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Fantasy Kloxia, Academia de Mythe

While wandering, Coah heard the sound of what may have been another student, in pain. Even if it wasn't a student or teacher, there was probably some way she could help. She quickly rushed towards the sound, amazed to see another student with wings. He had no horns from what it looked like, he did seem as though he were in a bad mood. Hesitating to approach, she simply stared at and watched him. She was dumbfounded by the sight of him, but the researcher inside her was dying to learn more about him and his kind.

(If people do the tag thing when interacting with another character then I suppose @Rain )
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Nathan Barker

He hadn't exactly been paying attention whilst the headmistress gave her welcoming speech for the year, his head down reading the book that was on his lap, often seen like this. In fact he was one of the last few left seated until someone tapped him on the shoulder telling him that it was over. "Oh thank you." He said looking up to see that is was his housemaster Amity Rikens. "I thought I told you those books were no good for your brain." "You did, but they are the only ones I find interesting." The usual smile of his on his face as he stood up. "Well I best be off don't want to spend all this free time in the hall." He told her, moving past her and giving her a last goodbye, even though he had her some of his classes later. He strolled through the hallways, his head down towards his book and his eyes going from in front of him and back down to his page over and over again, wanting to continue on with his book. Humming a tune to himself, probably not as quietly as he thought it was but he didn't really mind, surely the other students wouldn't mind a bit of humming, he hadn't received complaints before.

He had grown used to stepping around the different students that attended this academy, not wanting to misplace his feet on anyone or thing, it was not long before he reached the arts room, the place he had spent much of his time in the years before, he couldn't count how many painting he had done over his time here, all getting progressively better and better the more he did. "Oh great." He said smiling a little wider as he found that they had not thrown out his half done ones from the years prior taking one, intending to do a bit of work on it, setting it down and getting to work quickly getting into a rhythm and zoning out a little and it was not long before he was singing whilst painting.
Naaya smiled at the girl and watched as Michi flew away. Deep in her heart she felt that she could not have bring up topics satisfying enough for him but it did not matter anymore. With only the two of them she saw a chance of lifting the tension somehow... she just needed to find out how exactly.

" I have heard rumors about that house. They say that those belong there who possess an evil or otherwise unique heart, but i think this is farm from the truth. Uniquity and ambition were often mistaken in my home as well, in fact it was one of the main reasons why I have departed. My gift was such that it was... hated by most people I have met, even though they had to suppress their emotions due to me being their empress. "

She tapped once again with the scepter and - yet again - a celestial guard appeared before her, kneeling before its ruler.

" These ' soldiers ' are not sentient beings. They are an extension of my power, manifestations of my energy if you will. They follow my commands and will never disobey. "

She turned to the kneeling figure and pointed at Marrie.

" Ulgomm'drak, navash! " commanded Naaya, to which the guardian stood up and walked near the blond haired girl, kneeling beside her obediently.

" I commanded ' him ' to accompany you for now. Should you wish to dismiss it just say so and it will obey. They understand your language as well. "

Marrie formed with her mouth something similar to a small smile. This woman, who carried herself very well, had just given her a gift. It was more than she had received in a long time, so she felt the least she could do was let two words softly slide from her lips ever so quickly and quietly.

"...Thank you..." after a minute she commanded the being now beside her to rise and assured the woman "I will use him well." before jumping off the roof and climbing down the side of the walls with a sudden grace and ease. Her hands grasped handholds and she fell in controlled bursts until she reached the bottom floor with a stylish tumble. She scanned the grounds for other students since she still had time before class.


Michi Takaharu (Interacting with

@Bread King )

"Tch," Michi wrestled with the leaves as the other girl came into sight. "Did you need something?" He wasn't going to ask her for help, oh no, but he was mildly irritated that she was just standing there. He realized that he was feeling pain that hadn't been there before the adrenaline rush. His wing was bent under his back at a painful angle. Finally clawing his way out of the bushes he came to tower over the girl. Quickly he adjusted his glasses and brushed the leaves out of his hair. Flexing his wings and stretching them out, he flapped them a few times and was pleased to find that they only felt slightly sore.

"What?" Michi snapped, glaring down at her.

