Zofia, Girl With A Gun [PlanetFall]


Hopefully this is good...This is my first Eclipse Phase character. Hope you all like her. On a side note, I've edited her backstory some to try and extinguish some of the lingering difficulties therein.

Zofia Mignonette Immelman could've been born a crown princess, for all she knows. It makes little difference, since she was born on Earth a meager two years before the onslaught of the TITANs, but she couldn't help but wonder what her parents might've been like. In the chaotic spree of evacuations as the Earth writhed in its death throes, the girl's parents found a transport evacuating a slew of electronics with infomorphs stowed inside leaving their city in the midst of an assault. Her earliest memory is that of one of the guilt-ridden crew, the man who had taken her from her parents' arms by their pleas. He couldn't let them on the ship because the extra weight would have slowed them down. He related to her the black shapes on the horizon, and the fear in the pilot's eyes as he watched other ships cut in two by lasers lancing through the sky, or blown apart as an artillery shell collided with them. The toddler girl was carried away from Earth, clutching the crewman and crying for her mother.

The girl knows this only because, in the years following her deposit into an orphanage on a station near Saturn, the crewman occasionally visited her to try and make her life a little easier. Zofia can remember that she hit him once, when she was at her most miserable, but still he came back. At the age of six, she was adopted. The girl wasn't given the loving family she hoped for, but it wasn't a bad life. One of the hyperelite, a businessman who was retiring to a personal habitat on one of Saturn's moons, was getting set for an immortal lifestyle of luxury. In the hopes of protecting himself and his sanity for a very long time, however, he needed excellent companions, and Zofia was one of the chosen few. Brought to his peaceful habitat, she was brought up with private tutelage on fairly standard academic matters, plus extra learning on whatever topics took her interest particularly. The price of this privelege, however, was her service: the girl learned to care for her master's manor and most of his habitat as a maid. Thanks to a semi-serious paranoia, the man also put her through excessive training to serve as his bodyguard, paying for her to be educated heavily in matters of short-and-long-range combat. As a student, guardian, and servant, the girl grew sufficiently over the course of many years. Though she was free to learn as she wished in her spare time, Zofia was only rarely allowed off the grounds of the habitat. Her isolated life earned her more than a little naivete, as well as making her shy away from those she was not very familiar with, but she rarely complained. Her life could've been much worse.

This attitude changed, however, soon after her twentieth birthday. Zofia learned of her master's true plans for her and his other most promising servants: to keep them in the habitat with him forever. The girl knew well enough that immortality seemed a real possibility in her day and age, but she had not expected to be trapped in her master's world until physical or mental disaster obliterated her. It had never been explicitly discussed, but she had expected to depart from his service sometime in her early adulthood, prepared to face the many worlds and make her own way. Her master's paranoia had only been growing over the years, however. His plan had been to ensure that he had a loyal retinue of servants who were raised to be obedient and dedicated to him; thus he had adopted Zofia and others at such young ages and was willing to tolerate the expense of raising and educated them for years. Frightened of the possibility of an eternal life of service, and suddenly scared even of her lifelong companions in the habitat, Zofia did not ask if the other servants knew of the master's plan or whether they were willing to endure it. Rather, she relied on her master's trust and was able to access some of his living funds, stealing a good amount of credits and fleeing from the habitat, and the moon itself.

Escaping to Titan, Zofia struggled to find a place for herself both literally and figuratively. Compelled to keep a low profile, she moved between various low-income housing areas and worked one short-lived job after another. Each day she feared that a bounty for her capture might go up somewhere public on the mesh, or that she would hear the fatherly but ever business-like voice of her master speak up behind her. However, when months went by with no sign of pursuit, the girl began to gradually grow more bold. She sought out more active employment and began to work on more than survival. Rather than seeking out ways to improve her finances, she was set on improving herself. As she settled into better jobs, she directed her funds and free time towards this. Her isolated life and a faint fear of some technology in memory of the TITANs and what she had lost to them stuck the young woman with a rare unwillingness to modify her own body. Instead of purchasing biomods or upgrading her mind, she took part in various training programs to hone what skills she had developed for work or recreation. While she remained shy and closed off from other people, worried of drawing too much attention to herself, she was no longer so focused on being a face in the crowd.

It was almost a year after her escape that the girl stumbled upon what felt like a real calling. The cities of Titan were particularly conspicuous among the Sol system as one of a few rife with political conflict and upheaval. Much of these arguments are based around the use of the Pandora Gate present there. Though hardly a war zone, there are always people inflamed about something or other, and terrorist attacks in the past have lead to significant increases in police and emergency personnel. As a talented fighter and well-trained medic, Zofia earned herself a place first as a police officer, and soon a member of an emergency armed forces squad trained not only to face criminals and terrorists but to provide medical care for the victims of such attacks. For once, she was beginning to feel fulfilled; like she was doing something worthwhile. She had never thought she would actually be comfortable with killing someone, but her distress over the matter was overshadowed when she realized she could rescue the people hurt by that person. And she did.

