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Fantasy Zodiac Cross


Neko Addict


This is an Anime styled RP where you can be one of the zodiacs or a regular human. Zodiacs can choose whether or not they wish to be seen by humans, and they have their own special world they can poof into to meet with other Zodiacs.
Scorpio was taking a nap in the fields under the pink and orange sherbet realm of the Zodiac signs. Things were usually peaceful here compared to the human realm. Even though it was more fun to cause mischief there.
Dae was sitting and eating a meat bun, his eyes closed listening to the bustling street outside. Fae, his twin sister, walked up to him with her hands on her hips cutely. "Aren't you going to share brother? I am starving." He looked at her and tossed her his coin purse, "Go buy one yourself." He said with a mouth full of food.
Carmen was promenading in the sherbet realm of the zodiac Signs. As she strolled down the path, she saw Scorpio.

-Good day, Scorpio, she said. How are you today? I hope you aren't planning to cause any mischief. It took days to clean up the damage from last time.
Looking passed his sister he saw a couple of familiar faces. "Oh no, here we go. Lets run before we get noticed sis."

"But I like her" she began feeling her brother tugging on her arm.

"If you come on I will buy you whatever you want." He stated and she ran away alongside him.
"Capricorn." Keita couldnt help but blush a bit at her remark before standing up. "What can I say, I should've been a trickster God. What brings you around these parts?" He also couldn't help but notice Gemini seemingly to be fighting over something. I always wondered if they had a brother sister complex, nah probably not. With a bit of a mischievous grin Keita reached up to caress Capricorn's horns. "Why do you get blessed with horns? I don't even get a spiked tail." @Shade Wraith @SdrawcabDaer
Gemini and his siter went off to the mall so they could avoid the other two.

"Whats wrong?" She asked. She looked at him in concern.

"She said the next time she sees me she will try to dress me up in a dress." He stated his eyes looking at her in fear. She then began to laugh.

"Well you would look cute..." she began.

"Like hell I would." He argued poking her cheek.
Valick is sitting above the rafters in the mall, munching on a fresh apple. The sight of the two siblings talking reminded him of walking yen yang halves.

"Hmm......" *munch..munch...munch*

Valick proceeds to stand up and leap down below to great his old friend. There was no sound when he landed. As though some benevolent force had gently placed him upon the ground.

"What's got you all scared, Dae? Keita again?"
Rowan ran her hand through her human mane and ignored the looks people were giving her. " I swear they act like they've never seen a beautiful person like myself before," she growled out to herself. Her ears and tail flicked slightly and she was once again reminded of how she had trouble transforming into a human. "I wonder what the other zodiacs are up to now, might as well go visit them now." Rowan winked at few girls and watched them go completely red, "They are cute though." She began walking to find her fellow zodiacs.
-I was just circumambulating, Carmen said. As she talked with Scorpio, she noticed Dae and Fae running in the distance. I wonder whyther are in such a hurry. Anyway they're too far away too greet. Suddenly she felt Scorpio caressing her horns. She quickly backed away.

-Don't touch there! she protested. They are sensible. And you wouldn't want horns, tail or whatever. They make it really hard to infiltrate human society.
"Yeah Valick she is trying to dress me like a doll or something again. Something about tea time or something like that." He shivered utterly dreading the very idea of this. "What is her deal?" He groaned.

"There you go always using big words again. As many years as I've been alive I still haven't learned that much. Anyways, You could pretend you were cosplaying or something, you are cute enough for it." Keita suggested. He grinned when Capricorn backed away. "I like them on you though." Scorpio always found Capricorn cute. He knew he couldn't publicly mess with her too much. She looked so young to humans but she had been alive as a Zodiac for quite some time. She never seemed to blush easily so it was always a challenge he kept to himself. He just secretly hoped she wouldn't stab him if she ever got mad enough. He glanced over at Aquarius and Gemini. "Must be worried you will dress him up again." He added to Capricorn. Apparently she had a knack for the sort of thing? He had overheard Gemini mention it. @SdrawcabDaer


