother?" He asked half jokingly noticing her looking at him looking at her. He had always noted a strained relationship between the two of them. Honestly he wasnt sure how the two of them were related."I can pick him up upside down and shake him a bit."
Dorian waves to Victoria as she walks away, distaste filling her face. He knows what Victoria's brother will of warned her about. He'd heard his family talking about it before he'd left for this term. They were adamant that this would be the year. Of course they knew Dorian's refusal to affiliate with that side of magic, but that hadn't stopped them from gloating to him. He fights back a frown and shakes his head, slumping back into the bench and fiddling with the empty plates before him, eager for the ceremony to begin as they wait for the first years to be sorted. Dorian's attention is turned to the entrance of the hall where the first years are being led in by Professor Mcgonagall herself. The faces of the young kids filled with excitement and wonder, as they stare at the vast surroundings around them, even pure-bloods being slightly taken aback by the wonderment in the great hall.
Valentine walked into the hall with the other 1st years. She was anxious to find out what house she was in. She wouldn't be surprised if it was Ravenclaw. Her mother was Ravenclaw and she really looks up to her mother. On the other hand, Valentine could be something else. She just hoped it wasn't Slytheryn. Valentine fiddled with her watch as she was waiting to begin.
Sarah entered the Great Hall, her eyes wide with wonder as she looked around, immediately spotting the enchanted ceiling and floating candles. She almost forgot how to walk as mesmerised as she was, but her feet kept moving. She looked around at all the older witches and wizards seated at the different tables, remembering the explanation they had received about the different houses. Sarah had no clue which house she would be sorted in, and was curious to find out. They all stopped walking, stopping in front of a stool with an old hat on it. The Hall was quiet, everyone's attention on the hat. Not knowing what was going on, she decided to look at the hat as well. She almost jumped in surprise when a gap opened and the hat started to sing. Hats could sing? That was something she hadn't expected. She politely listened to it sing about the different houses and the importance of unity, clapping with the rest when it fell silent. The Headmistress stepped forward again, producing a long piece of parchment as she started reading names, calling first years up to the hat to get sorted. Sarah swallowed nervously, anxiously waiting for her turn.
Dorian watched as the first years were starting to be called up, laughing as their faces contort between joy and disappointment to the house they're sorted into, he knows many of them who come from magic families will have a house they're expected to be sorted into, and that moment can make or break it. He knows from experience what's that like, his family had expected him to be sorted into Slytherin, all of his relatives before him had been sorted into that house, he was the first in the entire line of Rumancek to not be sorted into Slytherin.
Effy Alice Weasley


Effy rushed into the Great Hall, late like always. The girl got lost in her studies, and when she realized what time it had been? She had never ran so fast in her life. But she was sure she missed some of the sorting, but it had only just started. Huffing, the girl took a seat next to Michael and smiled at a few of her friends. "Has anyone been sorted to us yet?" She whispered breathlessly.

Looking at the front, she watched as the younger ones were sorted into certain houses, she clapped for the Gryffindors and stayed silent for the rest. Even though some of her friends were in Hufflepuff she stayed silent. She didn't like upsetting anybody.

When she first arrived at Hogwarts she truly believed she would be a Hufflepuff even though most of her family were Gryffindor. When she was sorted into Gryffindor she was a bit confused at first, but then warmed up to them. She was proud to be Gryffindor and so were the other Weasley's.
"Johnson, Sarah." Finally, it was her turn. Sarah swallowed nervously and started walking, pushing herself through the remaining first years waiting to be sorted and approached the stool. McGonagall was holding the Hat, waiting for her to sit down and put it on her head. Sarah quickly did just that, sitting down to face the Hall, seeing everyone stare at her. She shifted, feeling uncomfortable as the Hat was placed on her head. It was too big, and slid down to block her view from the Hall to her relief. To her surprise she could hear the Hat mutter in her head. "Hmm, who do we have here..? I sense a thirst for knowledge, yes, and a strong sense of justice. But I also sense a strong loyalty, and acceptance of everything no matter what. I think you belong best in... HUFFLEPUFF!" The last word was shouted so the whole Hall could hear it. The Hat was removed from Sarah's head and she jumped up, happy to finally know where she belonged. She quickly walked over to the long table filled with clapping students, and sat down in an empty spot.
Corey sat quietly at the end of the Ravenclaw table, watching the other students still catching up with their friends. He had never been one of those people with a lot of friends, so when his best friend's mother pulled him out of Hogwarts, Corey was a little lost. His own parents had been concerned when they heard about the Death Eaters escaping Azkaban and bringing the others back to life, but at least they had let him stay in Hogwarts. He couldn't imagine not being here after so many years. At least, it felt like he had been going here for a while. He shook himself out of his thoughts as the first-years were brought in, wearing the usual amazed faces. He clapped politely as the Sorting Hat finished its song and then the sorting began. Not many of the first-years were being put into Ravenclaw, which was a bit disappointing. However, that just made them clap all the harder when one of them was. He absent-mindedly traced circles on his plate as he watched the last few students getting sorted.
Victoria nodded and let out a dramatic groan when he mentioned his hunger. Ever since her first year, she'd kept herself from buying candy from the trolley to be able to eat most of the things during the feast. This was not a bad plan but the only disadvantage was that she'd had to be hungry during the entire sorting ceremony. She let out a chuckle when he asked her if he could shake his brother up and down. "Don't worry, I'll take care of him later but if things get out of hand I wouldn't mind watching my brother being shaken up and down for a couple of minutes. Sadly, I doubt it'll be necessary."

