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Fandom 19 Years Later (Harry Potter Role Play)

He smiles and gives a nod." Yes, everything is under control so far." Oghren replied and felt Junies arm lightly hooking his own," A couple new books? It seems we share a love for books." He added noticing her purchase and walking out into the streets and on toward the castle, a soft background of there steps along the ground and various voices and common sounds of Hogsmeade filling the air as they walked back to hogwarts.

"So... You mentioned having a owl earlier, what kind of a owl if I may? And what's her or his name?" He asked curious, Oghren always enjoyed owls and was knowledgable of them after years of studying them and reading books.
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"My parents used to bring us here when we were little all the time. I can't believe I can't remember where everything is" Victoria admitted as they walked through the streets of Hogsmeade. The memories of when she had a good relationship with her parents and brother were very vague since she didn't like thinking about her family and their trips to Hogsmeade were one of the few things she remembered about their past. That, and the fact that she used to be a little blood purist until she turned twelve and met her friends during their second year.
Jupiter pulls her coat a little closer around her and walks in step with Oghern.

"She's a small owl from Madagascar, and her name is Sasha. Like most owls, she picked me by going crazy in her cage when I walked into the shop. " Jupiter softly giggles as she recounts the memory. "She was just think light pink mess of feathers flipping out in the small little cage. I just had to have her."

She smiles and looks up at him. "And what about your owl? Lawrence was it?"
"I see... She sounds beautiful. A colorful owl with quite the personality I bet." Oghren smiled and looked at the landscape around them as they walked along the path to hogwarts. " But Sasha does sound like a amazing owl." He continued and looked to her noticing Junies cost had been pulled closer. "Are you cold?" He asked before answering her about his owl Lawrence.

"Oh Lawrence, yes that's his name. He is a Melanistic barn owl with the feathers of night and rather kind when not tested and like me rather curious. But with a better sense of control regarding it." Og spoke of Lawrence and answering Junies question, " Our meeting was similar, I saw him at the shop in Diagon alley and his reaction was priceless. It seemed like he wanted out and I couldn't help but agree with his choosing... He seemed like a great owl. So I and Lawrence became pals that day and we have been partners in adventure since."
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Jupiter giggles quietly.

"Well I didn't know owls could be funny, so she's taught me a few things." She replies, "and yes a little but I'm fine I promise. "

They walk up the path towards the large doors, smiling gently.

"I'm slightly sad that our time is growing shorter. I've really enjoyed talking with you.."
"Owls can be great sources to learn from and can surprise you." He chuckled softly and smiled. " They can be funny creatures if you given a chance." He continued and looked to Junie, "Well if your certain. I wouldn't want you freeze on my watch, it may not look to well for a Auror, you know." He joked while actually glad to hear she would be fine. He came to a pause as they approached the front doors. "Well it may grow shorter but time doesn't end." Oghren responded to Junie and smiled," I have enjoyed our time conversing as well." He continued honest in the enjoyment of there time spent talking. A break after time patrolling and seeing to operations, welcomed by him while he could afford the break.

"Be cheerful though... We have time in the future to talk if you would like, and I am certain we shall pass one another from time to time as well." Og spoke and kept his smile and looked at the doors before returning his gaze to Junie.
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Aiden Hart sighed as he finally made it through the passage from Hogwarts to the Honeydukes cellar. Straightening up he quietly walked towards the door to the store above, stopping only once to pull his hair up into a high ponytail to keep it from getting in his eyes. He stood on the cellar side on the door with his wand out and cast a quick notice-me-not charm before carefully opening the door and making his way into the throng of people that always seemed to be inside the shop. After a moment of looking around his eyes lit up at the sight of the Blood Pops he'd come for and he made his way over, subtly canceling the charm as he walked. He grabbed a small basket and filled it almost full with the suckers he'd found and went to the counter to pay for them. The woman there looked at him like he was going to suddenly bite her and he smiled toothily, making sure to show his canines in the process. "Don't worry ma'am, I just like them is all." She flushed an ugly shade of red before having him pay. He had become quite use to that reaction when he bought the small treat of his. It was just natural with his pale skin and love of the treat to think he was a vampire, apparently. He'd never gotten it, but if that was the way the world was going to treat him, then so be it. He made his way down the street and into the book store where he bought a few books on potions and then went to the ingredient shop next.
"We wouldn't want anything to discredit your reputation and a student becoming a Popsicle probably won't look too good, no."

