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Fantasy Heart of the hyuga(open)


sorry guys...Pokemon Go...
Welcome to the land of hyuga...

Set in an alternate dimension where Japanese and Chinese culture has merged and spread world wide...

Four families with extraordinary abilities have kept the lands of hyuga peaceful and happy

The Kasai family (fire clan):the most passionate of the the four clans, believes power and raw emotion to be the most important <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.0d5a090af057ef56759727ab75bcc969.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="125158" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.0d5a090af057ef56759727ab75bcc969.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The Mizu family (water clan):the most knowledgeable of the four clans,beleives wisdom & knowledge to be most important <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.79569a8897aba1ba5b0008f17c377df1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="125159" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.79569a8897aba1ba5b0008f17c377df1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The Kaze family (wind clan)

The most social of the four families

They believe freedom & kindness to be the most important <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.73d55b46c502520deae229d63f74da78.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="125161" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.73d55b46c502520deae229d63f74da78.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The chiky? family (earth clan)

The most wealthyof the four families

They believe law & justice to be the most important <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.78d3fcb000fe9a6adfdc06a3fe979211.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="125160" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.78d3fcb000fe9a6adfdc06a3fe979211.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

These four clans have used their remarkable magics to keep peace over the lands for over 5000 years

But now there comes a new threat deep within the vast expanse of space. The Vorogan empire.

An enemy thought to have been destroyed long ago but they have returned due to some unknown event...

You are a member of one of the four families that run the hyuga.

Where do you hail from...



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Toki jogs through the extensive lands of the Hyuga families,the world is a blur around him,at least to the naked eye...but he smiles as he takes in the sights.

The terrain shifts beneath his feet as he daydreams and he winds up having to do a handspring to avoid falling,

CRACK the sound barrier shatters yet again,as he sprints through the grasslands towards the Kasai family home. A frown builds up on his face...this was no friendly visit he had very very bad news for the clan leaders...
A blur whizzes past me. "Hmm?" I mumble as i lick my icecream happily in the daylight, relaxing in one of the various benches In the lands of Hyuga. "What was that?"
High overhead what looks like a meteor shower begins to rain down over the lands of the Hyuga. It's a beautiful scene as each space rock glows a different color as it enters the atmosphere.

But one of them seems to turn heading strait for Priscilla.


Multiple sound barriers shatter as Toki sprints towards the girl he passed

How can they already be here...THE CHILD!?!

He pours the speed on. The air around him crackles,and he has to pull back a bit or run the risk of striking the girl with a body made of lightening,

Everything seems to stand still,except the meteor which crawls towards the bench that the girl sits on

He scoops her up,immediately placing his hand on the back of her head and tucking her head into his chest,he learned at a very young age that whiplash can be very dangerous.

The two are three miles away from the bench when he stops,half a second later the meteor crashes into the bench,and shadowy figures can be seen gathering around where the meteor fell

Alphaius said:
High overhead what looks like a meteor shower begins to rain down over the lands of the Hyuga. It's a beautiful scene as each space rock glows a different color as it enters the atmosphere.
But one of them seems to turn heading strait for Priscilla.


Multiple sound barriers shatter as Toki sprints towards the girl he passed

How can they already be here...THE CHILD!?!

He pours the speed on. The air around him crackles,and he has to pull back a bit or run the risk of striking the girl with a body made of lightening,

Everything seems to stand still,except the meteor which crawls towards the bench that the girl sits on

He scoops her up,immediately placing his hand on the back of her head and tucking her head into his chest,he learned at a very young age that whiplash can be very dangerous.

The two are three miles away from the bench when he stops,half a second later the meteor crashes into the bench,and shadowy figures can be seen gathering around where the meteor fell

Ice cream thoroughly destroyed :3
Suddenly I wasn't at my bench anymore, i noticed 2 things immediately:

1. I don't have my icecream

2. There is a man next to me

Conclusion: i have been kidnapped and this man stole my icecream because he is evil. "W-what? Why are you kidnapping me..." I mutter, tears forming in my eyes. "This means war! I will have you know i am the youngest daughter of the prestigious Mizu family!" I raise my hand and summon a large sword made of ice that floats above me. "Explain! Or i will fight!"

