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Fantasy Zodiac Cross


Neko Addict

Character Creation


  • Once a Zodiac has been taken nobody else can become that Zodiac
  • Zodiacs are reborn after Death, so if your Zodiac character happens to die you have the option of remaking them again or giving someone else that privilege
  • If a Zodiac has a child with another Zodiac then a new generation Zodiac is possible



Name (This will be your Zodiac sign):

Human Name:


Age Appearance (Zodiacs can live forever unless killed by a physical outside force, this is the age they appear as when walking in the human realm):

Power (Each Zodiac is allowed one special gift):



Sexual Orientation:







Sexual Orientation:



Aries ♈ -Open

Taurus♉ -

Gemini (Please create two familiar characters for this sign) ♊

Cancer ♋ -

Leo ♌ -

Virgo ♍ -

Libra ♎ -

Scorpio ♏-

Sagittarius ♐ -

Capricorn ♑ -

Aquarius ♒ -

Pisces ♓ (Please create two familiar characters for this sign) -
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Name: Scorpio

Human Name: Keita

Gender: Male

Age Appearance: 19

Power: He's a pyromaniac, He controls fire and enjoys watching things explode

Weakness: When people give him food, it makes him tear up

Personality: A real flirt Keita is often the charmer, however when he finds someone he truly is interested in he's loyal and passionate, seemingly irritable and impatient he storms off a lot when things piss him off, or he will try to set the scene on fire, he loves to cause trouble as well.

Sexual Orientation: Straight, however he doesn't mind being flirtatious with the opposite sex


Save me Pisces while I create a sheet

Name: Pisces ?

Human Name: Tawny

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Power: Water Manipulation

Weakness: She will do anything for little kids

Personality: Brave, strong, fun, optimistic, kind, caring, sensitive, strong willed, stubborn, reckless, curious and adventurous

Sexual Orientation: Straight

(It looks good, but since it is Pisces if you could make one more character for it. Like a sister or brother or twin even) @Wild Born
Name (This will be your Zodiac sign): Gemini

Human Name: Dae Kaleg

Gender: male

Age Appearance (Zodiacs can live forever unless killed by a physical outside force, this is the age they appear as when walking in the human realm): 17

Power (Each Zodiac is allowed one special gift): infuse energy into his six swords and mind to slow down his perception of his surrounding allowing him to dodge, parry and attack skillfully.

Weakness: goes into a coma if he expends to much energy

Personality: cold, but actually means well

Sexual Orientation: straight

black and white ninjas katana samurai weapons armor chrome monochrome male anime sengoku basara date masamune simple background_www.wall321.com_27.jpg

Name (This will be your Zodiac sign): Gemini

Human Name: Fae Kaleg

Gender: female

Age Appearance (Zodiacs can live forever unless killed by a physical outside force, this is the age they appear as when walking in the human realm): 17

Power (Each Zodiac is allowed one special gift): uses her energy to heal allies and regenerate wounds

Weakness: relies on her brother to much

Personality: calm, loving, happy go lucky

Sexual Orientation: straight (secretly loves her brother)

Name: Capricorn

Human Name:


Age Appearance:

She can nullify other powers temporily. She permanently nullifies power 3ft of her, wich also means she can't be healed by magical means.

Easily scared, coward

Carmen is serious and polite. She almost always does as told, and sometimes judges people based on appearance. She's very intelligent, being able to do complicated calculations in her head. She has an excellent memory, and is slightly sesquipedalian. Her humor is terrible.

Sexual Orientation:


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/81101794e6a9f982207e4bf78aa07bac.jpg.c8d0a1bd6e7faad1e013fb4ec8fdd4f5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60069" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/81101794e6a9f982207e4bf78aa07bac.jpg.c8d0a1bd6e7faad1e013fb4ec8fdd4f5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • 81101794e6a9f982207e4bf78aa07bac.jpg
    44.8 KB · Views: 64
Name: Taurus

Human Name: Tara

Age Appearance: 17

Gender: Female

Weakness: Very antisocial and hat headed

Personality: She's wild and reckless, but hates people.

Sexual Orientation: Asexual

Picture: My profile picture
xXGodoftheGeeksXx said:
Name: Taurus
Human Name: Tara

Age Appearance: 17

Gender: Female

Weakness: Very antisocial and hat headed

Personality: She's wild and reckless, but hates people.

