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Fantasy Zombie Apocalypse

@RubyRose @Aiakaos

Your characters are accepted!


So far your character looks great, but please extend the personality category to a paragraph. Also, this was a mistake on my part as I didn't include the Group section in the CS at first, but there are two main groups in which the roleplayers are divided into (Location tab). Please choose which group you wish to be in, and your character will be accepted :)
I'm thinking of starting when the school group gets another member, so we won't be starting tonight unless someone joins.

Your character is accepted, by the way.
I feel like the school is the worst place to go, bunch of dead kids. Although once it gets cleared out it'd be great.
Morally creeped out? What do you mean by that?

If zombies attacked and there was a safe place in a school I don't see the harm in making it a safe zone?

Are you thinking perhaps of the 'oh geez, kids died here'?

I mean... 'oh geez, people died here' is just about everywhere right now. And unless you actually knew the kids, I don't see any real connection.
Kids died here, for a very moral person it'd be hard to think little kids died here. But fuck it.
I think we should make the general store and the school closer together, so one could save another so that the roleplay would have all the characters meet instead of 1 on 1s

There are a few points that I hope you can fix. All characters should start off in one of the groups. Your character can initially be wandering alone, but please find one of the groups by your first or second post. Also, I have a little trouble understanding some parts of your CS because of some run-on sentences. If you can fix those points, I would gladly accept your character!

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