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Fantasy Zombie Apocalypse


Majestic Dinosaur

Character Sheet



(It does not have to be biological. It can be the gender your character identify themselves as)




(Either a picture, a description, or both. Pictures can be any type, such as anime pictures or real life photos.)






(One paragraph minimum. )


(What your character's profession and life was like shortly before the outbreak, parts of their life that made them into who they are, etc. One paragraph minimum.)

Personal belongings:

(Please keep it to a couple of small items, one weapon, and several pieces of clothing. Do note that foods are not personal belongings.)


(Anything that doesn't fit into the categories above, such like likes and dislikes, fears, etc. Optional.)

*If your character dies during the roleplay, you may make another. However, they must find their way to one of the groups.*

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Name: Amanda

Gender: Female

Group: The general store

Age: 26

Appearance: Amanda is about 5'6, with blonde dreads. She's very skinny, due to the fact that she has been anorexic for most of her life. She has pale skin and many, many tattoos + a few piercings. She tends to dress in a quirky emo/gothic style, both boyish and girly. It just depends on how she's feeling at the time.

Nationality: American

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Amanda is a real people person, very outgoing, outspoken, and not afraid to hurt anyone's feelings, although she seldom does such a thing on purpose. She prefers not to be alone, instead enjoying the company of people at all times. That doesn't mean she isn't without her negative qualities, however, as she is also pretty vain and selfish despite the fact that she treats others with respect and kindness.

Backstory: Before the zombie infestation, Amanda worked in her own tattoo shop. Without her knowledge, she ended up spreading the infection through blood on her tattoo gun that she failed to clean off of it. She was attacked by two men who became violent in her shop, but she got away from them, making it to her father's car shop. When she got there, she found him dead on the floor, being eaten by someone.. or something, and had to fight it off. She proceeded to her home to gather some clothing and weapons and has since been fighting for her life.

Personal belongings:

  • The clothes she's wearing
  • 2 shorts, 1 pair of shorts, 1 pair of jeans
  • Her father's wedding ring
  • A bow - x
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Riley Andre

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/f60d9ac1a0c6c0_full.jpg.043f0cfaed7a6e4e436dffd5a776428f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67297" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/f60d9ac1a0c6c0_full.jpg.043f0cfaed7a6e4e436dffd5a776428f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Biologically Female

15 Years of Age

With The School

Not Sure on Sexuality

Doesn't Care about Nationality

Appearance - Excuse me, why is this only in the Boy's section?

Riley has always been the type to dress for comfort and for activity. She's never happily worn a dress, and never will if given a choice between wearing a dress and fighting a zombie. Her hair tends to stay in a pretty disorderly mess, but she makes sure to at least keep it brushed- when she can find a brush. Ever since being split from her dad she seems to have lost her brush and her only means to tame the strawberry blonde tangle of hair on her head.

Riley stands at about 5', which is considered short even for her age and gender. This is something that she really, really dislikes- even if it has come in handy for the Apocalypse so far.

She is often mistaken for younger than she is (around 10 or 11 on a good day, younger on a bad day).

Personality - Toughie

Although Riley is always one to crack a smile she's also one to start a fight. She has a very short temper and doesn't tolerate people calling her short or girly or weak. She's quickly learned that there isn't much she can do besides get angry- especially when it's best for survival to travel in groups and most of the people are much bigger than she so she'd quickly lost a fight if she made the attempt... So she get's really angry but she has to brush it off and move on because there's nothing she can do with the anger. Her father taught her early on that Anger clouds the mind and that is certainly not something you need while trying to survive in a world that's gone cannibalistic crazy.

Strengths: Determined, Quick on her Feet, Generally Optimistic, Energetic

Weaknesses: Distrusting, Betraying, Short Tempered

Backstory - Only the Good Die Young

Riley grew up with her father who worked as a pilot at the military base. He was the only family she's ever had, ever known, and ever needed. It had been that way since she could remember.... and he was the only one she's ever made connections with. Thanks to her father being in the military she had to move around often which meant that the opportunity for making friends truly did not exist. She never stuck around anywhere long enough to actually be able to make any real connections with anyone her age.