On her way to the gardens, Kali sees a student flying. She stops to watch for a moment and notices the student start to head down, and not in a good way. Kali starts to rush over to the place the student landed. As she rounds the corner, she sees a girl standing there sporting wings and horns. She looks new this year. Her eyes switch to the person in the bushes. Michi? And it seems he is tangled in a bush. She approaches slowly as to not startle either on. She hears Michi saying to the girl, probably something rude. As she gets closer, she sees his wing bent a bit, not at all in a natural way. A frown creases her features at the thought of him being hurt. Stopping a couple feet from him and the girl, she brushes the hair out of her face before speaking. "Michi? Are you alright?" She asks in a calm, even voice.


"Pardon my rudeness, I was just excited to see your wings. I did not mean to stare. I just found it interesting that you have completely feathered wings, with no scales at all. I've read about different types of creatures, but I also read that angels don't have feet, so you can't possibly be an angel, so what are you, if you don't mind me asking," Coah spoke, enthusiastically, "I came to this place to learn about the different kinds of beings that exist in this world, and I already have gotten to seen something- someone extremely unique!"

She turned towards the new girl. "I'm sorry for interrupting whatever may have happened before I showed up, if you two were doing something. Forgive me, por favor. But you also give off an interesting aura, the information around me is getting me pumped! I would appreciate if you also share with me who you are."

@Rain @Arayhia

Michi Takaharu (Interacting with

@Arayhia @Bread King )

"Possibly." He mutters vaguely, staring at his wing, responding to the new slightly familiar voice floating in his head. "Wait?" He snaps his head up to look for the source of the voice. His expression goes sour once he finds it, the girl Kali. "Oh, its you." Huffing indignantly and brushing off his shoulder once more in an attempt to form a snooty mark he stopped and sighed, the effort to be rude gone out of him after that whole fiasco. "I've been better." He mumbled softly which was quite out of character, but really at this point he would have liked to just sleep, or bandage his wing, whichever came first.

Michi jumps at the sudden spurt of voices coming from all over. This girl was talking about his wings... his face turned red and he looked down at her angrily. "Don't you have any manners!?" She was blabbing about his race and her race and... Michi was exasperated. "I am a Tengu for your information, a most esteemed figure in Japanese culture." That last part might have been made up but how could she know that? "Don't you think that you should give your own race first." His eyes narrowed as he stared at her.

Persephone smiled at Tenebrae as she turned to leave. She had a few hours to kill before her Arithmancy class, so she decided to visit the greenhouse. Maybe she'd find some rare plants for her potion bag that her parents couldn't get on their own.

As she entered the greenhouse, she made notes of the various plants around her and their use in potions. Thyme is used in healing potions. There's a reason they say it heals all wounds, after all. Japanese blisterpods are great for growth potions and amnesia elixirs...
Kali looks towards the girl as she speaks. Hm, what could she possible be? Kali doesn't think she's seen anyone like her around, of course there are many she hasn't seen before. She appears young, but mature, and obviously very outspoken. Ever hesitant, Kali hesitates to tell her about herself. Not for fear of being harmed, but because she's always wary sharing information. This is a place of learning though, and she's sure the girl doesn't mean harm. "Hello, I'm Kali. Are you asking about my species? If you are, Im about seventy-five percent Fairy, as the rest is Nymph."

She turns towards Michi at the sound of his voice. A bolt of sympathy shoots threw her at the sound of his voice. It's small and whispery, and she feels very bad. He must be tired, and she's sure the girl is tiring him out. Her facade stays the same, as she's sure he wouldn't want sympathy. "Would you like me to help your wing? I don't mind."

@Rain @Bread King
"I wonder why I've never heard of you guys," Warren said. Then again, from what it sounded Soul Reapers were essentially the clean-up crew for whatever souls the Reapers didn't immediately get (or whichever ones got away) so it wasn't all too surprising that he had never paid any mind to them. "My family wouldn't take very kindly to people like you," he noted, remembering that they weren't very partial to people in Ichigo's circumstance. "Half-breeds and the like aren't very popular back home."
"My race is kinda complicated. I'm a descendant of Quetzalcoatl, the Aztec god of wind, mostly know as the feathered serpent. Both of your races are so much more interesting. A mixed race, and a Tengu!" Coah spoke again. She looked back at his wing, "For helping me with my education, perhaps I can help you in return."

