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Fantasy Précieux Academy: The Gemholders

Azure Edge

All of these classes... they were... no... this whole school, it really was weird to him... the presentation, the hippie dippie and history buff teachers... He didn't want to stand out or do anything meaningful until the first day was over, and just sort of assess everything like he was some sort of forgettable background character... but this school was set to earn some sort of reaction out of anyone. This school was definitely crazy, but even so, it would be a great improvement from his older school.


The only problem now was of course, the fact that he had free time. Thoughts of how he used to just do his own thing all alone pervaded his mind. Despite having slightly more in common with everyone here, he somehow felt weird about that fact... Considering some of these teachers...

"I don't think trying to not stand out is even a problem... With the way everyone here acts... Why would anyone pay me any mind? ... I probably shouldn't be so negative anyway, this is supposed to be a good thing still... Just... Pick someone..."

As he looked around, he realized that... Most everyone had already left... Was his first instance of free time really going to be spent working on homework? He decided that he'd have the rest of tonight to do it... Instead, he decided that maybe he could at least make an acquaintance out someone, and approached Eveline since she was still here, and to try to be casual about it.

"Today really was something else... Some of the teachers seem to be a bit much for me, as far as some of their personalities go. What do you think?"

Sunni shuffled her feet and glanced at the students leaving the classroom. She stared out of a window at the green grass outside and felt even more antsy. She couldn't remain indoors for much longer or she would go insane. She felt a moment of sadness for the kids in the Honours Class who would have to stay inside for another whole period. She looked towards Hector and the other girl that was talking to him. "Hi! I don't know if we've met before! I'm Sunni!" She waved to the other girl.

"So how does this sound you two. It's starting to feel like the walls are moving in on us and I can't stay in here much longer, I don't know about you two. Do either of you do archery? Because I think that's where I may head if either of you don't have an idea! The school has bows that you can borrow if you want to learn!"
She had no clue if either of them actually enjoyed archery or not but if they wanted to learn she was more than willing to teach. Anything to get them out of this tiny building.

@Psylion @ActionPony

Claire Ryelle

Claire felt like an outsider in the classroom. As far as she was aware, anyone in the Honors class pretty much started off in the Honors class from year one. She didn't know of any students that had been moved into the class after their first year, but then again, she didn't really know many students at all.

She waited patiently for the Headmistress to arrive, somewhat apprehensive about what the class would bring. Claire's train of thought was abruptly ripped away from her, at the greeting of a somewhat familiar voice. "So wait, you're in the honor's class but you don't recognize me? Did you start this year?"

Managing a smile, she turned toward his voice, frantically trying to remember his name, and eventually succeeding. "Oh, hello there, Sipho." Pausing a moment to consider his question, she squinted one eye, and bit her lip. "I wasn't actually in the Honors' class last year. This is my second year at the Academy, but for whatever reason, I suppose someone decided I belong here." The girl chuckled awkwardly, and shrugged. Though Sipho's question had likely been completely innocent, it only served to reinforce her fear that she would be viewed as somewhat of an outsider in the class. Nevertheless, she did her best to continue the conversation. He seemed to be a pretty decent guy, from what she was able to tell, and she didn't exactly have groups of students tripping over themselves to befriend her. "How about you? How long have you been here?"

@Prizzy Kriyze

Eveline Pender

Class had ended abruptly, with the majority of the students rushing to pack up and be out of there for their free time. The teacher was left to yell at them to remember the homework and seem completely psycho while doing it. But, honestly, there goes another fairly typical day at Precieux Academy. They would definitely be called excentric to anyone out there who hadn't gone to the school for at least a year.

Eveline had only managed to see Zeek once after classes finally begun, and there he was again, leaving for the 'Honors Class' like he was better than her. Well, she'd have to show him at the end of the day, most likely with a rap on the arm, or something of the sort.

After shoving her various items into her messenger bag, she glanced around the room, noticing that almost everyone had already left. They were either out to attend the special class, or meeting up with their friends during the free time of the day. There was one other person who seemed to be doing the same thing as her. That thought of hers was confirmed when he turned his attention to Eve and asked, "Today really was something else... Some of the teachers seem to be a bit much for me, as far as some of their personalities go. What do you think?"