That being said, Riley honestly didn't mind the travel so much. She really loved what her father did and when she turned 12 he finally took her up into an aircraft with him. (He was breaking rules to do so buuuuut... well it was Riley's dad, a man that was not known for following the rules). During this time of moving around, Riley's father did a lot of home schooling. By that what was actually meant is that Riley's father handed her a book and a list of what she was expected to accomplish and she'd go and get it done. Afterwards she and her father would do basic self defense so that she knew how to protect herself when the time came, and even taught her the strengths and weaknesses of being skilled with using knives. He did always remind her- never pull out a knife at a gun fight, but always keep one in your pocket just in case it comes to that.

Because of all the moving and switching and transferring, Riley's grades were almost rock bottom- just enough would happen for her favor for her to actually scrape by in school. She would often get labeled as a trouble maker at school just because she'd put people who bullied her in their place quickly- usually with a bloody nose. She never started something though, only ever finished it- just like her father taught her.

Riley's father means everything to her- he's the only person that matters. The only thing worth fighting for and around when the infection hit he was off on a mission. He had only enough time to get a message back to her via radio before the electricity cut the connection. She at least knew her father was alive and well some time into the infection phase, and her only goal now is to reunite with him. Hoping to escape a rather troublesome zombie, Riley had slipped into a school in the hopes of trying to rig a radio so she could communicate with her father but came across nothing she could work with besides a few other people. Well... strength definitely rested in numbers and if worst came to worst, all Riley needed to do was make sure she outran the person next to her.

Personal belongings - Travel Light

She has a large switch blade and a small army knife that she keeps on her person, as well as the outfit you see in the image. Along with all the pockets on her outfit, she also has a small backpack that she keeps for when she finds food, and that also has a light yet somewhat warm blanket bundled up inside.


Likes: Anything Sweet, Video Games, Flying

Dislikes: Guns, Being Grounded, Being called Little

Fear: Turning into one of the Undead and being Left that Way, Never seeing her father again<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/f8879076b05b1f9cff0f522cad0fa3ba.jpg.ca76d705062a97fd49b5275f57053f0b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67303" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/f8879076b05b1f9cff0f522cad0fa3ba.jpg.ca76d705062a97fd49b5275f57053f0b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"Please don't call me Oven"

Owen Wang


Appearance Easily identified by his pastel purple hair, Owen also has dyed purple eyebrows to blend in his naturally purple eyes (along with his dark circles from insomnia). He wears a fairly baggy white shirt with tan shorts and white sneakers. His legs are covered with bandages, proving his efforts as a past track team runner and baseball player. To make sure he doesn't lose his belongings, Owen often carries around his blue duffel bag.


Group: Resides in the General store. He is also the leader of the group, making sure everyone can get what they need. (with granted permission from @Dawnsx)

  • Owen's motto is simple. "Be nice to me and I'll be nice to you." If that doesn't happen, he tries his best to understand the counter person's actions. When he isn't busy whacking off zombies with his baseball bat with a much too serious manner, the boy is fairly laid back. As an open minded person, he'll show sparks of interests in every other thing he learns of. He might unintentionally say questionable things that may turn certain situations into awkward silence. Owen tends to let his guard down around those he finds comfortable, however, he will act accordingly as a person in charge if he finds himself in such a position. He'll make sure everyone is on the same level in terms of physical and mental wellness, always offering a hand for those in need of help. He may not look like it but he is very responsible and hardworking, constantly using all of his efforts to fix and improve problems, not wanting to slow down others or let anyone become disheartened because of him.
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Vann Vidas




The General Store





Vann has light golden brown hair and shockingly blue eyes.

Nationality: Doesn't matter



A generally easy going guy, but mostly quiet. He only really speaks up when the subject is important or interesting. Vann may seem cold at first, but thats only because he's not good with words and he doesn't want to say the wrong think. He's always thinking about stuff. Vann is the type of guy to do things for others but not take credit for it. He doesn't really like the spot light and doesn't want people to think that they have to do something back for him. Vann is a amicable guy who doesn't know how to act around strangers.