She held her hand out in the air and muttered something in a different language, "Yeyecame. Imiazcatlapalhuan." The wind picked up and a multicolored bubble formed around his wing and sped up the healing process, allowing it to heal almost completely.

Michi Takaharu (Interacting with

@Bread King @Arayhia )

Fired up once more by the young girl's rudeness and angered by his carelessness Michi glared at Kali indignantly. "I don't want pity, nor do I want sympathy." He shook his head quietly cursing everyone in this school. "What education?" He muttered under his breath crossly, this girl wasn't going to get any where with just asking the name of their race, unless she was going to dissect them, he wasn't sure what she would learn.

It wasn't until she touched his wing that he was calming down. "What the hel-" Surprised Michi moved back a few spaces and paused, his wing was feeling much better but, she had invaded his personal space and used some weird form of magic on him. Narrowing his eyes he said flatly "don't touch me."

She watches as the girl heals his wings, with a frown creasing her face. She doesnt know the girl, but the girl is a bit rude. It's against Kali's nature to heal without permission, it's not just rude, in an invasion of personal space. Healing is a very personal thing, and shouldn't be taken lightly. Maybe she has different views, but it's still polite to ask permission.

It doesn't seem that Michi is very happy either. He seems very prickly since she met him, though she's not sunshine, she's not outwardly rude. She doesn't know him though, so she can't judge. "I want giving sympathy, and most assuredly not pity. Just trying to help. Though it seems that's useless now."
He would slowly shift his form back into his regular human look, the black mass of the dragon some how being condensed into such a small figure, he would stretch his arms and continue looking at the person whom spoke to him, but now at a more appropriate height, his body cracking slightly as he stretched himself to get more adjusted to the size he was in
"Understood," she said calmly, and faced both of them with a relaxed expression, gripping her book tightly. "Nice to meet you both. Perhaps I'll see you around." With that Coah ran off, thinking about how she didn't even touch him, she asked the wind to heal him for her. The wind calmed back down as she ran, and she made her way back to the library.

She sat at a round wooden table, reading her book with a dull expression. She sighed, and decided that it was definitely going to be hard to make friends here, especially since she had isolated herself from the world for most of her life. She shook her head and cleared her mind, instead filling it with words from the book she was reading.

Michi Takaharu (Interacting with


"Either way its pathetic, sympathy and pity." Watching the girl run away he figured that this was just his cycle to shove people away so hard that they fall on their ass and start crying. Except the fact that the girl Kali was still there. Folding his arms and stretching out his wings once more he mumbled. "Eh, she did pretty good work anyways."

Turning to face her he rose an eyebrow, "can you fly or are you one of those poor little ground fairies with no wings?" Mentally Michi punched himself, Why does it sound so weird? Are you trying to ask her on a date? Why are you so self conscious? He thought frantically, but his face stayed the same calm, cool and observant.

As was trademark for Tenebrae, it was about time he slipped away to somewhere hidden. He stood and dusted himself off. He walked quietly to his room to place his two books there. He wouldn't take them to his library, he still had reading to do. After that he figured he'd wander a bit, though the main halls he would avoid for now. Perhaps the outside air might do him some good. Tenebrae didn't often wander the grounds, there wasn't really all that much to do outside. If he was ever found outside it was with a book on a nice day, but that was not the case this time.

As he arrived outside only to find that many students were enjoying the wonderful weather. He heaved a small sigh and continued on past them. It was not in his nature to stick around such a densely populated area. As he pushed on he watched as a younger female student rushed past. He turned to watch her go and when he looked forward again he could suddenly understand why. A man with wings stood several yards away, he knew the man on a name basis, he thought they may have interacted once or twice in previous years. He believed his name was Michi, though it had been a while and he never had been good with names. The only thing he knew for sure was that Michi tended to be a bit rough around the edges and overall abrasive to others. The other figure standing by was one he recognized readily, it was Kali. He didn't make a move to approach, but it would seem weird to turn back now what with his goal of wandering the grounds.

