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Fantasy Précieux Academy: The Gemholders


"Aww, so you DO care. How sweet. I could handle the situation just fine, but if you want to then go right ahead."

Victoria resisted the urge to roll her eyes at Cyrus's comment, but she kept her gaze locked on Thomas. As the boy brushed passed her, Victoria gave a very light sigh of relief. Not turning back towards Cyrus, she girl slowly tilted her head from side to side, earning a few satisfying pops as she did. The was about to turn around to go back to her seat, saying,
"Don't flatter yourself. I just don't want to see this getting messy--"

The next few seconds were a blur to Victoria. The girl gave sharp gasp as she felt a hand wrap around her wrist, letting out a short yelp as she like her arm was about to pop from its socket. The next thing she new, her feet had left the ground and she was being heaved over Thomas's shoulder. From the corners of her eyes she could see the familiar reddish-orange glow of her kinetic fields enveloping her as she was hurled toward the floor. The girl's eyes widened, but before she could do anything...

Impact. The tiles around where the girl had landed had cracked and split, and she was about an inch deep into the floor. This was probably one the biggest downsides to her gem...she didn't actually have to be moving on her own for it to activate (thus the reason she can never go skydiving). Of course, the fields protected her from any severe damage...who knows what would've happened if she'd suffered that kind of impact without her shields?

The girl sputtered as she hit the ground, her breath forcefully ripped from her lungs as she landed. Shooting pains traveled from the back of her head to her tailbone, and for a moment, Victoria felt like she was going to pass out. But she didn't. She just stared wide-eyed at the ceiling, trying to catch her breath. What had happened?

☆★Professor Melvin Dario De'Luca★☆

"What the hell is going on out here?!"

Melvin stormed back into the classroom, slamming the door to his office shut as he evaluated the scene. He blinked upon seeing Victoria, laying stunned about an inch deep into the floor with a fired up looking Thomas standing over her, appearing to be ready to fight. The the broken tile fitted almost perfectly to the shape of her body, but that didn't really make a difference in his mind. The man frowned, narrowing his eyebrows as he knelt down beside Victoria. The man placed a hand on her shoulder, and quietly asked,
"Sweetheart? You okay there?"

Victoria squeezed her eyes shut, peeled an arm from where it had lodged itself in the tile the rub her eyes. She didn't say anything for a moment as she sat up, bits of broken tile falling from her hair. Melvin moved his hand to the girl's back to help her sit, and then she finally grunted,
"Don't call me that."

The man gave a small chuckle, but when he looked back at Cyrus and Thomas, his expression darkened again. The man rubbed one of his temples with a hand before snapping,
"Alright, what happened here?"

@cojemo @Holo @Prizzy Kriyze
Thomas Norak

Thomas grinned watching Victoria's mouth open and close like a fish on dry land. He was an asshole but if you respected him you'd find he could be a nice asshole. He heard the teacher come in and he started grabbing his things and stood by the door scribbling exactly what he'd said and done and what he'd seen. He was sure Victoria had tried to advance in him as he was pushing passed her too. He wrote the whole account including the injuries and aggression he'd recurve earlier in the day. He'd wasted most of his pencil trying to jot it all down just in case the teacher wasn't going to ignore him completely. He knew throwing the girl like a rag doll had been wrong but he had been and still was pissed in every sense of the word. He held out the paper to the teacher along with a very detailed and sincere apology for the floor. He however noted several times that he would not apologize to Victoria no matter what. He also demanded a unbiased person be in charge of administering any form of punishment. He also invoked his right to self defense by explaining that he thought Victoria had been swinging at him and he was v worried about the damage she'd cause to his life which was already pathetic enough without her help.

@Queen Rai

@Prizzy Kriyze

(Uh-huh. So that we don't have to throw in something like Haven having a stroke or spontaneously died, I'm just going to retcon that Haven actually stayed in the office, otherwise he would've thrown Thomas through a door long immediately after his first disrespectful comment.)

Haven Quinn

Some form of serious commotion was going on outside the office, enough that it even caught the attention of Melvin who stormed out into the classroom. Haven followed close behind and witnessed the battlefield outside. Victoria was lying half buried in the floor tiling, and over her stood the mute boy. Haven felt a twinge of anger, but had to suppress it. He couldn't start a fight with a student unprovoked like that, it'd do him nothing but make him lose his position. Instead, he followed Melvin - who managed to calm down the situation - like a shadow, and observed the kids to make sure they didn't do anything stupid.

The boy who'd seemed to have caused the damage was scribbling something on the door, but Haven couldn't care less. His attention was fixed to Melvin and Victoria, and how Victoria seemed to be quite upset. He couldn't help but feel a bit of worry boiling up, but then he realized that this could be a perfect situation. He was an assistant teacher, after all. He moved up alongside Melvin and crouched down to her level. "Do you need to visit the nurse?" He asked her in his regular emotionless voice. He couldn't let it shine through that she was special, after all.

He looked up at the boy who'd arrived first out of everyone, Cyrus, and a kid who just seemed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, but he recognized his face, Deven, and asked "Were either of you involved? Can you tell us what happened without bias?"

@Queen Rai




Cyrus Cooper

"Don't flatter yourself. I just don't want to see this getting messy--"

Before Victoria could even finish her statement, Thomas had grabbed her wrist, and with a twist of his body flipped her to the ground hard. The impact itself, with the help of the girls gem, cracked the ground where she had landed, and the sudden aggression from the other boy caused Cyrus to take a quick jump back to distance himself from the danger, an obvious expression of shock planted on his face. Adrenaline began pumping through his veins, though there was no plans of violence. He had no intentions of fighting beforehand, and had even planned to just take whatever hit was sent his way, but even with the amount of fights he'd gotten into this was surely one of the more violent starts. Maybe he was lucky that the girl took the hit for him.

Luckily, however, Melvin emerged from his office to actually do what a teacher was supposed to do. likely alerted by the loud crash caused by the monstrous collision with the ground. As the older man assessed the situation and attended to Victoria, Cyrus actually felt a small tinge of guilt as he looked down at the wreck. Sure he was trying to provoke a fight in the first place and sure he wasn't exactly the nicest guy one would ever meet, but he hadn't intended for anyone else to get hurt. It was his instigation that he suspected pushed Thomas to that point in the first place, so it should have been him to get flipped.

