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Fandom Zords


Oddball and author
Zords and MegazordsIndividual ZordsInitially referred to as Beasts by Novus and Fate due to every Zord finding their origins in mythical beings. The Zords can combine into what is initially referred to as Fate as Titans. Erin doesn't like that name too much due to associations with mythologically incorrect or otherwise "terrible" pop culture, and has therefor dubbed the combination of Zords "Megazord".

The Red Ranger's personal Zord. The well-known bird who's reborn from their ashes when they perish. The wings of the Phoenix are either coated in flames, or simply made out of flames, it is hard to tell. This aerial zord strikes enemies with fiery doom from above.

The White Ranger's personal Zord. Although a "standard" hippogriff is known to be a mixture between an eagle and a horse, the White Sentinels Hippogriff has a more unique appearance, being a mixture of a doe and an owl. This Zord is both good at running on the land as well as flying through the air, making it very versatile.

The Green Ranger's personal Zord. Although not literally Chiron, the Centaur has a fair share in common with this mythical being. Centaur has the body of a horse with the torso of a muscular man on top of it. It wields a bow which can be used to shoot magical projectiles at large foes. This Zord is great at charging opponents.

The Brown Ranger's personal Zord. This wingless creature is more beastly than humanoid, like some other Gargoyles might be. It has massive strength, and sharp teeth and claws. Seemingly made out of boulders, this creature may seem a little more like a golem, but its bestial features are what sets it apart from the more construct-like appearance of the golems.

The Blue Ranger's personal Zord. The upper body of a goat with a merfolk tail attached to it. The tail resembles a wave and is colored in various shades of blue. Though mainly aquatic, this zord is also excellent in swimming through the air when there is no water near the scene of battle.

The Gold Ranger's personal Zord. Has the ability to convert into it's own Megazord, as well as combine with the Titan Megazord. This Golden Dragon seems even brighter when flying in the daytime, when the sunlight reflects of it's body. The Dragon blinds its enemies before the attack.


Extra Zords
Given life by Excalibur, the Unicorn is a zord granted to the Sentinels by the Lady of the Lake. It transforms into a lance-like weapon that can be wielded by the Megazords.


Titan Megazord
Titan Megazord is the first one to be created by the Sentinels. It is a combination of the five core members' Beasts, wherein the Phoenix forms the chest and head, Gargoyle and Centaur the arms, and Capricorn and Hippogriff the legs. The Capricorn's tail sticks out of the Megazord's back. It's main weapon knows two forms: Bow Stance and Sword Stance. Said weapon is created by the Centaur's Bow.

Avalon Titan Megazord
The Main Megazord, but wielding the Unicorn Lance as a weapon in battle.

Chevalier Titan Megazord
The Dragon Zord's personal Megazord form. Looks like an armored knight wielding a shield (composed of the Dragon's wings) and a sword.

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