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  1. Gillie

    Realistic or Modern Fanzine/Magazine?!

    Very awesome idea, definitely something I could get behind.
  2. Gillie

    Realistic or Modern Cabin Fever

    Great idea! Count me in.
  3. Gillie

    Realistic or Modern Summer Lovin'

    My interest has definitely be piqued.
  4. Gillie

    Realistic or Modern VAMPIRE COVEN

    Very interested. Would love a male vampire spot if there is one available.
  5. Gillie

    Diablo 3 anyone?

    I know some of you out there must play D3. I play mostly seasonals, so if you wanna come jam so grifts, rifts or bounties you name it. bbis #6601
  6. Gillie

    Dota 2 anybody?

    Anyone out there who plays Dota 2? Maybe in the Australia/New Zealand region. Please save me from friends who seem intent on playing bot games. Steam profile:
  7. Gillie

    Video Games League of Legends

    Any other OCE players? Haven't played in a while so I may be a bit rusty. Add me ign: Gillie
  8. Gillie

    Fantasy Kloxia, Academia de Mythe

    Nathan Barker By the time Nathan realised what the time lunch was nearly over and it was nearly time for class. Quickly he set the painting away to dry and left the arts room where he had spent the last few hours. Strolling through the halls again, his eyes flickering from page to infront...
  9. Gillie

    Fantasy Kloxia, Academia de Mythe

    Nathan Barker He hadn't exactly been paying attention whilst the headmistress gave her welcoming speech for the year, his head down reading the book that was on his lap, often seen like this. In fact he was one of the last few left seated until someone tapped him on the shoulder telling...
  10. Gillie

    Kloxia, Academia de Mythe

    Full Name: Nathan Barker Appearance: Additional appearance notes: He is overall a pretty tall lanky guy standing at 6'7 , sandy blonde hair, his iris's look as if they are actually rolling waves. In his water spirit form:
  11. Gillie

    A dream is what you want to do, but still haven't pursued.

    A dream is what you want to do, but still haven't pursued.
  12. Gillie

    Fantasy Précieux Academy: The Gemholders

    ...again, heading back towards the boys dorm, to check whom his room mate was if he was there at all in fact, still humming away his tune and his eyes half closed again. Off in his own little dream world. (@Anyone who just craves interaction with the one and only Jimmy Barret. *waggles eyebrows.*)
  13. Gillie

    Précieux Academy: The Gemholders - Notes

    Jimmy Barret for President. Every one who votes for him gets big ole kiss. ;) (Promises may or may not be made.)
  14. Gillie

    Fantasy Précieux Academy: The Gemholders

    Jimmy Barret As Jimmy slowly stood from his seat as he was dismissed from class he couldn't hold it in any longer, he began to practically howl with laughter, tears of joy practically running from the corners of his eyes as he held onto a desk so he didn't just end up rolling around on the...
  15. Gillie

    Fantasy Précieux Academy: The Gemholders

    Jimmy Barret "Ah ned tuh hedph tuh clashfh! Thalke tuh yuh latehhrr!" That was what heard as he after the announcement from over the PA. "Okay. See ya later Kith." He said to her as he watched her go he didn't really understand the whole rushing off to class. We're they all really...
  16. Gillie

    Fantasy Précieux Academy: The Gemholders

    Jimmy Barret Oh good she doesn't hate me. He thought as he returned the awkward side hug thing. "So how was your holidays?" He asked her as to get the coversation rolling as he took a bite. Had he been worried she hated him or that the teasing over the years had been too much? Yeah he...
  17. Gillie

    Fantasy Précieux Academy: The Gemholders

    Jimmy Barret Jimmy so far his day had been pretty bland to say the least, he hadn't harassed to many people before orientation, or told to many sickly jokes. He did think orientation was pretty same old same old except for Professor De'Luca being 'prepared' this year for a change. Boy was...
  18. Gillie

    Fandom Aincrad, Castle in The Sky

    He had just finished talking to the NPC about profession his head filled with what ones he wanted to pursue, until his day dream was interrupted by a tap on the shoulder from another player by the name of God_Hand. He quickly turned his head to look at the other player. "Hey, I'm sort of new...
  19. Gillie

    Fantasy Précieux Academy: The Gemholders

    Jimmy Barret Another year and here Jimmy stood out the front of Précieux Academy, everything seemed the same as it had when he had been standing there the year before and the year before that, the only thing that seemed to change over the holidays, is the fact that there is a new lot of...
  20. Gillie

    Fandom Aincrad, Castle in The Sky

    There he stood in the 'Town of Beginnings' after having spent most of his time on so far getting used to player movement and the likes, he wasn't new to MMO's but this was his first VR and it really was a great experience so far, over his first probably 20 minutes he had spent a fair chunk of it...