"Alright, what happened here?"

Cyrus looked back to Melvin with a blank expression, still considering what had happened. For sure Thomas would get in deep trouble, probably be at risk of severe punishment, and no doubt the blond would face consequences for prodding the issue. However, when he read the note the other boy had written up and saw how he was trying to pin the blame on Victoria... well, Cyrus wasn't having any of that. "That is complete garbage." Cyrus objected, pointing at the paper and turning to the assistant teacher to answer his question. "Look, here's the short of what happened. Thomas here was being a piece of garbage, bringing unnecessary drama into the classroom among other things, so I decided to intervene and chat. Things escalated, as they always do when I'm around, and then Victoria stepped in between the two of us to prevent any fight that may break out, and then Thomas just flipped her for no reason. There was no damn self defense, or even a chance he could have thought there was. Heck, she was talking to me when she was assaulted. He was completely unprovoked. This is between me and him, Victoria was just a simple student trying to help out." His tone was much more serious and stern than it usually was, as this was something he didn't want to let slide. If there was one good thing you could say about Cyrus, it's that he took complete responsibility for his own problems, and though one could argue that the girl was just as big of a part of the whole mess as him, there was no way he was going to let her get the blame pushed on her.

@Queen Rai


@Prizzy Kriyze


(Sorry this post isn't all that great, but I wanted to get something up so everyone wouldn't be left hanging while I'm offline.)

Deven Harlan

.. Oh.. wait. That was a death glare? The barely awake Deven did not seem to see it, that way. He saw the blurry face of a childish mute guy, barely, just not the angry part. And then, a lot of, other things unfolded right in front of him. He-- ouch! Deven was not alright, this drowziness of his was 'worsening'. He could have sworn that he felt his head throbbing, or perhaps, it was simply pure dizziness. Whatever the case, safe to say, he was pretty much. Unaware of the current situation.

A female student enraged, a 'worried' teacher, an angry mute. Oh, and there was this one student who was explaining the whole thing, to this man. Who..?

"Were either of you involved? Can you tell us what happened without bias?"

Who was this again? Never had Deven's pair of eyes ever, picked up such a voice. Was it a fellow student, classmate? A teacher? He could not tell; he was unable to. But he responded, "Felt.. bump.... pillows..", though he did not answered the asked question, not at all. He stated his 'craving' for pillows at the end. At this rate, he just might temporarily replace mister-want-sleep guy back at the Cafeteria. Deven was, practically, clinging onto this, Haven guy, embracing him, hugging him. Also. This man was like 'Heaven', just missing the 'e'. But he sure felt equal to, Heaven.


@Prizzy Kriyze)

@Holo Mentioned. Sorry for tagging you..!)

@cojemo By mention.)

@Queen Rai Mentioned only with a few words. Sorry!)

(@Larry Technically, mentioned with 8 words. Also sorry for tagging you!)
Thomas Norak

Thomas had finished his whole statement and had made it as unbiased and honest as he could. He did admit that he was wrong in more than one of the occasions but he still upholds that while he was trying to get past Victoria he saw her move and reacted instinctively. He also pulled out the note he'd gotten from the nurse for his crushed toe as further evidence that he had reason to worry about the girl even poking him. He stepped between Haven and Cyrus before holding out his full and completely honest statement to Haven. He then went back to the door when he figured nobody here wanted the truth and a thought popped into his head causing the boy to smirk. If they didn't believe him and asked for a different statement he'd merely write five words. "You can't handle the truth!" He thought to himself looking at the others in the room. He then started to slowly space out planning to ignore the whole situation until they told him to move. If any of them came at him he'd simply leave behind more wounded when he left the room. The first person to come at him would be sidestepped and slammed into the wall with sickening force and speed. The second person who tried to attack him would simply get their elbow shattered. The third would get flipped like a coin and the fourth would have their windpipe closed for a few seconds while Thomas spun and planted a boot in their chest. If anybody decided to try anything he'd respond in that form.

@Queen Rai

@Prizzy Krizye




★☆Professor Melvin Dario De'Luca☆★

"Do you need to visit the nurse?"

Victoria placed a hand to her head, sniffing as she let out a small groan. She opened and closed her eyes over and over, trying to refocus her vision. She turned her face slightly towards Haven, letting her eyes fall on him for the first time in two years. Everything was a little spotty...was that bad? She shrugged it off after the completely blacked out spots in her vision began to fade. The girl shook her head, and then let out a simple (yet slightly cold sounding),

Melvin took Victoria's hand, more of less peeling her out of the floor as he helped her stand. The girl brushed of the bits of tile from her back, hair, arms...ugh. The girl pulled her hand away from Melvin as she walked back to her seat. Amazingly, she wasn't injured. A little dazed from impact, probably...but the shooting pains in her back had stopped, and she felt almost completely fine.

Melvin picked up the note from the floor, looking over it briefly. He blinked at it a few times as he stood before tossing it onto Victoria's desk gesturing for her to read it.

"That is complete garbage. Look, here's the short of what happened. Thomas here was being a piece of garbage, bringing unnecessary drama into the classroom among other things, so I decided to intervene and chat. Things escalated, as they always do when I'm around, and then Victoria stepped in between the two of us to prevent any fight that may break out, and then Thomas just flipped her for no reason. There was no damn self defense, or even a chance he could have thought there was. Heck, she was talking to me when she was assaulted. He was completely unprovoked. This is between me and him, Victoria was just a simple student trying to help out."

Melvin raised his eyebrows, but didn't say anything. He gave a small grunt as he stepped back behind his desk, leaning back in his chair as he opened up another carton of eggrolls. The man raised an eyebrow as Thomas presented a note written by Anaise for a...broken toe? The man glanced over at Victoria, and then asked,
"Why'd you do that?"

The girl was silent for a moment, almost as if she didn't hear the man. She let out a sigh, and then grumbled,
"I didn't want to break it. He grabbed me...I didn't know him, so of course, I reacted in the same way anyone would. He claimed that he was 'saving me' from the spikes of that little...cactus thing...but if he had left me alone like I had been asking him to, he wouldn't have need to 'protect me' at all."