@Rain @Arayhia
Kali watches the girl run off. A pinch of regret goes through her at the girl. She's only girl, not more than 14, and Kali was pretty mean to her. So was Michi, but that's how he always is. Maybe she'll find the girl later, she only wanted to help after all.

She pushes that to the back of her mind, nothing to do about it at the moment.Turning to Michi she watches him raise and eyebrow at her. What an asisinine question, of course she has wings, and can fly as well. "Of course I have wings. I can fly as well." She realizes her wings are hard to see, so she makes them flutter, a bit of wind shooting out around her.

She turns abruptly at the sound of approaching footsteps. She sees Tenebrae a couple feet away from her and Michi. She shoots him a small smile.

@Rain @Haru Rivers
Ichigo laughed at that. "Well you can say that again. I am a Half-breed. I shouldn't exist and yet here I am. The Soul Reapers are the policing officers of the world of the dead. We help the souls to cross over, where they end up we are not in control of. What happens then is not our control." Ichigo told him. "We cleanse the Hollows that appear. Your family are families I am trying to change back home. Where do you come from? Because we may know your sector as Avalon. And I am not too liked back home either. I am trying to change all of that. To accept people like me. The Half-Breeds. We are not all that different. Sure I do have more of Hollow side in terms of 'mating' but other than that I am not different."

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Michi Takaharu (Interacting with

@Arayhia @Haru Rivers )

"Are you sure they're sturdy." He stared at them skeptically. "They look more for show." He rises into the air with little effort, his wing is nearly fine now and he figured he could do some showing off with his "extremely sturdy" wings, that had just landed him in the shrubbery a few minutes ago. Hovering a few feet off the ground Michi hoped she would accept the challenge, and scolded himself for doing so.

His expression changed, a strange feeling settling over him. "Ever get the thought that someones watching you.. again?" He mumbled to himself quietly, for it was the second time this had happened to him. Moving his head as far it could go, attempting to see if someone was staring and saw nothing but high-schoolers, except the guy over there staring at him, Michi shot him an irritated look. What is it now? He thought irritated.

Coah finished her book faster than she wanted, but she closed it and turned it back in. She then walked back to the shelves and got out another book. She decided that her goal would be to read every book in the library, instead of making friends. So she got more and more books, till she had a huge stack of books. She checked them all out and called upon the winds to carry them to her dorm. With no response, she remembered that she could only call them once every two hours, and sighed.

She picked them up herself and began to make her way to the Fairyum dorms.

The hallways seemed much longer now that she had to walk through slowly while balancing a stack of books nearly as half as tall as her. It was also hard to see, while keeping them balanced. She continued forward, and remembered she had no idea where she was even going. She tried to remember, guessing when to turn and go straight. Not seeing it fast enough, she tripped over a crack in the floor, and her books spilled onto the ground.

She sighed, and opened her map while picking her books up. Today was a lot less fun than she originally thought it would be.
Kali's eyes light up with the challenge and she smiles. Her dimple pops out on her right cheek, as it always does when she shows genuine amusement. Kali's wings start to beat faster, and her feet lift off of the ground. She hovers easily off the ground, even with Michi. It's a bit funny how he thinks her wings are dainty. They're very beautiful, when they can be seen, and don't seem like they can do much. But appearances are often deceiving.

She hears him mumble something and look around. His gaze narrows in on Tenebrae, who is still standing there. Does he want something? Or just watching them? Kali doesn't really care to find out the answer, he's probably looking around campus.


@Haru Rivers
Nicoletta Merihem

@Fujiwara Tadayoshi

The dragon before Nicoletta had slowly started turning back into his human form. She watched him amazed since she had never seen someone in between shifts before. She then figured that it probably looked odd to consistently stare so she said,"s-sorry about staring, I've just never seen a shape shifter actually shift before." When he fully turned into a more human form he almost seemed to tower over her. Nicoletta, not being used to being short around her peers, thought that it was cool that she could finally meet someone taller. She then said, "let me introduce myself, I'm Nicoletta. Call me what you must though."
"I am Kiyama.. Guess its nice to meet you" he would pat the female on the head and wonder what she could possibly need from him, or maybe he was just in her way and she needed him out of the way to enjoy the garden. "so what can I do for you?" He would look at her with an eyebrow raised as he posed the question


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