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  1. Cavil

    Advice/Help What do you think now? (RP advice)

    My mistake, I'm using the dark theme. I'll change it now.
  2. Cavil

    Advice/Help What do you think now? (RP advice)

    ...boxes covered in ash. Upcars flashing past, their prices speaking to me in my head" Important landmarks and points of interest above ground: *Marko's Bargain Bin: 'Quantity Over Quality!': The most inexpensive store in the city; a pair of jeans is just $445.99! *Cafe 45: A usual and very...
  3. Cavil

    Rezzed cyberpunk rp

     @Grey I'm so glad you commented, because you helped me when I first posted this 2 years ago. So thanks for the feed back again. My cyberpunk knowledge has dwindled since the last time I tapped into it.  I probably won't post it until we make the xf switch. It'll make it easier to edit...
  4. Cavil

    Rezzed cyberpunk rp

    That's the thing, it's more of an open world setup. Although an alternative plot may be a good thing do introduce.
  5. Cavil

    Rezzed cyberpunk rp

    This is my OLD ASS rp that I would like some kind of feedback on I guess. I didn't last long on here without wanting to rp.  Info: -This is aimed towards an intermediate/advanced crowd -I'm considering adopting a simple dice system but that may scare away newer members so not sure ...
  6. Cavil

    Managing time for RPs

    Well this is something I've thoighht about before since I'm in a spot similar to yours. Generally speaking, I'm in a perpetual transitional period in my life and I did log off for a while only popping in on mobile for to just look around. I haven't had a definite time to just sit down and...
  7. Cavil

    How in holy hell do you come up with names

    I use the first part of the scientific name of an animal species, for middle names I use constellations, and for last names I use odd word nobody uses in modern day conversation. Kidding. I use common names that are relevant to the character's ethnicity. Because Shimmer Mars Unicornblood...
  8. Cavil

    Psycho City interest check and Brainstorm

    This is quite a 'brainstorming' thread. I think your idea does have a lot of potential. I would like to work out a coherant plot with you if you'd like. What level would this play be? Casual, detailed? It could be a great detailed play, but definitely not simple.
  9. Cavil

    Naming Conventions for RP Characters.

    I use normal names that are dependent on what heritage my character is from, how they were raised, etc. I love to do research on different cultures and how people are named in that particular part of the world. I usually play humans, and if I don't play a human I'll make up a convincing...
  10. Cavil

    RP clichés?

    Surely this is a type of trope, perhaps protagonist syndrome, but the amazingly talented intellectual kid that programs/befriends an incredibly overpowered monster or robot to fight their physical battles for them. This character could also have emotional issues.
  11. Cavil

    Roleplay Cliches

    The small smart character with a overpowered colossus robot/monster/etc friend that fights for them is very annoying to me.
  12. Cavil

    Experiences Where did you roleplay before you came to RPNation?

    Roleplayer Guild before it went to shit.
  13. Cavil

    Theme Songs

    They usually just come to me. If I'm listening to a song and I find myself forming a character in my head, then boom. When I finish writing a character, geneally a certain song comes to mind for me.
  14. Cavil

    The Horror Genre

    I feel like the horror genre has gained immense popularity in recent years, but alas I have yet to join a pure horror roleplay out of fear of disappointment. Many writers that attempt to write the genre are either too eager to get to the scary portion or take the build up to extreme lengths...
  15. Cavil

    Character Images

    There's been like 20 threads like this. But I prefer photographs.
  16. Cavil

    First Ever Roleplay!

    My very first roleplay that I remember was a dark dystopian RP set in the future. Think Bladerunner. Yeah that's it.
  17. Cavil

    Any nation builders around?

    I've done some nation building.
  18. Cavil

    Types of role plays and things role players do that you enjoy

    I love it when characters really start to become flesh and blood, not just an imaginary experience.
  19. Cavil

    Types of role plays and things role players do that annoy you

    thanks for pointing out my typo, like it was needed that you do that :P And no, that's not what I meant. My second point kinda went along with my first one, as in, right out of the gate they're made to be in a relationship without any part of their illness coming through during the existence...