Melvin nodded as he stuffed an eggroll into his mouth. He paused for a second, taking a moment to chew and swallow. Victoria's story didn't seem unlikely...and the man knew her well enough to know that she wouldn't lie just to get another student in trouble. The man tapped a chopstick against his chin for a moment...and then he said,
"Thomas, I'll let you go over to the Headmistress's office. I'll have someone let your combat teacher know where you are. We've already wasted twenty minutes on this..."

Victoria didn't dare remind him that he was in his office for most of that time.

"Ehh...Haven, why don't you pass out homework and...I dunno, do introductions and whatever..." the man yawned, leaning back in his seat and folding his hands over his stomach.

@Prizzy Kriyze @Holo @cojemo))

@Aryel, @AshenLily, @Brent, @CasualDragon, @cojemo, @dragonslayr, @Folkus, @Larry, @FrostShatter, @Holo, @Keiser, @Plushie, @Prizzy Kriyze, @SkyGinge, @Tamotsu Fukui, @ZeronicX @Gillie

((Tagging everyone to say: PEOPLE IN BIOLOGY: GEMS!!! I cannot do ANYTHING unless you ARRIVE! Message me if you don't have time to write a post so I can at least assume your character made it there alright. Alright? AND THEN PEOPLE WHO HAVEN'T ARRIVED AT STRUCTURE OF GEMS....GOOOOO!!!

First Period got kind of messy with the weird fighting thing, hopefully things will speed up and calm down come second period.))

Thomas Norak

Thomas scoffed at the teacher assuming that the man believed Cyrus who was spewing lies like a broken faucet. Of course he knew she probably hadn't meant to break his toe but he wasn't concerned with her motive he was using it as an example for why he had reacted so harshly to her moving while he was within range. He took his medical note and walked out heading towards the headmistress's office. His head was pounding and he had one hell of an adrenaline rush. He could only have imagined the damage that Victoria's punch would've caused him if it had connected. He wasn't sure if she had been swinging on him but regardless it was a risk he just wouldn't take. He bumped into a girl on his way out and apologized and she returned the gesture before walking into the class.

@Queen Rai (respond to him as waiting outside the office please. I don't want to rp him walking.)

Kana Altair

"I'm so sorry I was late mist..." Kana was interrupted by tripping in the indent on the floor. She faceplanted and groaned getting up slowly and looking at it. Her face brightened and she gawked at the indent. "Pavement angels! Can I make one! Please!!!!!!" The girl asked looking up in time for the idea to fall right out of her ear. Her face went black as it became obvious that she'd forgotten everything she'd just been saying. She say down and started trying to recall what had happened. She pulled out a small journal that she used to record tasks as they appeared.

Get changed.

Kick boy out of your room if he stays.

Look at clock.


Apologize for being late to class.

Don't trip. Sit and take...



Something I can't remember.

She started trying to focus again and was drawing up a blank on what she was supposed to take. Lunch? No that's just idiotic. Naps? Pfft she wished it was naps. What if she was supposed to change again? No that's too uncomfortable. Pillows? She had two in her backpack so it's possible. She pulled them both out and set them both on her desk now trying to figure out why she needed them.

@Queen Rai

@Prizzy Kriyze




♡♥The Biology: Gems Professor♥♡


Liliana nervously chewed at her cuticles as more and more students began to flow into the classroom. Her eyes kept moving up to the clock as beads of sweat formed at her brow. This was probably the worst day of the year for Liliana. So many young, impressionable minds...and she only had one chance to put herself in a good light. She didn't want to repeat last year's fiasco (she ended up having a mental breakdown on the first day and nobody took her seriously for the rest of the semester). Liliana tapped fingers on her desk, finally standing up once the clock struck 1:05. She gathered up her papers, hugging them to her chest as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. The woman took a deep breath, holding it as she walked to the front of the classroom. She released it as slowly as she could, and began.

"Hello, everyone." she said in the strongest voice she could muster, forcing a small smile. "I'm Professor Freander, your Biology: Gems teacher...of course, you...heh...you probably know that...heh...is it hot in here?"

The woman's voice cracked slightly as she tugged on her collar, setting her papers down on the podium in front of her. A drip of sweat rolled off of her forehead and onto the floor. The woman took another deep breath, and then forced herself to press on.

"In this class, you'll be learning all about how your gem affects you physically." she said, fanning herself with one hand as she spoke. She tried to smile again as she continued, "I'm sure all of you can think of one way your gem affects you...perhaps you grow extremely tired after using it. Maybe it burns you. My gem makes me extremely...well, let's not go into that."

The woman let out a pathetic whimper of a giggle before picking up her papers again and passing them out to the students. Talking while she walked, she explained,
"This is just a series of questions I would like each of you to fill out for me. I have all of your documents already, but I had a few questions of my own that I wanted to add to your files...some of them might seem a little strange, but this is kind of my way to get to know m-my students. As you can see, I'm not exactly v-very...uhmm...good at talking to people."

Name: [Write Your Name Here.]

Class: Biology: Gems

Period: 1st

1.) What's your favorite color?

2.) What's your favorite food?

3.) What's your favorite sport?

4.) What's your favorite dessert?

5.) What's your favorite subject (like, a normal school subject)?

6.) Do you have any hobbies? What are they?

7.) Do/did you have any pets? If so, were they cute?

8.) Do you have any criminal history?

9.) Have you ever participated in a grand theft auto?

10.) Is there a warrant for your arrest?

Liliana was right about the questions being strange...but hey, she was just being cautious. She had to know if she had a dangerous criminal in her class! Even though most of them looked nice enough, you can never be too careful. Liliana glanced back up at the clock...1:20 p.m. She still had ten minutes to kill...what else was she supposed to do? The woman's palms grew more and more sweaty as she began to choke. She hadn't planned for things to go so well!

"Ehh...ermm..." she said dumbly as she stepped back behind her desk. "I...um...well, you can all socialize a bit for the last ten minutes before your next class. If anyone has any questions, I'll be at my desk."