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"Relax please...we have more pressing issues than inter-clan war at the moment,you say you are from the Mizu clan? That means it is your duty to protect the people of the land of Hyuga"

He stands strait looking in the direction of the bench,seemingly unbothered by the large ice blade hovering over the girls head...though he does raise an eyebrow at the unique display.

He simply points in the direction of the bench and they can be seen more clearly now that the dust has settled four of them each at least seven feet tall and looking grotesque as they begin to search for nearby life to extinguish<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.9bb6765f8e9196843778f1f4f38a0998.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="125477" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.9bb6765f8e9196843778f1f4f38a0998.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"What's that?" I ask, still not lowering the sword above me, instead i throw it 3 miles with perfect accuracy at the monster, hoping the creature is as slow as it is big. "It looks evil, and I don't know what it is, so it must be evil" i explain. "Who are you?" I ask, seemingly unbothered by the sight of the creature
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The sword hits the first beast puncturing a jagged hole in its chest and knocking it to the ground...the other three turn and begin charging towards the two of us

"You may call me Toki" he says as he draws his blade,the ring of it being unsheathed echos through the large grassland.

He sprints towards the three of them seeming to split into triplets.

He closes the distance almost instantly and each of the three images flip over their target landing a nasty slice on the left ones shoulder, the right ones neck, and the middle ones head.

All three "Toki's" land on eachother becoming one. And that one sprints to the now rising fourth,he puts his blade in the empty space where the ice blade had carved the hole,and with a quick upward then downward slice he finishes what the Mizu girl started splitting the fourth in half

The ther three have focused their attention on him and he waits for them

Let's see what Mizu combat training has in store for these things...any time now kid. He thinks to himself as he calmly waits for the three demons to close in on him
I throw my relaxed arm upward, 3 huge icicles pierce through the ground, impaling all 3 of the demons and extends them until they are lifted off the ground."you are fast...Toki..." I say as i calmly walk toward him and the three demons now hovering above the ground. I click my fingers and the icicle explode, splintering and destroying the demons from the inside
"And your technique is rather beautiful...don't believe I've ever scene such a technique in the Mizu clan..."

He sheathes his katana,and though you don't see him move no demon debris touches him,some seeming to pass right through him

"Would you be so kind as to report to the Mizu clan head that I am calling a meeting of the clan heads..." He looks to the west where the other meteors had fallen

"I'll go clean up there,please do be careful" he says politely with a bow...his hair parts revealing the Kaze symbol for clan head on the back of his neck.

And with that he vanishes,one can barely make out the dust cloud kicked up by his rapid movement. The ground he was standing on seems to erupt wind in all directions.
"He was odd" i say as i begin walking towards the Mizu headquarters. Once i get there i walk up to my dad and explain what happened, at first he doesn't believe me until i point out the window at all the demon craters aeound the city. He then proceeds to explain it all to the Mizu clan leader (role hasn't been taken by anyone yet)
Genji wakes up and goes outside to go to his training grounds. He walks very carefully trying not to get anyones attention as he walks. Hopely no one notice me, he thinks as he goes to the woods.
I casually walk back to my facourite ice cream shop, by another vanilla icecream and walks around, gazing at the sights
He heads to to the center of the woods and starts to train. Streching his flames out and seeing what new things he can do with the flames.

A playful, childish grin was over Enya's face, her blade held rather loosely in her grasp. Though she didn't need to hold onto the blade tightly to fight the way that she does. There were demons that followed closely after her every move, though they seemed to struggle with landing a solid hit onto her, always a few centimeters off, sometimes merely scraping her clothing, but never directly at her. It was as if she was toying with them, dancing around their attacks when she was well capable of countering, or slashing back. All through the battle, there was a cheeky, wide ear-to-ear smile on her face, like a child who had discovered a new toy to play with.