Eve shrugged and made her way over to the guy, probably one of the new kids who's first year was this one. "Yeah, I thought that, too, on my first day here. Don't worry, you get used to it." She paused for a moment. "Although, I suppose that may or may not be a good thing."

"So, are you a freshman here at this wonderful, completely normal school?"

@Advent Azure
Azure was a little nervous about talking to the girl. Of course it didn't show on him that he was nervous, since well... Who'd want to talk to someone how looked unnerved by so much as talking to someone, a girl no less? Probably jerks who'd want to take advantage of anyone and force em to be 'friends'... That or the girl might think the one approaching them was trying to muster up the courage to confess their feelings...

Maybe overthinking about this wasn't the way to go, since it looked like he was going to get some kind of response out of her. "Yeah, I thought that, too, on my first day here. Don't worry, you get used to it."

Not only was it a responce, but a one that suggested a level of understanding. She was a keeper!..... In terms of possible friendship... He just did his best to keep any sort of major facial expression changed, and went from an almost idle casual plain face to a bit of a smile. "Although, I suppose that may or may not be a good thing."

"Hmm... I guess as long as I keep a sense of self here, it'd be fine if I got used to it, and not just swept up by some of the madness."

It felt nice to actively speak a bit of his mind about things he thought about, rather than keeping his thoughts to himself. It does mean though that he can no longer can fade into the background completely, and observe whatever without being noticed, but he realized, it was a worthy sacrifice. "So, are you a freshman here at this wonderful, completely normal school?"

"Ya... That's me. Took the words out of my mouth. Still I guess this kind of normal can't be that bad with nice people like you around. Do Ya have any tips for a newbie like me? It sounds like you know this place pretty well?"


Gabriel Ordion, Jr.

Gabriel gave a tiny grin, glad that the woman wasn't angry with him for being late. It was a relief that he wouldn't be given a detention or any other sort of disciplinary action. It wasn't a good first impression, but he was still able to make it up by being a good student. He just would have to monitor his sleep to prevent himself from dozing off in class. A new school, new habits.

He took the portfolio gingerly, looking inside of it quickly and then back up to the woman as she spoke. "
Inside is your dorm key, a list of your classes and your professors, and a campus map." Gabriel pulled the campus map out, scanning it over quickly. He would have to memorize it later, so if he lost it, he could still get around without needing to bother someone for directions. He folded it back up and placed it in the front-left pocket of his jeans, making sure it was snug enough to not fall out. He then pulled out his dorm key, and placed it in his right pocket. He could stash that on a key chain later.

He then pulled out his class list, browsing over the professors as Mrs. Tarron talked, though he only assumed she was married due to her swollen belly. "
Classes just ended, so you don't need to worry about that until tomorrow...though if you would like to go pick up your homework, you can do that." Gabriel looked up at the woman and nodded. "You're right...I should probably go and get that done so I don't get in trouble." Just then, a woman walked out of an office nearby, walking up to the secretary. This was obviously the Headmistress, as Gabriel could tell from the way she walked with purpose, spoke with authority, and just had that general vibe of someone who knew how to take charge. It was a little frightening to him.

The teen boy shrank lower into the mental protectiveness of his scarf, the dull blue color of it hoping to hide his sheepishness. She seemed to look him over just barely as the secretary introduced Miss Forst, and then walked off to a classroom nearby, supposedly to look after two students who received detention. Two people had detention on the first day of school? Not a good start. And he was slightly confused if the woman had meant an actual mute student, or just one that didn't talk much.

His body untensed after she left, and he turned back to Mrs. Tarron, who also turned back to Gabriel himself. "
Forgive her. She's had...err...a long day. But anyway, is there anything I can help you with?"

Gabriel shook his head, picking up his suitcase again. "
No, I believe I'm good now. Thank you very much..." He smiled faintly as he turned around and began to walk away, fixing his backpack one more time on his shoulders, Jeo rattling slightly in the backpack.

Thinking it would be a good idea to first of all get a good idea of what his classes would look like, and some of the students in them, he decided to go to his dorms later. He wasn't carrying anything over cumbersome, so it wasn't too much for him to explore the school a bit more. He might as well receive his homework while he was getting a lay of the land.

