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Fandom 19 Years Later (Harry Potter Role Play)

[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz](You may delete or edit my post if I am not allowed to post yet. I will just put in Damen's entry and go off from there)
Damen had been walking around Ravenclaws wing of the school, he looked at Night Wing who was perched on his shoulder "So Night Wing, do you know if we should go to a class or head to the dorms?" asked Damen looking at Night Wing. She looked at him and crowed as she flew off of his shoulder and began transforming into a young teenage girl with black hair and bluish green eyes


"Hmmm I kind of want to take a nap. . .but if you feel like going to a boring class on the first day I guess I could go too" explained Night Wing as she walked alongside Damen. Damen looked at her as he thought about where they should go "I think going to a potion class of some sort would be fun. That is if you're up for it" Said Damen with a chucle. Night Wing looked at him about to laugh "Fine" She said turning back into a crow and perching herself on his shoulder again as they walked.

Damen and Night Wing finally made it to a class on potion making, there was kids from all 4 houses and for some reason that intrigued him. He looked at the professor "Oh sorry. . .I'm Damen Kuroki and this is Night Wing. . ." he motioned over to the crow that flew off of his shoulder and transformed into a young teenage girl "Hya. . ." she said as she went to sit at a desk. The professor looked at them both "Well take your seats and lets begin" he said as Damen and Night Wing sat side by side at one of the bench tables.
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"Yes, I really do. By the way, who was that boy? Not that grumpy looking one, but the smaller guy?" Geneva glanced around as though her mind was just clearing. I really have got to keep better track of peole, she thought.
Harmona said:
"Yes, I really do. By the way, who was that boy? Not that grumpy looking one, but the smaller guy?" Geneva glanced around as though her mind was just clearing. I really have got to keep better track of peole, she thought.
(Who are you talking too? lol)
Harmona said:
"Yes, I really do. By the way, who was that boy? Not that grumpy looking one, but the smaller guy?" Geneva glanced around as though her mind was just clearing. I really have got to keep better track of peole, she thought.
( I know she's talking to me but I'm not sure who she's talking about? And if you could make your replies just a teeny bit longer, it makes it a little more fun for all of us. (: )
HamSammich said:
( I know she's talking to me but I'm not sure who she's talking about? And if you could make your replies just a teeny bit longer, it makes it a little more fun for all of us. (: )
(Hey are you two headed to any classes? Damen and Night Wing could look for some people to group up with, if you guys don't want to interact with the two of them then that's fine)
Harmona said:
Geneva laughed. "Oh that was fun. Don't worry Junie I got these." She took the other girl's hand and bounced up. "That's good news about your sister. Could you tell before? Tell me, what do you know about the schedules? I've missed so much. Exhausted even though I just got here. Oh jeez I'm talking a lot." Shifting around her things, it looked as though she has just tumbled down a hill.
HamSammich said:
Jupiter giggles softly at the girls flush of words and disheveled appearance, pulling a couple pieces of grass from her hair. She glances at Oghern and smiles. The urge to touch him, grab his arm or hand, tickled through her palm. In such a short time, she had become used to him being around her and offering up wise words. She was drawn to him and hoped that he felt the same. If he did not, she'd catch herself feeling like a silly teenage girl with childish feelings about an older boy.
"the schedule has been nice. I only have 3 classes a day. And no I couldn't tell she would be picked for Hufflepuff. I thought maybe Gryffindor like myself but.." Jupiter responds, then shrugs. " I don't think there's a downside to any of the houses. You have potential in each one. Do you need direction to your next class? I'm probably going to go study.."
Oghren stood quietly as the two spoke to one another and returned his wand to its holster, noticing the laugh of Geneva and giggling from Junie. He smiled and kept in thought over a number of different topics, splitting his mind into different levels allowing him to achieve the feat in a more efficient manner. On one level of thought was his time with Junie, the number of conversations and shared history, a fond memory though it was still fresh in his mind. On another level was his responsibilities as an Auror and seeing to the protection of the school alongside his fellow Aurors and the professors and headmistress. The remaining levels of thought were varied and brief changing from one into another.

He then returned his focus beyond his thoughts and back toward Geneva and Junie. Over the short time he had gotten to know Jupiter he found himself becoming to use to her presence and enjoying the time spent with her around him and he around her. He overheard the conversation between Jupiter and Geneva causing him to recall the time as he checked his pocket watch and returned it to his vest pocket.