Michael clapped when a new girl was sorted into Gryffindor and then turned her attention to Effy. "Just a few of kids, this year is not our best one. It seems like the other houses will be getting more first years than us. Well, at least we don't have to worry about a bunch of first years taking away most of our house points. Hello to you too Effie, any new news?" Michael asked, completely forgetting the sorting ceremony to chat with his friend. It didn't matter, he had never been a fan of the ceremony in the first place.
Dorian grins to one of the small first years who's sat themself in an empty spot close by. "Welcome to Hufflepuff" he smiles softly at the small girl. "Best house" he laughs, which is followed by a couple of cheers from fellow house mates.

"You excited to be here?" He asks her, wiping a hand on his jaw and sighing at the paint that transfers onto his hand. He'd been catching up with his projects on the way here and had obviously not cleaned up very well, shown by the paint now streaked across his jaw and hand, along with the already staining marks on his robes. He sighs and turns his attention back to the small girl.

He chuckled at her reaction to his suggestion."Well you know we're to find me if you need my services. I am a giant on call 24/7."He said as he watched the sorting ceremony go on."Looks like all houses are getting new blood, I think I should go and make myself known at my table. What do you think: be myself or the dumb scary giant bit for the newbies? I can't decide."
Sarah looked at the older student as he spoke to her, a grin on her face. "Thank you!" She chuckles as other students cheer in confirmation at his words. At his question she nods, chuckling slightly at the paint on his face and hand. "I am! I can't wait to learn all about magic!" Everything she knew about magic was from books she had read, but she doubted a real wizard was anything like Gandalf or Dr. Strange. It all sounded too... well, magical. She wanted to ask more, about classes and magic and the Wizarding World and Diagon Alley and other creatures and more, but she held herself back. She was overwhelmed by all the new people and situation, and was starting to withdraw a little into herself. She decided to change the subject. "You paint? Do your paintings come to life as well?" Excitement sparkled in her eyes, the thought of moving paintings bringing back some of her initial excitement.
September 1st, 2017

Hogwarts, Continued;

Sorting Hat Ceremony:

Quiet and observant of the room, Oghren stood near the doors keeping his expression and body language neutral appearing while in truth he remained quite prepared..... Well just in case, the situation after all was still seemingly normal and had not once noticed anything out of the ordinary since his arrival. He for a time was allowing himself to enjoy the ceremony and smile a bit at the sight of first years being sorted into there houses and taking their seats among their house mates, watching the ceremony brought back memories of his first year at hogwarts and the excitement of it all.... Nervous as well. A combination of feelings all at once.... It was grand, looking back now it was a great time in his life even if at the time it was all sorts of things and nerve increasing yet the challenge of it was in itself another enjoyment... Learning all the new aspects and history of the wizarding world, learning about the different class of spells and being taught how to perform the spells successfully. It was all a good time.

Watching the ceremony even if he was there for another reason entirely and didn't appear so and even limited himself in the enjoyment of the feast and ceremony. But still he did allow some positive thoughts and feelings through on the inside, while keeping watchful of the room and ears keen to the hallways and any other noises there might be thst could reach his ears through the collective sounds and talk throughout the great hall.
He laughs slightly too loud at her question "Some of them do, but I'm studying muggle art at the moment" He explains, adding on "It's fascinating, like muggle art is amazing. pre raphaelite though" He gestures with his arms, knocking over a thankfully empty goblet. "My family consists of magical folk so you know, very little knowledge of the muggle world" He shrugs and claps as a new student is assigned a house. "Are your parents wizards?" He asks her curiously, budging up slightly on the bench for one of his friends, giving him a small wave but not taking his attention from the small girl.
Sarah couldn't imagine wizards being interested in muggle art. now that she had seen magical art their sculptures and paintings seemed trivial. There was no life in them, at least not compared to magical portaits.

Sarah shook her head at his question. "No, they're muggles. Imagine our surprise when we got a letter saying I'm a witch!" They had thought it was a prank, throwing away the letter. A couple of days later a female visited them, confirming the contents of the letter as she showed them magic, introducing herself as a teacher at the wizarding school. "They're happy for me though, they even got me a pet to take with me!"

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