First Ever Roleplay!


Handler of Souls, Destroyer of Hearts


So, since I am the moderator of this section, it would do me well to start a discussion of my own.

Now welcome to DemonKitten's discussion! Part 1!

Looking over all these discussions on roleplays and answering a few a long the way, I thought about all the roleplays I have done and wondered what was my very first one.

Well, that is a little broad of a question, because I use to roleplay by myself with my stuff animals, creating vast lands, conflict, adventure, romance, and even horror. I had a very active imagination as a child. Needless to say, my stuff animals went through a lot.

Anyways, I tend to get off topic, but I want to know everyone's very first written roleplay. This means, whether pen or paper or internet, I want, in detail, the very first roleplay you ever were in or created.

Here is mine:

It was a story that would soon become my first steps to being a writer. It was a horror, supernatural based genre that took place in the present. My character, Brook, was half Demon and half witch, though she only knew about the witch part. This was all done with a group of friends that were part of my middle school gang (I was a bad cat back then). My character was pretty cold hearted and could kill with ease and her best friend was West (who was controlled by my best friend at the time Jeff). Anyway, this roleplay went for like five journals. New people were added, many died, and lots of drama happened. My character was kidnapped almost killed her best friend. She gained step kids that loved her more than the real dad's girlfriends (her best friend's kids). I mean this roleplay was killer and has a made a fabulous book that I might post if I ever rewrite it since it is never perfect. The roleplay ended with me moving and the last entry was a start of a new age with the kids having grown up to follow their parents foot steps. Man, I miss those times.

Anyway, post yalls.​

Technically, my very very first RP was a brief, hour session in a chat room that a friend invited me to. They (my friend and two others) were basically playing house, with my friend being the little girl of the family and the other two being the mom and the dad.

This was... very boring.

I decided to spice things up a bit, by playing the rebellious son. I stole milk from the grocery store, we were pretending to be in, and when the girl playing the mom said the cops were coming for me, I highjacked the car we were in and took the whole family on a police chase all throughout the city.

It was quite the speculate. I threw grenades at helicopters, shot bridges out from under pursuing cars, and even caused a building to collapse for reasons that escape me.

Towards the end, the guy playing the dad and my friend were also contributing to the mayhem and having fun, although the girl playing the mom continued to try and stop us by throwing things like SWAT, the FBI and eventually the army at us. It felt like playing GTA after getting to a 5 star wanted level.

I don't think she like me very much.

After that we went our separate ways and I soon lost contact with my friend, but it was fun while it lasted.
Mine was with a girl that never gets on anymore. It was called Godling academy. It was where, they weren't like son or daughter on the gods, but it was more of a chosen one, the were decedents of the gods, i guess you could say. When the gods died, which they were gonna, they would have to take there place. Sometimes there was more than one, so which ever was better would be the next god. It was awesome, except, i got pushed around a lot and ignored. I could post, and it would be 10 pages before someone replied to me, so i'd have to go back and read everything. I eventually quit and she got mad at me. Anyways, it had a lot of pages. I think it was around like, 3 hundred or 2 hundred.
Not sure if this counts, but I made up so many stories with my toys when I was a kid. Somehow I got Star Wars, Transformers, Bionicles, Spiderman, and Legos to make sense together xD
Yeah! Screw barbies, beanie babies are where it is at. I still have all of them with so detailed personalities and names. I remember each and everyone.
My very first roleplay that I remember was a dark dystopian RP set in the future. Think Bladerunner. Yeah that's it.
My very first RP was great actually and what really got me hooked and the only RP for months and one that went on to a credible end.

It was dull. Unsurprising, told, didn't show. Betrayed all those lessons of writing novels.

But we all loved it and played it to the end. Standard medieval quest, no creativity. And it was really fun because when we had ideas, we just rolled with them. Sometimes ya gotta just look beyond the meta and have faith
My first role play was about 4 people being deserted on an island. Very fun, but things weren't moving along and eventually we stopped because we couldn't come up with excitable ideas.

I kept the role play though, it was actually really nice. The feelings between characters were adorable.
Archie said:
My very first RP was great actually and what really got me hooked and the only RP for months and one that went on to a credible end.
It was dull. Unsurprising, told, didn't show. Betrayed all those lessons of writing novels.

But we all loved it and played it to the end. Standard medieval quest, no creativity. And it was really fun because when we had ideas, we just rolled with them. Sometimes ya gotta just look beyond the meta and have faith
My first written one was just one liners. It was really crappy in terms of writing skills, but man I loved it
Oh man.. So because I can't remember which one came first, I will give you two different stories. I'm sure they were around the same point in time, so I can't remember. xD

One of them was space pirates. My character was a very tomboy woman named Nicole that had taken over her father's airship mechanic shop after he met an untimely death. She would talk roughly and could beat up even some of the strongest men, even with her small stature. She ended up frequently fixing up this one space pirate ship, and they paid her handsomely. One day, a fellow mechanic (and the guy that ended up asking her out and she actually accepted after taking a giant monkey wrench to the head) joined the pace pirates and dragged her along. I remember it was a lot of random adventures and crazy antics. It was wonderful.