" It has become around that time, hasn't it." He spoke gently and pondered a thought.
Jupiter looks up at the sky, then smiles at Geneva. Classes were about to end for the day and she still had studies to do for Charms class since she missed it today.

"Well hon, it was very nice to talk to you. Maybe we could meet up for lunch tomorrow? I'm going to head inside, its getting chilly out. Have a good rest of your night!" Jupiter turns to Og, smiling kindly. "You, also have good rest of your night. Try to get some sleep alright? You have extra help now, you should be able to get a full nights rest." She tilts her head slightly and smiles teasingly at the small joke, reaching up to lightly kiss his stubbly cheek before tucking her wand in her coat and walking up towards the doors. She sticks her hands in her pockets, her face flushed from the chill of the air, and at the small step in kissing his cheek. Lightly she presses her fingers to her lips, still feeling the small prickles of his whiskers, then steps inside the castle.
Oghren had looked toward the coming eve of the settling sun in the blue sky that seemed to slowly darken... The beauty of the sunset casting a red and orange light amid the sky and lowering into the clouds leaving from sight and bringing forth a darker shade of blue almost black as the evening was coming and soon. He lowered his gaze and looked to Jupiter as she turned to him and smiled, speaking of having a good rest of his night and catching a good and restful sleep now that other Aurors were here now and could aid in the protection of school and giving a more even workload and time for rest and brief breaks from time to time during the day and night. Og smiled and gave a small laugh while giving a nod of his head, a warm feeling coming to his cheeks as she reached up and gave him a kiss on his cheek. " I shall Junie... I have a feeling that tonight will bring a restful slumber and provide little risk to keep me." Oghren smiled and looked on as she started walking for the doors. " A pleasant night to you, Junie." He continued in parting, a smile different from before crossing his face it was more of a closed grin that was both warm and light, he then turned and faced the forest... Looking closely and curiously into the trees as if aiming to look beyond the wilderness and toward something more. He raised his hand toward the cheek where he was kissed by Junie, a warm smile staying upon his face. His fingers tracing his beard of stubble after feeling his cheek and slid down from his face and into his vest pockets.

As time went on Oghrens thoughts were warm and filled with positive thoughts, but soon a darker memory came to cross his mind.... No.... Not a memory.... It wouldn't have been accurate to call it as so. A image of a woman... Her hair brown and figure slim with fair skin.... She appeared weakened all but drained of her strength save for just enough to keep her alive.
" She... What is this?" Oghren asked himself uncertain of his thoughts and what to make of it all, he was trained as an Occlumens when he first became a Auror it would be difficult to penetrate his mind and play with his thoughts. But this waking nightmare of a thought that crossed his mind in images of something far darker then his mood and thoughts were before hand. "It must be false.... I saw to her protection... She is in hiding with them all. Sister, you must be safe." Oghren thought in concern and forced himself from such thoughts while walking toward the trees, this nightmare was difficult to take and far more real in feeling then any other before. He walked to the tree and looked beyond the trees and seemingly deep within the forest, a feeling as if they were near had crossed him... But he knew better. They would of been spotted or if hiding in the forest then his charm would of sounded should they have reached its reach.

He once more cleared his thoughts and focused on the grounds and forest, keeping his wits about him and awareness at full potential in hopes of expanding his sight and hearing beyond normal capabilities and standard attention. Oghren thought of Junie bringing a brighter memory to mind and returning a smile to his face. He still attempted to make out what had happened from time to time but forced himself from dwelling upon it....knowing to much would be wasted on it and instead focused on his task while observing the grounds and forest. Allowing brighter memories such as his time with Junie and other moments of his life come to him and rid him of the darkness that moved against him.