Hisame took to the streets to find material for his new novel. Everything is meaningless. There is nothing ever new. He complained to himself until he came upon an attracting figure. "What the hell?" He noticed many people gawking at a woman. Beautiful as she was, Hisame couldn't help shake the fact that they was something off about her. She seemed to drive the girls crazy though. Hisame glanced down at his phone to enter a similar character as the mysterious woman. Now this is a wow factor. A sexy Lesbian warrior makes an appearance, her long silky blonde hair mimicking a lion's mane, presenting her as a graceful yet fierce figure. He glanced back up and just like that the woman had disappeared.

@Shadow Alpha
Rowan had noticed the man staring at her and decided to have a little fun. She disappeared through the crowd before appearing behind the handsome man. Still not my type I definitely know when someone's attractive. Rowan glanced down at his phone over his shoulder and a wide grin spread across her face. "You hit the nail on the head by describing my hair as a lion's mane. Or was it the ears and tail that led to that analogy?" She said cheerily while her red eyes danced in amusement.

Hisame jumped a bit at the woman's sudden stealthiness. I could use that as well. This is exactly what will draw new readers in. He looked a bit longer and noticed her ears and tail. "Are you into cosplay or something? You certainly have everyone fawning over you." He flipped his phone shut. Not that she knew of his legacy as a novelist, but he should be more careful next time. "Did nobody ever tell you it was rude to read over people's shoulders?" He pressed. "Nice contacts though, they almost look real." @Shadow Alpha
Rowan snorted at his comments, "I'm the rude one even though you were watching me and taking notes? I see no reason to hide my eyes under contacts. They irritate my eyes anyway." She began to circle around him, sizing him up. "As for the cosplay, I'm in love with it since humanity has came up with it. What is your name human? You seem like an interesting person." Rowan waved her tail behind her with a small smirk.
Sagittarius, or Nike Archer which was his human name, was sitting on a bench in the park with his nose in a book called The Art of War. It was quite an interesting read considering how it had been published in 513 BC. It happened to be one of the archer zodiac's favorite books throughout the millennial of time. He had the original copy but knew there were at least four different publications with the chapter titles having been changed with each publication. He appeared as a sixteen year old with black hair and black eyes but right now he wasn't visible to any of the humans. He had an entire collection of books in his home in the zodiac realm spanning ages of the earth since he had been around, usually all first editions which he knew would be extremely rare among the humans of the modern age.
Dru was walking through a grocery store and as he walked things seemed to correct themselves in his wake like little helpers were following him. After organizing pretty much everything in the store Dru left feeling a little tired from using his powers but otherwise feeling great about setting everything the way it was supposed to be.
Nike lifted his head from his book and put it in his backpack allowing his body to shimmer into view when there were no humans looking in his direction and removed his jacket before tossing it on the bench beside him and watched the humans milling around the park or passing through. He wasn't sure what to do with his time here on Earth but knew he needed to recharge his powers so he stood, grabbed his jacket which was stuffed into his backpack and then made his way to a power plant he'd seen on the outskirts of the city.
Dru saw the man seem to appear out of nowhere and quickly realized this must be another Zodiac. Dru followed this kid from a distance not wanting to alarm him but also not wanting to get too close and confront him. To be honest Dru didn't have a plan yet.
Nike made continued through town and then went down a side road that led out of town, his feet crunching on the gravel road. He walked for a few miles, the trees soon blocking out the sky altogether until he came to the power plant. Allowing his form to disappear again, he walked around the plant until he found the source of the power and redirected the electricity to himself after grabbing a couple of cables and attaching them to his body with the metal parts touching his skin.
Maybe she likes messing with you. *munch...munch...munch*

Then again. I wouldn't be surprised if she was being serious.

A smile runs across my face at just the thought of it. @Shade Wraith
Dru saw the proceedings and watched with awe as he took in all the information and tried to figure out what was going on.

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