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Zootopia anyone?

Characters involving the vanilla ones already in the story and or some of your own. Im flexible in the matter of characters. Also, I read the type you want, I could consider a rp in that aspect. Message me back if interested.
It's perfectly fine. I have one OC but I'm rping him right now. I'd really like to use Finnick this time around since I've used Nick quite a lot. Perhaps the rp revloves around a Finnick and your OC plot. Then can develop later with more characters? I usually develope plot as I go, and it's always open to discussion.
Ellensouler said:
It's perfectly fine. I have one OC but I'm rping him right now. I'd really like to use Finnick this time around since I've used Nick quite a lot. Perhaps the rp revloves around a Finnick and your OC plot. Then can develop later with more characters? I usually develope plot as I go, and it's always open to discussion.
Alright. Can you create a conversation, or we could do this somewhere else, like Skype.
I'm going to nap, but I'll create a post here. Skype is okay but it doesn't face replies and have fancy rp tools. Before I start, I'd like to know about your character. Name. Species etc :)

And I'll create the role play thread here.

Is that fine?

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