Damen and Night Wing finished there class on potions and made their way to the Ravenclaw Dormitories, Night Wing laughed a bit "I can't believe I did better than you!!" she laughed more feeling proud of herself, Damen looked down and chuckled a bit "How?!. . .how was I suppose to know that you needed nightshade for the last ingredient? *sigh*. . .fine you win this round" Said Damen. They walked for a while and at last made it to the Ravenclaw dorms, they were in the common room (the place everyone is allowed to go to chill out in a house's dormitories) Night Wing was wearing her pj's and so was Damen as Night Wing came out from the upper part of the girls part, she looked over at Damen as he read a book on draconic potions and spells "Damen" he ignored her "Damen!. . ." Night Wing gave up trying get his attention as she walked up to him and layed jumped onto him as he read on the sofa "What was that for?" he asked chuckling a bit as she got up and sat beside him "You wouldn't stop reading. . .come on just because I beat you doesn't mean you have to stay up studying" she explained. "I'm studying because I want to study. . .I guess I'll get some sleep" Said Damen as he walked away to the guys part of the dormitories.
Jupiter walks though the decorated hallways, smiling softly as she tucks the sweater tighter around herself. She looks down at her shoes for a moment, humming lightly before looking up towards the sound of feet running. Within a fraction of a second to see what was coming, the talk, a dark haired boy roughly bumped into her shoulder. Jupiters petite body stumbles and she falls back into her back, squealing slightly as she hits the ground.

"Hey!!" She yelled and turned her head just in time to see him run out the back doors.

"You jackass.." She sighs, picking her self up, and frowning at her sore shoulder. Setting her hand on it lightly, she walks slowly towards her common room.
Oghren stood his eyes staring into the vast forest and the shroud of darkness that covered its grounds with trees and the many leaves. A light casting off the moon and raying down into the forest providing a glimpse of light here and there through the trees.... He reached down toward the holster on his leg and began to walk into the forest just surpassing the border and the start of his prior charm that had been cast, Oghren drew his wand focused his eyes toward the deep center of the forest while raising his wand and giving it a flick... Then drawing to back into a flowing motion that led to him casting it forward with another flick into the space before him, "Lumos Maxima!!!" The Auror spoke in a deep and quieted voice sending forth a blinding flash of white light into the forest and for a time brightening the area enough to allow for greater vision of the forest beyond the immediate view of the grounds closest to him....

Meanwhile in Hogsmeade Aldon and Smith the two elder Aurors continued their patrol of the village... Each of the two men had experienced a similar vision or waking nightmare.. They were disturbed at the sight and wondered of what was going on... Was this real or some coincidence with the times the world was in with the rise of the fallen dark lord and his freed death eaters. Neither of them knew for certain..... But something was off, the vision was all to real in feeling and yet no sign was present from what they could tell to be able attempt such a toying with ones mind.

Back at the castle both inside and out... The remaining Aurors Beast, Nathaniel and Morris stood watch and patrolled their respective areas of hogwarts. Beast outside the front doors of Hogwarts and the benson twins inside patrolling the halls one after another. They too experienced realistic and terrible visions withim their minds, they too could not say of what was going on.... But it wasn't a sign of good things to come but rather perhaps a sign of something else all more terrible.
Turning over in her bed, Jupiter opens her eyes to the soft grey light in the sleeping chamber. Sitting up slowly, she rubs the sleep from her eyes and looks towards the window, smiling as she sees the fresh few inches of snow covering the school grounds.

Finally snow! She thinks to herself, the idea exciting her. She climbs out of bed, sliding out of her pajama bottoms and picking up her black tights. As she slides them on, she thinks of Oghern. They're friendship certainly has blossomed over the last few weeks. He helps her with her spells and school work, and she helps him come out of his shell. Jupiter knows his troubled past still haunts him, as does her own, but she believes that they will be long friends. Even though she hopes to someday admit her feelings to him, he has no idea that she loves him. Deep down in her soul she knows she does, but Junie can't admit that to him. It could potentially start problems with his Auror status and she wouldn't be the reason he got in trouble with the school.

As she finishes getting dressed in her long wool sweater and tights, she slides in her boots and exits the sleeping chambers. Walking down the decorated stairs, she looks toward the large Christmas tree in the common room. Jupiter smiles to herself, happy that it's almost Christmas, then exits through the door.
Oghren had stood outside his postion seeming to hardly change from his place nearing the forests border.... His gaze peering out into the forest with flashes of what he had seen that night when he had used the Lumos maxima spell while within the forest and after his waking dream that was more of a nightmare or perhaps a vision? He had seen a dark figure dressed in black and just out of reach of his charm spell... A cunning and seemingly knowing figure, he managed to avoid the charms reach or perhaps he hadn't yet known of it and was about to set off his spell? Either way it was proof not all was to remain peaceful at hogwarts. The figures reaction to Oghren casting the spell and him making out Oghrens presence caused the man to flee. A scout perhaps of the dark lord? Again Oghren wasn't certain he was unable to capture and interrogate the man before the latter Appirated from sight and likely returning to the dark lord himself. It was all still fresh in his mind, even as the holidays drew near and the first fall of snow came and covered the grounds with its white blankets of snow..... Still he couldn't shake it and free himself for a time to relax and be more of himself then he had as of late. He still managed to hide his burden of what he had seen and the sign of trouble he discovered, but he was beginning to doubt for how long he would manage before Junie or another would notice his slight difference as of late.... It was only a slight change in him but still enough to hint at something troubling him.