And she shuffled back to where she started.
YESSSSSSSS. She didn't screw up. She didn't trip, fall, and crash into a desk! Hell, she didn't even stumble! Liliana beamed as she sat back down in her seat, feeling like the most badass teacher in the world.

@Holo: I will post for Amalthia soon.

@cojemo: Feel free to bunny Kithara into class when you post for Melanie, 'kay? :D ))
Guglielmo Cupello

Heading to Girls Dorm /Runs to Class /Sits in Class

Hearing Kana's remark, Guglielmo let out a hearty laugh, stopping in his tracks as he laughed harder. "Ay bella, how innocent that sounded." He told her, breathing in slowly as he let out a few more chuckles. Straightening himself out, he let out one final huff before he managed to get back his composure. "And to answer your question, I don't sleep around; not as much as I'd like to anyway." He replied as he continued to walk on, Kana by his side. "Classes?" He repeated, the question lingering in his head. 'What classes do I have? Merda.' Guglielmo thought, taking out the piece of paper from his back pocket. "Biology: Gems, Basic Combat - Defense, Spiritualism and Self Protection 101, apparently." He told her, placing the piece of paper back into his pocket.

Finally approaching the girls dormitory, Guglielmo offered to bring Kana's bags into her room, only to find a door getting slammed in his beautiful face. "Bene." He muttered under his breath, smiling as he turned around, running a hand through his hair. Feeling his phone vibrating in his jeans pocket, he took it out, finding the alarm going off. Dismissing the said alarm, he checked the time. The screen read '12:50 PM'. "Scopa." Was all that could be heard, before Guglielmo made a run for his first period.

~Running, running, that's all I seem to be doing~

Panting and sweating like a madman, Guglielmo had finally arrived for his first class, obviously late. Fixing his hair once more, he gently knocked on the door, opening it ever so casually. Seeing Ms. Freander standing in front of the class, he smiled and bowed to her. "I'm extremely sorry for being late signora. It shall not happen again." He said to her, giving the teacher an apologetic look.

Taking a seat at the back of the class, Guglielmo was handed a piece of paper. 'Questionnaire, ah?' He thought to himself, as he began answering them one by one.

Name: Guglielmo Cupello

Class: Biology: Gems

Period: 1st

What's your favorite color?

That would be green.

2.) What's your favorite food?

Lasagna! Like
la mia bella mamma used to make!

3.) What's your favorite sport?

If I had to be honest, it would be tennis.

4.) What's your favorite dessert?

Bigné di San Giuseppe! Oh the memories!

5.) What's your favorite subject (like, a normal school subject)?

That would be music class.

6.) Do you have any hobbies? What are they?

Playing my guitar and talking to girls... Wait, is that a hobby?

7.) Do/did you have any pets? If so, were they cute?

Ay, I only cared for the strays. And they were all
molto carino!

8.) Do you have any criminal history?

No no, not that I know of.

9.) Have you ever participated in a grand theft auto?

Only in my dreams,

10.) Is there a warrant for your arrest?

I've been arrested before? The answer is no,

Finished with answering his paper, Guglielmo leaned back on where he sat, smiling as he watched the other students begin their chattering. "I can finally slow down." He said to himself, waiting as the time ticked by slowly.
Sunni couldn't help but grin at all of the people showing up late to class. She felt a little bit smug actually. Last year she showed up late to every class on the first day, but this year it would be different. She listened to the teacher talk for a moment before glancing down at the questionnaire she had been handed. Some of the questions were undoubtedly weird but she answered them quickly anyways.

Name: [sunni]

Class: Biology: Gems

Period: 1st

1.) What's your favorite color?: Red or orange

2.) What's your favorite food?: Spaghetti

3.) What's your favorite sport?: Archery

4.) What's your favorite dessert?: Chocolate Ice Cream

5.) What's your favorite subject (like, a normal school subject)?: Art

6.) Do you have any hobbies? What are they?: Archery and reading mostly.

7.) Do/did you have any pets? If so, were they cute?: I have never had a pet but I do love animals!

8.) Do you have any criminal history? : Nope

9.) Have you ever participated in a grand theft auto?: The video game, yes. In real life, no.

10.) Is there a warrant for your arrest?: Not that I'm aware of...

She stood up and quickly put the paper onto the teacher's desk before returning to her seat. She didn't really want to start a conversation at the moment. All she really wanted was for classes to end so that she could get some time at the archery range. Her fingers twitched for her bow and she shifted in her seat. She wanted nothing more than to be out of this tiny class and outside in the fresh air. She very quickly became lost in the light pouring in from the window, marveling at its bright ability to make the world a happier and lighter place.

Placing out her hand she closed her eyes and concentrated on the light, she drew the light towards herself and bent it around her fingers. She lost focus for a moment and the light started to retreat and she sighed in disappointment. As if her gem wasn't powerful enough to fight with she could barely do meager tasks with it. Sure she could light up a room, but not too much. She crossed her arms on her desk and laid her head in the middle. One day she would be able to control her gem to the best of her abilities but today was not that day.

Haven Quinn

Haven nodded to Victoria, then stood up straight. The cactus boy, Thomas, walked up to him with a note that he took off of him and started reading. Haven was a quick reader, and as soon as he'd read the note he folded it up and stuck it into his chest pocket. He'd give his verdict on Thomas at this point, but Melvin had already sent him off to the principal's office.

"Ehh...Haven, why don't you pass out homework and...I dunno, do introductions and whatever..." Haven looked to Melvin with wide eyes and smiled. A real smile. He could do the introductions? Come up with homework for the first day? Absolutely, yes! He suppressed his excitement and nodded to Melvin, then tried to make his way to the front of the classroom as a flow of students from outside came into the classroom. However, he found that something was constricting his movements ever so slightly and in a room filled with students he didn't accidentally step on someone, so he looked down. Without him noticing, Deven had grabbed onto him and started hugging him. The boy was more than a foot shorter than Haven so he hadn't seen him, and despite having highly refined senses Haven had very dulled sense of touch. Since his power allowed him to take one hell of a beating without reducing pain tolerance he'd hurt himself repeatedly on occasions to dull the pain.