Prior to the death of his father, Vann lived a comfortable life. He was, simply put, a rich kid. He had everything he could ever ask for and no one would deny him anything. However, Vann never asked for anything unreasonable despite his great wealth. When he was 10 years old, his father died in an accident. Shortly after, his mother began drinking and the family's wealth diminished. Despite being only 10 years of age, Vann became the man of the family and tried his best to put everything in order. He took their remaining wealth and brought a simple house, not forgetting to set aside money for important things such as his college tuition. It seemed like they would survive as long as his mother didn't find the emergency funds. She didn't, but someone else did. They were robbed.

It was then that Vann knew he needed to get a job, an illegal one because one, no one would hire a kid, and two, he wouldn't get paid much. His mother could no longer work, she was diagnosed as depressed and bipolar. He needed a job where he could work few hours and earn a lot of money. Vann was introduced to a fight ring. A fight ring where adults pit children against each other and bet on them. It paid a lot.

In the beginning, he didn't earn much because he lost a lot. Losers only get a tenth of what winners got. He was determined however, and quickly learned how to fight. His earnings were the only income. They fed his mother and him, kept a roof of their head, and sometimes allowed small binges. Vann washed his hands clean of the illegal fight ring when he was 16, having been invited to fight professionally.

Although all expenses were taken care of, his mother was still an alcoholic. Ignoring Vann's pleas, she kept on drinking. His mother would

often endanger them when she was intoxicated. She would leave the door open, play loud blasting music that the neighbors always complained about, and sometimes smash windows. It eventually led to her death.

Vann came home one day to find the door open and windows smashed, loud music blasting out the open house. Sighing, he walked in expecting to find his mother drunk. What he didn't expect was to see a his neighbor eating his mom. Perplexed and cautious, he took out his swiss army knife and tried to talk to his neighbor. When his neighbor charged at him, Vann quickly sliced off the zombie's head and ran for it, seeking out his friends only to find them dead too. Shocked and confused, Vann returned to his house, where the music had died, and gather a few supplies. His mother's death didn't grieve him, she wasn't a mother to him, but he still avoided looking at her dead body. As he was leaving house, his mother attacked him, and he was forced to defend himself, slicing her in half diagonally in the process. Horrified, Vann quickly left the scene and escaped to the general store. He needed to get supplies.

Personal belongings:

Everything he's wearing in the photo (including headphones), a swiss army knife, solar powered battery charger for his music, combat boots, 2 changes of clothes (including underwear), and a large backpack.


Vann likes the colors black, red, and blue. Sometimes white.
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Deanna Evening




General Store




The long, black hair of hers is slightly messy, due to the fact that she often just brush it through with her fingers, and not an actual comb. Despite that, she puts in the light effort to redden her lips with a crimson lipstick she has obtained from someone a long time ago. She also smokes, and is often found with a cigarette with her, faint smoke escaping her mouth as she exhales, unconcerned about the health issues it might lead to.

Deanna's voice is a little deep, and is considered quite pretty and attractive, not only from her facial features but her whole body as well. She's usually found wearing a black leather jacket on top of her white shirt or tank-top inside. A plain, silver pendant is also worn most of the time, although a photo that was supposed to be located in it had long been thrown away by her. A combat knife is located on the side of her belt as her weapon, although she fights most of the time with her physical body.






Deanna's characterized to be cool and mature--she has an intelligent brain as well, even an outstanding athletic body, enough to be a helpful and trustworthy partner in times of trouble. Except, however, one who is not close to her or work long enough with her rarely knows about that side of her since she is often viewed to be the careless and lazy woman who chooses not to do anything most of the time but enjoys her bottle of beer. "Gonna grab the chance to entertain yourself when ya have the chance, ya know" is what she often says.

Deanna is also known to have a mysterious aura around her, no one really knows much about her personal life before the zombie Apocalypse. Furthermore, she has the habit of leaving words hanging in a conversation and never answering questions proper enough and instead confusing the others more. In battle, she is quite fierce, shaking away her usual laziness as she is viewed to be brutal and cruel towards the zombies. Deanna can sometimes be described as cold and heartless; she's blunt with her words and isn't afraid to offend someone if she deeply believes what she said is right. However, she is said to be a nice person as well, a great listener, comrade, a leader even--if she won't avoid taking responsibilities that much and kick off her usual lazy attitudes. What makes her stand out the most, though is that Deanna also puts reality before feelings or emotions. If a person's infected, she usually won't hesitate to kill he or her down even if the other has been a long friend of hers. To keep the other alive and suffering just because one isn't willing to let go is something Deanna wouldn't do.