He walked down the hallway, passing the first classroom and stealing a quick peak in. Student's were chatting with each other, reading, doing homework, or just relaxing. It was a little weird, honestly. His previous high school was more strict about students and their habit of staying in classrooms, since a lot of the kids that did so were those that got in trouble by vandalizing with graffiti, or picking on the underclassmen. Maybe it was just that since this place was safe for the Gemholders, they were allowed more freedom, since they lived under a threat of being turned into weapons. It sent a shiver down his spine.

He passed another classroom and tilted his head towards it to pick up any conversations that were interesting. It was another bad habit, his eavesdropping. He developed it by having people think he was asleep to not bother him, and they would chat around him. He should work on that habit over the year, too. "
...second year at the Academy, but for whatever reason, I suppose someone decided I belong here..."

Must be one of the special classes for gifted kids. His school had one of those, and they were all the snotty ones who thought they were better than the rest of the student body. He would hold judgement on them until he actually met one of them outside of class.

He walked past a couple more classes, silent and trying to not draw attention to himself. If he happened to stumble across the library, maybe he could spend a couple hours there until dinner or something. Though, his nervousness was eating away at his appetite, so he would probably just skip out on that. He came up to the next classroom and listened in from around the doorway.

are you a freshman here at this wonderful, completely normal school?"

Gabriel stopped in his tracks. Was whoever spoke talking to him? Had they heard him around the corner, and guessed he was a nervous student who was trying to get a self-tour? He wasn't a freshman exactly, but he was definitely a new student. Was there some way people could tell that? If so, was he going to be picked on like the other students at his old school? His mind raced in a hundred different directions, and he decided if they were talking to him, he shouldn't be rude. He quickly turned the corner. "
Y-yeah, I'm Gab-"

His tongue caught in his mouth when he noticed that it was actually two other students talking to each other. In that moment, when the boy spoke in response to the girl, Gabriel was sure his face flushed in embarrassment. '
Smooth, Gabe. Smoooooth...' he thought to himself and began to slide past the doorway, covering his entire face with his scarf and attempting to not be noticed. You can't see them, they can't see you...

@dragonslayr @Advent Azure


Eveline Pender

Eve heard another, timid voice come from the doorway to the room. She glanced over her shoulder and saw another guy, most definitely around the same age as herself and the person she was currently speaking with. He seemed possibly a little lost, and for some odd reason embarrassed enough to be hiding his face with a scarf. Eve furrowed her brows questioningly before realizing why he might be feeling self-conscious at that moment. He had blurted out something in response to a question that wasn't being asked of him.

"Hey," Eve said sociably. "Were you saying that you were a freshman, too. Come in here and introduce yourself. My name is Eve," she continued to both of them. "This is currently my 3rd year at this school, so I guess I know quite a bit about this place. My advice for you would only be to do as much as you can. Participate and make friends. I makes free time much easier."

It was not the best pep talk or way of reassuring new students, but Eve had been subject to something fairly similar during her first year at the school. She obviously turned out fine, right? Anyway, she decided that she had nothing better to add to it and waited for whatever reactions they had to it, good or bad.

@Refaulted @Advent Azure
Azure Zelo

Azure thought he was hearing voices, considering that it almost sounded like that someone was answering the question poised to him. The weird part was how it sounded cutoff, like it was some sort of accident, and got him a little curious and looked to see whose voice that could be, when he saw someone with a scarf for a face...... No that isn't right... It's someone being 'that' level of weird again.

If he's gonna get used to this school though, he'll have to accept that some people are like that, and get to know those sorts of people. "Ya, this place looks like it's new people friendly. I don't think there's a reason to hide like that."

He knew all about how to go super incognito mode... And well... Gabe's method certainly isn't it. If anything it'll attract more attention. As he shifted his attention back to eve, she gave em the advice he asked about earlier, as well as her name. That's a relief though, as people seldom give out their names to weirdoes, meaning that she was nice indeed, and used to the thing.

"Ah, I see that does make sense, joining in on events and stuff like that, thanks for the advice. My name is Azure also, nice to meet you." He then turned his attension to the mystery scarf man, seeing as how eve was trying to get him to join on in. "Ya, my name is Azure if you couldn't hear, what would yours be?"