That night he called for Lawrence his owl and old friend as well as traveling companion to his side and sent him off to gather everyone of the Aurors present at Hogwarts, Aldon,Smith, beast and the twins each of them. Lawrence had done just that and swiftly, it was not long before the Aurors arrived to his location and each of them discussed what had occurred and what each of them had experienced. It was as each of them feared.... None of them could say what that truly was or what it meant, but one thing was for certain Hogwarts was not safe for long, a attack on some scale would come... It was only a matter of time and to discover of how large a attack would they be up against? And where was all the Aurors who had yet to respond or come to the castle and add to their number? Five strong and skilled Aurors was a nice start.... But recent events hinted that it would not be enough and certainly not for much longer. Upon the meetings end and the Aurors working out new plans to increase the schools defenses and maximizing their strength and capability to improve their odds and make as much use and accomplish as much as they possibly could for the small number they were. Each of them returned to their posts and began to execute the plans of defense for each location and their respective tasks. Aldon and Smith placed a barrier over the village of Hogsmeade, while the twins used the caterwauling charm on the passage connecting hogwarts and the hogs head inn just in case it was found and used by the death eaters or any allies to them. Meanwhile Beast remained at his post and thought of ways to improve the barrier over hogwarts that was already quite strong and about as capable as it could be made..... Yet it was still possible for a powerful enough wizard or witch to destroy it just as it had been done in times past.

Oghren returned to watching over the borders and forest from his position while occasionally patrolling the forest with aid from the centaurs of whom he struck a friendship and alliance with over his time since returning to hogwarts and watching over the school.

The young Auror stayed at his position in front of the forest and its borders to the school, quietly observing and keeping aware. Thoughts of the students and Junie coming to mind.... A silent fear deep down within him that perhaps he and his fellow Aurors would not be enough should a attack happen before others arrived to add strength to their numbers, a reoccurring thought of Junie and their friendship that had come to blossom over time since their first meeting, the conversations, him helping her with spells and schoolwork and she helping him out of his shell. He would hate to lose that or worse fail in his duties that would lead to her coming in harms way. The pressure of failing was great and weighed heavily on his mind.... and shoulders, feeling more each day since the vision occurred. If he had failed his sister and his family.... The mere thought was a burden and one he couldn't afford, it could lead to his effectiveness and failing again... If the nightmare was true. If it wasn't.... It was still enough to bother him and question his every move.

Oghren once more attempted to eradicate such thoughts from his mind and bring forth a smile on his face to give a better and more cheerful appearance, it was after all that time of year, he and everyone else should have reason to be. He kept the more postive thoughts in mind and helping him make his smile more believable, while he stood outside and looked around the school grounds....
Without any incidents, the school seems calmer lately. After the first of the year attacks, everyone was so cautious, scared of facing what some students could never understand. A tragic event circle really. But Jupiter had believed with almost 100% that the dark lord would be back, to finish whatever sick plot he had in mind this school year.

As Jupiter heads towards the dining hall, a small flicker of light catches her eye as it passes down the corridor. Turning to the right, she steps up into the grand hallway over looking the large front door. Looking around nervously, Jupiter looks down to the railing and sees the rope tied around it. She gulps as she hesitantly leans over the rail and peers down, seeing the large mammal. It's half horse body dangling as its human torso swings slowly back and forth, the rope..tied firmly around his neck. With a gasp, Jupiter stumbles backwards, tripping over her own feet as she starts to scream.