Sexual Orientation: Asexual

Picture: My profile picture


Name: Hisame

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Personality: Hisame is very intelligent as he is quite the impressive hacker, though he doesn't believe in anything short of reality, charming looks he loses that once he opens his mouth he cant seem to speak of any compliments. Even if he wants to say something nice it ends up coming out wrong. He has a quick temper because of it and is misjudged. His secret is that he is an online romance novelist. It comes out great at his finger tips but terrible once he starts speaking. Which is why he goes under the pen name "Haruhi" So his fans believe he is a girl novelist.

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, though preferably straight


Name (This will be your Zodiac sign): Leo

Human Name: Rowan Volt

Gender: Female

Age Appearance (Zodiacs can live forever unless killed by a physical outside force, this is the age they appear as when walking in the human realm): 21

Power (Each Zodiac is allowed one special gift): Control of lightning

Weakness: Cats and being reckless. The need to save those weaker or in trouble

Personality: Flirty and a little sadistic when fighting. Complete tomboy with a short temper. also has a tendency to be overprotective over those close to her

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Picture: Has rounded lion ears on the top of her head and a tail that most mistake as cosplay

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Name (This will be your Zodiac sign): Aquarius

Human Name: Valick Drawl

Gender: Male

Age Appearance (Zodiacs can live forever unless killed by a physical outside force, this is the age they appear as when walking in the human realm): 17

Power (Each Zodiac is allowed one special gift): Control of Wind

Weakness: Obsession with cats. Afraid of endless water

Personality:Very relaxed and quiet character. Rarely speaks unless spoken to and isn't much bothered under pressure. Can also be rather flighty at random times.

Sexual Orientation: Straight


Name (This will be your Zodiac sign): Virgo

Human Name: Dru Meadows

Gender: Male

Age Appearance (Zodiacs can live forever unless killed by a physical outside force, this is the age they appear as when walking in the human realm):17

Power (Each Zodiac is allowed one special gift): Can make a "room" it is a 10 foot dome, inside it he can freely move things around and change anything inside it even affect people but they can leave any time and he can only keep it up for an hour with a 1 hour cool down time. He can also sense when others lie

Weakness: Disorganization and chaos bother the shit out of him as well as people who lie to him. tends to stay too far in his head.

Personality: Dru is very smart and loyal and enjoys to help his friends. He loves order but absolutely despises chaos and disorder but understands that other people have their own organization styles. He seems very cold emotionally but that is because he thinks too hard sometimes. Dru accepts any and everyone until they piss him off or offend him then he does his best to play mind gaames with them and cause them the most discomfort he can.

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Name: Sagittarius

Human Name: Nike Archer

Gender: Male

Age Appearance: 16

Power (Each Zodiac is allowed one special gift): Electrokinesis (The ability to manipulate electricity.)



Doesn't work well in teams

The following are weaknesses to his power:

Unable to create electricity, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.

Electricity can be insulated by non-conductive matter such as air.

Electricity may be redirected by certain materials.

Useless if confronted electrical resistant material such as rubber or silicate.

Has to find electrical sources of power in order to recharge.

Reflection Manipulation could cause a problem since it's unclear if users are immune or not.

Problems using electronics.

Short circuits if hit with water.

Personality: Sagittarius is independent and adventurous. He can get irritable when bored and is unemotional-being detached from emotions that would hinder others thinking skills when they go by their hearts instead of their minds. He has a good sense of humor, even if he is the butt of a joke. He speaks his mind on things and doesn't hold back. Doesn't get along with people who live by a highly structured organized life. Very optimistic and positive. Believes you should live life to the fullest and is always trying to gain more knowledge.

Sexual Orientation: Straight



He has his symbol tattooed on his arm.


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Name: Libra

Human Name: Barok van Zieks

Gender: Male

Age Appearance: 30

Power: The Power of Suggestion; a weak but permanent form of Mind Control.

Weakness: Can sometimes be blinded by his own arrogance.


  1. Positive Qualities of Libra: Tactfulness, alert, intellectual, charming, poised, ability to please, balanced, a definite craving for fair-play.
  2. Negative Qualities of Libra: Arrogance, insincerity, detachment, artificiality, selfishness, laziness, superficiality.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual


Using his Power:


Channeling his Darker Side:


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