@dragonslayr @Refaulted
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Jimmy Barret

Orientation day done. Jimmy thought to himself as he stood and walked out the door of Gems throughout history. He didn't have anything to worry about, except for the homework that his teachers had ever so kindly set out for everyone. Knowing Jimmy he would either leave it till the very last minute or not at all. He also had more important things on his mind, well more important to him at least, things like who his room mate was since he hadn't even checked or seen them this morning when he'd dropped his things off earlier, and at the top of his list the student government.

He hummed a tune to himself as he took a casual stroll through the academy, his eyes half closed, enjoying the way the sun warmed his skin.
Much warmer than where I spent my holidays. He thought to himself as he hummed to himself stopping by the bulletin board to sign up for class president like he had the previous year, he could see it in his head now, a big banner with his name on it, fireworks the whole shebang. Well maybe he was going overboard a little. A little more like a lot. Oh well a guy can dream.

And away he went again, heading back towards the boys dorm, to check whom his room mate was if he was there at all in fact, still humming away his tune and his eyes half closed again. Off in his own little dream world.

(@Anyone who just craves interaction with the one and only Jimmy Barret. *waggles eyebrows.*)


Hector Song

Free Time

Hector looked around the room. He didn't seem to think that the walls were closing in on him. Must have been something only Sunni could feel. He didn't really waste anytime. "Yeah that sounds like a capital idea Sunni. I'm not sure if I can really do archery, but it's worth a shot. Pun intended." Hector smiled and laughed at his own joke. He made his way to the door and opened it. He held the door open for the ladies. His mother always told him that a small bit of courtesy can go a long way. He rubbed the back of his neck feeling the smooth surface of the gem. It was almost a instinctive motion at this point. Hector thinks he does this for a few reasons. One was to simply confirm that the gem as still there. You tend to forget stuff that you don't see all the time. So touching it made it easier for him to realize that he has one. Another reason could be that it's his way of passively showing that he's either nervous or impatient. Some people do weird things when they are impatient or nervous .As he stood at the door he looked out the window of the classroom. It was a rather nice day outside all things considered.

@ActionPony @CasualDragon

Deven Harlan

"Deven? Can I enter?"

And then came this voice, all of a sudden. The windows were all closed, and so was the front door, apparently. The voice echoed throughout the dorm room, not as loud as yelling at the Main Hall, but, loud enough for Deven to hear. Oh. Somebody here other than Claire actually knew his name? Hmm... well. Could be a teacher, but at this time of the evening, Deven could only guess that, it was his roommate.

Perfect timing. By the time his roommate had called out for him, Deven had already finished showering and 'washing' his clothes; a person like him only knew the basics of 'showering', and so, showering his clothes with detergent, he did.

"C-Come on in.." Of course, Deven spoke this out too quietly; it was a mere mumble. He made absolute sure that he was now in fresh clothing either way. His wet and 'showered' clothes, and his towel, hung on random hangers in the showers. He took small, and slow steps, walking towards the front door to, personally open it for his roommate. Right hand on the door knob, fingers wrapped onto it also, and finally, twist, and pull. At the same time, he took a few steps back, to avoid hitting himself while opening the door.

Done. Door opened. Roommate seen. This, guy, was, not what Deven had expected, or even hoped to see, but, yeah. He was expecting a hot, professional body-building, gem-holding swimmer to be his roommate, but! This guy seemed okay. He, was, decent.

"H-Hai. R-Room-mate. Right? I-In... c-come on in.." .. Decent enough to make Deven, nervous, anyways. But then again, excluding his parents, who -COULDN'T- make him nervous?

Lilin Cadmia - The Accelady

"Oh wait, I forgot." Lilin suddenly spoke up. "I apologize but I can't go with you guys today, I apparently have detention over something I myself don't understand." She added as she stood up, packed her stuff. "I'll see you guys tomorrow or later?" She suggested as she stood up and started to leave the classroom. She was now on her way to detention.

She slowly made her way to the Headmistress's Office, already scribbling in an extra notebook.

Year 10 Day 57

They finally got me cornered, don't have a choice but to fight for my life and hope to get away.

Day in School 1

I got lost and missed one period, got detention because of something I don't understand, missed another period, made friends. So far the day looks like it could get even worse. I really hope someone explains to me what I did wrong.