"H-Help!! Help please!"
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Outside the door standing watch and manning his post stood a large man of near half giant size, Beast the the Auror who's name was unknown to many for he often went by his nickname of which he yet tells the tale. He heard a scream from behind.... Inside the castle then in following came a call for help, uncertain of what it could or what had come to happen. The Auror responded with a call of his own "OGHREN!!" The man called out in a loud and deep voice, he then turned toward the door and opened it takin a step inside and rushing in with Oghren rushing in behind him. The two Aurors looking up and toward the staircase coming to notice the dangling body of the centaur as it swung back and forth, a tragic and horror of a sight while questions were looming in mind as to what or how this had happened. They then looked toward jupiter who was on the ground, perhaps she tripped or fell over something... Perhaps the sight of a dangling body caused a panic and led to her fall. Oghren stepped forward and pulled his wand out while looking to beast giving a quiet nod and seemingly a silent understanding was done for what would come next, for within a moment beast walked toward the body and stood underneath prepared to catch him, while Oghren pointed his wand and without a word cast 'Lacarnum Inflamari' sending a small ball of fire toward the rope to cause a small fire that would burn through the rope and cause the body to drop down and toward a awaiting beast, who caught the centaur body and lowered him to the ground.

Oghren then returned his wand and looked back to Junie while walking over and offering his hand to help her up. " Are you alright Junie?" He asked with a saddened look in his eye and his tone effected by what he had seen... He knew perhaps it was a obvious question with a known answer or likely known. But he asked anyway to check on jupiter his mind still processing what had happened, struggling to find answers while finding only more questions coming to him. " Beast... Is he beyond our aid?" Oghren turned his head slightly to its side though still looking and facing Junie.

"Yeah... He's dead. Nothing can be done here for him other then returning his body to the centaurs." The Auror spoke in short and quick response.

"I suppose I knew, but hoped for......hope." Oghren took a breath and shaking his head a little, a combination of feelings swirling about him while questions loomed and answers evading him. He was saddened by the loss and the way the centaurs end had come, while uncertainty of what happened and anger for his failure and the Aurors failure to prevent it or even know of it before it was to late. " Send word to his people.... No bring it to them in person, speak of our unknowing of what has happened and our ongoing investigation. And our sincere condolences for their loss." Oghren spoke gathering himself and trying to find answers. Beast gave a nod and left for the forest and to bring word to the centaur people.

"I am sorry, Junie." He spoke turning back to her
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Jupiter scrambles further backwards on her hands away from the railing. as she watches Beast and Oghern rush through the door, her eyes wide. Quickly pulling her knees up close to her chest, she wraps her arms tightly around her legs and puts her head down, sending a silent prayer to the heavens as she catches her breath. She feels more than hears Oghern walking up towards her on the steps, and she swallows down her tears and looks up to him as he asks her a question. Having not quite heard him, she processes what he says after a few moments, making eye contact with him.

"I..I-I suppose I am..physically. I've never..seen anything like that. I-I don't know what happened and uh.." Jupiter swallows roughly. "What happened to him.." She looks up at him again with wide eyes. "I'm never going to be able to unsee that.."
Oghren looked toward Jupiter and found himself at a loss for words as he kept contact with Junie, his eyes looking to hers while listening to speak and ask of him what had happened to the centaur. He couldn't find any answers for any of this and less so how it had come to happen with the Aurors that were present and unknowing until it was too late of the tragic loss and disturbing sight of the centaur hanging from the staircase railing. He attempted to rush himself to speak and try and give a answer.... But every time he opened or moved his mouth nothing came out, no words only a absence of speech and a presence of silence. After awhile had passed since Jupiter had asked him of what happened to the centaur finally Oghren broke his silence and managed to bring forth words and sound from his mouths movement and opening. "" I couldn't say for certain.... It appears a simple hanging of the man had come to happen. A tragic end."" He began to speak in a slow and concerned tone. "" But from what I know of centaurs.... This was far from a simple hanging. Something serious must have happened beyond this horrible news and sight, a battle or sudden spell must have led to this."" He continued turning his gaze toward the centaur that still remained upon the floor lifeless. "" It shouldn't have come to this... How?"" Oghren spoke softly aloud seemingly to himself.

He then turned to Jupiter and attempted a reassuring smile, but was uncertain if he could pull off a believable smile.... Not when he could convince himself or provide much of a answer for all of this. "" It's never easy to witness or see such things..... I can't even provide any words to offer and help make this easier. Death of this nature is impossible to ease through words..... Only time will help and even then it stays with you." Oghren spoke coming from personal experience and his time as a Auror where he saw death outside of his families history and his experience from that. "" I'm glad your fine physically however. We will find answers and find further ways to prevent this from happening again.""

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