Zombie Apocalypse: Take a Bite (sign up sheet)

Name: Michael Luther Clarence Wilson

Age: 32

Appearance: Dr. Wilson

Personality: Michael isn't the easiest person to understand, or get along with. He has a reputation for being overly emotional, exceedingly aggressive, and just strange. He avoids the limelight as much as possible, preferring to sidle on the sidelines and help in nondescript ways. It's not easy. Sometimes, he finds himself stumbling into it regardless. When this happens he prefers to dip back into the radar rather than make yourself known – because once everyone's looking at him, he's no longer comfortable, he's drowning on dry land and they're sizing him up like a meal. He can't handle the attention. But, don't misunderstand him, because he does well around large groups.

History: Michael was no stranger to grief. It split him apart, broke him in ways that would later form a much stranger boy that didn't quite fit right with anyone else. In those moments, Michael was born apart from them, even though they all experienced the same kind of pain in very different ways. It was unbearable. His pain was made of soft blurry edges, slipping right through his fingers. In town, there were no socially, or legally, acceptable places to mourn the loss of your loved one – you couldn't just bury your face in the grace, two feet way from your curb. Initially, Michael walked down the hallways, howling like a broken thing. A beached seal, a broken toy. He cried hysterically for days, clammed up, and calmed down, barricading himself in his room. He'd hold his mother's shirts, before they took it all away, and breathed into it as if maybe just maybe he would feel her there, or smell her, and it'd become a little less real. It never changed a thing. She was gone and there was nothing they could do. He was stuck with his father until he grew old himself and left the house to join the Army. After a few years or so, he became a qualified doctor and came home just in time to experience the outbreak.

Family: His father was all he knew, but he figured he was dead anyway because of how old he was.

Group: By himself at the moment.

Weapons: Just a Desert Eagle.
Name: Clint Morte

Age: 25

Appearance: He has jet black hair, and a short beard. His skin is tan, and his nose round. His eyes are grey. He dresses in:

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He also wears black pants.

Personality: Clint is the kind of man who you'd want to be around in an apocalypse. He's brave, not stupid, and wise. He'll help if he can, and if he thinks you need shot, he'll shoot you dead.

History: Clint was a man who had made a living working on his family ranch. He'd lived there all his life, grew up respectable, but knowing how to defend himself with his Winchester. He had met his high school sweet heart in high school, obviously. They married, and had one son. When the zombies came, they took his family. Every last one but him got turned. He had to shoot them all. It changed him deep inside. He and his horse Mallic now roam, trying not to find zombies, and trying to live the best they can.

Family: All his family got turned.

Group: Just with his horse Mallic.


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He got the knife from his brother who was a Marine. He got the rifle from his father, and what he shoots at, he hits.

His horse: View attachment 12554
Name: Melody Sparks


I'll link you later, after I've got 5 posts >////< (I cannot post decent links yet, sorry >////<)

Melody has a thing for the power, mystery and intense experience from situations, person and beings. That's why she's known to observe things well, and for being calm when thinking (which is not what she may seem like). She's also known for being good at using her strength and creativity in difficult situations, even though she's often very reckless as well. Personally, out of charisma, willpower and honor, she sees honor as the most important one, she would do everything to protect her honor.

Melody is good at tolerating pain, and she's very resistant to disease, although, I don't think she's resistant to the bite of a zombie. One of her two main problems is her multiple personality disorder, which I think we all know what that means, and the other one is her psychosis which caused her being a mute. Meaning, she's not able to talk.

I think I'd rather leave it to the roleplayers to find out in the roleplay itself, is that okay? o/////o

Her family is unkown to her, but she might meet a brother or sister during the roleplay, it depends~

I don't know which group yet~

She'd prefer carrying two guns and some ammunition around all the time~

(I know this is not much yet, but there are many secret things I only want to be revealed in the roleplay, just for the mystery >//////<)
[MENTION=4604]BrokenLove25[/MENTION] It looks like one more post and you should be able to do links. Do you think that you can tell a little about what she was doing when everything started? Like... was she getting out of a town or fighting zombies? She can join up with a group, when/if you want her to, she could run into Clair and Lee if you want. And weapons, I would prefer it to be one gun and one melee (as stated in the rules). And, just to make sure, you can do a full paragraph each post, yes? See if you can post the picture tomorrow, and I'll check it and have my answer. ^^

yes, it's a link~! :D

so well, I think she would just be killing the zombies on her path, since she isn't really the kind of girly-girl to just run away and do nothing~

I also think she would just be carrying a shotgun and a handgun :3

about the groups, well, dear, if you really don't mind she could indeed run into Clair and Lee u////u

if you really don't mind :3
[MENTION=4604]BrokenLove25[/MENTION] Drop one of the guns and change it for a melee and she will be fine. But it is in the rules 'one gun, one melee'

Name: Nick (Also known as 'Wall'. Due to the fact that he is dead accurate.)