Thomas Norak

Thump...Thump...Thump... "This headache is killing me. If this day gets any worse I'll make a noose of vines and hang myself. " Thomas thought to himself as he walked towards the nurse's office after having gathered his homework. He wished he could just fall into a garden and vanish like he used to as a child. "This is the Worst day I've ever had in my entire life." He walked slowly and frowned before thinking about what areas had the best soil for him to grow. That was when the idea hit him that he should try a gardening club. He stepped into the building and stood in front of the desk to wait for the nurse.

@Queen Rai (He needs a doctor.)

Kana Altair

"Oooooh! I don't know what I should do with him!" Kana said to herself while she thought about the boy she'd been talking to most of the day. He was a nice guy and she was starting to learn to like him. She shook her head violently to shake him out of her thoughts but it wasn't doing any good.

CasualDragon said:
Sunni shuffled her feet and glanced at the students leaving the classroom. She stared out of a window at the green grass outside and felt even more antsy. She couldn't remain indoors for much longer or she would go insane. She felt a moment of sadness for the kids in the Honours Class who would have to stay inside for another whole period. She looked towards Hector and the other girl that was talking to him. "Hi! I don't know if we've met before! I'm Sunni!" She waved to the other girl.

"So how does this sound you two. It's starting to feel like the walls are moving in on us and I can't stay in here much longer, I don't know about you two. Do either of you do archery? Because I think that's where I may head if either of you don't have an idea! The school has bows that you can borrow if you want to learn!"
She had no clue if either of them actually enjoyed archery or not but if they wanted to learn she was more than willing to teach. Anything to get them out of this tiny building.

@Psylion @ActionPony
@Psylion @CasualDragon

Amy told Sunni: "Hi Sunni, I'm Amy. Archery sounds interesting."

Amy, of course, had no idea how to do archery, but she felt that she would cross that bridge when she came to it, and that anyways, it would probably be good to learn. She asked Hector:

"So, we're going out to the archery range?
"Yup, we're heading to the range!Why don't you think you can do archery? Have you ever tried? Well let's go! I stored my bow there already so we can go straight there! And there's an outdoor range so we won't have to be indoors. It'll be fun." She ran through the open door and thanked him on her way out. "Look!" She said enthusiastically. "You can see the range from here! It's been so long! There was no range at the base I stayed at over summer!" She walked down the hallway towards the door out of the school building.

"So archery is pretty simple really! Pick a bow that you would like and grab the corresponding quiver and arrows to start with!" She skipped down the steps of the building and smiled broadly. "Phew out of that building. Man I thought that place was going to collapse on us." She mumbled before setting off towards the range and gear area. "That was a nice pun earlier. You might say that it was on point."She headed at a light jog towards the archery range, the quicker she got there the better, besides she had to teach these two about the best sport to ever exist.

@ActionPony @Psylion

Gabriel Ordion, Jr.

Gabriel peeked at the two, holding his scarf up with one hand, holding his suitcase in the other. They both had their eyes on him now, and he must of definitely looked like the freaky kid. What sane person used a scarf to hide in plain sight? He usually only used it as a way to let people know he didn't want to talk, often seen doing art or reading a book when he was in that position. Why he thought it would fix his misinterpretation of basic social conversation with others was beyond his reasoning at the moment. All he knew was that his face was as red as a ripe tomato.

My advice for you would only be to do as much as you can. Participate and make friends. I makes free time much easier." Participate, make friends. This Eve girl was sounding like a social worker at his old school. It was slightly amusing. He looked at her over the fabric he held to his mouth, debating on actually introducing himself. He wasn't sure...

Ya, this place looks like it's new people friendly. I don't think there's a reason to hide like that." Gabriel's gaze shifted over to the green-haired boy that was sitting next to the girl. At first glance, the green hair was slightly off putting. But after a moment of looking over him, he didn't seem like someone who would hurt anyone. He seemed pretty laid back, maybe even lazy. He looked at the girl and agreed of being good advice given, and said his name, which was Azure. Certainly a very interesting (and cool) name. As was Eve. Why did he feel like he had such a plain one?