Deanna grew up without her parents--rather, the only memory she has about them is the sight of her being left on the dirty wooden floor of the dark messy house, as the last rays of sunlight desperately shone its way into the room while the door was eventually shut, enclosing her into total blackness, alone, her parents abandoning her to run away from the mafia. Ever since they grew deeply in-debt with a large sum of money with what others would call a dangerous side of society, and unable to pay back, Deanna's family was chased all around by the debt-collectors. Although they were determined at first to raise Deanna despite the situation, they gave up quickly after the mafia discovered one of their last places they could hide in, and grew to view her as a burden to their lives. Thus, Deanna was left alone in the tiny house as they escaped by themselves, leaving her fate to however decisions the mafia would choose to do with her after finding her out. At that time, Deanna was only seven of age.

She could still feel the anxiety and shock when she saw her parents left without her, and the nervousness upon seeing the frightening looks of the mafia debt-collectors. However, it wasn't until she grew up that she finally learned of the reason why their parents choose to do so. Deanna found it cruel, but it's reality, and she grew to accept it. At least, she thought in a more optimistic side, the mafia did not decide to kill her. In the beginning, they wondered of the possibility of taking her into the family and raising her into a potential member, but quickly decided that she wouldn't become someone valuable or even useful. In the end, due to their belief even as mafia, that killing women and children are wrong, they let her go. Deanna thus was now away from the mafia threats, but at the same time she got nowhere else to go.

At that age, however, she is smart enough already to know that staying in that poor tiny house wouldn't get her anywhere. Thus, she left and began her temporarily life on the streets, surviving through stealing and battling off gangstas, strengthening herself at the same time, until she became rather athletic. At thirteen years old, she finally came upon an orphanage, who took her in, and at last giving her at least a life worth calling comfortable, with other children, good foods, and soft beds.

When she was 17, she left the orphanage, found herself a part-time job as a helper in a bar, rented herself a simple room, and lived a satisfying lifestyle for a time quite long. She even fell for a lad, 2 years older than her, who gave her the lipstick and silver pendant she still use and wear. Deanna had thought that everything would be fine now, when all of the sudden, the loud screams and sounds of chaos was heard one night. That's when something that has always been fictional began--the Zombie Apocalypse.

Desperate to live, she and her lover was successful in escaping after the bar collapsed, but it didn't last long. Deanna was, at that time, still unfamiliar with fighting with knives, even if they found some on the ground, probably left by previous victims. Using plain fists and random objects around her couldn't last the couple for long. Soon, her lover was bitten, and pleaded for her to kill him before he lost the last bit of humanity. Deanna hesitated a lot back then, but through gritted teeth granted his wish.

She spent the rest of her time then, surviving alone, training in her use of guns, wandering alone through the streets until she found a general store--it wasn't that stable a hiding place, but with more than enough supplies. By that time, she has thrown away a photo of her lover she contained in her pendant, as if to let go of her past. After meeting Owen in the grocery store, she then decided that she could stay there for the time being.

Personal belongings:

As someone who fights, Deanna has with a combat knife worn on the side of her belt. She has one black leather jacket, as shown in the photo above. Deanna also has two tank-tops, one white and the other black, a white shirt, a pair of jeans and a pair of leather pants. She carries with her the silver pendant and her lipstick.


Deanna doesn't really care about anything, although she hates orange juice and lemons. She's fine with eating oranges though.

She surprisingly has an interest in books and novels, and she loves beer. It's hard to catch her drunk though because her durability to alcohol is pretty strong.

She sucks at math.

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Ariel Clerico ?

"Yeah, like the mermaid."


Leader of the school





Unlike the Disney mermaid, our Ariel has a full head of silky brown hair and bright eyes. He is usually seen with a kind smile regardless of what he's doing and whom he's facing. Unless he is at home (where he always wears pajamas), he would wear simple sweatshirts or T-shirts, as well as jeans and sneakers.