However, even as her life seemed to be pulling itself together, Zofia could not rid herself of her past. That old fear still remained, and her unease ate at her. Despite attempts to the contrary, she couldn't relax despite feeling fulfilled in her occupation, and longed to get a genuine fresh start. This unspoken prayer was answered in the form of Project Unity. It seemed the perfect opportunity to escape her fearful and lonesome lifestyle forever. Though she was cautious and reserved, the young woman had been nursing that growing desire to improve herself; to learn and see more, and to make her own way through the universe without fear. Adventure called to her, and it was with joy that she found herself accepted into the project. She knew a new world awaited, and she could be at the ground floor of an incredible venture. If she was dedicated and clever, she'd make a grand life for herself, part of a budding new world.

Reality is harsh on the innocent.

Zofia awoke to a world almost two centuries old, with names like Pravin Lal and Corazon Santiago known by all. She'd emerged in a world even less familiar than the old one. Worse still, the girl who focused so on preserving her individual identity and her natural self was told her body was long gone. Despair threatened to swallow her, but Zofia was not so weak as she might seem. Though she was unknown on Planet and had no one to rely on, she had her old funds still intact and was able to draw on them to get herself started. A shortage of morphs for the Peacekeepers, the faction she found the most appealing, unfortunately left her with little option despite her reserve of credits. Determined to make do however she could, Zofia purchased a new, strange body and prepared herself to deal with this new place. She had discarded the surname given by her master when she escaped, along with the one she had taken to hide her identity on Titan, and set out to make her way with a name known only to a crewman near Saturn and the old records of an orphanage: Zofia Mignonette Immelman.

Though loathe to focus on it for long, Zofia has the size and basic shape of a girl about ten years old. Just under four and a half feet, she is small for her age, but her morph is in superb shape. Her skin is pale and lacks scars or distinguishing marks. Cute and undeveloped, the girl moves with an adult posture and attitude unfitting of a child. Her only childish aspect, appearance-wise, might be that she has taken to wearing her long brown hair in pigtails in the back. Some of it remains loose around her face, however, and often obscures her eyes when speaking to others as she tends to avoid looking into the other person's eyes. Her own eyes are currently a dull gray color. The girl can be quickly picked out as a Neotenic thanks to her adult attitude and relative refinement.

Character: Zofia Mignonette Immelman

Player: Inari

Motivation: +Personal Development, +Individualism, +Exploration

Background: Fall Evacuee

Faction: Peacekeeper Citizen


COG: 20 - 20

COO: 15+5 - 20

INT: 15+5 - 20

REF: 15+5 - 20

SAV: 10 - 10

SOM: 15+5 - 20

WIL: 20 - 20

Moxie: 10

Skills: (Base + Skill points + Morph Bonus = Total)

-Academics:[Philosophy] 15 + 30 + 5 = 50

-Academics:[Psychology] 15 + 30 + 5 = 50

-Art:[Guitar] 15 + 20 + 5 = 40

-Art:[Writing] 15 + 40 + 5 = 40

-Beam Weapons 15 + 10 + 5 = 30

-Blades 15 + 30 + 5 = 50 (Swords: 60)

-Climbing 15 + 30 + 5= 50

-Fray 15 + 60 + 5 = 80 (Blades: 90)

-Free Fall 15 + 10 + 5 = 30

-Freerunning 15 + 40 + 5 = 60 (Jumping: 70)

-Gunnery 15 + 10 + 5 = 30

-Hardware: [Groundcraft] 20 + 20 + = 40

-Interest: [baseball] 15 + 40 + 5 = 60

-Investigation 15 + 20 + 5 = 40

-Kinetic Weapons 15 + 60 + 5 = 80 (Automatic Rifles: 90)

-Language:[English] 15 + 70 + 25 = 90

-Language:[French] 15 + 40 + 5 = 60

-Language:[Japanese] 15 + 40 + 5 = 60

-Medicine: [Paramedic] 20 + 20 = 40 (CPR: 50)

-Networking: [uNPF] 10 + 20 = 30

-Perception 15 + 20 + 5 = 40

-Pilot: [Groundcraft] 15 + 20 +5 = 40

-Profession: [bodyguard] 15 + 40 + 5 = 60

-Profession: [Maid] 15 + 40 + 5 = 60

-Swimming 15 + 20 + 5= 40

-Unarmed Combat 15 + 20 + 5 = 40

Active Skillpoints: 425+30/455

Knowledge Skillpoints: 300/300

Morph: Neotenic

Biomods: Basic Biomods, Basic Mesh Inserts, Cortical Stack

Advantages/Disadvantages: Brave, Common Sense, Small Target, Social Stigma (Neotenic)

Credit: 4300



-Standard Muse (Bastian)

-Tactical Network


-Automatic Rifle with Extended Magazine, Laser Sight, and Safety System

-Regular Ammo x 6



-Body Armour (Heavy) with Fireproofing and Self-Healing

-Full Helmet with Self-Healing

-Second Skin


Traction Pads

Electrogravitics Net

Flaslight (taped to rifle)

Nanobandages x 6

CP spent:

-425 CP - Active Skills+Specializations

-300 CP - Passive Skills

-100 CP Aptitudes (+5 COG, +5 WIL)

-25 Morph

-20 Traits

-10 Credits

-120 CP Moxie

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