Jupiter smiles and slowly lets his arm go, reaching up on her tip toes to kiss his cheek lightly.

"Thank you for everything. And take care of that book! It's very special to me."
Oghren chuckled lightly and smiled. "Well... I'm glad your not to cold or anything." He spoke as Junie let go of his arm and reached for a kiss on his cheek." Your welcome and I will take care of it. Nothing to concern yourself with, I shall see it's safe return upon reading." Og continued a warm smile on his face after she kissed his cheek.

He took a moment before speaking and looked to junie, noticing her eyes and her smile that seemed to brighten his day. " You have a talent Junie, truly a gift." Oghren said to her softly, " A smile to bring light where dark times loom over. Thank you again for the opportunity to read Kindred." He placed the book inside his coat for safe keeping until later when he would begin reading it. "It seems dinner will be shortly and I should see to how the benson twins and Beast are doing. While returning to patrol and perhaps speaking with the Headmistress for a checking in for a update." He paused and returned a smile, "Til we meet again?"
With her red tipped nose from the cold, Jupiters cheek darken with a blush from his compliment, and she smiles shyly.

Jupiter realizes now that when she's with him, her problems fade into the back of her mind. He seems to be able to provide answers when she needs them, and advice when she didn't really know she was asking for it.

"You're too kind Oghern. But don't ever change that. That is truly a gift." She pats his arm before stepping up towards the doors. "Don't work to hard now. Even Aurors need sleep eventually." With a last smile to him, she turns away and walks inside the large corridor, heading towards the Great Hall for dinner.
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Oghren looked to her and noticed Jupiters blush in response of his words. If he was of help or ever able ease her troubles it would be a reward in its self. But her presence and conversation was even more a gift along with her smile." Speaking of kindness... Thank you Junie." he responded feeling a pat on his arm and watching Jupiter move towards the door, listening to her telling him not to work to hard. "It's a hard habit to break... I will try and catch more sleep however." He continued and watched her leave with a last smile.

Oghren then turned once she stepped inside and looked to a large figure approach him..." Beast good evening, how are things coming here?" Og asked of the larger Auror

"Decent... Nothing suspicious has happened. Your patrol has it ended or have you uncovered something?" The man asked in a deep voice

"I did not see trace of anyone yet. If they are in the forest and approach to close to the forests Perimiter to the grounds then we will know. Plus if any students attempt to sneak out into the forest.... We will also know." Oghren responded thinking of his charm

"Good. Well you best find the twins... Those two no doubt are having a bit of fun while on patrol. We don't need that, there ideas of fun and all." Beast spoke and nodded with folding of his arms. "I will keep here. If I notice anything out of the ordinary I will alert you and the others."

"Right. I will locate them and check in with the headmistress in the process." He smiled and nodded. "Sounds good. I will head off the sooner I find them and ask the headmistress of a matter, I can return to patrol." He replied and moved up the stairs and walked inside meanwhile Beast retook his postion in front of the doors.

Oghren motioned through the halls and eyed the architecture of the castle as he did. Still impressed by the castles beauty after all these years. He soon noticed Nathaniel and Morris walking toward him with grins on there face.

"You didn't attempt any of your jokes here? Have you?" He asked

"No... No nothing of the sort. We wouldn't do that just thinking of the jokes is all. And no really I promise nothing pranks or joke have or will occur." Morris spoke up

"Yeah... We know it's not the time for it. But that doesn't stop us from thinking of them. We also haven't seen much yet. Rather quiet until the death eaters return and livin things up a bit," Nathaniel followed up

"Good.. Good. I could only imagine the Headmistresses response to such behavior from you two." Oghren replied and eyed the two in thought, "The longer they are away and the quieter it is the better. If they should come we will be prepared for it."