Just like his warm smile would suggest, Ariel is a gentle and friendly young man. He doesn't hesitate to help out a person in need, nor is he afraid of making new friends. Once he becomes acquainted with someone, he would always pay close attention to what they need and help brighten their day if they're down in the dumps. Even when someone swats him away or puts on a scowl, Ariel would still stay at a close but respectful distance in case they ever need him. He is also incredibly patient and tolerant regardless of how rude and annoying the other party is. Despite so, Ariel isn't afraid to put his foot down and tell someone off.


Sometime around middle school, Ariel decided that he was going to be a psychiatrist, because why not? He loved children, and he enjoys meeting new people. Having a job like that seemed perfect for him. Ever since then, he would find any chance he could get to help out in the nurse's office or volunteer in hospitals, even if it was just to get a look at how stuff works. When high school rolled around, he joined Red Cross and became the manager of the basketball team. During his time with the team, he got to know a player named Evan, who soon became his best friend and crush. Even when it was time for them to go to college, they still kept in contact with each other and met up almost every week. Ariel thought that maybe he'll tell Evan about his crush someday.

Sadly, that day never came. Just a couple of months into college, and Ariel received the news on the phone while he was on the streets. Without a chance to even think that this may be a joke, a zombie broke out of a shop and devoured the closest person. In his shock, Ariel ran back to the dorms and gathered what little things he could. He tried to call Evan, but after just a few words, the basketball player hung up in a rush to get away from whatever was chasing him. Worried and distraught, Ariel ran as far as his feet would take him until he finally reached the safety of a school. Although he tries to focus on his responsibilities as the leader, he sometimes couldn't help but get stuck on the issue as to whether he should look for Evan or just forget about him for good.

Personal belongings:

-A duffle bag

-A sweatshirt, two white T-shirts, a pair of jeans and a pair of shorts, two pairs of socks, sneakers, and underwear

-Kitchen knife

-A phone, now out of battery

The Little Match Girl, a book that he borrowed in elementary school but never returned

-Keys for the school's gate and doors

-A watch that Evan gave to him which displays both time and date, as well as a change of battery.


Likes: Children, Early mornings, Taking strolls around the school, Evan

Dislikes: Reckless behavior, Sleeping (out of fear that he might turn into a zombie overnight somehow)

Fears: Finding his friends dead on the streets or turned into zombies


Name: Sven Thomas Siren 'Grim'



Group: General Store bad ass.

Age: 26


Sven stands at six foot three. His hair is dark brown, his eyes also dark brown. He has a large muscle tone though under his clothes it's not as evident. Disregard everything else except his face in this picture.





You'll find out soon enough.


Sven is plainly nice to everyone until he gets to a point of anger or frustration, though he rarely gets to this point. Though nice, he is cruel and unforgiving in his subordinate self, always looking for a way to get even or get what he wants. He isn't the gentlest fish in the pond but he sure is the most honest, lying is not one of the things he likes doing. Most of the time he makes stupid disturbing jokes or mind blowing ideas that seem great. In all Sven's mental state will be explained below.


Sven's life starts on a calm farm in Sweden, his mother took care of him and he tended the farm along with the help of his uncle and his cousins. When he visited a close town to buy a new tractor he met a man who said he knew who Sven's father after further investigation it turned out Sven's father was apart of a European crime syndicate, one of the last racketeering gangs in Europe. Sven's father wasn't a mob under boss or even a lieutenant, but a gestapo. One of the lowest but most needed pieces to a racketeering gang, a spy. When Sven turned sixteen he was officially made a gestapo like his father before him and was sent to America to seek out fresh and unscathed places to set up enclaves so that if their home in Sweden turned to dust they could move to America.

Much of Sven's time was spent in either the gym, the library, or kicking the living shit out of local gangsters and so gaining trust amongst other gangs. Maybe it was too many knocks to the head, too much weight on the bar, or the right words in the wrong book. Somewhere along that trail split Sven's mind and remade it, soon after he wasn't in the gym instead he was stealing from it, instead of reading from the library he was stealing from it, instead of fighting the local gangsters he was teaming up with them or killing them. Though when Sven twenty two it all changed, he met the girl of his dreams. He couldn't remember her name, he hit himself in the head too often to remember. He could only remember her dying in his arms to the undead. Sven's mind was split again but this time he created Grim.

