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Fantasy Zodiac Cross

"They do seem determined to remain on top of the food chain but if their weapons were suddenly to all disappear they would die out or have to start at the beginning again. Perhaps a few centuries of being in another prehistory as they call the time before the modern eras, would do well to make them humble."
Dru chuckled, "if we made them humble they would not be humans anymore and that isn't what we want. The human race is flawed and that is what makes them themselves." Dru tilted his head as he sized up Nike or Sagittarius.
Sagittarius stared at Dru before giving a half-hearted shrug. "So how many Zodiacs are here right now?" he asks.
"I don't know. I tend to keep to myself you are the first Zodiac I have met in a long time."
Sagittarius nods and gets up. "My power is Electrokinses. I can manipulate and control energy and lightning," he says.
(Sorry this disappeared from my notifications) Dru shook his head and followed after Sagittarius he had been taking a long time processing his powers and connecting the dots between what he had already seen him do.
(It's alright. Leaving for the weekend so will be back on Monday night. Going out of state.)

Sagittarius reached the forest edge and turned down the road back to town. "What do you make of the zodiacs being on earth now?" he asked to fill the silence. @Drumonkey
"Doubt it is just a coincidence that we are showing up here and now at the same place. Odds are high that we were drawn here by something else, something big."

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