Haven felt a little bothered. Student. What are you doing. Haven lightly struggled to get away from the boy's embrace. Student. Stop. Haven grabbed onto the boy's arms and pushed them away from himself. "Please don't do that again." He said coldly to Deven, then distanced himself from him and moved to the front of the classroom. He took a look around the room and started getting satisfied with the amount of students that had made themselves present and got a small smirk on his face that quickly faded.

"Pavement angels! Can I make one! Please!!!"

A girl had come into the classroom and dived face-first into the hole left by Victoria in the floor. Haven gave her a bothered look. He remembered her power, shapeshifting, and he didn't really want to see what living thing she could turn into that was capable of making pavement angels. He himself could probably do it with a bit of time, but he was stronger than any animal you'd come across in the wild. He quickly dismissed the thought, and instead labeled the girl as less-than-gifted in his head, then sighed a "Sit down..." before grabbing a piece of chalk out of his pocket.


╬ Structure Of Gems: Assistant Teacher ╬


Haven looked from the class to Melvin, and then back to the class again before clearing his throat. "Welcome to The Structure of Gems. My name is Haven Quinn and I'm going to primarily be the assistant teacher for this class throughout the year." He said, and pointed towards himself. He shot out with an arm and indicated Melvin. "This is Mr. Melvin Dario De'Luca, your teacher. He's given me the assignment of handling the introductions today, so you'll be getting acquainted with him during the lessons to come instead of now. He will be referred to as Professor De'Luca, and nothing else, understood?" If there was anything Haven was bothered by it was lack of respect towards your superiors, and he wasn't afraid to 'correct' someone if they decided they were too cool to use titles.

He started pacing back and forth in front of the master's desk. "As you probably know, The Structure of Gems details all the specific parts of a Gem, and is a lot more in-depth than the Biology class. Essentially, it's a more focused version of Biology: Gems. You'll be learning all of what we actually know about how the mutation is caused, what the Gems are made out of, how they work on a microscopic level and maybe even how they can be utilized in other ways than directly from your body. Of course, it's only to get an idea of how Igneous' weapons work. We will NOT be removing Gems and experimenting with them, but you do not want to be hit by a Gem-powered gun." Haven stopped, turned towards the class and lowered his hoodie over his shoulder slightly to reveal a large scar stretching all over it. "The nature of my power makes it so that nearly no wounds leave scars, but this nearly tore my entire arm off, and my body is tougher than usual. Stay away from Igneous."

Haven turned to the blackboard and started writing on it with the piece of chalk he'd picked up. "We've only got a few minutes left. Here's the homework I want you to have done by tomorrow."

"Gems are divided into many different categories depending on what whoever is categorizing them at the moment is looking for, but the specific categories we're talking about now is the Power categories. There's three Power categories, and they're referred to as Soul-Power, Body-Power or Heart-Power. Body-Power Gems are Gems that allow you to manipulate your own body or Gem in some sense, maybe growing talons, maybe jumping very high, or maybe just regenerating very quickly. Soul-Power Gems are Gems that give you powers that can almost be compared to magic. Sometimes they allow their Gemholders to wield fire, sometimes they can warp space around them allowing for abilities like telekinesis. Heart-Power Gems are Gems that are a bit of a gray zone. I knew this man who could grow blades out of his body, and then control them with telekinesis-like abilities outside of his body. He was a Heart-Power type Gemholder. It was also given this name because the heart is undeniably biological, but it's also generally associated with the soul."

Haven stopped writing on the blackboard and turned back towards the class. "My power enhances my body's functions in many ways, making me a Body-Power type Gemholder. Your homework is to use what I've explained here and decide what type of Gem you have, Body, Soul or Heart, and then motivate why you think so." He took a couple of steps into his office, then barely a second later came out with a pile of papers in his arms, and started handing them out.


Soul-Power Gems are Gems with abilities that extend from the body of origin and can usually be manipulated. Their abilities are often likened to the traditional idea of magic or spellcraft. Examples of Soul-Power Gem abilities: Fireball Projectiles, Telekinesis, Corrosive Cloud.


Body-Power Gems are Gems with abilities that only affect your physique or your Gem, and mostly build upon the natural traits of humans. Examples of Body-Power abilities: Enhanced Hearing, Increased Regeneration, Super Strength.


Heart-Power Gems are Gems with abilities in the gray-zone, somewhere in-between Body and Soul. Heart-Power types are generally the rarest kind. Examples of Heart-Power abilities: Water Walking, Phase-walking, Electric Touch


What is your Power type? Decide and motivate why you went for that specific type.

When he was done handing them up he stood at the front of the classroom again. "There we go. I want them in by tomorrow." He looked up to the clock on the wall. "Any questions?"

@Holo @cojemo @Gillie @dragonslayr @Queen Rai @Folkus @Larry
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Claire Ryelle

Claire blinked as she stared at the paper, her brow furrowed in what appeared to be confusion. What in the bloody hell is this? Is this really something we actually need to do?

She'd actually been rather excited to get to class, after the sudden departure of the two students she'd been talking to, the long, drawn-out orientation that was remarkably similar to the prior year's, in the sense that it seemed to have no organization, whatsoever. In the name of her own health, she'd skipped out on lunch, and simply wandered the campus alone, contemplating the day's events, and what was in store for her in her classes throughout the day.

Now, here she was. Sitting in Biology: Gems, with this marvelous quiz, or
whatever it was, in front of her.

Name: Claire Ryelle

Class: Biology: Gems

Period: 1st

1.) What's your favorite color?


2.) What's your favorite food?


3.) What's your favorite sport?


4.) What's your favorite dessert?

Lemon Cake

5.) What's your favorite subject (like, a normal school subject)?

Art, I suppose.

6.) Do you have any hobbies? What are they?

Not Exactly.

7.) Do/did you have any pets? If so, were they cute?

I don't remember.

8.) Do you have any criminal history?

Not that I'm aware of.

9.) Have you ever participated in a grand theft auto?

See previous answer.

10.) Is there a warrant for your arrest?

See previous answer.

Satisfied with her answers, Claire peeled the paper off of her desk, and headed up to the Professor's desk.