Personal belongings:

A thick cold steel hatchet.

A silver necklace.

Brass knuckles.

A broken gun.

Thick coat with a white undershirt and a pair of jean, mechanic's boots.

An ipod, no headphones.

His gas mask which he HAS NOT removed yet.



Go ahead and ask about his past he'll talk like the joker.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/maxresdefault.jpg.56a08373fa4fb31e4eff630b6645cb01.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67973" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/maxresdefault.jpg.56a08373fa4fb31e4eff630b6645cb01.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name:stratos katsuchia

Gender: male

Group: none yet

Age: 18







Stratos is a calm hot blooded survivor he has a friendly persona and a pretty negotiateive person but when it comes down to his friends he gets serious and deadly but he has a soft spot and gets hungry not as fast as normal but gets thirsty fast due to his runnings and energy he uses


Before the outbreak stratos was a survivalist expert it was the only class he got A's in during college but when the outbreak started his family died in front of him during a expedition to the market since he has been in a lot of situations for stealth and such he has more of a sneaky approach and a can pick lock difficult locks and vaults he is more of a melee person but can use a gun when if comes to that point.

Personal belongings:

•5 packs of MRE's

•1 small dagger

•jacket/jeans/socks/hat/T-shirt-2 pairs of each

•3 full water bottles



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It's been a while since I last joined an RP but uh, mind if I join with my rustiness?

Name: Fujioka Renjiro (aka "Ren" or "Jiro")

Gender: Male

Group: The School

Age: 17



Nationality: Half-Japanese / Half-British

Sexuality: No one ever asked so mystery~


He's a loner, really. Not that it bothers him much. He spends his time in class listening to music and still somehow able to answer the questions teachers throw at him to catch him off guard. I guess that means he's intelligent? His looks are enough to get him a spot at the top 3 cutest boys in the school. Because he talks so little, not much is known about him except for the fact that he's good-looking, smart, and very quiet.


You've heard of those stories of rich people and their rich sons and daughters, right? Well, Renjiro is one of those kids. The third and youngest son of the Fujioka family, he spent most of his life in the shadows of his two older brothers. Luckily, he grew up with a carefree personality so he wasn't traumatized much by the pressure of catching up to his brothers. He goes to a public school, against the wishes of his parents (more like he enrolled in it without their knowledge and refused to transfer to a private school). At school, he lived the quiet and peaceful life of a normal teenager where no one knew his background, until the apocalypse began.

Personal belongings:

- Wooden kendo sword

- MP3 and headphones

- Phone

- A photo of himself and ... a girl ??? (might add another character as story progresses)

- Money


- The Fujioka family is famous for their kendo school chains

- He likes ... gardening?

- Something he's scared of ... maybe ... having friends?
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Name: Juliana Xavier

Gender: female

Group: The General Store

Age: 17


Nationality: British (she has the british accent too)

Sexuality: straigh

Personality: Extremely shy and quite, yet with her music she will often be seen with a peaceful expression and a smile on her face. In battle though, she goes from happy and shy to extremely violent and brutal, yet still quite as a mouse. She loves her music and ADORES the Beatles and Pink Floyd, though she still enjoys Skrillex, Zedd, and Green Day. Though she is very shy she enjoys making new friends once they get past her shyness. Once she makes a friend she is often very open with them and can be fun. She will often become depressed at times due to the thought that she watched her parents become zombies before her eyes and she was the one who had to "put them down"

Backstory: Juliana lived with her parents happily and worked a part time job at a coffee shop, she loved her life and her family. She was raised an only child and grew up surrounded with the oldies such as "All You Need is Love" by the Beatles and lots more. When things whent wrong at school, such as being teased, which she was quite often, music was her safe haven. When she got into techno and dubstep, she got into dj-ing and that was how she expressed herself, she was often called a 'music-freak' before the apocolypse. She also took kendo and karate, transforming her body into a weapon.

Personal belongings:

and the headphones seen in the picture of Juliana


She loves music, especially The Beatles, Pink Floyd, The Temptations, Skrillex, Zedd and Green Day

She has an extreme fear of thunder.

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