"Right" the pair echoed one another

"Well for now, best of patrols and see you later for anothee catching up." Oghren relied and watched the twins leave and return to there patrol of the halls and castle.

Meanwhile Oghren continued forth and looked around as he passed, keeping aware himself.
thefan1 said:
"My parents used to bring us here when we were little all the time. I can't believe I can't remember where everything is" Victoria admitted as they walked through the streets of Hogsmeade. The memories of when she had a good relationship with her parents and brother were very vague since she didn't like thinking about her family and their trips to Hogsmeade were one of the few things she remembered about their past. That, and the fact that she used to be a little blood purist until she turned twelve and met her friends during their second year.
"Yeah... Funny to think this was my first human settlrment, first time i realised most people didn't care of my ancestry unlike the giants."he said nostalgicly looking around, he found a clear piece of land and paused."... Maybe when i become a teacher I might get or build a place her..... He chuckled a bit and pointed a section of the area."living room her me in arm chairs and little quarter giants...."
Victoria was looking around the village as Thaddeus described his dream home and sighed. "Nope, I don't know how to get to the shops from here. I say we should go back to where we were and go to the ingredient store I saw there." Victoria said as she began walking to the ingredient store she had seen before they had to escape. "Thad, since Dorian isnt really paying attention to us right now" She said as they entered the ingredient store and began looking around. "Do you want to continue that conversation right now?"
Thaddeus followed Victoria a little miffed that she didn't comment on his dream, feeling that it was a bad sign about what she thought about it. Still he move on and was looking at some ingredients when she asked him to say what he wanted to say. He sighed a wave of nerves hit him as he tried to think of the right words to say, "I like you..."He blurted out after intending to say something more substantial before getting to that point.he couldn't help chuckle at himself." I mean that in the romantic way... Don't expect anything I just wanted it out in the open. ..."
Victoria almost dropped the glass of weird-looking herbs she'd been inspecting when Thaddeus made his confession. During their years together, she had never considered he would have those feelings for her. It made a lot of sense though, he was always eager to help her and always tried to protect her from almost everything. She was convinced that he was just doing that as acts of kindness and friendship but hearing that he liked her romantically was a very big shock. She didn't even know how to properly react and really in this kind of situation. "Uh... Well... Thank you Thad. That means a lot to me... I'm glad to have you" She said nervously as she pretended to look at the ingredients.
Thaddeus went silent clearly dissapointed by the answer he got from Victoria before clearing his throught." Oh... I see... I get it. Thanks." He said trying to sound as non chalet as possible though he barely hid hid he thought the worse case scenario has happened. He had opened his big mouth and now pretty much lost one of this best friendships he had all because he was greedy. It is not like he wanted much, just closure to his feeling: yes I feel the same way or no just be friends and that would be mostly the end of this secret. Now he felt worse than ever. "I will pay for the spilled herbs... oh look they have wolf bane... Always wanted to use it in something." He tried to change the subject.
Walking up and down the hallways eying the statues and paintings, Oghren soon found himself at the door of the dueling club. He looked around at the room and stepped inside. Memories of duels past flashing through his mind in clear glimpses rapidly going from one memory to another. Recalling Professor Flitwicks advice to him before his first duel, then the memory of duels he took part in his early years on up toward his latter years.

Oghren walked about the room for a time, remembering the different professors he had while he was here. "It hasn't changed much since I graduated." He thought and walked back out of the room.

Oghren continued back down the hall, pondering over the Death eaters and there next move. If they returned to Hogwarts or the forest when was the likely time going to be for there choosing to return. It's possible they would target the students Victoria, Thaddeus and Dorian again or perhaps also target more students and make themselves known in person to more then a select group and remind the first targets of there presence as well.

Many possibilities when it came to death eaters. The Auror walked back to the front doors and walked back outside heading for the forest. Oghren kept a hand near his leg holster and began another patrol in the forest entering without setting off the charm since he was a authorized presence.