When they both looked at him again, he allowed his body to untense a little bit. They both looked like nice people, so what reason was there for him to be afraid of them? He was bound to see them throughout the year, he knew it. He let his scarf fall down from his hand, the only thing it covering now was his chin and neck. He smiled meekly and rubbed his suitcase-carrying arm with his free hand, up and down, which was something he did whenever he met someone new. "
I-I'm Gabriel Ordion, Jr...though the 'junior' part isn't that important to my name...I just arrived a little bit ago, so I was late for orientation and classes..." He chuckled lightly.

@dragonslayr @Advent Azure

Hector Song

Free Time

Hector followed the girls out of the building. He chuckled along with the joke that Sunni had made as they made their way to the archery range. She seemed to be really happy to be out of the building. Maybe she's just claustrophobic or something? He shrugged it off without much more thought. We all have our fears and vices he thought to himself. As they continued their way outside Sunni went into a light jog. She must really like archery to try and get there as quickly as possible. Hector simply smiled as he continued at he leisurely pace. It gave him time to talk to Amy and even think about whatever Lilin did to get detention on the first day. Was that normal in private schools? Maybe Lilin was just special... Well more special anyways. After all everyone at this school is rather 'special'. They have precious stones embedded into them. If that wasn't special, Hector didn't want to know what is then. Okay he'd want to know a little at least.

"So tell me about yourself Amy. You seem rather quite. Not used to school or is it just this school?" Hector tried to break the ice as smoothly as possible. A joke seemed like a good idea in this type of scenario right? At least that's what he read about in a book once. Start with something that would ease any tension in the other person like a joke. Then branch into small talk or a topic of relative interest. Archery seemed like a good follow-up. It would also get Sunni involved while she taught them the sport. He nodded in approval of himself. The thought process was just like he read. Maybe you can apply everything you learn from a book?

@Metaphysics (mentioned)

Sipho Sinclair

"Oh, hello there, Sipho. I wasn't actually in the Honors' class last year. This is my second year at the Academy, but for whatever reason, I suppose someone decided I belong here." Sipho nodded politely and smiled. The girl didn't exactly radiate social aptitude, but she had a charm in some way, he supposed. She was very polite at least. Maybe she was raised in a rich family? "How about you? How long have you been here?" Sipho looked back at her and replied "I've been here for two years, this being the third. I haven't really heard about late arrivals to the honor's class before, but I suppose you're pretty special then."

CasualDragon said:
"Yup, we're heading to the range!Why don't you think you can do archery? Have you ever tried? Well let's go! I stored my bow there already so we can go straight there! And there's an outdoor range so we won't have to be indoors. It'll be fun." She ran through the open door and thanked him on her way out. "Look!" She said enthusiastically. "You can see the range from here! It's been so long! There was no range at the base I stayed at over summer!" She walked down the hallway towards the door out of the school building.
"So archery is pretty simple really! Pick a bow that you would like and grab the corresponding quiver and arrows to start with!" She skipped down the steps of the building and smiled broadly. "Phew out of that building. Man I thought that place was going to collapse on us." She mumbled before setting off towards the range and gear area. "That was a nice pun earlier. You might say that it was on point."She headed at a light jog towards the archery range, the quicker she got there the better, besides she had to teach these two about the best sport to ever exist.

@ActionPony @Psylion
Amy selected her bow and arrows and then followed Sunni. Once she reached the archery range, she looked to Sunni for instructions on what to do, as Amy had not participated in any sport of any kind before. It just wasn't her thing. Of course, she hadn't really known much about archery before, so it was too soon to judge on that. Amy would figure out if she liked it or not based mostly on what she tried here.

Of course, she had to wait for Sunni to tell her what to do. Otherwise, she'd be just as likely to hit her own foot as the target.
Sunni grabbed the bow and quiver of arrows that had been stowed away for the summer and stroked them lovingly. "It's been too long." She murmured to the bow. She clipped the quiver to a belt loop and looked to her companions. "Step one. Check your arrows." She pulled an arrow out of the quiver. "See this part here?" She pointed at a thin plastic piece close to the end. "These are called the fletching. Most modern bows use plastic for the fletching although some arrows still use feathers. Check to make sure that all of your arrows have three bits of fletching on them."