Claire stood awkwardly before the desk, unsure of whether the professor wanted her to just place it on the desk, or hand it directly to her. After waiting for a moment, and clearing her throat, she awkwardly stuck her arm out expectantly, and waited for the woman to take it. "Excuse me, Professor. Uhm... here."

She awkwardly looked around the room, while she waited what seemed to be an eternity without feeling the paper being taken from her own hand. Glancing at some of the other students, she noticed one girl who appeared to be manipulating the light that filtered in through the window. Claire made a silent note to try avoiding her. Light wasn't exactly her favorite aspect of the world, let alone someone with the ability to control it.

Turning her attention back to the Professor, she tapped her foot, somewhat impatiently. She already regretted attempting to hand the paper directly to her, but decided it was too late to simply drop the paper on the desk, and walk away.

@Queen Rai

@CasualDragon (sorta. Mentioned.)

@Anyone in Biology: Gems.

Melanie Cooper

"Hih, Mehlahneyy! Yeh, wehalk wid mee, ih wohould beh meh plreasuhuere!"

The girl tried her best to stifle a laugh from the response, covering her mouth with her hand and puffing out her cheeks, but she quickly burst into a short fit of giggles. Melanie placed one hand on the shorter girls head and gently ruffled up her hair playfully, with a huge grin on her face as she said, "You're such a cutie sometimes, you know that little Kit?"Even though this was her final year, Melanie tended to like the company of those younger than her quite a bit more than those in her same age group. Of course, there were always exceptions, but it was people like Kithara that lead to that bias, and how people the girls age seemed less serious about everything and was able to just have fun.

As the two girls entered the classroom, Melanie took a seat on the outskirts of the room. She Always liked the teacher, Liliana, in a similar way one would like a newborn dog who was afraid of everything unknown. It was kind of charming, but Melanie did wonder sometimes how someone who was so bad at talking to people became a teacher, or why she would even want to. Picking up the sheet that was handed out, she couldn't help but smile at how simple of inquiries they were. Only Liliana would ask these to a bunch of high school kids. Taking out a pencil from her bag, Melanie began filling out the sheet.

Name: Melanie Cooper

Class: Biology: Gems

Period: 1st

1.) What's your favorite color?

don't really have one. Maybe light purple, yellow, pink, or red.

2.) What's your favorite food?

Jalapeno peppers of course! I'd scarf down a dozen if you gave them to me.

3.) What's your favorite sport?

Bowling! And don't you dare say it isn't a sport. My multiple trophies would disagree.

4.) What's your favorite dessert?

Chocolate ice cream with a bit of hot sauce. Don't judge until you've tried some!

5.) What's your favorite subject (like, a normal school subject)?

I've always been a fan of just simple english.

6.) Do you have any hobbies? What are they?

Well, I bowl quite a bit, so I guess that counts.

7.) Do/did you have any pets? If so, were they cute?

Yup, had an adorable spoted orange little kitten for a few years before leaving home. My brother just had to name him Lucifer, though.

8.) Do you have any criminal history?

Depends on what you'd define as 'criminal'. Just kidding, completely clean.

9.) Have you ever participated in a grand theft auto?


10.) Is there a warrant for your arrest?

Not that I'm aware of.

Finished with the sheet, Melanie simply flipped the paper over on her desk and looked up at the clock. There was still a decent amount of time left till class ended, so she would just hand it in on the way out. The orientation days were always like this; so laid back and easy to handle. That was to be expected of course. For the time being, Melanie just leaned back in her chair and stretched. She had no problems with socializing if someone prompted her to, but she was also too tired to really bother at the moment, and she still hadn't noticed the leftover ketchup on her left cheek.

@Queen Rai

@Biology of gems class
Kana Altair

She lifted her head from the pillow obviously sleep walking and stayed writing as soon as he explained the subject. Her unconscious was always better at the harder parts of life than her normal conscious was.

My power is purely body because I can change my body into any living thing I see. Sometimes it doesn't work out and it hardly works under duress but I can easily change into other people or even animals when I'm calm. However it also requires intense concentration which as I'm sure you've noticed isn't really my strong suit when I'm awake. It's a mental issue that's why my guardian suggested spirituality instead of first aid. I'm done rambling now.

Kana woke up right after she'd finished writing the paper. It was double spaced and straight with neatly written cursive. "Who wrote this?" She asked Haven before seeing part of her name on the bottom. She finished it and the difference was clear. The words were scrunched together and the rest of it was in sloppy print.

@Queen Rai (Both professors now.)

@Prizzy Kriyze (Haven)

@cojemo (in the room at the time)

@Folkus (in the room at the time.)
Eveline Pender

Eve had made it to class right before the bell rang. Zeek and she had eaten a full lunch with no sign of disturbance from other students, other than the occasional "Hello"s or "How's it going"s. But alas, it had come time for them to part ways again so that they could attend their first classes of the year. After bidding farewell to her best friend and fast-walking through the school grounds, she finally made it to the door that had been indicated on her schedule. An empty seat in the middle of the room caught her eye and she quickly picked her way through the bags and feet of the other students to the chair, collapsing into it.

The class began with the assistant teacher introducing the professor and himself, and offering a brief summary about the class. He proceeded to talk about the differences between gem powers, which may have been the slightest bit confusing. Finally, he passed out a sheet that they were to fill out for the next day of class. It had a rough summary about each gem type on it, so it quickly cleared away any questions or negative thoughts that Eve had on this subject. She pulled out a pencil and began answering the question.

My gem type, huh? She thought, glancing critically over the paper, debating on which section her power would be labeled under. Based on the descriptions, she figured out how she would classify herself.

In the space provided she quickly scrawled out her answer.

I would consider my 'power-type' to be Heart-Power. As would be expected, I can manifest my power outside of my body, in the form of bolts of lightning, visible to the naked eye. However, I also possess the ability to generate the power on or within my body, like what would occur typically during winter, called static electricity (though, my ability is not limited to winter or dry conditions). Some could argue that I am simply causing a current of shock over my skin, but that is not the case. It's hard to describe, but my skin could almost be considered a solid form of electricity in this state.

Her handwriting was definitely not the neatest, but she had attempted at making it legible, and it seemed like she'd done a fairly decent job of it. Now to wait for class to finish. She sat back and made herself comfortable.