Age: 15


About 5'6, fair skinned Caucasian male. He has grayish-green eyes and weighs about a hundred and thirteen pounds. He is rather lean individual, but is also wiry with muscle easily strong enough to lift his own weight. His hair is blond and with a few freckles running over the bridge of his noes. His average attire is gray jeans with a few rips in them, and a pure black, snug T-shirt that used to give the zombies less to grab onto. He wears a pair of black and white Adidas running shoes, and has a large combat knife used for various things (Self defense, skinning animals, etc) on his hip. Upon his neck is a small necklace made from a leather strip. It has a locket attached to the end, with a picture of his family and friends cut and placed into it. Despite that he isn't held back by them, he greatly misses them.


He's a rebellious teenage boy, he eats a ton, is very active, and doesnt like to be bossed around. He tends to get angry at anyone who tells him what to do. However, if you get past this, you will find something just short of the 'genius' category in the school systems, as his IQ is off by a meer three points. He can be very nice too, willing to teach others some tricks he knows if they asked. One advantage over most others is that he doesn't regret taking a life if he has to or if it's his job, and wont hesitate to pull the trigger. Something few people could manage. He also seems to be unaffected by something known as post traumatic stress disorder, which almost all survivors acquire at one point or another.


Of all the children who had to be born, it would have to be Nick. He's you're typical rebellious teenager, except he hates to be pampered. He is the kind of kid you'll see in the trees holding a rifle waiting for a deer to come by. When he was born, he was thought to have brain damage. This is because the umbilical cord managed to wrap itself around his neck and right arm to the point where it was purple. However, despite the odds, the kid pulled through and was born a completely healthy baby. Nick always seemed to be overly serious in nature, rarely taking jokes as a small child. He killed his first buck at the age of eight and has been hunting ever since. After that he became quite the outdoorsman, and was hunting and fishing whenever he wasn't doing school work. While out hunting a bear he had been tracking for a while, his foot was caught in a tree branch, resulting in hims falling out of the tree he was in, and landing on a stick the pointed upward. He was impaled, and recovered after a few months of physical rehab, and has a large circular scar on his lower torso. This is not the only scar, he has several that riddle his body from hunting. He did eventually kill that bear though. He began to learn how to fight, nothing martial art, but he taught how to counter, which came in handy a few times. At the age of thirteen, he discovered parkour, and began to take the new sport incredibly seriously, as he found it very useful when hunting. However, he doesn't do the 'look at me, I'm cool' crap. He focuses on the stuff that is useful, like double stepping up walls, vaults, and falling to improve his efficiency. He has been keeping up with his arts since.


Parents: Deceased

Two Brothers: Deceased, dont bring them up because he is very touchy on the subject.

Group: None yet.

Weapons: Tactical knife and a G36 with multiple attachments. He also likes to keep a few hand made pipe bombs on him. They proved plenty useful.

Knife: CLICK ME!



If there are two things that Wall has going for him, it's the fact that he is a creative genius when it comes to killing zombies, and more importantly, he has incredible accuracy. Wall got his name for picking off zombies with a near perfect aim, coupled with the G36's already great range and firing speed... He doesn't know how he does it, but he just has 'it' in him.

This whole character is basically me, along with complements on the shooting range I have gotten from people. My dad's a retired Seal, and he likes to take me to the range every other weekend or so. Yes, my favorite weapon of mass destruction is the G36 they have there, yes, I know how those attachments work. I'n deciding to go with this because I have a lot of experience being myself, so hopefully that'll make my posts better quality. All and all, what do you think?

[MENTION=4604]BrokenLove25[/MENTION] Great, you can post when you're ready :D

[MENTION=3675]WanderingTyrant[/MENTION] Everything looks great, except for the pipe bombs. It is stated in the character sheet that they 'Can have one gun and one melee'. Seeing as Pipe bombs don't fall under either of those categories, then I want you to lose them. Plus, the fact that the zombies are like they are in The Walking Dead, sound attracts them, using a pipe bomb could bring a horde down on you and anyone with you. Also, keep in mind that your character will die, that is something that was stated in both the character sheet and the interest check.


Fair enough, although bombs don't always have to be used to try and kill something. I'll remove them if I have to, but I only said he knew how to make them. I didn't say he actually had any.

Regardless, I will remove them.

As for the dying part, I am we'll aware of that, I read the OP well enough to spot it. To be honest, I think my character will know he will die too. He just wants to live as long as possible. We all make it sooner or later.
Name: Leo 'Zodiac' Montre

Age: 24


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Personality: Zodiac is stubborn, determined and willful. He has a temper and doesn't like leaving people behind but if it came down to it, he could make the decisions that no one else could. Some people call him heartless, but the truth is that he is TOO much of a heartfelt person, so he became determined to block that out. He is protective, powerful and is quite intelligent. He has a guilty conscience for the past, but tries not to let it cloud his judgement. He is a tactical warrior, having trained in many forms of japanese fighting styles.