As she spoke she looked over her own arrows to ensure that her fletching was fine. She noticed one arrow and pulled it out, putting away the one she had pulled out before. "Step two. Check the fletching for problems. See this arrow?" She held it up. "This one piece of fletching is bent slightly and this one here has a tiny crack. Both problems may seem small, but in reality they can cause huge problems for the arrow. One tiny crack like this and your arrow could swerve heavily or drop heavier. Make sure that there's no problem with the fletching." She fingered the bent piece on hers before placing the arrow back in the quiver. "I won't use this arrow but I'll keep it so that I can use it as an example to get more arrows made."

@ActionPony @Psylion

Eveline Pender

Eve nodded politely to the two boys she was chatting with. They seemed to be pretty nice, and at least one of them went out of their way to talk to her, which wasn't exactly a typical thing in this school. If you looked past the oddities that they both possessed - well, who didn't have some kind of bizarre thing about them - they could make pretty good friend, or at least acquaintance, material. As they each introduced themselves, Eve felt like she wouldn't be solely hanging around with Zeek all the time.

"So, Gabe - do you mind if I call you Gabe? - that kind of sucks for the first day of school." Eve sympathized with anyone who had trouble at any point during the school year. "Well, at least the worst of it is over. Hey, this may sound weird, but your last name reminds me of a village in a video game I love to play. The village is called Ordon Village."

It mus have been pretty odd to hear something blurted out like that, but Eve didn't mind. They could think of her any way they wanted to - it would just be added to the long list of strange behaviors that she often did. To get back on a more normal topic, she added, "So, what classes are you guys in?" That was something that students often talked about, right? "I'm in Structure of Gems, Basic Combat- Offense, Spiritualism, and Gems Throughout History."

@Refaulted @Advent Azure (Damn, late post is uber late. Apologies, my friends)
"Hmm... well... its nice to meet you Gabriel"

Azure couldn't help but think that Gabriel was a girls name, he wasn't sure why, but the sound of the name had some sort of feminine touch to it. There was definitely something to it... although maybe he was just imaging the whole thing, either way, he's clearly a guy, and isn't any sort of name expert.

"I wouldn't know if missing today was a good thing or not, my classes so far have been pretty strange, and the orientation was pretty weird itself... but there was some homework that was handed out..."

He turned his attention to Eve as she asked her own question about what classes he and Gabriel had. Knowing would help with getting together or whatever. If he hadn't gone super incognito during this classes and orientation, maybe he would of noticed if he had more classes with these two, but it appeared that he only shared his last to classes with Eve from the sound of things "My classes are Biology: Gems, Basic Combat- Defense, Spiritualism, and this class, Gems Throughout History." Since she was asking around he turned his attention to Gabriel, since he'd probably speak about what his classes are... maybe... he does seem somehow anxious, and might not after all... or something

@dragonslayr @Refaulted

Gabriel Ordion, Jr.

Gabriel listened to the two teens speak, both of them seeming to be way more confident in being social with strangers than himself. That was good. If he actually ended up being friends with these two, he could let them do most of the talking until he felt like he fit in. It would of course be rude on his part to just stay completely silent, so he would add a word in here and there.

When Eve spoke about his name sounding like something from a video game, one called Ordon Village. It sounded familiar to him. Maybe he had played the game before? Either way, to know his name was similar to something out of a game was funny, and he smiled a little bit. Then the boy, Azure, spoke, about the orientation and homework, how the orientation was weird and there was not too much of the homework. That was good. Gabriel didn't like a lot of homework. Azure didn't seem like a bad character, really. He felt bad for being afraid of him before.

Eve asked about the classes the two boys were taking, and Gabriel was about to answer, his mouth partially open to answer, when Azure spoke out first. Azure and Eve seemed to both have their last two classes the same, but the first two different. Gabriel quickly looked down at the paper the headmistresses secretary gave him, checking his classes after the other teen boy had finished speaking. "
I have...Biology: Gems first period...Second period is Basic Combat: Offense...Spiritualism third...and lastly I have Gems Throughout History..." He looked up at the two. "So...I have first period with you, Mr. Azure...second period with you, Miss Eve...and the last two classes are the same for all of us..." He looked between the two, wondering if he spoke too much.

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