@Prizzy Kriyze

@Structure of Gems class
"Great job Gale. It's the first day of class and you are already late." Gale grumbled to herself as she was handed her information packet. She had missed her structure of Gems class just from being late. Gale felt the urge to face palm herself many, many times. Ugh, I better go ahead and grab my homework from first period later today. She felt very stupid.

Gale shuffled through her papers. "So lets see....Second period...second period..." She mumbled. "Ah! Second period. That is Basic combat: Defense. Taught by Mr. Abrams." She put her papers back in order and hurried towards Combat class, not wanting to be late, again. "Don't be late, do not be late." She murmured as she passed through the halls.
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((@Wings....Freander is the BIOLOGY teacher. Gale is in the Structure of Gems, and the teacher of that class is Melvin Dario De'Luca. Maybe you should edit it to what I suggested and just head to second period.))
Amy Septan tore through the halls. Due to an accident getting to school (her transport broke down), she was late. She was sure that she'd missed first period. In fact, she was so sure that she just skipped it with a mental note to go back after school was over and receive her homework, instead running to her second period class, Combat- Offense. She took time to slow down and catch her breath before entering the classroom, because she had a feeling that an offensive combat teacher wouldn't take kindly to her entering the classroom exhausted. Once she'd had her quick rest, she opened the door and walked in.

The teacher was a woman with pale brown eyes and long brunette hair. She had a smile on her face, and looked far too excited for what was about to happen. Amy stood quietly by the wall, hoping not to draw attention to herself. This did not seem to be the kind of class you wanted special attention in. This class appeared to be a Hagrid-type production: The teacher had heart, but their class was dangerous to the students. Actually, that kind of class was dangerous mostly because the teacher had heart.
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☆★Professor Melvin Dario De'Luca★☆


Melvin let out an abrupt snort as he jolted awake, letting out a long groan as he leaned further back in his chair, stretching his arm high above his head as he back crackled and popped. The man blinked at the clock, letting out a sigh of relief as he saw that there were only a few minutes left in class. Melvin sat up, swiping a hand under his nose as he said, "Ahh...ermm...yeah, uh...good job today, class. You're dismissed...uh, if you have any questions..."

Melvin glanced up at his assistant, and then said,
"Haven will be in his office."

The man rose from his seat, lazily crossing over to Victoria. Placing both hands on her desk, he leaned forward and asked,
"You sure you don't wanna go to the--"

"Professor De'Luca, I don't mean to be rude, but they just came out with this thing called toothpaste..." Victoria sighed, waving a hand in the space between herself and the teacher. Tucking her homework into her bag before slipping it over her shoulder, Victoria rose. She stepped around the man, finishing, "I think you should try it."

Melvin blinked at the blank space in front of him, a dumb smile plastered on his face as his eye twitched. He slowly straightened up, turning around ever so slightly as he cupped his hand around his mouth, exhaling sharply into it before giving it a whiff. Melvin let out a small gag, then a cough, and then a full on dry heave.

"C-c-class is dismissed!" he hacked, his eyes watering. Placing a hand on his own desk to steady himself, Melvin waved away the students and groaned, "Go on...!"

@Prizzy Kriyze

@Structure of Gems Class




Victoria slipped passed Haven, making the mistake of glancing up at the man before she left. She felt a pit form in her stomach, and her face almost automatically twisted into one of her worst scowls. Oh, God. Eye contact. Get out of there, Victoria!

And she did. The girl pushed her way out the door and began to walk towards Basic Combat - Offense. She let out a small sigh as she walked, pulling the remaining bits of tile from her hair as she pondered what had happened during the lesson. She couldn't help but narrow her eyes at the mere thought of Thomas. What had she done to him? Yeah, she might've hurt his toe, but that wasn't intentional. And sure, she'd been a bit...rude...to the boy, but she wasn't treating him any differently than she did anyone else. He was the one who grabbed her and...well, she panicked. Wouldn't anybody? You'd think he'd understand that best of all people, since he claimed to have flipped her because of "self defense". But at least she had a reason to panic, he grabbed her for God's sake. She didn't even move.

The girl swung her foot out slightly, kicking a small pebble about two feet in front of her as the walked. Dribbling the pebble along as she moved, she let out a sigh. Getting flipped by Thomas wasn't even the worst part of the class. It was seeing...him again. Victoria hugged her arms, lightly biting the inside of her cheek and she muttered,
"Why him? Anybody else I could've tolerated...but why him?"

The girl kicked the pebble again as she brushed passed a pair of students. Why was she even thinking about him? She spent enough time doing that the summer after he'd dropped off the face of the Earth. Well, sort of. She knew he was graduating and that he was going to go into training to join the Order...but he didn't even bother contacting her. No calls, no texts, no letters...nothing. Victoria spent so many nights awake, wondering what she had said to drive him away like that...I mean, didn't he care? He said he did...but come the new school year, Victoria's confusion and sorrow had faded into anger. Instead of crying over losing Haven, she began to feel a sort of hatred for him. This phase was Victoria's "burn everything that even remind you of him" phase. After the school year had ended, Victoria was finally starting to move on...but not really. She stopped "hating" Haven, well, not like she ever did. How could she ever hate him? She was just...bitter. It was a strange sort of acceptance. By the time the summer had ended, Victoria had finally come to terms with the fact that she'd probably never speak to him again...

And then, there he was. Victoria was so overwhelmed with feelings that she didn't know what to do. Was she angry at him? Was she happy he was back? Was she sad that he had left her in the first place? Probably a little bit of all three...but the girl was too confused to really show much of anything towards the man. Hell, he seemed to feel the same way. He didn't even seem to bat an eye at her presence...it was almost like he'd forgotten about her completely.

Maybe that was for the best.

Victoria was about to push the door of the Basic Combat - Offense classroom, but a girl had reached the door first. Victoria blinked a few times before entering after her, greeting Felisha was a short nod and a polite,
"Professor Abram."