Her style of fighting seemed to change drastically within a few seconds. Instead of dancing around each attack, a demon attempted to drag her down from the air as she leaped from head to head, and she let them. Forced down onto the ground, she used the momentum of that to swing her feet around the creature's neck, and the fall of it positioned her sword directly across it's neck.


Decapirating the creature using both her feet and her sword, she tossed the head of the creature up as the demon's body fell to the ground, swinging the flat of her sword against the head onto another group charging towards her.

"Heads up~!"

The air resistance around the head would lessen, and there was rapid jet propulsion by pressurizing the air directly behind it, causing it to exponentially grow faster and faster. Like a bullet, it tore through the few demons while the funnel of air that had surrounded it due to the air resistant vacuum shoved the demons that were not directly hit far to the side. In mere seconds, Enya had disappeared. Not teleportation, but she was still in the area. A strong, vertical draft would begin right below the demons' general area, so strong that it was enough to counter the effects of gravity, throwing the demons up into the air. Reappearing next to one, Enya bore an innocent smile as her blade horizontally ran into the demon's body, slicing it in two. She carried the inertia of moving throughout the air as the draft lessened and stopped, slicing each of the demons that had been sent into the air.

"Now, isn't that an exercise, love~!"

"nice combo..." Toki says seeming to appear out of nowhere as he always does

"If I had known you were in the area I would've called for backup" he grins but it's obviously forced. Anyone who knew him,knew that he hated drawing his blade,would much rather use his speed for "better" purposes,like intercontinental flirting.

"The largest of stones fell a few miles from here...thats where these guys came from I assume" he gestures to the shredded demon corpses that litter the battle field.

"I've already cleaned up the smaller stones in the Hyuga lands,they were mostly in pieces...I'd like this one intact if possible" he smiles at enya. Happy that it was her here,she was one of the few who could keep pace with him...more or less.

"Shall we?" He asks gesturing ahead

I whistle happily, give a small wave at the leader of the Kaze clan and one of the high-ranking members, my Mizu symbol showing off on my cheek, making me the equivalant of royalty
Genji hears voices and starts to head to where he thinks he hears the voices. “Who's there” he says trying to hide the fear in his voice.
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(Ok I'm gonna post the locations now so we don't have people hearing and waving at things that are hundreds of miles away)
As it stands we will just assume you have been wandering in that directio. For a while now.
Standing on her feet, she brought her hand horizontally up onto her head in a salute to the clan leader, which was a comical but respectful action. She, "respected" the leader, so to say, but she always had a very sour spot in her heart for those that were always of high status. It was this sense of respect that she felt was forced, so being rude to Toki wouldn't ever serve her good. He far over powered Enya, as well.

"I'd be apt to accompany you, Totty!"

Sheathing her blade back again, she heard a whistle coming from a nearby direction. There, she saw a girl with light coloured eyes and white hair that was almost blinding. There was a symbol on her cheek, and it was easy to tell from there that she wasn't a Kaze member. Even worst, she was a member of
royalty. Considering how she wasn't part of the Kaze clan, Enya didn't exactly need to show her respect to her. But that was the clan ideals, anyway. Waving back to the girl, she appeared to be rather young, possibly around her younger teenage years or adolescence? Perhaps she was given the freedom that most children had grown to love as a child, instead of living in isolation from the outside world.

What a inconsequential, worthless noble. Her worth is the detritus on the bottom of my shoe...

Grinning from ear-to-ear, as she usually does, she marched forward confidently, pushing Toki's back from behind.

"So all-great-and-all-powerful, d'ya know why rocks are planting themselves here? They got tons of other planets that they could bug~"

@Alphaius @Trust
A man scrambled away from the darkened woman barley out of her teens. He was covered in injuries, but the girl seemed to have none. His buddies were unconscious, so she stepped over them and kept walking. It was their fault for challenging her while she was armed. Rin sighed, knowing one of the elders would get on her case later, but she was use to it by now. Fights were something she always got in, at least once or twice a week. She also forgot where she was going, so she just kept walking, hoping she'd remeber. A few people saw her and immediately went to the other side, or entered a store to avoid her. "Typical," she sighed, running a hand through her hair.

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