The Aurors light blue eyes scanning the grounds, trees and every bit of the landscape. While walking casually across the forest keen to his surroundings and the sounds that carried in the night air.
Victoria immediately referred her words once Thaddeus replied with a sad tone that broke her heart. Even if her feelings towards him weren't completely clear to her, he was still one of her best friends and she hated to see him sad. Especially if she had caused that sadness. "You dont have to pay for them... Look, I'm sorry but I never really thought about how I felt about others... That was a bad thing to say, I apologize"
"No its fine. I sort of dropped this on you it seemed." He said forcing a smile and waved her off. "What did I expect anyways. Well it's now atleast, it's a weight off my shoulders I should be glad of it. "He sighed." Look not going to force you to anything and even if I did and it worked it won't be you so whatever you figure out from this I will accept,"
Victoria forced a smile and nodded. "I just need some time to think about this but I promise I'll give you an answer as soon as possible. There are just so many things going on..." She sighed. This trip ended up being more problematic that it was supposed to be and it wasn't even over yet. "Lets just... get what Dorian needs for his 'wolf problems' and then we can all go for that butterbeer if you're still interested"
"Always. It is still my treat, no excuses."he said his smile turning more genuine. "Sigh, yes Dorian or shared pet... You really want a dog so badly? "He complained jokingly trying to return to the levity of before. "Moira wasn't enough for you? She is easier to clean up after. Were did he run off to anyways? Here boy!"
((Sorry guys I stopped getting notifications for some reason D: ))

Dorian rolls his eyes as he stumbles in behind them "You know that only works when there's a Frisbee" He laughs, picking up a small vial of something from a shelf and shaking it before turning back to his friends

"Besides Moira is at least 100 times cuter than me, she'd fit right in your pocket. I think wolf ass me would fit in a car maybe" He jokes, putting the vial back on the shelf and frowning as the shelf wobbles slightly and grinning to his friends "Whoops"
As Jupiter eats her plate of mashed potatoes and ham, she observes her classmates around her. They laugh and joke about various things, talking excitedly about one thing or another, and all Jupiter can think about is getting out of there. All the suddenly feel so out of place with these people I call my comrades..God I need some friends, she thinks. She quickly gathers up her bag and walks briskly from the large room, turning towards the Gryffindor common room.

As shes walking towards the stairs, something catches her eye on the ground. Bending down to look closer, she sees a small emerald amulet, the stone set in the mouth of a golden snake. Jupiter looks around for anyone that might have dropped it before carefully picking it up, turning it over in her hands. What a beautiful piece of jewelry..Someone is definitely going to miss this. She slips it into her pocket before moving forward again, maneuvering her way up the stairs. Jupiter admires the beautiful moving artwork on the walls, her eyes dancing over each painting slowly. She then walks into the common room, a wave of calm instantly spreading over her.

Jupiter walks up the stairs and enters the sleeping chambers, picking her bath tote up off the floor by her bead and moving into one of the private bathrooms. She turns on the hot water of the bath, sprinkling some lavender scented beads into the tub before quickly undressing and stepping into it. As she sinks down into the water, she reaches over the short wall of the tub, slipping into the pocket of her coat and grabbing the amulet. Relaxing back, Jupiter examines the stone more closely, wondering how such a beautiful artifact could get lost.
Oghren walked around the forest, occasionally noticing a Centaur and other creatures after some passing of time. The eyes looking over and behind trees and up in branches toward different spots of ground and small hills. Seemingly everything was clear of the dark arts, nothing dangerous outside the common risks the forest provided. Even a bit peaceful and had some beauty to it during the cover of night, a look up toward the moon as it lit the forest grounds and peaked through the trees. The nature of the vast wilderness providing a scenery of worth to observe and enjoy in its own way.

Oghren continued his patrol for a time, before returning to the forests border to Hogwarts and sitting himself down in front of the tree. While leaning himself back against its base and relaxing a bit, while watching for signs of suspicious activity and observing the forest as a whole, every so often turning his head and looking toward hogwarts.

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