Professor Felisha Abram❀❁


Felisha's glanced up from her paperwork, setting her pen down as a wide grin spread across her face. The woman turned her chair towards the door, crossing her legs and arms as she acknowledged the girls with a nod. The woman tapped her fingernails along her arms as she beamed, "Afternoon, ladies! Have a seat!"

The woman stood up, bending slightly at the waist to straighten up the papers into a neat pile before walking over to the whiteboard. The pulled of the cap of her black dry-erase marker, tossing her head over her shoulder as she said,
"You two are here a few minutes early, so I'm not quite ready yet...I hope you're both ready for some action..."

The way the woman said
'action' was enough to give anyone goosebumps. The word was dripping with malice...sincere malice. There was a slight glint in the woman's eye as she began to hum a scarily cheerful tune. The woman began to draw what looked like a sort of diagram, stopping every so often to refer to a sheet of paper on her desk.



♡♥Professor Liliana Cosette Freander♥♡


Liliana gave a small nod to each student that presented her with their completed assignment. She immediately skipped to questions eight, nine, and ten whenever anyone handed back their questions. Needless to say, she was relieved to see that none of her students appeared to be dangerous criminals. The woman looked up at the clock for a moment, and she could physically feel a weight being lifted off her shoulders as she saw that it was time for second period. The woman cleared her throat before saying, "A-alright, students! That's it for today! If you haven't finished your assignment yet, please have it done by tomorrow...i-if you have finished it, please leave it on my desk on the way out."

Liliana gave a weak smile, and then rose, quickly shuffling back into her office and locking the door behind her. The woman leaned back against the door, letting out a long sigh as she sunk to the floor.


✾✽Headmistress Amalthia Delle Forst✽✾


Amalthia swished a swig of water in her mouth before popping in her asprin. The woman made a sour face as she swallowed, and looked up at Xelia. The woman leaned forward, placing an elbow on her desk and cupping her chin in her palm. Looking the young girl over, Amalthia said, "What're you still standing here for?"

Xelia blinked at the woman for a moment, and then exclaimed,
"Oh, I'm sorry! I just...well, I wanted to make sure you didn't need anything else."

Amalthia raised an eyebrow at the girl as she looked her over. The corners of the woman's mouth twitched down as she examined the young girl. Her stomach was noticeably protruded, but Amalthia had already been made aware of the girl's pregnancy. While the girl was in the midst of joining the Order, it was discovered that she'd been knocked up by a secret lover whose name she refused to share. So, in order to protect the vulnerable mother, the Order had placed her back into the academy to work as a secretary. Of course, it was only a temporary job while the Order worked on finding a permanent place for the young mother where she'd be safe.

"How far along are you?" Amalthia asked abruptly, making the girl's face flush slightly. Xelia scratched the back of her neck, answering almost sheepishly,
"About four and a half months, ma'am."

Amalthia gave a slow nod, thinking for a short moment before saying,
"Well...just tell me if you need anything, alright?"

Xelia was silent for a moment before she gave a nod, smiling as she said,
"Thank you, ma'am. I'll get back to work now, okay? Just call if you need anything."

Amalthia didn't say anything as the girl exited the office.


♒Xelia Tarron♒


Xelia slipped out of the Headmistress's office as quietly as she could, closing the door behind her as if inside the room was a sleeping child. When the woman turned around, she let out a small gasp to see a boy waiting outside. Placing a hand over her heart, the woman breathed, "I...God, you scared me!"

The woman stepped behind her desk, which was just a few feet away from the door. She slowly sat down, placing a hand on her back as she lowered herself into her seat. Xelia let out a small groan as she sat, but after a moment of adjusting, she was fine. The woman sighed, glancing back up at Thomas before asking,
"What can I do for you, hun?"

@Holo (this took forever!)

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Lilin Cadmia was so confident in her lack of mental capability to bear with the first day of one of her most boring classes that she skipped it. Well, that's what she was going with...In actuality...she got lost trying to make her way to the class. She was of course genuinely interested but she just wasn't able to get there. So she after checking the time she decided to make her way to the second period, Basic Combat - Offense. "I don't see why they needed to separate the two..." She said as she walked.

She stepped into the class with a cheery but slightly nervous class. "Good Morni-!" She started before tripping and landing face first on the floor. "Ow."


❁❀Professor Felisha Abram❀❁


Felisha looked away from the whiteboard and back towards the door, raising her eyebrows as she watched a girl faceplant the floor. The professor let out an obnoxious snort, quickly clapping a hand over her mouth as she heard herself. Shaking silently with laughter, the woman placed of marker down on her desk and walked over to the girl. Trying to compose herself, Felisha crouched down only inches away from the girl's head and cooed, "Ooh, wipeout. You know, I think this might be the first time a student has gotten hurt in my class and it wasn't my fault. Congratulations, sweetheart!"

The woman held out a hand and smiled,
"Come on, get up off the floor. I'll help you to your seat."

To anyone on the outside, it might've seemed like Felisha was just being a responsible teacher...but anyone who knew her well enough would see that something fishy was going on. Felisha wasn't exactly the most compassionate woman in the world, so whenever she went out of her way to help anyone...especially in this manner...it was obvious something was up.

Thaaaat's it...take my hand...come on, don't be shy...


Jimmy Barret

As Jimmy slowly stood from his seat as he was dismissed from class he couldn't hold it in any longer, he began to practically howl with laughter, tears of joy practically running from the corners of his eyes as he held onto a desk so he didn't just end up rolling around on the ground laughing. Slowly making his way towards the door as he slowly managed to get his laughter under control but couldn't help the occasional giggle that escaped him as he walked to Basic Combat - Defense. People in the halls probably thought he was nuts, did he care though? No way. It was all to perfect. The way he had just flipped her like that, the aftermath. Now having himself under control except for a stupid grin on his face.

As he strolled into the Basic Combat - Defense room he didn't even bother to look around as he said rather loudly "What's crackin Mr. Abram?!" Not taking note of any conversations that may have been going on before his intrusion. Basic Combat - Defense was his favorite class, how could it not be anyone's favorite class, it was the class he was excited to go to during the day. Moving to take a seat, sliding into his seat. The stupid grin still plastered to his face, oh boy was he in a good mood after that. It also seemed he was one of the first few here.

(@Basic Combat - Defense)

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