History: Zodiac's life was spent in a dojo in a section of japan sealed off from everything else. There he learnt to defend himself, to train his mind and body alike to become all that he could be. He was trained in Kendo, Judo and many other forms and specialised in fighting with a weapon, namely the Katana. He was in his final training stages to become one of the renowned warriors that graduated from the dojo, though he knew his life would be filled with much learning, meditation and training. Life was a learning opportunity, and a true warrior never stopped learning. When the apocalypse hit it took the dojo a while to be infected. They went on oblivious until one of their suppliers came in, bringing the virus with them. The infection spread through the dojo quickly and dangerously. Zodiac managed to get out with a handful of other students, but not before being confronted by a zombie version of his sensei. It was his first kill. He still has nightmares about that fateful day, the day that changed everything. The five students he escaped with gradually dwindled to two as they made their way across japan to escape to another country, trying to find a safe haven. They made it to the US, not sure where to go, but figuring they'd just wing it. The last two were snatched away after their first few days on the foreign shore. Now he was alone, wandering in this strange country with only his thoughts and the raven he had raised from a hatchling for company.

Family: he was raised by his sensei, who he killed in his escape. He has an older sister living somewhere in the US. he hopes she's still okay

Group: Will be meeting up with Lee and Claire

Weapons: Compound bow and katana

Name: Alexis Romero

Age: 22

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Personality: Jinx is probably the sanest person on the planet. The reason for this being is her unique perspective on life. That is her devil may care attitude that has allowed her to keep going, despite all the madness around her. The one thing she will not tolerate, is a man looking down on her because he thought that he could do a better job on the car because her sexual organs just so happened to be on the inside. Well, his is now too.

History: Before the apocalypse, Alexis was living a simple life as a Mechanic. She imagined one day being good enough to work on aircraft for the Air Force, but never had the dedication to go that far. It was not for a lack of skill though, that was demonstrated when the zombies came up. At the time, she was working at a Junk Yard, and was well set up to live out for the first several weeks with her boss. One day though, one of the sneaky buggers snuck through an opening in the fence and caught him by surprise.

Afterwards, she took her tool kit and some basic supplies and made off on her own.

Family: None

Group: On her own.


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[MENTION=4162]Serenity_Black[/MENTION]; could you recommend where it is best to jump in? Perhaps just ignore everyone's post and make a clean one? people to pay attention to? people to skip?
[MENTION=4669]Nicha[/MENTION] That depends on when/if you want her to join a group. You can do a post going into detail on what she's doing, having her enter the town, or maybe she's already there. It is up to you, as she is your character. :)


You could perhaps join up with my character, Nick, who's currently cycling next to a free way. You could meet him at one of the road exits if you'd like.


Nevermind, then.
WanderingTyrant said:
You could perhaps join up with my character, Nick, who's currently cycling next to a free way. You could meet him at one of the road exits if you'd like.


Nevermind, then.
[MENTION=3675]WanderingTyrant[/MENTION] O.o would of, but had already posted when I saw your post. I still don't mind to hook up with you.
SO i decided to make another character, i hope it's okay

Name: Carmen Elenai

Age: 23


View attachment 13917 She's also six months pregnant

Personality: Fearful, loving and kind, Carmen is one of the nicest people you'll ever meet. She is afraid for the future, not wanting to be at a loss. Her kind heart often results in disappointment and trouble, due to her losing people she grew close to, in one way or another. She is stubborn, emotional and fierce when she wants to be.

History: Carmen was a travelling gypsy. She spent her time travelling to carnivals and festivals to perform. She used to be a dancer, performing for money, travelling with her family in the old fashioned wagons they'd made themselves, the clydesdales pulling them slowly and peacefully to wherever they needed to be. It was a wonderful life, not worrying about the things that everyone else did. Admittedly it was a little harder for them, having a constant supply of food, warmth at night in the exceedingly cold winters, but she loved the lifestyle. She met fantastic people, got to experience so much and loved every minute of it. When she was twenty she met another performer at one of the carnivals. They connected fast and stayed in contact. Often they'd both be at the same festivals and carnivals and eventually it became obvious that they had a definite bond. He joined her group and they were married. Three years on she fell pregnant with their first child. They were overjoyed, so glad to be able to experience such a thing. The joy didn't last long.

They were camping on the edge of a city when strange noises could be heard around them. Marx, Carmen's husband, went to look. Two minutes later she heard his strangled scream of agony and she ran out to see the camp surrounded by strange, clearly ill, people. And beneath a pile of them was her husband, still writhing and screaming. She cried out and ran to him, trying to fight off as many as she could. She was grabbed by someone and pulled back. Screaming she thought it was one of the infected, but it was her father. He'd heard rumours of these creatures, and he figured he knew what was coming. The others fought the walkers while her father urged her to leave, so much so that he attatched two of the horses to her caravan and told her to go. She did so, with tears in her eyes as she heard the agonising screams as she made her escape, a hand on her stomach to calm the child that grew within her.

Family: Her family were all murdered by the walkers. She has no idea if any of the younger ones escaped. The child growing inside her is the only family she has

Group: None

Weapons: a colt .45 she found on the body of a dead policeman (which she nearly threw up on while searching his body) and a machete she grabbed from a store that had been broken into and picked dry by other scavengers. she was lucky they'd left it behind.


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