The other roleplay was called... I think City of Nox, or something like that. The world was cast into darkness, and the only light came from a red moon. A big focus area of the rp was this field of moon flowers that were on the outskirts of the city. I remember my character, James, was some sort of half demon that kept an orb with him, and he would constantly have to transfer his emotions into the orb so not to let his powers go out of control. He couldn't control his powers and he was incredibly destructive. The orb kept him in check, but also left him emotionless. But in the orb, you could always tell what he was feeling because of the color and speed the smoke was moving inside it. He met a woman who was trying to live as normal as she possibly could when there were vampires out and about. And the adventure pretty much ended up being those two fighting off obstacle after obstacle. It started out as a group roleplay, but ended as a 1x1. It was the first rp that I had a character get married and have children. The two characters surpassed all trials and lived a fulfilled life. I think that's where my strong desire for character depth came from.
I never can seem to last long enough in roleplays to have a relationship with anyone anymore. *sigh*
Oh man, trust me. It is incredibly difficult. The next time I had made a IC relationship between characters, it was 8 years later. OTL
[QUOTE="Yuuki of the Strata]Oh man, trust me. It is incredibly difficult. The next time I had made a IC relationship between characters, it was 8 years later. OTL

haha I think it's more exciting when you're just starting out
@Archie, yeah. xD

But watching characters bloom and develop, going through obstacles and overcome. Its beautiful. (:3)
*Reaches back into the depths of time* Oh this is a hard one, I'm really having to search for the answer here...

Ah yes! It was some kind of forum site...I can't remember what it was or anything, only that it had one tiny Roleplay chat tucked away somewhere. People would just say random things, usually an action and a bit of dialogue. And everyone else would follow suit. The first one I participated in went something like this.

A shadowy character calls someone's name. That person answers. They have a conversation about vampires or something equally dark and broody, and I try to jump in. Not a good idea. I enter with something like, "A tired adventurer enters the tavern". And they glare at me xD . I was about twelve years old, I think. I doubt it was as neat as, "A tired adventurer enters the tavern". I didn't try roleplaying again until I joined a Skyrim forum. That was when it really started for me, and eventually my roleplaying started developing here at RPN.

My first good roleplay was about elves...the Path to Fayland, I think it was called. I played a seamstress. Great fun ^-^

Oh, man, it is so hard to think back that far. I don't know if I can even do it.

The earliest I can think of off the top of my head was when I was on G*@! Online, but I swear I was RPing before that... Anyway, I'm pretty sure I was my villainess Chyroptera from my Sailor Moon fan manga Sailor Cronus, and I was RPing with someone in profile comments. One of my friends played a Knight and just randomly approached, lol, and we had a strangely casual conversation until he said something insulting or challenging to my character, then we started this epic battle scene. I remember Chyroptera conjuring a bunch of bats (of course), and then a red mist that obscured his vision, sparked with static, and eventually pulled down a lightning bolt on him. At some point he conjured a fireball, and while Chyroptera tried to dodge it by disappearing into the ground (no idea how or why she could do that), part of the fireball seared her left arm.

I don't know, I'm pretty sure I was RPing as Sailor Cronus, or maybe Sailor Saturn somewhere else before, but I really can't get anything about it into my head.
Oh jeez, urm, my first roleplay was a Harry Potter: Next Gen which....I made myself. It was alright, just the grammar used was atrocious.
I just cringed so hard thinking about my first roleplay that my spine literally popped out. I started when I was around 10 I think. It was a roleplay based around the Scream movies, but took place in a universe where a few of the other horror film characters co existed (Laurie Myers, Nancy From Nightmare On Elm Street, Rosemary from Rosemary's Baby just to name a few.)

I remember about a year ago I went to check it out for some kicks. It was like finding those pictures of yourself from the sixth grade trying to be cool but you end up looking just like an idiot. It was so bad. I'll try to find a link if possible.

And just to make matters worse, It was a facebook roleplay
Though my first ever roleplay experience was rather embarrassingly hilarious (not mentioning that my grammar was just horrible), I should admit that if not for that experience I won't be able to solidly distinguish my preferences in terms of character romances by now. xD

On that day, I was so happy in discovering this certain roleplay guild--that was the day that I had discovered that roleplaying was actually a thing, and a potentially stable hobby. Back then I decided that I should start with harmless Master x Slave genres, seeing that a lot of people there had pulled it off nicely with success, and I had stumbled upon this nice-looking bio of some necromancer character (if my memory serves me right). "No reply as of yet! This character isn't taken! Hurraaay."

Excited, I did my very first character, scheduled for drop-offs in this certain necromancer's mansion. Her role is a 'slave', meant to serve and defend, adore her master and simply do the house chores.

I should say that the first meeting was okay and a little sweet, but 15 minutes later it quickly spun into something really sexual and mature that I had to bail out immediately in less than 24 hours of getting into business. >_> I think it's rude of me to do that, since I could have just told the other to stop that stuff right off, but I was so panicky back then as a beginner and I don't know what to do.

That's my first lesson in the importance of OOC collaboration, too. xD
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I'm trying to even remember what my actual first RP was. I think I was 10 or 11, that's when I got my own computer, and it was in a chatroom. The room was dedicated to a wolf rp; something about two packs clashing or something, but I am sure that plot was only hinted at now and again. These were one liners, back and forth for a couple hours at a time - then we'd all log off and meet again same time tomorrow. I remember one girl sending me a personal msg about how I made her cry it was getting 'so emotional'. Haha.

Those were the days.
Some 8,000 group thread with two of my friends. It was all over the place. Characters came and went, the story went from simple to complex to simple to weird to insane haha. Wish I could go back to read it now.

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