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Realistic or Modern ๐˜ค๐˜ข๐˜ฎ๐˜ฑ ๐˜ญ๐˜ข๐˜ฌ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ญ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฅ๐˜จ๐˜ฆ: ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฃ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฐ๐˜ต || ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฐ๐˜ค

I really like them all!
(they all look a lot a like tho lmao)
personality, which is really something!
being all troubled kids and stuff like that is super cool!
i mean considering the nature of the camp it makes sense for them to have similar personalities, you know?
though lowkey if we don't end up finding enough interest to fill all the slots, i'm super willing to create a character who's not a troubled kid at all, but they, like, swore at the dinner table or got in a bad fight with their parents and now they think their kid needs a reform
Lol the boys cabin is filled so far with their first name starting with C! Sorry if itโ€™s weird that I find it funny xD
I haven't participated in a group roleplay in like ten years guys, I've been strictly 1x1 and I am kinda sick of that for now. So I am stoked for this.
I did it all the time, but like I said it was a decade ago when I was a wee lad with little writing skill or creativity. But I love the idea of it, just takes a good group, I guess. I love everyone's characters so far though so I am stoked.
any lucky lads or gals want to prestablish a relationship or bestfriendship? btw this aint carnages first rodeo with the camp, so past encounters/history
any lucky lads or gals want to prestablish a relationship or bestfriendship? btw this aint carnages first rodeo with the camp, so past encounters/history
Definitely Aaliyah is a returning camper as well! Iโ€™ll read you cs and think up a relationship between them ^_^
Well I think theyโ€™d know one another simply because theyโ€™ve been going to the camp for the longest. Aaliyah is outgoing and would approach him first, I can see them getting in all types of trouble. Aaliyah takes joy in giving the employees a hard time. Sheโ€™d also flirt with him because sheโ€™s a bit of a thot XD L LadyLuckTakeTheWheel
Chaska's all finished up and ready to go whenever. It's his first year there, but if anyone wants to talk about any possible interactions let me know!
Chaska's all finished up and ready to go whenever. It's his first year there, but if anyone wants to talk about any possible interactions let me know!
Constantine and Chaska could interact whenever things start rolling, he'll probably be a wee bit sociable in the beginning of things too until he settles down with some people he likes ^^
Aaliyah will gladly take the newbies under her wing in hopes of continuing the tradition of being a pain in the ass~
Any chance to stir shit up Chaska is there for it. And he'll talk with pretty much anyone, so him and Constantine could definitely interact
I'm taking a nap, which may end up in a big sleep, but whenever I wake up ill get to work on Chaska's intro

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